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1、一、单选题1、情态动词(第三单元 课后练习第十题)十.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. As it happened, I _C_ because my friends were there to support me.A) wont worry B) mustnt have worriedC) neednt have worried D) can not worry2. She was deeply troubled and you _A_ her about it.A) shouldn

2、t have told B) dare not tellC) cant have told D) wouldnt have told3. Weve got plenty of time. We _D_ hurry.A) cant B) couldntC) wouldnt D) neednt4.He didnt answer when I called he _B_ to bed.A) would have gone B) must have goneC) will have gone D) shall have gone5.If you failed that exam you _A_ ver

3、y hard.A) cant have worked B) shouldnt have workedC) neednt have worked D) wouldnt have worked6. You look very well. You _A_ your holiday.A) must have enjoyed B) could enjoyC) would enjoy D) will have enjoyed7. You _B_ alcohol when you drive.A) neednt drink B) mustnt drinkC) shouldnt have drunk D) w

4、ont have drunk8. Im feeling sick. I _C_ so much chocolate.A) cant have eaten B) neednt have eatenC) shouldnt have eaten D) wont have eaten9. The price on this packet is wrong. It says $65 but it _D_ $50.A) can be B) will beC) shall be D) should be10. He says hes 21 but he _D_ older than 18.A) need n

5、ot be B) shall not beC) dare not be D) cant be2、改错(第一单元)十一.Identify the mistake in each sentence and then correct it. 1. Our workshop has ordered some new equipments from Germany. (equipment)2. My teacher gave me some sound advices. (advice)3. Do you have any special informations for me? (informatio

6、n)4. Most furniture in my house are made of wood.(is)5. Today, I have a lot of new works to do. (work)6. Dont walk on the grasses.(grass)7. The foreign students have made great progresses in their studies.(progress)8. All his money are kept in the bank. (is)9. Grandmas letter began, “Dear Jeffrey, I

7、 am leaving you one of my most precious treasure my memories.”(treasures)10. Grandma Elsie wanted her daughters and their husbands to share what little wealths she was leaving.(wealth)3、句型辨认(第四单元语法)1. We elected John captain of our football team. 我们选约翰做我们足球队的队长。(SVOC)-主动宾宾补2. Things of that sort are

8、 happening all over the world every day. 全世界各地每天都在发生这种事情。(SV)- 主动3. They have carried out the plan successfully. 他们成功地完成了计划。(SVO)-主动宾4. She ordered herself a new dress. 她给自己定了一套新衣裳。(SVoO)-主动间宾直宾5. The most important thing is knowing what to do next. 最重要的是要知道下一步该做什么。(SVC)- 主动表1. Teach fish to swim. 教

9、鱼游泳/班门弄斧。( SVOC )(主语省略) -主动宾宾补2. Seeing is believing. 眼见为实 / 百闻不如一见。(SVC)- 主动表3. Keep your sword bright. 有备无患。(SVOC) (主语省略) -主动宾宾补4. Money cant buy time. 寸金难买寸光阴。(SVO)-主动宾5. Friends must part. 聚散离合总有时 / 天下无不散的宴席。(SV)- 主动4、特殊词译Unit 11. I had to set a study program if I wanted to succeed in my courses

10、. 如果我要在学业上取得成功,我就必须制定一份学习计划。4. and pass my first exams with fairly good grades. 而且以相当不错的成绩/分数通过了最初的几次考试。6. The best grades of tea are expensive.最好等级的茶叶价格很贵。Unit 22. The job requires a high degree of skill.这项工作需要很高程度的技术。4. Louis went to a public school and learned by listening to the teacher. 路易进了一所公

11、立学校,通过听老师讲课进行学习。5. Smoking should not be allowed in public places.公共场所不应该允许吸烟。Unit 32. but they enjoyed taking mechanical things apart to see how they worked.但他们喜欢把机械装置拆开研究其工作原理。5. Your chiding was gentle, but right to the point. 你的责备很和婉,但却非常中肯。6. But you were never too busy to help with a problem,

12、or just give a hand. 可是你再忙也总能帮我做题,或助我一臂之力。Unit 41. He sold his farming equipment, moved the family to a small town and opened a small business. 他卖掉了农具,把家搬到一个小镇上,开了一家小商店。2. Word of his pleasant personality and excellent customer service began to spread. 关于他为人和蔼可亲、对顾客服务细致周到的口碑开始传了出去。4. She has a good

13、head for figures, so Im not surprised that she became an accountant (会计).她很有数字头脑/有数字方面的天赋,所以她成为会计我一点也不吃惊。Unit 51. the merchant made arrangements to carry away the fruit. 那位商人安排把水果运走。2. Shortly, however, I had my life under control. 然而不久,我就控制住了自己的生活。6. She is a lover of music, literature(文学), writing

14、, fishing, and of course, dogs.她爱好音乐、文学、写作、钓鱼,当然也喜欢狗。二、选词填空1、 选单词Unit 25.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. create deliver desire develop honor imitate infect injure nearly reality secret spread1. As a young man, he has a strong desire for success.2. The

15、 plan must remain secret until next month. 3.On Memorial Day(阵亡将士纪念日)the American people honor those soldiers who died in wars.4. My finger was injured when I tried to collect the broken glass by hand. 5. We were happy that her dream of marrying Fred finally became a reality .6. My classmates all la

16、ughed when I imitated our teacher. 7. The book says that modern music was first developed in Italy. 8. The boy could earn(赚得)a little money by delivering newspapers. 9. Jane stayed home on Monday so that her cold would not spread to others in the office. 10. Your throat(咽喉)looks infected . I think y

17、ou should take some medicine. Unit 45.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.actually energy entire increase position requiresecret separate skilled special speed touch1. Those buildings are so tall that they seem to touch the sky. 2. We need someone with ene

18、rgy and enthusiasm(热情) to do this job.3. He was driving at a speed of 90 miles per hour on his way home. 4. Of course he is our landlord(房东); he owns the entire building.5. Is there anything special that youd like to do this afternoon, Peter?6. Chinas GDP(国内生产总值) increased by 11.4 percent in 2007.7.

19、 Believe it or not, our foreign teacher is quite skilled at cooking Chinese dishes. 8. She seems so quiet, but actually she likes to talk.9. This word has four separate meanings.10. You are required by law to stop your car after an accident(事故).11. 11. Whats your secret for looking so young?12. I go

20、t to sleep on my back but I always wake up in a different position .2、 选词组Unit 16.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.as a result at first be up to grow up in addition keep up with make friends with set up turn out under control 1.You can ask him for

21、 advice but the final choice is up to you.2.Everything is developing(发展)so quickly in todays world that I am afraid I cant keep up with all the changes.3.The brave sailors(海员)managed to keep their boat under control during the storm.4.If at first you dont succeed, try, try again. 5.The boy said that

22、 he wanted to be a computer scientist(科学家)when he grew up .6.Today young people from different countries can easily make friends with one another through email.7. Mark wanted to finish his homework in two hours, but it turned out to be harder than he thought.8. Tom fell and broke his leg. As a resul

23、t , he would have to be away from school for a month or two.9. A new school has been set up there. 10. In addition , I have something else to do this weekend.Unit 56.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.all ones life carry away day after day dig up in

24、 answer to pick out send away send for set to to be sure time and time again 1. Suddenly a fight started and the restaurant owner had to _send for the police. 2. Tom is clever, to be sure , but not very hard-working. 3. Ive told you time and time again not to play with fire, but you never listen to

25、me. 4. As soon as David arrived in Beijing he fell in love with the city and decided that he would live there all his life.5. He was trying to explain but she became impatient(不耐烦) and sent him away.6. We must dig up those weeds by the roots.7. He was the fastest worker and set to work right away, n

26、ot stopping until he was tired out.8. The same problem seemed to come up day after day but neither the father nor the son knew what to do.9. How could he pick out the best tomatoes for himself and leave the rest to his parents?10. In answer to the students request, the teacher has begun to give them

27、 more chances to speak in class.11. Several houses were carried away when the river suddenly changed its course during a flood(洪水) last summer.三、阅读理解(练习册上选一篇、课外两篇)四、完形填空(练习册 第一or第二单元)五、翻译1、汉翻英(Unit 1、2 和unit 3、4练习册最后一道题)Unit 1Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.M

28、odel: I had to decide when to go to bed, when and what to eat, when and what to drink, and with whom to be friendly.At that stage in my life, I really was not certain where I would ultimately go in life and what I would do with the years ahead of me.1. My friend told me how to play the game long ago

29、, but I have forgotten it now.(如何玩这个游戏)2.The taxi driver asked me where I wanted to go .(我要去什么地方) 3.Henry was not sure whether they would accept him or not . (他们会不会接受他)4.Tom always tells others what to do and how to do it , but seldom does it himself. (做何事,如何做)5. As a college student now, you have t

30、o know who(m) to and who(m) not to.(爱什么人,不爱什么人)6. I am not certain when he made that decision . (他什么时候作出那个决定的)Unit 2Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.Model: Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, in France.1.The Wright brothers made their first

31、powered flight on December 17, 1903, in America.(1903年12月17日在美国)2.The peace talks between the two enemy countries began on June 28, 1961, in a third country .(1961年6月28日在第三方国家)3.I shall never forget the tragedy(悲剧) that happened on January 13, 1941, in Paris.(2001年9月11日在纽约)4.The well-known American

32、writer died on January 13, 1941, in Paris.(1941年1月13日在巴黎)Model: Imitating his father, Louis tried to cut a piece of leather with a small knife.1. Following his brother, John became an engineer after he finished college. (跟随他的哥哥) 2. Wanting very much to read himself, Louis decided to create a better

33、way of reading for the blind. (自己非常想读书)3. Knocking at his head, John tried hard to find the answer to the question. (敲着脑袋) 4. Learning to be a person responsible for myself , I set up a study program to regulate the time I spend on study and on socializing. (学着做一个对自己负责的人)2、英翻汉(Unit15课文翻译+课后练习第十题)Uni

34、t 1Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying special attention to the underlined words.1.I had to set a study program if I wanted to succeed in my courses. 如果我要在学业上取得成功,我就必须制定一份学习计划。2. More people watch the news than any other program.看新闻的人比看任何其他节目的人都多。3. They have developed a new compu

35、ter program.他们已开发了一个新的计算机程序。4. and pass my first exams with fairly good grades. 而且以相当不错的成绩/分数通过了最初的几次考试。5. My brother is in the sixth grade.我弟弟上六年级。6. The best grades of tea are expensive.最好等级的茶叶价格很贵。Unit 21. Other than a degree, from a college education I plan to pursue higher learning, to begin a

36、career, and to make history in my family. 除了获得一个学位,我还计划从大学教育中追求更高深的学识,开始职业生涯,并在我的家庭中创造历史。2. The job requires a high degree of skill.这项工作需要很高程度的技术。3. It will probably be a few degrees colder by the weekend.周末天气可能会更冷几度。4. Louis went to a public school and learned by listening to the teacher. 路易进了一所公立学

37、校,通过听老师讲课进行学习。5. Smoking should not be allowed in public places.公共场所不应该允许吸烟。6. They are going to make a public statement later today.他们打算在今天晚些时候发表一项公开声明。Unit 31. The tomato soon made its way across Europe, but the English were wary of it. 很快番茄就遍及了整个欧洲,但英国人却对它很当心。2. but they enjoyed taking mechanical

38、 things apart to see how they worked.但他们喜欢把机械装置拆开研究其工作原理。3. You kept me on the straight path, one I think I still walk. 你使我一直走在正道上,我认为这仍是我在走的路。4. You were working at the school and I often managed to get sent outside class for something. 你在学校里工作,而我竟然常常因为犯事被赶出教室。5. Your chiding was gentle, but right

39、to the point. 你的责备很和婉,但却非常中肯。6. But you were never too busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand. 可是你再忙也总能帮我做题,或助我一臂之力。Unit 41. He sold his farming equipment, moved the family to a small town and opened a small business. 他卖掉了农具,把家搬到一个小镇上,开了一家小商店。2. Word of his pleasant personality and excelle

40、nt customer service began to spread. 关于他为人和蔼可亲、对顾客服务细致周到的口碑开始传了出去。3. He usually stays quite calm in meetings but this time he just lost his head.开会时他通常会相当地镇静,可是这一次他失去了自控。4. She has a good head for figures, so Im not surprised that she became an accountant (会计).她很有数字头脑/有数字方面的天赋,所以她成为会计我一点也不吃惊。5. You

41、shouldnt let your heart rule your head. 你不应该让感情支配你的理智。6. Wait a minute. Let me put on my things.等一等,让我把衣服穿上。Unit 51. the merchant made arrangements to carry away the fruit. 那位商人安排把水果运走。2. Shortly, however, I had my life under control. 然而不久,我就控制住了自己的生活。3. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers pow

42、ered flight was a success at Kitty Hawk.1903年12月17日,怀特兄弟的动力飞机在基蒂霍克成功了。4. “You have no idea how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness,” the man said. “你们真不知道对你们周到的考虑我是多么感激,”那男人说。5. My suggestion is that we start early tomorrow.我建议我们明天一早就出发。6. She is a lover of music, literature(文学), writing, fishing, and of course, dogs.她爱好音乐、文学、写作、钓鱼,当然也喜欢狗。


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