On the Translation of English Idioms英语习语的翻译.doc

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1、 On the Translation of English IdiomsAuthor: Supervisor: A ThesisSubmitted as a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirement for the Degree of B.A. in EnglishInformation Engineering CollegeFuyang Teachers College, Anhui ProvinceMay, 2013 学位论文英语习语的翻译 指导教师姓名 职 称 副教授单 位 阜阳师范学院外国语学院专 业 名 称 英语教育 申请学级别 学士学位授予单位

2、阜阳师范学院信息工程学院2013年5月On the Translation of English IdiomsAbstractIdioms, widely recognized as the essence or the crystallization of language, and an indispensable part of a language, are fixed sentences or phrases which have been refined through ages of use. The Chinese translation of English idioms i

3、s a controversial issue for ages. The research of idiom translation is helpful to the proper comprehension of idioms. We should master not only some basic translation techniques, but also the features of English idioms, which refer to semantic unity and structural stability, so as to make the transl

4、ation of idioms much to the point and vivid. Understanding these characteristics is of important practical value to the translation. The thesis is devoted to the introduction of Chinese translation methods of English idioms and the translation principle based on the application of Nidas functional e

5、quivalence and the characteristics of English idioms. It is hoped that this paper can make its due contribution to translation studies, particularly idiom translation.Key words: idioms; functional equivalence; translation methods 英语习语的汉译内容摘要习语是语言的精华,是语言中不可分割的部分,是经过长时间的使用而提炼出来的固定短语或短句。英语习语的汉译问题历来是一个具

6、有争议的话题。对习语翻译的研究,有助于正确理解习语的含义。如何使习语的翻译既贴切又传神,除了掌握一些基本的翻译技巧外,还应充分认识和把握英语习语的独有特征,即语义的整体性和结构的稳定性,充分认识和把握习语的这些特征无疑对翻译具有重要的实用价值。本文拟通过对英语习语的特点的探讨,结合美国翻译理论家尤金奈达功能对等的理论和习语的翻译实践,重点介绍英语习语汉译的惯常方法,英语习语汉译应遵循的原则。希望为翻译工作者的实践提供有价值的参考。关键词: 习语; 尤金奈达; 功能对等; 翻译方法On the Translation of English IdiomsThesis StatementLangua

7、ge can never be separated from culture,for language is the mirror of culture. It is commonly accepted that an idiom is a group of words with the meaning different form the combined meanings of its component words.Outline. Introduction. General Understanding of IdiomA. The Definition of IdiomB. Chara

8、cteristics of Idioms1. Semantic Unity2. Structural Stability . Application of Nidas Theories in Idiom TranslationA. Nidas View on Functional EquivalenceB. Nidas View on Translation and CultureC. Understanding the Chinese Translation of English Idioms in a Cultural Context1. Definitions of Culture2.

9、Translation of Idioms in a Cultural Context. Tactics for Translating English Idioms A. Literal TranslationB. Free TranslationC. The Combination of Literal and Free Translation . ConclusionOn the Translation of English Idioms.IntroductionIdioms are the cream of a language as well as the crystallizati

10、on of human wisdom. English idioms, which are originated in local speakers, carry profound cultural implications. Without idioms our language would become dull and dry. “Idioms usually carry more impact than non-idiomatic expressions because of their close identification with a particular language a

11、nd culture.”(Nida 28) Most idioms contain an extremely rich and profound meaning, as well as a vivid image. Idioms are widely used in a variety of stylistics and occasions, such as writings and speeches, so an appropriate use of them in speeches and writings will add variety, strength and vividness

12、of the language. Both Chinese and English abound with idioms. As idioms hold an important position in language use, an adequate translation of idioms is not only helpful but also essential in intercultural communication. If they are translated properly, the original cultural flavor will be faithfull

13、y conveyed, clearly understood and easily accepted by the target language readers. Understanding and translation of idioms, therefore, are becoming increasingly important.The thesis includes four chapters and a conclusion.The first part gives a full picture of idioms. To make people better understan

14、d idioms, this part first discuss the definitions of English idioms, and then introduce the characteristics of idioms.The second part is a literature review. In the authors opinion, Nida is the one who has presented his theories most practically, clearly and deeply, although there are also some voic

15、es of opposition to him. In this part, the author will introduce Nidas translation theories in different period of time. And the author will focus on introducing his views about functional equivalence which guide the research of idiom translation, his view on translation and culture will also be dis

16、cussed.The third, the main part of this thesis, discusses translation methods employed in translating English idioms into Chinese. In this chapter, the author will give a lot of examples to prove and better expound relevant arguments, and explain when and why to use these methods: literal translatio

17、n or free translation, or the combination of them. This part totally introduces three translation methods employed in idiom translation with examples based on Nidas functional equivalence.The last part summarizes the main content of this thesis. General Understanding of IdiomA. The Definition of Idi

18、omIdioms, refined and sanctified through long usage, are vivid and expressive. They are crystallization of national culture and gems of language. Like a mirror, they reflect the national characteristics embodied in a language and are thus heavily culture-loaded. Idioms are rich in cultural connotati

19、on and national flavor. To some extent, idioms are the reflection of the environment, life, social history, political economy, religious beliefs and traditional customs. They are commonly used in all types of language, formal and informal, written and spoken. That is why its difficult to command the

20、 language. English and Chinese are both abundant in idioms. So its difficult to give a clear definition to the word “idiom”. According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English(2002), “idiom” refers to “phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual

21、words and which must be learnt as a whole unit,”The British translation theorist, Peter Newmark had also said: “An idiom is a current and frequently used group of words whose meaning is not clear from the common meanings of its constituent words.”From above, we can reach a consensus view that the me

22、aning of an idiom is different from the literal meaning despite of the difference in language. In my opinion, idioms, an important factor, has the style of a particular country or region in a language. In laymans terms, every word that we can recognize, however, when they are grouped together, we wi

23、ll not know what that means. In addition, idioms can be words, phrases, as well as sentences.B. The Characteristics of Idioms In English, there are a number of idioms. The accurate use of them can add aptitude for writing and play a vivid effect. English idioms have two notable features: semantic un

24、ity and structural stability, which idiom meaning must be reflected through a fixed set of words. However, this embodies the meaning of an idiom is not simply the combination of the meanings of each word contained in it. Its semantic sometimes embodies through metaphor and sometimes deviate from the

25、 logic even no analogy. As a result, its quite different from the original meaning even have no relevance with it. Therefore, to understand the English idioms, we must avoid getting the semantic form the surface meaning.1. Semantic Unity Idioms are mainly characterized by their semantic unity. The s

26、o-called semantic unity, which means idioms function as a unit of meaning, and must be understood as a whole. Its overall significance often can not speculate from the meaning of each word composed idioms, such as: “show the white feature” (显示胆怯), and can not use other words instead of any word of i

27、tSemantic unity is a very important aspect of English idioms. The meaning of English idioms can be summarized as the following two characteristics: (1) Mostly, the meaning of English idioms owes duality, both literal meaning and idiom meaning. Two meanings are quite different. The literal meaning of

28、 a rainy day is a rainy day, but the idioms meaning is difficult time; literally miss the boat means mistakenly ship and idioms righteousness lost opportunity ; give some one a kick means make someone feel happy, literally means like “kicking someone a kick. If you do not know the idiom meaning, its

29、 difficult to understand and translate idioms. (2) The meaning of the idiom is holistic, that is to say, not a simple sum of the meaning of each word that composed English idioms, such as rain cats and dogs (倾盆大雨) know the rope (懂行), play to the gallery (讨好观众), blow ones mind (使惊讶), bring down the h

30、ouse (博得全场喝彩) ,etc. to change one word, it lost the meaning of the idiom. 2. Structural StabilityEnglish idioms are constituted by the structured and fixed phrases .Generally speaking, they can not swap the order or apart, even that replacing them with the synonyms is likely to lose the original int

31、ent.For example, in the idiom A stitch in time saves nine, it is impossible to say “A stitch in time saves ten” or “A stitch on time saves nine” In the idiom to kick the bucket if the word bucket is replaced by pail, the meaning of the idiom will no longer mean “die”; The idiom I am good friends wit

32、h him is irregular or illogical in its grammatical structure. I is singular; why then is the correct form in this case not I am a good friend with him? This form is impossible although it is more logical; we should have to say I am a good friend of his. A native speaker is not consciously aware of t

33、his inconsistency. Some countable nouns in idioms is singular, not the plural form, such as red tape (繁琐的公文程序), it can not be said to be It was a red tape or There are a lot of tapes”. And also, “jump the gun “can only use the singular form, which can not be said as “They jump the guns.” Idioms are

34、originally plural form can not be changed to a singular, for example, “put on airs”(摆臭架子), can not be said as of “He puts on the air.”Some idioms structure violates the normal rules of grammar, but they still have been applied to use today For example, by and large (大概), a preposition and an adjecti

35、ve are tied for use in violation of the rules of grammar. Examples of such room and to spare (很有余地) ,Like cures like (以毒攻毒), and so on, are refined representatives of languages.Idioms verb or verb idioms, are not free to voice conversion. Some idioms converted by voice, its idiom meaning disappeared

36、. For example:, He puts his heart and soul into education (他一心扑在教育上), if voice conversion His heart and soul is put by him into education, this sentence has lost the meaning of the idiom wholeheartedly on .The analogous idioms such as hit the roof (大发雷霆), come to the rescue (帮助。援助), and so on. Appli

37、cation of Nidas Theories in Idiom TranslationA. Nidas View on Functional EquivalenceThe theory of “functional equivalence” is put forward by Eugene A. Nida, the outstanding American translation theorist and linguist. The translation theory has made great influence on translation in western countries

38、, and his works on translation also have made great contribution to the field of translation. The theory is proposed in the book of Toward a Science of Translating, he says: “In such a translation (dynamic equivalent translation)one is not so much concerned with matching the receptor-language messag

39、e with the source message, but with the dynamic relationship, and the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and message(Nida 161).”He used the expression “functional equivalence” to replace “dynamic equivalence

40、” to emphasize the concept of function.Functional equivalence gives translators much flexibility and freedom. Many translators used to abide by the strict formal equivalence in order to keep “faithful” to the ST, and their focus is on the form of ST. Therefore, the translation is ST oriented. As a r

41、esult, the reader may find the TT obscure, even unintelligible .On the other hand, functional equivalence is not only the equivalence that tied down to the ST form, but even wider. It is more interested in the message of the text. The translators dont have to stick to the form of the source text, as

42、 well as the meaning is conveyed to the target language readers.Nida made further explanation about the theory of functional equivalence in 1993.He believes that there is no absolute equivalence in two methods of translations, what we can achieve equivalence is just one goal for the translators to p

43、ursue. At least, functional equivalence should achieve full equivalence in the translated text, to make the same effect on the translated text for the audience or readers as the original audience or readers. Its minimal is “the readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the poin

44、t that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it.”(Nida 87).In fact the maximal definition is just ideal, because higher degree differences of language and culture exist in the source language and target language, so the highest levels of equiv

45、alence almost is impossible to pursue. In a word, the main ideas about the functional equivalence theory can be summarized as follows:(1)to achieve the greatest degree of equivalence between the source text and the original text;(2)equivalence of content information is always prior to form equivalen

46、ce,(3) the criteria to evaluate the translation is reaction from the receptors to the translated text.B. Nidas View on Translation and CultureThe research of translation theory has gone through a long time. A qualified translator should be not only bicultural, but also bilingual, and only in this wa

47、y, can he/she make a good translation. Nida, as a most authoritative linguist, translators, translation theorist and practitioner, also attaches much importance to cultural effect on translation.Language is a part of culture. Nida, attaches much importance to cultural factors in the research of tran

48、slation. Because if there is not sufficient knowledge of the two cultures involved, translating from one language into another cannot be done very well. He holds that the cultural factors in translating are more significant than the purely linguistic differences. According to Nida, the biggest problems in translating are usually made not because of verbal inadequacies, but of the lack of cultural knowledge. It can be illustrated in the idiom translation. For example :“Their boss pays the highest wages, but he wants his po


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