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1、高三英语北京各区期末语法填空汇编一:昌平One of myfavourite1(hobby)ishiking.WhenI go hiking, Iwillwear properclothing and hiking shoes for the current weather conditions. And I will let my family and friendsknow where I will go and when I will return. Also, I will carry a compass and GPS unit,2can guide me and locate my

2、position. What smore, Iwill take enough food and water3(keep) me energetic, and emergency supplies to survive dangerous situations.BWe are calling on people around the world to create a“ Million Acts of Blue actions ”to push retailers, corporations and businesses to reduce single-use plastic. That i

3、s, we are going totake actions to deal with the current plastic pollution. Every action to reduce single-use plastics4(send) a message to the industry that it s time to change. We can no longer allow productsthat5(use) for a few seconds to pollute6(we) planet for a lifetime.CMoreChinese senior citiz

4、ens7(become) activeusers of WeChat inrecent years,according to a recent study. The study aims to learn about the digital life of people above the ageof 55. The report showed that elderly users spend around 1.37 hours8WeChat every dayand have 104 WeChat friends on average. The report said 50.3 percen

5、t of elderlyusers learnedhow to use WeChat from their children or grandchildren,9(suggest) that family membersshould be more10(patience) when they introduce new technology to elderly people.海淀AHangzhou is one of Chinaostpopularsm cities. It is full of cultural heritage(遗产 ) and famous 21its natural

6、scenery. Italian traveller Marco Polo described Hangzhou as the21(fine) andmost splendid city in the world. The beauty of West Lake has inspired countless poets and painters,andyoucan leavet without23(try)theLongjingShrimp, one of Hangzhou signaturedishes. The dynamic city is home to many of China s

7、 tech companies-commerceincludinggianteAlibaba.BToday,dogs are found24(help) toall who fly in airplanes. They are trainedto smell,track, and find bombs on planes and in luggage. Dogs are easy to train because they already havedeep connection to humans. Many of these dogs are donated to the safety pr

8、ogram, where they 25(give) a good home. The partnership between dogs and humans allowseach to profit fromthespecial talents of the other as they work together 26 ( save) lives.CIt was almost midnight, but Mary couldn t fall asleep.“ One sheep,27two sheep” She(start) to count sheep. But did it really

9、 work? Actually, some28(scientist)believethismay not be a very good way to fall asleep. Some people try so hard to count that they can be moreclear-headed. Instead, they can try taking a bath to fall asleep. They can also think about a quietbeach or a walk in the woods,29 can make them relaxed and f

10、all asleep more30(quick).1三东城Passage 1The Warwick Cheese Festival takes place in June every year. This annual event is the biggestcheese festival in North America, (1) _ (attract) tens of thousands of Canadians and (2)_ (visitor) from all over the world. They can try over 100 kinds ofcheese made all

11、 overQuebec at the festival. And they (3) _ (invite) to vote for the People s Choice Prize oyear.Passage 2Winter break was fast approaching. AllScott wanted to do was to go snowboarding. (4)_ (fortunately),Scott parents had different plans. They had booked a weeklong trip toHawaii. Scott hated warm

12、weather and asked (5) _ he could just stay at his best friend shouse so that he could snowboard every day. His parents didn t want to hear anything of it. Hekept (6) _ (debate) with them about the topic, but they would not change their minds.Family time was important to them, and it was a tradition

13、that they spent winter break together.Passage 3Although he is only eleven years old, James helps the aged. Every day, he goes to Redhill (7)_ train to help three old people with housework and shopping. In this way, he has made theirlives much easier. It is through James hard work that a Neighbourhoo

14、d Care Program has beenstarted. So far, James and his friends (8) _ (form) a group of young volunteers to seek outthe people (9) _ need help. They do this without funding and without recognition. Theirmain aim is (10) _ (make) a difference through personal sacrifice.四 西城AFor most of her life, Anna M

15、ary Roberts worked very hard making a living on a farm. Shebegan to paint (1) _ her seventies. She displayed her artworks in her town at age eighty. Thepaintings (2) _ (notice) by an art collector, (3) _ recognized Anna s remarkableHe bought allthe paintingson display. Later, three ofher paintingswe

16、re exhibitedin awell-known art museum in New York City. Soon, people around the world (4) _ (hear) ofAnna and her delightful artworks. People loved looking at the old-fashioned scenes that Anna had created.BLegos are popular with kids. But (5) _ (make) them can hurt the environment. Why?Legos are ma

17、de of plastic. The plastic is made from oil. That is a nonrenewable resource. Recently, Lego (6) _ (introduce) earth-friendly pieces. They are made of plastic taken from sugarcane.That is a renewable material. The green pieces are part of a bigger plan for Lego. The company plans to use renewable ma

18、terials in all its (7) _ (toy) by 2030. The actions the companytakes today can have an influence on the planet of tomorrow.CMany organizations try to inspire people (8) _ (do) kind acts, wherever and whenever2they can. The idea behind this is that it doesn t take any major plan to be kind, just a li

19、ttle bit ofeffort. Perhaps the strongest supporter of this idea is the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. It operates under the beliefs that kindness can be taught and that it is (9) _ (easy) spread. Itsactivities range from suggesting kind acts to allowing its website-users to officially register

20、(10)_ (they) as activists of kindness.五丰台3六:朝阳七 石景山AOur school planned a trip for us to study English in another country this holiday. I wasexcited for it was my first time1(travel) abroad. I2(pack) everything I thought I would need into my backpack. I knew I was going to have so much fun. After boa

21、rding the bus to the airport, I said goodbye to myparents. I looked out the window of the bus and dreamed about3 we would do while4on our trip.BDough figurine( 捏面人 ), also known as dough modelling, is a kind of Chinese folk art. It is4 (simple) made but of high artistic value. It5 (record) as early

22、as the HanDynasty. Dough craftsman draws materials based on the required. After a repetition ofrubbing, twistingand lifting6hand, and poking, cutting, andcarving by bamboo knife, the craftsman7 (shape) the body and the face of the figurine gradually. Dressed up with hair accessories and clothes, all

23、 of a sudden, a vivid artistic figurine comes to life.CHarry is an American businessman. His job requires him to do a lot of traveling. Inthe past six months he has made nine trips,8purpose is to attendmeetings and make presentations. Harry loves to travel and feels each country has a charm of its o

24、wn. After graduation, Harry decided to make travel part of his career. He wanted toexperience different cultures of other9 (country). He was dreaming of10(work) for an internationalcompany. Then his dream came true. Now he?s working for a German hi-tech compa八,八中(1)Facebook CEO Zuckerberg just had a

25、 baby girl named Max, and to honor the occasion, hesgiving away the majority of his wealth. In the letter 1. _ by Zuckerberg and his wife,PriscillaChan, to their new baby girl,he 2._ the birthofhis firstchildandthecreation of the Chan Zuckerberg Fund,3._ willfocus on personalized learning,curing dis

26、ease, connecting people andbuilding strong communities.(70W)(2)A motto is a sentence or a phrase that can inspire us. My motto is“ God helps those who h4. _(they ). ” SometimesIam lazy and don want to make efforts to work hard, but the moment I think of my motto Iwill get energetic again and devote

27、myself5. _ what I am doing. I write my motto where I can see it easily. Every time I fail in my exam and begin to lose heart, the sight of my motto inspires me with much 6. _(confident). My motto also makesme become 7. _ independent person. That is to say, I won t rely on others easily. (115w)(3)Man

28、y people underestimate the importance of writing skills. They think that as long as they5canspeak and understand the language, they know it. Truth is, we live in the age of Internet and smart phones where most of the communication 8. _ (happen) in writing. An ability9. _(express) ideas in a clear an

29、d literate way has become10._(extreme) necessary for work, study and everyday life. (69W)Exercise 2阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。(1)When I was growing up, I did not recall hearing the words “ Ilove you ”from my father. When your father never says them to you when you

30、 are a child, it gets tougher and tougher for him1. _ (say) those words as he gets2._ (old). To tell the truth, I could not honestly remember whenI had last said those words to him either. I 3._ (decide) to setmy ego (自我 ) aside and make the firstmove. Aftersome hesitation,in our next phoneconversat

31、ion I blurted out ( 突然说出 ) the words,“ Dad I love(you!110w )”(2)High-speed railways, electronic payments, shared bicycles and online shopping are Chinafour new ways of life.They are most appealing to youths from 20 4. _(country)participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. The new four great invent

32、ions 5._ (relate)to China s high-tech innovation, which has improved the quality of people s lives,no longer in use. I can buy and eat 6._ I want simply with a tap of my phone,Jinlong, an overseas Chinese student from Cambodia, 7. (add) that even pancake sellers are using Alipay (mobile payment). (9

33、5w)(3)Its easy to take your hearing for granted until its too late With the wide 8.( popular ) of digital entertainment products , it is not uncommon tosee people wearing headphones and listening to music whilerunning in the park or using public transportAnd the volume is often so loud that people a

34、round themcan hear the music as well However , doctors warn that such behavior can 9. _(potential)damage theirhearing. “ In noisy places, people tend to turn the volume up to get the same clarity of soundUnfortunately ,that can damage the hearing10. _ people being aware of it expert. (118W )高三英语北京各区

35、期末语法填空汇编答案一昌平1.hobbies(名词单复数 )2.which(关系代词 )3.to keep(非谓语 )4.sends/will send/ is sending(时态 ) s“ My wallet i ” said” , saidan65.are used(时态语态 )6.our(代词 )7.have become(时态 )8.on(介词 )9. suggesting (非谓语 )10. patient(形容词 )二、海淀21. for22. finest23. trying24. helpful25. are given/will be given26. to save27.

36、 started28. scientists29. which30. quickly三 东城:1. attracting2. visitors3. are invited4. Unfortunately5. if / whether6. debating7. by8. have formed9. who / that10. to make四、西城1 in2 were noticed3 who4 heard5 making/to make6 has introduced/introduced7 toys8 to do9 easily10 themselves五丰台1. see 2. walkin

37、g 3. my 4. gardeners 5. for6. happily 7. which/that 8. To make 9. started 10. are delivered六朝阳七石景山1. to travel2. packed3. what4. simply5. was recorded6. by7. shapes8.whose9. countries10. working八、八中Exercise 11.written,2. announced, 3. which4. themselves,5. to,6. confidence,7. an8. happens, 9. to express, 10. extremelyExercise 21. to say,2. older,3. decided,4.ccountries,5. are related,6. whatever7. adding8. popularity,9.potentially,10.without7


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