
Unit 5 Look at the monkeys-part A -Lets learn,I like animals very much. I like the lovely cats, dogs and monkeys. Do you like animals?,flying,flying l


1、Unit 5 Look at the monkeys-part A -Lets learn,I like animals very much. I like the lovely cats, dogs and monkeys. Do you like animals?,flying,flying look at the bird,it is fiying, the bird is flying.,walking,Look at the elephant! Its walking. The elephant is walking.,jumping,Look at the rabit.Its jumping,the rabit is jumping.,Lets chant. The elephant is walking, walking,walking. The rabit is jumping, jumping,jumping. The bird is flying,flying,flying. The panda is climbing,c。


3、Unit 1 This is My Day第一课时一、教学目标与要求1、能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:eat breakfast , do morning exercises , have Englis class , play sports , eat dinner .2、能够听懂问句:When do you do morning exercises/并能用所学动词短语替换句型“I usually at”中的关键词回答问句。3、能够理解并说唱Lets chant 部分的歌谣。4、能够了解Good to know 部分的内容。二、教学重点、难点1、重点是掌握A 部分中的五个动词短语,并能用这些回答询问作息时间的问题。2、难点是exercises , ususlly 的发音。三、课前准备1、录音。


5、Unit 5 There is a big bed,Part A Lets learn Lets play,What can you seeI can see.,my room,my new room,What is in the room。


7、PEP小学英语五年级(下册)期终测试卷 浙江省温州市平阳县昆阳镇第一小学 林杏 同学们,准备好了吗?我们先来试听练耳吧! I. Listen and number.(听音,标号)(5分) II. Listen and choose.(听音,选出你所听到的内容)(5分) ( )1. A. take pictures B. draw pictures C. look at the pictur。

8、,Unit 5 My new room,Do you love your family? How many people are there in your family? Who are they?,My family,My home,What can you see?I can see_.,my room,my new room,Whats add。

9、Recycle 2 (pep5),Brain Strom,句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯的表达,每人说一句话,说满8句结束。,In my house, I,Brain Strom,句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯的表达,每人说一句话,说满8句结束。,The nature park is beautiful.,Brain Strom,句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯的表达,每人说一句话,说满8句结束。,I have my own room now,本课教学目标,1. 复习四至六单元重点单词和 句式。 2. 运用四至六单元所学语言开 展听、说、读、写活动,并 在新的语境中尝试运用。,本课教学目标,1. 复习四至。

10、五年级上册教材介绍,人教版义务教育教科书培训光盘,英语,(PEP)五年级上册,本册教材修订情况,一、教材内容 二、教材编排 三、教材难度 四、文化及评价板块 五、单元结构 六、单元内容,一、教材内容,(一)精选教学内容,拓展话题的深度和广度 U1: 体貌特征、性格特征、优良品质 U2: 星期、课程安排、周末活动、生活习惯 U3: 食品与饮料、饮食与健康 U4: 家务劳动、文体活动 U5: 室内陈设、位置关系、环境保护、生活用品 U6: 自然景观、环境保护,一、教材内容,(二)优化图文设计,增强教材的趣味性,二、教材编排,(一)调整语言知识呈现。

11、PEP小学五年级英语上册,A Lets learn 陈美玲,Unit 1 My New Teachers,Lets chant My math teacher is very smart. My English teacher has a kind heart. My P.E. teacher is very strong. My music teacher sings nice song. They help us learn. They help us play. When school is over, I want to stay.,tall,short,old,young,strong,thin,strong,thin,funny,Clown (小丑),kind,Father Christmas (圣诞老人),Tall, tall, tall, Yao Ming is tall. Short ,short, short, Pan Changjiang is short. Old, old, old, Man Yangyang is ol。

12、,Unit 5 There is a big bed,B Lets Learn,李俊小学 陆小燕,Revision,There is a ,Presentation,Where is the ballIts the dog.,in fron。

13、Unit 3,Unit 3 Whats your favourite food ?,Part B Read and write,长安镇第一小学 曹 娟,Lets play a game!,magic eyes,tasty,cucumbers,salty,hamburger,coke,watermelon,egg,sweet,mutton,sour,fresh,potatoes,green beans,healthy,chicken,French fries,ice-cream,tofu,pork,Lets chant,The apples are sweet, sweet,sweet, sweet. The potatoes are salty, salty, salty, salty. The grapes are sour, sour, sour,sour. The fish is fresh, fresh,fresh,fresh. Theyre tasty and yummy, And healthy for me!,Does Monkey l。

14、PEP小学五年级英语上册,A Lets learn 陈美玲,Unit 1 My New Teachers,Lets chant My math teacher is very smart. My English teacher has a kind heart. My P.E. teacher is very strong. My music teacher sings nice song. They help us learn. They help us play. When school is over, I want to stay.,tall,short,old,young,strong,thin,strong,thin,funny,Clown (小丑),kind,Father Christmas (圣诞老人),Tall, tall, tall, Yao Ming is tall. Short ,short, short, Pan Changjiang is short. Old, old, old, Man Yangyang is ol。

15、Unit 3,Unit 3 Whats your favourite food ?,Part B Read and write,长安镇第一小学 曹 娟,Lets play a game!,magic eyes,tasty,cucumbers,salty,hamburger,coke,watermelon,egg,sweet,mutton,sour,fresh,potatoes,green beans,healthy,chicken,French fries,ice-cream,tofu,pork,Lets chant,The apples are sweet, sweet,sweet, sweet. The potatoes are salty, salty, salty, salty. The grapes are sour, sour, sour,sour. The fish is fresh, fresh,fresh,fresh. Theyre tasty and yummy, And healthy for me!,Does Monkey l。

标签 > pep小学英语五年级课件[编号:1244593]
