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1、The Little Prince,Antoine de Saint Exupery (29 June 190031 July 1944) was a French writer and aviator. A successful pilot before World War II Joined the French Air Force on the outbreak of war. Disappeared on a reconnaissance(侦察) flight in July 1944,He lived on a planet where he fell in love with a

2、beautiful rose.,He had to pull up the boabobs regularly,otherwise they would spread the entire planet .,“If some one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, Some

3、where, my flower is there. But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened.”,The prince leaves to see what the rest of the universe is like, and visits six other asteroids (numbered from 325 to 330) each of which is inhabited by an adult who is foolish in his own way:,

4、The King who can control the stars, but only by ordering them to do what they would do anyway. He then relates this to his human subjects; it is the citizens duty to obey, but only if the kings demands are reasonable. He orders the prince to leave as his ambassador.,The Conceited Man who wants to be

5、 admired by everyone, but lives alone on his planet. He cannot hear anything that is not a compliment.,The Drunkard/Tippler who drinks to forget that he is ashamed of drinking.,The Businessman who is constantly busy counting the stars he thinks he owns. He wishes to use them to buy more stars. The p

6、rince then goes on to define property. The prince owns the flower and volcanoes on his planet because he cares for them and they care for him, but because one cannot maintain the stars or be of use to them, he argues, the Businessman cannot own them,The Geographer who spends all of his time making m

7、aps, but never leaves his desk to examine anywhere (even his own planet), considering that is the job of an explorer. The Geographer is in any case very doubting of any explorers character and would most likely disregard the report. He does not trust things he has not seen with his own eyes, yet wil

8、l not leave his desk. Out of professional interest, the geographer asks the prince to describe his asteroid. The prince describes the volcanoes and the rose. We dont record flowers, says the geographer, because they are only ephemeral. The prince is shocked and hurt to learn that his flower will som

9、eday be gone. The geographer then recommends that he visit the Earth.,The Lamplighter who lives on an asteroid which rotates once a minute. Long ago, he was charged with the task of lighting the lamp at night and extinguishing it in the morning. At that point, the asteroid revolved at a reasonable r

10、ate, and he had time to rest. As time went on, the rotation sped up. Refusing to turn his back on his work, he now lights and extinguishes the lamp once a minute, getting no rest. The prince empathizes with the Lamplighter, the only adult he has met who cares about something other than himself.,He a

11、lso met a fox,who taught the little prince what true love was.,They met in a desert,It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. 只有用心才能看得清。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的 Where are the men? the little prince at last took up the conversation again. It is a little lon

12、ely in the desert.It is also lonely among men, the snake said. .人都在哪里呢?终于,小王子打破了沉默,在沙漠上,有些孤独. 在有人的地方,也一样孤独.,You are beautiful, but you are empty, he went on. One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you- the rose that belongs to me. But in

13、 herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except

14、the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose.,“你们很美,但你们是空虚的。”小王子仍然在对她们说,“没有人能为你们去死。当然罗,我的那朵玫瑰花,一个普通的过路人以为她和你们一样。可是,她单独一朵就比你们全体更重要,因为她是我浇灌的。因为她是我放在花罩中的。因

15、为她是我用屏风保护起来的。因为她身上的毛虫(除了留下两三只为了变蝴蝶而外)是我除灭的。因为我倾听过她的怨艾和自诩,甚至有时我聆听着她的沉默。因为她是我的玫瑰。”,小王子,有一朵玫瑰独一无二的盛开有一个人等着你承诺有一杯酒诉说遗忘的故事有一个夜晚我孤单的数星星有一种离别让人远远的微笑有一个希望等着你实现有一种爱隐藏脆弱的温柔有一滴眼泪从来不懂哭泣我不知道该不该留住今天的天真只要往前走就能看清这世界我不知道该不该继续今天的忧郁,忘了站在原地就会有太阳我只想做我自己的小王子 有一朵玫瑰无怨无悔的绽放有一个人一直在你身边有一种爱隐藏简单的秘密有一滴眼泪亲爱的请别收集我不知道该不该留住今天的天真只要往前

16、走就能看得到未来我不知道该不该继续今天的忧郁明明张开双手就能抱着你我只想做你的小王子,When you read this book at different age, you will have different feelings toward the book. The author made us find our lost naivety. When we got lost in the real world, maybe it is a good way to get some relief by reading this book.,I ask the indulgence of

17、 the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown-up. I have a serious reason: he is the best friend I have in the world. I have another reason: this grown-up understands everything, even books about children. I have a third reason: he lives in France where he is hungry and cold. He needs cheering up. If all these reasons are not enough, I will dedicate the book to the child from whom this grown-up grew. All grown-ups were once children- although few of them remember it. And so I correct my dedication: To Leon Werthwhen he was a little boy,reference,http:/www.wikipedia.org/ ,


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