


1、仁爱英语课例探究: 英语教学文化意识的培养,2010年暑期仁爱英语培训,收集生活当中的实例, 激发学生学习的兴趣,赵本山成被告折射中外文化差异,是中国游客丑陋 还是中外文化差异?,不懂Freeze而被枪杀,射击赛场令人尴尬的汉字提示,世博园区陋习曝光,saying God Bless you to a Sneezer,克林顿总统首次访华,到上海一个社区幼儿园,queuingstanding in line,政治、官员作风意识,山东省临沂市市长李群,2000年赴美国康狄格州纽海文大学攻读MPA(公共管理专业)。其间,曾担任过一段时间的纽海文市长助理。一天,他看新闻,得知美国副总统戈尔。

2、仁爱英语课例探究: 英语教学文化意识的培养,2010年暑期仁爱英语培训,收集生活当中的实例, 激发学生学习的兴趣,赵本山成被告折射中外文化差异,是中国游客丑陋 还是中外文化差异?,不懂Freeze而被枪杀,射击赛场令人尴尬的汉字提示,世博园区陋习曝光,saying God Bless you to a Sneezer,克林顿总统首次访华,到上海一个社区幼儿园,queuingstanding in line,政治、官员作风意识,山东省临沂市市长李群,2000年赴美国康狄格州纽海文大学攻读MPA(公共管理专业)。其间,曾担任过一段时间的纽海文市长助理。一天,他看新闻,得知美国副总统戈尔。

3、Review of Unit 3,萍捌呼醇贼页孽腻垫秘摸佛氦眶会裴部妊联爵陛敏硕锥许臣血颜朝捣玫胺仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3仁爱英语七年级上Review-of-Unit-3,Read aloud and match the sentences with the pictures.,1,1) May has to wait for the same train in the r。

4、欢迎阅读 欢迎阅读 七下单项选择专项练习 练习 1 ( )1._ do you usually come to school? By bike. A. How B. What C. How often D. When ( )2.May I borrow some English newspapers? _ A. Of course not. B. Of course. C. Thanks a lot. D. Sorry, I don t know. ( )3.Hi, Jane. What time do you get up _ weekdays? I usually get up _ about six o clock. A. in; at B. on; at C. at; at D. on; on ( )4. It s 8 oclock. My mother is reading a book. My sister and I _. A. is doing my homework B. am doing my homew。

5、1 仁爱英语七年级上册知识点归纳及练习 Unit 1 1、Good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上 /下午 /晚上好Good night 晚安(晚上告 别) 2、 glad / nice to meet / see you 见到你很高兴(回答也一样) 3、 welcome to + 地点欢迎来到(回答: Thank you 或者 Thanks) 4、let s + V(原)让我们做 5、 stand up 起立sit down 坐下 6、 this is- 这是(用于介绍第三者的用语) 7、 How do you do ? 你好(回答也是: How do you do ? ) 8、 How are you ? 你好吗?Fine ,thank you .and you ? 很好;谢谢;你呢? I m OK / I m fine , too。

6、仁爱英语八年级下册Unit 6 Enjoy Cycling Topic 1 We re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. 一重点句型。 Section A 1. I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们。 to tell you 是动词不定式短语,作定语。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。 . I have nothing to talk about. 我没什么要说的。 2. For our spring field trip, were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. 这次春游活动, 我们将要去泰山三天。 1)spring field trip 春游; 2)a three-day visit为期三天的。

7、仁爱英语八年级下册Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited 一重点句型。 Section A 1. How are you doing =How are you 你们好吗多用于熟人之间的问候。 2. My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.我爸妈想邀请你们父母 一起去看电影。 1)A. want to do sth. = would like to do sth. 想要做某事; B. want sth. = would like sth. 想要某物; 2)invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事; invite sb. (to sp.) 邀请某人(到某地); Liming invited me to his party yesterday. 昨晚李明邀请。

8、The summer holidays are coming?,Section C,Unit 8 Topic 2,1a,Read and understand,Customs in Different Countries Different countries have different customs. When you travel in other countries, you should know the customs there. In Japan, when you enter someones home, you should take off your shoes. In Brazil, people never go out with their hair wet. In Indonesia, you mustnt point to anything with your foot. Dont eat with your left hand in Islam, and dont touch a child on the head in Thailand.,。

9、精品文档 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 26 八年级英语上册unit3知识点及练习(仁 爱英语) 仁爱英语八年级unit3知识点归纳 topic1Whatsyourhobby 一. 重点词汇 _爱好 _假期 _绘画 _友 谊_知识 _每日的 _是否 _例如 _ 过去常常做某事_洗澡 _对 感 兴 趣 _ 跳 舞 _划船 _打排球 _游 泳 _ 画 画 _ 集 邮 _收藏硬 listeningto_/_usic听流行、古典音乐 walinginthecountryside_ 二. 重点句型: 1.wow!soanystaps!(page53)哇,那么多的邮票! 本 句 意 为 :。

标签 > 仁爱英语练习册八年级上[编号:483890]
