


1、Review of Unit 3,Read aloud and match the sentences with the pictures.,1,1) May has to wait for the same train in the rain. 2) The girl in a dress is my dear sister. 3) The farmer and the boy drive to China in May.,(C),(B),(A),1) Maria _ (have) many friends in her school. 2) What do they _ (like)? 3) A: Does his father _ (work) in an office? B: No, he _. (do) 4) A: _ (be) Miss Lin from Japan? B: No, she _ (come) from China, but she _ (speak) English very wel。

2、,Unit 3 Our Hobbies,Topic 3,What were you doing at this time yesterday?,Section C,Learning aims,1.Review the usage of the past continuous tense. 2.Know the differences between the past tense and the past continuous tense. 2.The differences between When and While.,Do you like reading stories ? Which kind of story do you like best ? Did you hear about “The Little Match Girl”? Lets enjoy a story.,Read and understand . Match the following pictures with the titles of stories. Then share the story y。

3、,Review,1. Tigers _ _ (以.为食) the meat. 2. _ _ _(众所周知), dogs are our friends. 3. 他和好朋友一起分享这个美味的蛋糕。 He _ the delicious cake _ his good friends. 4. Dont _ _(玩耍) the fire. 5. There are five _(goose) and two _ (fox) on the farm.,Practice,feed on,As we know,shared with,play with,geese,foxes,Unit 4 Our world Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us. Section C,rainforest 雨林 forest 森林,/ reinf:rst/,/f:rst/,What are in the rainfores。

4、Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.,Section C,What are the computers used for?,1a 1. Tick the fields we use the computer in.,education business industry communication daily life medical care entertainment sports,Doctors can find diseases easily with the help of computers.,Can you give an example of the use of the computer in one of the fields above?,In space, computers have been used to control t。

5、What time is it?,Unit 4 Topic 3,Section D,(录音P104-2),让我们来重温时间表达法吧!,What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please?,Its one oclock. (Its one.),Its a quarter past one. (Its one fifteen.),Its half past one. (Its one thirty.),Its twenty to two. (Its one forty.),What time is it, please?,Its time to have lunch.,get up have breakfast go home see the animals meet friends at home,Wh-questions & Expressions of Time,What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please? Its one oc。

6、 仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 1 Im going to play basketball 龚店乡中 高彩燕一 词组1. during the summer holidays 在暑假期间2. betweenand 在两者之间3. cheer sb. on 为某人加油4. prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事5. quite a bit/a lot 很多6. plan to do sth. 计划做某事7. go skating/skiing/bicycling/climbing/hiking 去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/远足8. arrive in/at。

7、教学设计Unit6 Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building.SectionB 叶县龙泉乡中 金星星Unit6 Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building.SectionBI. Material analysis本课是第六单元话题二的第二课时。本课的主要活动是1a和2a。通过Michael和Mary的对话,学习谈论社区环境和邻里关系的话题;进一步学习社区周边设施的单词;通过句子排序、创编对话等活动,另外,通过图解的活动训练学生的阅读理解能力。本课涉及邻里关系,因此在讲课过程中应引导学生养成邻里之间互相帮助、互相关心、乐于助人的优良品质。II. Teaching aims1.Kn。

8、,Topic 2 What sweet music !,Section D,Unit 3 Our Hobbies,a lovely baby,What a lovely baby !,Look and say,beautiful flowers,What beautiful flowers !,bad weather,What bad weather !,wonderful,How wonderful !,How exciting !,exciting,fast,How fast !,sweet / music,terrible / movie,dangerous / accident,surprising / song,1. _ a cute dog!,2. _ wonderful!,3. _ bad weather!,4. _ carefully he studies!,5. _ beautiful flowers!,6. _ delicious!,What,How,What,How,What,How,1、_。

9、The summer holidays are coming?,Section C,Unit 8 Topic 2,1a,Read and understand,Customs in Different Countries Different countries have different customs. When you travel in other countries, you should know the customs there. In Japan, when you enter someones home, you should take off your shoes. In Brazil, people never go out with their hair wet. In Indonesia, you mustnt point to anything with your foot. Dont eat with your left hand in Islam, and dont touch a child on the head in Thailand.,。

10、第 1 页 高效课堂讲话稿:加强课堂教学改革,打造高效课堂 特征码 pPupGNsTAyQWuztHIOoL 高效课堂讲话稿:加强课堂教学改革,打造高效课堂 邓吾佳 课改是一个永恒的主题,也是一个没有终结的主题,我们要充 分发挥个人与集体的智慧在教学中去探究,去总结,去成就。 新理念课堂对传统课堂具有挑战性与兼容性,换句话讲课改就 是对传统课堂教学升级,我们要正确认识课堂教学改革,把准 方向,找准合适的切入点,不盲目追风赶潮。 首先,课堂教学改革要从“五改”上入手:改认识、改观念、 改思路、改结果。改认识,全体教师充分认识到课堂教。

11、初三年级化学组成物质的元素练习题仁爱版知识积累越多,练习越熟练,查字典化学网编辑了化学组成物质的元素练习题,同学们认真浏览,详细笔记。欢迎参考!1. 下列化学用语中,通常只表示微观意义,而不表示宏观意义的是 ( )A.H2 B. H C.H D. 2H2.某药品说明书中标明:本品每克含碘15 mg,镁65 mg,铜2 mg,锌1. 5 mg,锰1 mg。这里所标的各成分是指 ( )A.分子 B.原子 C.元素 D无法确定3.下列各组三种物质都是氧化物的是 ( )A. KClO3、O2、MnO2 B. SO3 、CaO、P2O5C. NaOH、H2SO4、CuO D. H2O、MgO、C2H6O4. 2018年4月19日,温家宝总理批示:严。

12、. 内科护理学(专) 第一讲 单选题 1.慢性支气管炎最突出的症状是 长期反复的咳嗽 2. 阻塞性肺气肿最常见的病因 支气管哮喘 3.下列哪种疾病最易发生慢性呼衰 COPD 4.呼吸困难的护理措施中,下列哪项不妥 一律给予氧气吸入 5诊断慢支的标准是 有咳嗽、咳痰症状,每年发病持续三个月,连续两年,并除外其他心肺疾患 6.慢性支气管炎常见并发症是 肺气肿 7.慢性阻塞性肺气肿最主要的症状是 呼吸困。

13、高考数学核心考点课堂在线38期 高考数学核心考点 课堂在线 陕西洋县中学 (723300) 刘大鸣 【考情分析】 仔细读每年高考题,呈现在我们面前的大多是“熟悉”的“陈题”。这说明高考命题不是一味的追求“新”,而是重在考查扎实的基础知识和良好的能力。因而在题目的选取上,相对稳重、实在,核心考点基本稳定。 【命题趋势】 从今年的试卷中不难看出,命题重在考双基应用,重在依据新教材的知识分布而设置命题,许多考题均能在课本中能找到它们的影子,教材是基础, 是学生智能的生长点,是高考命题的源泉, 相当数量的考题就是教材基础知识。


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