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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)分类题好恶公共英语一级(B)分类题好恶第一部分 情景对话问题:1. A: _ (你喜欢看电视吗)? B: Yes. But I like listening to mdlo more. 答案: Do you like watching TV?问题:2. A: How do you like movies? B: _ (我讨厌看电影). 答案: I dont like going to tile cinema. /I hate watching movies.问题:3. A: _ (你对

2、图画书感兴趣吗)? B: Yes. 答案: Are you imemsted in picture hooks? /Do you have interest in picture hooks?问题:4. A:_(你觉得我们的老师怎样)? B: She is very friendly and nice. I think I like her very much. 答案: What do you think of our teacher? /How do you like our teacher?问题:5. A: How is this Chinese song? B:_(它没有我预料的那样难)

3、. 答案: It is not as difficult as I expected.问题:6. A: Do you like your new roommate (室友)? B: No. Idont like him. _ (他真的很烦人). 答案: He is really annoying.问题:7. A: _ (你曾学过英语吗)? B: Never. 答案: Have you ever studied English?问题:8. A: _ (你能为我把窗户打开吗)? B: Sure. 答案: Could you open the window for me?问题:9. A: I don

4、t like goingshopping with her B: _ (干嘛不告诉她)? 答案: Why dont you tell her?问题:10. A: _ (要不要和我去看看一位朋友)? B: Sorry. I Have no time. 答案: Would you like to visit a friend with me?A: Theres a good fihn tonight. 11 . B: Im sorry. I hale films. A: Well. 12 B: Sorry. I dont like TV. either. I like dancing and li

5、stening to pop music. Mtn. 13 A: Dancing! 14 . B: Ok. 15 2) A: Didyouscetheneweplsode(集)of the James Bond movie last night? B: No. I didnt 16 A: Sorry you didnt see it. 007 was ahmost kiged (被杀) but at last he was saved (被救) by a beauty(美女). B: Really? But I have to tell you . A: What? B: 17 A: How

6、could it be? All young boys feel imeresled in it 18 ? B: Because it is always die same sorry. fimt James Bond is almost killed. and then he has luck (走运) with a beautifut girl. A: 19 ? B: I like some new ththgs. A: 20 ? B: I mean some stories in the future. You never know them but you can think abou

7、t then. They are all differenl and thlemsdng. 11.答案: Would you like to sce it with me?12.答案: how about watehlng TV with me?13.答案: Why dont we go dancing?14.答案: I love it. /I like it.15.答案:Lets go dancing tonight. /Lets go to dance tonfight. /Lets dance tonight.16.答案: How wasit?/Whalwasitgke?17.答案:I

8、am not so intereslcd in it as you are. /I dont have interested in it. /It is not so imeresting to meas to yon.18.答案:Why are you not interested in it? /Why do you not h;tve interest in it? /Why is it not intersting to you?19.答案: So what do you like?20.答案: What do you mean?第二部分 阅读In classrooms in die

9、United Slates (美国) and Candada (加拿大). students often talk to each odler. not just to the teacher. It is important to know the nmos of your classmates (同班同学) so you can ask them questions. tell Ihem your ideas. and work together.1. Students talk jusl to the leacher in classrooms in the United States

10、and Canada. A. True. B. False. 答案:B2. Students dont want Io tell others (别人) their names in classrooms. A. True. B. False 答案:B3. You can ask your classmates quesdons. tell your classmates your ideas and work together with your classmates if you know their names. A. True. B. False. 答案:AMost of the ti

11、me in greedngs (问候). when someone asks How are you? in English. it just means (意思是) Hello. Tbespeaker is not really askingkn how you feel or how you amdalng. If you krow someone very well. you may tell the truth (真相) about how you feel. You may say Bath or Not so great. But most of the time. everyon

12、e says Fine?4. How am you? means What are you doing? A. True. B. False. 答案:B5. People never tell othen the truth about how they fceh A. True. B. False. 答案:B6. If you dont know people very well. you just answer Fine! when they say How are you? to you. A. True. B. False. 答案:ACars are an important part

13、 (部分) of North American cullnre (北美文化). For many people. having a car means having personal (全人的) freedom (自由). With a car. you can go anywhere you wanl. anytime you want. Getting a first car is a big even(事情) for many teenagers (青少年).7. Cars are import. ant for North American people. A. True. B. Fa

14、lse. 答案:A8. You can have much more time for yourself if you have a car. A. True. B. False. 答案:A9. It is very di fficall to go to the place people want if they dont have a car. A. True. B. False. 答案:B10. Getting a first car is important for people from 11 years old to 19 years old in North America. A

15、. True. B. False. 答案:A Some people really like to get up early in the morning. They enjoy being awake (醒来) before the mst of the world. They also get a lot of work done early in the day. We call these kinds of people morning people. Other people like to sleep late. They enjoy being awake at night wh

16、en the mst of the world is sleeping. They get a lot of work done late at night. These people are called night owts (猫头鹰). 11. There am _ kinds of people in this passage (短文).A.twoB.threeC.four答案:A12. Morning people have _ early in the day.A.a meetingB.much work to doC.exercise to do答案:B13. What do n

17、ight owls do itl night? _A.They go to bed.B.They welch TV.C.They work.答案:C Small talk with slrangers (陌生人)is all inlercsting part (部分) of life in the Uniled Slates. People often have short convcsations (交谈) with people they dont know for example. when sitting on the bus. waiting in line. or walking

18、down thc sTruet. In fact. if you and the other person are the only people around. aol talking Io someone can be impolite (无礼). Generally speaking. these conversalions have three parts. greetings. small talk and leave-taking (告辞). In the first part. people say Hi or Hello and tell each other their na

19、mes; in the second part people talk aboul everyday (日常的) topics such as the weather or sports; in tile lasl one. they say thai they are happy to nicer each other and say goodbye. 14. Talking with strangers is _ in the United States.A.interestingB.impoliteC.important答案:A15. When do people lalk with s

20、trangers according to (根据) this pasage?A.They work.B.They sit on the bus.C.They cai meals.答案:B16. What do people say in tile first part?A.They talk aboul dm weather.B.They tell people their nances.C.They say goodbye to each other.答案:B17. What do people say before they finish their conversalion?A.The

21、y say what sports they like best.B.Tbey say Hi to cecil other.C.They say Its very nice to meet you. 答案:C Many teenagers in the United States work pall rime (兼职) while they go to high school. They do not work because their fanlilies are poor; they work so they can have some money of their own (自己的) t

22、o spend. Many pents encourage (鼓励) their teenagers to work. They believe that having a job when you am young makes you a more responsihle (有责任心的) adult (成年人). So before or aftrier school they work in the mslaurants. do mowing (割草) for neighbom (邻居) paint houses for eompaaies (公司). deliver (送) food o

23、r goods to msidcms (居民). etc. All these tilings make them leto to save (节省) money and to value (珍惜) money. 18. Wily do most of teenagers ill the United States work part thne?A.Because their rimdlies are poorB.Because they want to have some money of their own.C.Because they have no scbeoh答案:B19. Whal

24、 do parems ththk of thet childrens working?A.They have no idea.B.They dont think greatly of itC.They Ihink it is a great thing for their children.答案:C20. What do these teenagecrs do before or after school?A.They make things for people.B.They pathl hours.C.They cook fad for travelelers.答案:B第三部分 词语配伍

25、A. one of my friends 42. anoying B. very soon(很快) 43. a friend of mine C. think of 44. have much to do with D. easy 45. in the near future E. way of life F. connecl (联系).with . G. bethedng 1. not as difficult as答案:D2.答案: G3.答案: A4.答案: F5.答案: B第四部分 词汇问题:1. What do you think _ the film?A.overB.aboutC.

26、of答案:C问题:2. Its not _ difficult as I thought.A.asB.nloreC.ever答案:A问题:3. Have you _ heard it sting in English?A.neverB.evenC.ever答案:C问题:4. _ you read this letter for me?A.CouldB.ShouldC.Must答案:A问题:5. He is _ forgetting ththgs.A.oftenB.alwaysC.usually答案:B问题:6. My sisler _ like my mother.A.lookB.looksC.looking答案:B问题:7. Students _ their teachers very carefully in class.A.listen toB.hearC.sound答案:A问题:8. Practice _ perfect.A.makesB.changesC.finds答案:A问题:9. _ it is Saturday. we wont have classes.A.AsB.IfC.Where答案:B问题:10. I dont like _ computer.A.useB.use aC.to use a答案:C 15 / 15


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