
PEP Book Two Recycle 1 read aloud,Hello,Im Panda.Im from .,China,Look at the .,Beaver, Beaver .,It has .,Im from .,Where,Recycle 1,Lesson 1,人教PEP五年级英语


1、PEP Book Two Recycle 1 read aloud,Hello,Im Panda.Im from .,China,Look at the .,Beaver, Beaver .,It has .,Im from .,Where。

2、Recycle 1,Lesson 1,人教PEP五年级英语上册课件,热身,呈现新知,趣味操练,巩固扩展,Sing,Our school,Look and say,Say and write,Summary,Chant,Speak,Rearr。

3、PEP小学英语五年级上册Recycle 1单元检测Listening part听力部分一Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到的单词 1. A. thirsty B. healthy C. hungry 2. A. fres。

4、pep小学英语五年级上册Recycle1教学设计 教学单元目标: 、能力目标 ()能够反前三个单元所学语言知识融会贯通,运用以实际的语言 交际中去。 ()能够通过温习旧知识开拓思维,自觉学习并运用融合和扩展后 的新语言知识。 、知识目标 ()复习13单元的语言和词汇,要求学生做到能听、会认,并在 实际情景中准确表达。 ()复习13单元Letslearn中的四会单词和Readandwrite中 的四。

5、Recycle 2 (pep5),Brain Strom,句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯的表达,每人说一句话,说满8句结束。,In my house, I,Brain Strom,句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯的表达,每人说一句话,说满8句结束。,The nature park is beautiful.,Brain Strom,句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯的表达,每人说一句话,说满8句结束。,I have my own room now,本课教学目标,1. 复习四至六单元重点单词和 句式。 2. 运用四至六单元所学语言开 展听、说、读、写活动,并 在新的语境中尝试运用。,本课教学目标,1. 复习四至。

6、新PEP五年级英语上册,Recycle 1,Whats your favourite class?,I like ,art,Chinese,music,English,PE.,maths,science,Tuesday,weekend,Monday,Thursday,Saturday,Sunday,Wednesday,Friday,What do you have on . I have。

7、Recycle 2 单元教学目标: 能力目标 能够听懂、表达有关家务劳动的动作指令。 能够用介词短语表示物体的方位。 能够用There be 句型简单描述房子、自然公园和村庄。 能够用There be句型的一般疑问形式询问并作答。 知识目标 掌握46单元的四会单词和句子。 认读白体单词和句子。 理解pair work等部分的内容。 了解Task time、Lets chant等部分的内容。 情感、。

8、Recycle1 教材分析 一、教材分析与目标 (一)教材分析 Recycle 1属于复习课,主要复习13单元所学的“四会”单词和句子,要求学生能根据实际情景准确表达.教材通过多种形式的任务帮助学生有条理地从各个方面进行复习.根据 小学高年级阶段学生的特点,在教学过程中教师应引导学生更大限度地发挥自主学习能力, 积极主动地学习英语,教育学生要团结友爱、相互帮助,培养学生合作学习的态度和方法,引导学。

9、Recycle 1,,说单词,blackboard,light,window,teachers desk,floor,picture,door,wall,computer,quiet,fan,schoolbag,maths,friendly,notebook,Chinese,,说单词,candy,English,storybook,toy,key,shoe,strong,hair,glasses,his,classroom,cute,her,right,clean,help,认读单词,tall and strong short and thin long hair brown shoes blue glasses,quiet friendly cute big eyes,,where,when,what,who,how,什么,到哪里,在哪里,怎样,谁,什么时候,小,结,classroom: window, teachers desk, light, compu。

10、 Recycle 1 Lesson 1 Hello,Im_. Letstalk Hello, Im_. 见面时打招呼、问候,引起别人注意: Hello! Hi! 我叫什么名字: Im+名字 Hello,Im Wu Yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡 Hi,Im Sarah. 你好,我是萨拉 Hi, Im. Letsact 你的名字是什么? 我的。

11、Recycle 1,What time did the show(秀/展) begin? What time did the go? Whats the weather like outside? Is it cold? Dose she have a jacket ? Wheres the library? Can they see the show? Why?,read and answer。

12、PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS BOOK 7,RECYCLE 1,let chant,How do you go to school? Sometimes by bike, Sometimes by car, But I never go by train. How do you get to Paris? Never on foot, never by bike, Al。

13、PEP Book Recycle 1,Guess: 猜猜 里面有什么呢?,era_ _ _,cra_ _ _,shar_ _ _ _ _,ru_ _ _,k,ser,yon,pener,ler,Guess: 猜猜 里面有什么呢?,Guess: 猜猜 里面有什么呢?,p_ _,p_ _ cil,pen_ _ _-case,era_ _ _,cra_ _ _,shar_ _ _ _ _,bag,bo。

14、Recycle 1,单击页面即可演示,Lets read,Lets chant,What are you going to do?,Where are you going?,Lets chant,Lets read,1.Zhang Peng is going to visit his grandparents. ( ),2.Zhang Peng is going by bus. ( ),3。

15、Recycle 1,Read and answer,PEP五年级下册,Seasons in Canada,summer,summer,hot,swim in the sea,_ is beautiful, but in,Canada it often _. And it hard to _ in the rain. I love my garden! It is so nice to watch the flowers grow.,Spring,rains,plant flowers,autumn,pick apples,snows,winter,ski,seasons,Answer the questions. (1) What can Mike do in the four seasons in Canada? (2) Which season does Mike like best?,He can swim in summer.,He can plant flowers in spring.,He can pick apples 。

16、1,PEP 五年级下册,Recycle 1,2,Sarahs weekend,It is Saturday morning. Sarah is calling her friends. Listen and write the names.,Sarah,Play ping-pang,3,Go swimming,4,Pick apples,5,Play ping-pang with Sara。

17、,PEP 五年级下册,Recycle 1,Sarahs weekend,It is Saturday morning. Sarah is calling her friends. Listen and write the names.,Sarah,Play ping-pang,Go swimming,Pick apples,Play ping-pang with Sarah,Call yo。

18、Recycle 1,Ask and answer,Whats your favourite day,My favourite day is Saturday.,Monday,1,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Frid。

六年级上册 PEP Recycle1.ppt
小学PEP英语五年级上册《Recycle 2 》课件.ppt
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