
welcome,-,Look at the What is it doing? -Its,walking,running,jumping,flying,swimming,Lets Chant,Walking, walking, the elephant is walking. Running, ru


1、welcome,-,Look at the What is it doing? -Its,walking,running,jumping,flying,swimming,Lets Chant,Walking, walking, the elephant is walking. Running, running, the tiger is running. Jumping, jumping, the frog is jumping Flying, flying, the bird is flying Swimming, swimming, the fish is swimming,What is it doing?,Its jumping,What is it doing?,Its walking,What is it doing?,Its eating.,What is it doing?,Its dancing.,walking,sleeping,eating,jumping,dancing,Look at, he is,Look at, he is。

2、,Unit 5 Look at the monkeys,PEP Book 6,The _is _.,Look at the_. Its _.,General reading,1.The monkey is eating peaches( ) A .Yes B. No 2. How many animals are there ? ( ) A.four B.five,Detailed reading,Circle the right pictures in your book,Read and answer,1.What is the mother kangaroo doing ? She is jumping 2.What is the baby kangaroo doing? Its sleeping 3.What is the elephant doing ? The elephant is drinking water with its trunk,。

3、,PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH 五年级下册 Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys A Lets learn,What is it doing?,Its jumping.,What is it doing?,Its walking.,What is it doing?,Its flying.,What is it doing?,Its swimming.,Bird, bird, what can you do? I can fly. I can fly.,Fish, fish, what can you do? I can swim. I can swim.,Tiger, tiger, what can you do? I can run. I can walk.,Frog, frog, what can you do? I can jump. I can jump.,Chant,-Look at theWhat is it doing? -Its,Its walking.,-Look at theW。

4、Unit 5 Look at the monkeys,1,2,Lets read,Look at the elephants. What are they doing? What are they doing? They are drinking water. They are drinking water. Look at the monkeys. What are they doing? What are they doing? They are swinging. They are swinging.,monkeys,elephants,pandas,pigs,rabbits,What are the _s doing? They are _.,Lets Guess,4,What are they doing? Theyre _.,What do you see? I see_.,5,6,B: I see two cats. A: What are they doing ? B: They are walking.,。

5、PEP 小学英语五年级下册Unit5 Look at The Monkeys 精品教案学情分析:本课为现在进行时态复数句型的学习和运用。五年级学生对一些常见的动物特征、习性有一定了解。本单元的动物名称和掌握的动词在前五册学生用书中都已经出现过,教师可以通过以旧引新来降低学习难度。教师设计动画帮助学生理解现在进行时态。知识由A部分的单数句型向B部分复数句型过渡,学生在口语表达和认知、掌握的过程中,有一定难度,易出现混淆状况。Teaching aims:1.能够听、说、读、写句型:What are they doing ? They are swimming. They are climbing trees.2。

6、PEP小学英语教材五年级下册,Unit 5 Look at the monkeys Part A Lets learn,The world of animals,Act like an elephant. Act like a bird. Act like a tiger. Act like a monkey. Act like a panda.,Lets chant,Hunt like a mouse. Walk like an elephant. Climb like a bear. Fly like a bird. Jump like a squirrel.,Lets chant,Fly like a bird. The bird is,flying.,Walk like an elephant. The elephant is _.,walking.,talking,Jump like a squirrel. The squirrel is _.,jumping.,Swim like a fish. The fish is_.,s。

7、Pep6 Unit5 ARead and Write 教学设计及反思 一、教学目标 1、知识技能目标 掌握四会句型:What is it doing ?Its eating bananas.What is she doing ? Shes jumping. 能够认读句子:That elephant is drinking water with its trunk. 能够阅读、理解对话,并完成课。

8、Grade 5 Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys一、教材内容第一课时:Lets start Lets chant A Lets learn Lets play C Task time二、教学目标:根据新课程标准的要求以及本课的特点、针对本班学生的实际,我制定如下教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 能够听、说、认读:jumping、walking、swimming、flying、running 。能够听、说、读、写句子:The tiger is running ,the rabbit is jumping. 并能进行关键词的替换练习.2. 能力目标:(1) 通过教学,培养学生观察、记忆、思维、创造的能力.(2) 培养学生实际运用的能力.3. 情感、策略、文化等目标志:(1) 。

9、Unit5 Look at the Monkeys.,elephant,monkey,fish,dog,cat,rooster,bear,frog,mousemice,donkey,bird, cat , tiger,dog,read eat sleep sing play ,run swim jump walk fly ,The elephant,walk,.,is,ing,The rabbit,is,jump,.,ing,swimming,running,jumping,walking,flying,swim,run,jump,walk,fly,.,Lets chant,fly,flying,The bird is flying.,swim,walk,run,jump,ing,The is ing .,.,Make a new Chant,I see the mother elephant.,What is she doing?,She is walking.,What ab。

10、小学PEP五年级英语下册Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys精品教案Part A Lets learn 1 Class time: 40 minutes2 Teaching contents: (key points)New expressions: jumping flying walking running swimmingSentence structure: Look at the tiger. Its running.The rabbit is jumping.3 Teaching Aims:1) 能听说读写本课的四会单词.2) 能运用现在进行时来表达某动物正在做什么。3) 通过游戏,活动形式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。4 Teaching aids: 教学图片,多媒体课件,5 Main points: 对单词的掌握和用现在进行时表达. Difficult points: run。

11、Look at the monkeys,walking,-Look at theWhat is it doing? -Its,walking,Look at theWhat is she doing? Shes,jumping,running,Walking, walking, the is walking. Running, running, the is running. Jumping, jumping, the is jumping. . .,.,Make a new Chant,flying,swimming,The fish is swimming.,What is it doing?,Its jumping.,What is it doing?,The tiger is walking.,What is it doing?,The cat is eating.,What is it doing?,Its dancing.,A:I see 。

12、Unit 5 Look at the monkeys教案 教学内容:小学英语PEP教材五年级下册Unit 5 Look at the monkeys. Part A Lets learn. 教学重点:使学生掌握五个动词ing形式,并用现在进行时进行简单表达。 教学难点:“running” “swimming”的拼写。 教具:录音机、多媒体课件、单词卡片。 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 。

13、UNIT 5 LOOK AT THE MONKEYS,Lets sing 010 Donkey Donkey_标清.avi,Lets chant,walk,walking,swim,swimming,jump,jumping,run,running,fly,flying,现在分词: 动词+ing. 1.一般直接加ing. 2.重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母加ing. 3,walking jumping flying,swimming running,What is the doing? It is,walking,swimming,flying,jumping,running,Walking, walking, w-a-l-k-i-n-g , walking, The elephant is walking. Jumping, jumping, j-u-m-p-i-n-g, jumping, The rabbit is jumping. Flying, flying, f-l-y-i-n-g, 。

14、Unit 5 Look at the monkeys-part A -Lets learn,I like animals very much. I like the lovely cats, dogs and monkeys. Do you like animals?,flying,flying look at the bird,it is fiying, the bird is flying.,walking,Look at the elephant! Its walking. The elephant is walking.,jumping,Look at the rabit.Its jumping,the rabit is jumping.,Lets chant. The elephant is walking, walking,walking. The rabit is jumping, jumping,jumping. The bird is flying,flying,flying. The panda is climbing,c。

15、Unit5.Look at the Monkeys B. Lets talk 走媚 索卵 奴到 招宜 惶富 查左 吸膨 蛹蔡 随源 足肮 亩红 跺盔 找茸 嗽蕉 驼蠕 抠确 PE P小 学英 语五 年级 下册 U ni t5 .L oo k at t he M on ke ys 精 品课 件P EP 小学 英语 五年 级下 册 Un it 5. Lo ok a t th e Mo nk ey s 。

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