外研版高中英语必修3Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 5课时任务型表格式教学设计DOC.doc

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1、Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 第一课时任务型教学设计一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(外研版)必修3 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 第一课时教学对象高一学生教学项目词语Hungry, income, poverty, charity结构课文Introduction Speaking其他教学目标语言知识运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描述行为和特征、说明概念等;熟悉表达一些发达国家和发展中国家及其所属大洲名称。语言技能能通过不同信息渠道查找所需信息。语言运用了解发展中国家和发达国家名称及

2、其所在大洲,并能讨论发展中国家面临的问题。文化意识了解发展中国家和发达国家的差异,并对这种差异进行客观分析。情感态度了解社会发展成果,激发对祖国和家乡的热爱和建设祖国的决心;放眼世界,以实际行动关心世界贫穷落后地区的人民。学习策略通过报刊、杂志、多媒体、电视和网络等网络资源了解有关国家、地区和城市的文字、图像资料。教学方法任务教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学法教学媒体PPT幻灯媒体、课件、黑板教学重点有关表达发展中国家所面临问题的词语教学难点就关于发展中国家所面临问题进行深入的交流和讨论,提出自己的正确观点。运用任务Task of Module2:National Model United

3、Nations (NMUN) is going to hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, the theme of which is Problems the developing countries are facing and solutions. Make your proposal for it.Task of Period 1:Make a list of the main developing and developed countries in the world and list the biggest problem

4、s the developing countries are facing.二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-9分钟教学热身与导入Warming upHow many continents are there in the world?What are they?Can you name one county for each continent?Write students answers on the blackboard.Introduction(Activity1, P11)1. Look at the 5 maps of North America, As

5、ia, Europe, and Oceania. 2. Find and match the countries with their continents.引入任务展示发达国家和发展中国家鲜明对比的照片,询问:What do you think about the two pictures?What are the problems of developing countries?学生尽可能多的说出各大洲中已知的国家名称。根据地图学习Activity1中的单词,用Module1学过的位置表达法将所学的国家名称在地图上表示出来,Norway is in the north of Europe.

6、并明确各国家归属那个洲。看图片回答问题。让学生根据地图学习国家和大洲名称,并在教师的引导下学习描述发展中国家和发达国家的词汇,从而对发展中国家和发达国家的不同有基本的了解,激发学生的学习兴趣。第10分钟呈现任务Task of Module2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) is going to hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, the theme of which is Problems the developing countries are facing and solutions.

7、Make your proposal for it.Task of Period 1:Make a list of developing and developed countries in the world and list the biggest problems the developing countries are facing.思考构思任务。提前呈现本周任务,让学生在任务的驱动下更有效的学习。第11-20分钟新语言学习Introduction (Activity2, P11)1. 师生对话引出方框里的词汇:T: Do you think children in these cou

8、ntries can go to school or college?S: T: Oh, yes. It means people there can receive good education easily. (引出education)But children in some developing countries can not go to school. Do you know why?ST: Exactly, because they have very little money. Thats to say they are in poverty. (引出poverty)T: Do

9、 you think they have illnesses very often? (引出disease)S: T: What about food? Do they have enough food?(引出hunger)2. Check if Ss understand meanings of the words and then ask students to match the words with the definitions.3. Make a list of the main developing and developed countries in the world. (P

10、reparation for the task)4. Work in groups. Use these words to describe some developed countries and developing countries.e.g.This is Norway. It is in Europe. It is a developed country. People in the country are free to have high education. Also, they have free treatment for diseases. They have a hig

11、h income and live a high-qualified life 学习词汇并明确词汇的具体含义。列举发展中国家与发达国家的名单。通过问题,循循善诱,导入词汇学习,易于词汇理解。第21-29分钟新语言操练Speaking 1(Activity 3,P11)Work in pairs. Which are the two biggest problems for developing countries?Speaking 2,P151. Read through the role information and examples.2. Make up short dialogues,

12、 talking about why and how you help developing countries. Then act your dialogues out. 讨论给出的发展中国家的四大主要问题。练习陈述理由说服他人和询问他人了解信息的对话方式。分门别类陈述发展中国家的主要问题,提高说的能力,为任务完成做准备。第3039分钟完成任务Task of Module2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) is going to hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, the theme of

13、which is Problems the developing countries are facing and solutions. Make your proposal for it.Task of Period 1:Make a list of the main developing and developed countries in the world and list the biggest problems the developing countries are facing.Task fulfillment:Think of all the problems that de

14、veloping countries are facing.Discuss in groups and list the biggest problems for developing countries. Give your reasons, if necessary. Present your report to the class.说出自己认为发展中国家面临的主要问题,完成任务。在讨论或辩论中完成任务。第40-44分钟随堂检测布置该课时随堂检测题使用“学生随堂练习册”。完成测试。及时巩固学生对本课时内容掌握情况。第45分钟布置作业1. Find more information abou

15、t developing and developed countries via the Internet. Here is a useful website:http:/www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/devel_e/d1who_e.htm2. Preview Reading and Vocabulary on P12.记下网址,课后上网搜寻更多关于发展中国家与发达国家的信息。预习第二课。扩展阅读,培养学生阅读能力,开阔视野,增长知识。预习为下一节课的学习做准备。第二课时任务型教学设计一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(外研版)必修3 Module 2 Developin

16、g and Developed Countries 第二课时教学对象高一学生教学项目词语Human, development, index, measure, goal, expectancy, position, educate, figuremake efforts结构课文Reading and Vocabulary其他教学目标语言知识运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描述行为和特征、说明概念等;对国家、地区和城镇进行比较。语言技能理解模块提供的以及来自其他资源的对不同国家和地区的介绍和对比以及对贫富差别的分析,并获取信息;理解包含所学生词、词语、but等连词和对不同国家和地区进行介绍、对比的


18、数据发表观点的能力。运用任务Task of Module 2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) will hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, the theme of which is Problems the developing countries are facing and solutions. Make your proposal for it.Task of Period 2:According to the human development report,analyze the

19、main problems of developing countries, using figures to illustrate the problems.二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-2分钟热身导入Lead-inDefining The Human Development ReportHDR is an annual report launched by UNDP(United Nations Development Program联合国开发计划署) in 1990 to stimulate and inform global development de

20、bate.The worlds 173 countries are ranked according to their level of human development.Usually every HDR focuses on some key issue such as democracy.Country by country assessment of trends towards achieving the UNMDGs (United Nations Millennium Development Goals联合国千年发展目标) is also given.Human develop

21、ment denotes both the process of widening peoples choices and the level of their achieved well-being.Now, we will read The Human Development Report.了解HDR的相关信息。补充与阅读内容相关的背景知识,利于后续知识建构。第3分钟呈现任务Task of Module 2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) will hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, th

22、e theme of which is Problems the developing countries are facing and solutions. Make your proposal for it.Task of Period 2:According to the human development report, analyze the main problems of developing countries, using figures to illustrate the problems.了解任务,明确任务。以真实任务开展教学,激发学生的兴趣,让学生在任务的驱动下更有效的

23、学习。第4-6分钟读前任务Pre-reading taskREADING AND VOCABULARY, P121. Look at the title of the reading passage and think:What aspects do you think The Human Development Report would include?2. Listen to the passage and see if you were right.预测课文中将会介绍哪些信息,并通过阅读核实。锻炼预测的能力。第7-21分钟读中任务While-reading taskREADING AND

24、 VOCABULARY, P12Reading for informationTask One: Skimming (Activity 1 on page 12)Skim the text and answer these questions.Task Two: Scanning and Form filling (Activity 2 on page 13)Read the passage and fill in the form,and then check the answers.Task Three: Scanning and Chart filling (Activity 4 on

25、page 13)Read the text and complete the chart with figures from the text.Reading for learning words1. Read the passage again and do Activity 3 in pairs, and then check the answers with teachers.2. Choose the correct answers according to the context. ( Activity 5, P13)Language focusDiscuss the importa

26、nt and difficult language points.1. 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015.agree to do sth2. From this agreement came the Human Development Report.倒装句3. measure v. 测量,衡量4. mostly adv.主要地, 大部分, 通常5.make progress 取得进展通过对课文的阅读,抓住关键信息或猜测词义,完成练习。个人学习和同伴学习相结合,学习重要的语言点,必要时做笔记。充

27、分发挥学生主体作用,使学生进一步理解文章,把握相关的单词、词组。第22-27分钟读后任务Post-reading taskWork in groups. Discuss and find the problems for developing countries, using figures when necessary to illustrate.What efforts should we make to help developing courtiers make greater progress? Discuss and present your report.读后讨论问题。通过读后的

28、讨论活动检测语言输入的成果。第35-39分钟完成任务Task of Module 2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) will hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, the theme of which is Problems the developing countries are facing and solutions. Make your proposal for it.Task of Period 2:According to the human development report,

29、analyze the main problems of developing countries, using figures to illustrate the problems.Task fulfillment:Write a passage about the problems developing countries are facing in such aspects as education, income, life expectancy, environment etc, using figures to illustrate the problems. You can fi

30、ll in the chart below first.CountryIncomeEducationLife expectancyEnvironmentShare your work with others.明了模块任务和课时任务,完成课时任务,展示任务成果,互评任务成果。通过小组互评等形成性评价方式促进任务完成的质量和英语学习。第40-44分钟随堂检测布置该课时随堂检测题 “学生随堂练习册”。完成测试。检测学生对知识的掌握情况。第45分钟布置作业1. Do Vocabulary Exx. 5-8 on P74 and Reading Exx. 9-11 on P75-76 in the wo

31、rkbook.2. Collect information you need about developing countries.3. Search for more information and analyze the main problems of some developing countries.记录作业。通过课后习题巩固课堂所学。第三课时任务型教学设计一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(外研版)必修3 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 第三课时教学对象高一学生教学项目词语Household, homeless结构Link word

32、s: but, however, although, while课文Grammar其他Pronunciation教学目标语言知识理解并掌握比较人、物体及事物的常用表达方式,学会连词(but, however, although and while)的用法;根据语音、语调了解话语中隐含的意图和态度。语言技能理解含有本模块生词、词语和比较成分的句子和段落。语言运用熟练运用but, however和 although ,while等连词。文化意识通过学习英语了解世界文化,培养世界意识。情感态度保持学习英语的愿望和兴趣,主动参与有助于提高英语能力的活动;能了解并尊重异国文化,体现国际合作精神。学习策略

33、善于总结所接触语言材料中的语言规律并加以应用。教学方法任务教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学法教学媒体PPT幻灯媒体、黑板教学重点通过不同的阅读技能理解文章。教学难点运用对比和分析,做出判断,培养学生归纳数据、分析数据和利用数据发表观点的能力。运用任务Task of Module 2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) will hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, the theme of which is Problems the developing countries are facing

34、and solutions. Make your proposal for it.Task of Period 3:Classify the information you have collected and talk about the main facts of developing countries,using link words.二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-2分钟教学导入Is China a developing country or a developed country?Pay attention to the words in yellow

35、 and think whats the function of these link words? What do you know about China from the 2003 Human Development Report?(In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great.)Whats the topic sentence of the last paragraph?(The report shows t

36、hat we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts.)注意连词的用法。观察法,给学生一个主动学习探究的机会。第3分钟呈现任务Task of Module2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) will hold a conference on April 8, 2009 in New York, the theme of which is Problems the developing countries are facing and solutions. Mak

37、e your proposal for it.Task of Period 3:Classify the information you have collected and talk about the main facts of developing countries, using link words.了解任务。以真实任务开展教学,激发学生兴趣,使学生在任务的驱动下更有效的学习。第4-9分钟新语言学习(一)Grammar The Link WordsRead the passage we have learned, and pay attention to the four words

38、, but, however, although, while. Activity1,P14 Read the sentences and answer the questions.Conclusionbut和however的相同点: 都表示转折的意思;but和however的不同点: but既可以连接两个句子又可以连接句子中的两个并列的成分,常用于句中,后面不加逗号;however却只能连接两个句子,既可以放在句首,也可以用在句中,其后一般要加逗号。学习but 和however的用法。在讲解、总结、练习中深入理解语法,运用语法。第10-16分钟新语言练习与巩固(一)Exercises用 bu

39、t 和 however 填空:1. Id like to go with you, _, my hands are full.2. Im sorry, _ I wont be able to come tonight.3. We must finish the job in time _ hard it is.4. It looked like rain. _, it is clear now.Key: 1. however 2. but 3. however 4. HoweverActivity2,P14 Ask Ss to discuss and do it in pairs.Compet

40、ition Divide Ss into two groups and do the following exercises.Match the sentences in column A with the sentences in column B, using “but” or “however”.Column AColumn BNorway is not a very big country.They agreed to work together to reduce poverty.All goals are very important.Some children can go to

41、 school.Many people in developed countries have good food to eat.Many other children can only stay at home because their parents have little money.Every day 799 million people in developing countries are hungry.It was not easy to do so.It is at the top of Human Development Index.The first important

42、one is to reduce poverty and hunger.做练习,巩固掌握语法运用。对这两个连词进行学习后,及时做练习,巩固掌握其用法。第17-24分钟新语言学习(二)Activity3,P14 Individual Work Repeat the sentences and pay attention to the words in bold.Group WorkAnswer the questions.PronunciationListen to the sentences and pay attention to the rhythm.Conclusionalthough引

43、导让步状语从句,常用于句首,且不与but连用,但although可以用but 改写成另一种句子。while引导的状语从句表示对比,常用于句中。Activity4,P15 1. Finish the exercises in pairs and then read them aloud with the correct rhythm.2. Listen and check.阅读例句,体会although和while表达上的区别。练习语音节奏。练习巩固新语言学习。第25-32分钟新语言练习与巩固(二)Competition Work in groups and enrich the followi

44、ng sentences with “but”, “however”, “although” or “while”. They agreed to work hard to reduce poverty. Some European countries are among the top countries of the list . China has made great progress in human development. They are rich countries. In eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink.F

45、or example:Norway has a small population.Norway has a small population but it is at top of the Human Development Index.Norway has a small population. It is, however, at top of the Human Development Index.Although Norway has a small population, it is at top of the Human Development Index.做练习,巩固所学语法项目。巩固练习所学语法项目。第33-39分钟完成任务Task of Module2:National Model United Nations (NMUN) will hold a co


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