
Hello!,执教:李全华,Lesson 10 What do you like ?,I like pears .,(陕旅版)三年级英语下册课件,watermelons,pears,What do you like ?,Lets chant,Like, like, What do you like?


1、Hello!,执教:李全华,Lesson 10 What do you like ?,I like pears .,(陕旅版)三年级英语下册课件,watermelons,pears,What do you like ?,Lets chant,Like, like, What do you like? Pears, pears, I like pears.,Like, like, What do you like? _, _, I like _.,Wu Kong ,Wu Kong , What do you like ?,I like pears.,_,_,What do you like ?,我来做调查 小记者_ -“What do you like? -I like(and),Homework: 1、做单词卡片:watermelons、pears、oranges、apples,做完后念念自己的单词卡片. 2、回家用英语问问爸爸妈妈他们喜欢什么水。

2、Lesson 8 Whats this ?,(陕旅版)三年级英语上册课件,Look at this,Its an apple.,apple,这是一个苹果.,table 桌子,Its a table 这是一张桌子,desk 书桌,Its a desk. 这是一张书桌.,chair 椅子 Its a chair. 这是一张椅子,book 书本 Its a book. 这是一本书.,pencil 铅笔 Its a pencil. 这是一支铅笔,eraser 橡皮擦 Its an eraser. 这是一块橡皮擦,table 桌子 book 书本,desk 书桌 pencil 铅笔,chair 椅子 eraser 橡皮擦,vocabulary,Whats this ? Its a/an_.,book,eraser,Book pen desk chair Book pen desk chair Whats this ? Its a bo。

3、(陕旅版)三年级英语上册课件,Lesson 11 What are these?,1. 掌握本课新鲜单词, 如peach等; 2. 掌握本课句型 “what are these”等等。,New word,fruit,New word,peach,New word,pear,New word,apple,New word,grape,New word,banana,New word,orange,Grammar,What are these?,These are pears.,Are these apples?,Yes, they are/no, they arent,Practice,我有一颗神奇的树, 可以结出各种水果, 你知道他们叫什么名字吗?,Review,what do we learn?,.,.,.,自己总结下吧,。

4、,陕旅版小学英语教学策略初探,西安市新城区教师进修学校 蔡云芳,教材教法,一、关于语音教学,教材教法,现象一,未掌握字母之前,认读单词很吃力。看图能说出单词,看到单词读不出。,现象二,死记能背单词的读音和拼写,甚至用汉字给单词注音,不仅音读不准,且忘得也快。,教材教法,对策:在字母教学中渗透语音知识,1.分解字母读音学习字母,感悟音素。 A a /e/ 和 /i/ 组成 学生可以了解到音素是英语中最小的语音单位,不同因素的组合可以形成各种读音。同时学生还掌握26个字母各自所含的元音和辅音音素,为字母在单词中的读音奠定基础。,教。

5、lesson4 第四课,How many people Are there in your family?,How,怎样,Many,很多,许多,there,在那里,在那边,people,人,人们,How many people are there in your family?,你家里有几口人?,How many are there? 某处有多少。,There is/are,me,My brother,My mother,My father,My grandma,My grandpa,小乐,Xiaoles family 小 乐 的 家,me,My brother,My mother,My father,My grandma,My grandpa,小乐,How many people are there in xiaoles family?,family,家庭,人,人们,people,beach,海滩,How many people are there On the beach?,The。

6、Hurry up,(陕旅版)四年级英语下册课件,执教:李全华,Hurry,late,a film,begin,get up 起床,get dressed 穿衣服,brush (my) teeth 刷牙,8:30 (eight thirty),Its 8:30. Hurry up!,Mary: Hurry up, David! It s time to go to school. David: What the time? Mary: seven forty. David: Oh dear! We are late for school. Classes begin at eight. Lets hurry.,See you, bye!,。

7、(陕旅版)四年级英语下册课件,Lesson 6 Pass me the hammer.,Jack:What are you doing? David: Im mending the desks and chairs. Jack: May I help you ? David:Oh, yes. Jack:What can I do now? David:please pass me the hammer and move this chair away. Jack:All right.,A: What are you doing ?,B:I am mending the desk.,A: May I help you ?,B: Move the chair away, please,Pass me the hammer,move the computer away,move the desk away,mend the clock move the computer away watch TV do your home。

8、(陕旅版)四年级英语下册课件,What day is today?,Lesson 4,Ordinal numbers,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,thirteenth,fourteenth,fifteenth,sixteenth,seventeenth,eighteenth,nineteenth,twentieth,twenty-first,thirtieth,twenty-ninth,thirty- first,Days of the Week,Sunday,Thursday,Monday,Friday,Tuesday,Saturday,Wednesday, is the day of the week.,on Sunday,on Monday,on Tuesday,on Wednesday,on Thursday,on Friday,on Saturday,Months of the Year,January,Febru。

9、Hurry up,(陕旅版)四年级英语下册课件,执教:李全华,Hurry,late,a film,begin,get up 起床,get dressed 穿衣服,brush (my) teeth 刷牙,8:30 (eight thirty),Its 8:30. Hurry up!,Mary: Hurry up, David! It s time to go to school. David: What the time? Mary: seven forty. David: Oh dear! We are late for school. Classes begin at eight. Lets hurry.,See you, bye!,。

10、(陕旅版)四年级英语下册课件,Lesson 6 Pass me the hammer.,Lets chant Whats everyone doing now? Whats everyone doing now? Shes working. Hes thinking. Were exercising. Shes working. Hes thinking. Were exercising.,He is working.,They are dancing.,He is practicing.,What are you doing ?,I am flying,S: What are you doing ?,S1:I am mending the desk.,S: May I help you ?,S1:Oh , yes,S: What can you do now?,S1: Pass me the hammer and move the computer,. S2: Please move the computer away,S3:,mend the clock。

11、陕旅版六年级英语下册,Lesson 2 I am a visitor here,My name is John. Im a visitor here. Welcome to our city. Can I help you? I have visited Qing Shihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. Its great. Where can I go else? You can go to see the Bell Tower. Its in the center of Xian. It sounds great. Is it the first time for you to come to Xian? Yes. Xian is a great city. Excuse me. Where are you from? Im from America. I hope you will have a good time here. Thank you very much. Its my pleasure.,如何询。

12、(陕旅版)四年级英语上册课件,Lesson 6,What is your mother?,teacher,driver,nurse,doctor,barber,My mother is a nurse . Look !,This is her dress .,Is he a doctor ? No, he isnt .,He is a driver . Thats his bus .,He is a teacher .,He is a teacher,Look!,He is a teacher .,This is his book .,Is he a teacher?,No, he isnt. He is a doctor.,He is a pupil . this is his bag .,选择正确的图片,Thank you!,。

13、Lesson 9 Where is my cat?,(陕旅版)三年级英语下册课件,on,in,behind,behind,near,near,under,under,A,B,C,on,under,between,D,near,behind,E,F,One,Two,G,next to,Where is ?,on in behind by near under,Lets chant:,Dog, dog, dog, Where is my dog? On the house, on the house. Cat, cat, cat Where is my cat? Behind the tree, behind the tree. Book, book, book Where is my book? In the bag, in the bag. Ball, ball, ball Where is my ball? Under the desk, under the desk.,Bye-bye,。

14、Hello!,执教:李全华,Lesson 10 What do you like ?,I like pears .,(陕旅版)三年级英语下册课件,watermelons,pears,What do you like ?,Lets chant,Like, like, What do you like? Pears, pears, I like pears.,Like, like, What do you like? _, _, I like _.,Wu Kong ,Wu Kong , What do you like ?,I like pears.,_,_,What do you like ?,我来做调查 小记者_ -“What do you like? -I like(and),Homework: 1、做单词卡片:watermelons、pears、oranges、apples,做完后念念自己的单词卡片. 2、回家用英语问问爸爸妈妈他们喜欢什么水。

15、Lesson 8 Whats this ?,(陕旅版)三年级英语上册课件,Look at this,Its an apple.,apple,这是一个苹果.,table 桌子,Its a table 这是一张桌子,desk 书桌,Its a desk. 这是一张书桌.,chair 椅子 Its a chair. 这是一张椅子,book 书本 Its a book. 这是一本书.,pencil 铅笔 Its a pencil. 这是一支铅笔,eraser 橡皮擦 Its an eraser. 这是一块橡皮擦,table 桌子 book 书本,desk 书桌 pencil 铅笔,chair 椅子 eraser 橡皮擦,vocabulary,Whats this ? Its a/an_.,book,eraser,Book pen desk chair Book pen desk chair Whats this ? Its a bo。

16、(陕旅版)三年级英语上册课件,Lesson 11 What are these?,1. 掌握本课新鲜单词, 如peach等; 2. 掌握本课句型 “what are these”等等。,New word,fruit,New word,peach,New word,pear,New word,apple,New word,grape,New word,banana,New word,orange,Grammar,What are these?,These are pears.,Are these apples?,Yes, they are/no, they arent,Practice,我有一颗神奇的树, 可以结出各种水果, 你知道他们叫什么名字吗?,Review,what do we learn?,.,.,.,自己总结下吧,。

17、(陕旅版)五年级英语下册课件,Lesson 9 The doctors advice,worried,thin and weak,the doctors,sweets,hot,healthy,You cant eat them. They are too hot,You cant drink too much of it. Its sweet.,You can drink it. Its very nice.,You can eat it. Its nice and sweet.,You can You cant,Can you read?,pupil,student,excuse,Excuse me, excuse me. May I ask you, my pupils?,Goodbye!,。

18、a picnic,Lesson 8 What do you need?,What do you need?,I/ We need ,ketchup,sugar,salt,a knife/a fork,chopsticks/a spoon,You want to eat noodles. What do you need?,I need _ .,Chopsticks,You want to have some soup. What do you need?,I need_.,a spoon,You want to eat chicken. What do you need?,We need_.,a fork and a knife,Homework:,1.copy the new words and remember.(抄写并记住新单词) 2.用need造句:一问,一答。(两组),Goodbye!,。

19、 四年级英语第二学期教学计划1、 教材分析本册教材根据小学生的年龄、心理特点,通过形式多样的话题、丰富多彩的语境活动、活泼有趣的儿歌和歌曲,加上课文中生动、幽默的卡通图画,让学生在听-说、听-做、读、写、玩、演、唱的过程中轻松愉快地感知英语、学习英语,达到掌握英语、运用英语的目的。更重要的是本教材能培养学生在与人交往过程中的自信心和英语交际能力,既开发了他们的智力,又培养了学生的综合素质,为其以后的英语学习奠定了良好的基础。2、 学情分析 本年级共三个班,他们活泼可爱,大部分学生学习英语的积极性很高,能。

20、 第五册英语教案(陕旅版)Lesson 1How is the weather? 教学目的及重难点分析:1.会说会用这些句子: How is the weather? Its sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy/windy. Shall we go swimming?2. 会说会用会写这些单词weather sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy 。 3. 通过了解构词法 ,学会把名词sun rain snow cloud wind 变为形容词 sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy ,并能正确运用 。 4. 能够认读会用这些短语:go swimming fly a kite throw snowballs 课前准备:1.教师准备weather sunny rainy snowy cloudy。

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