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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级写作分类模拟451专业英语考试复习资料专业八级写作分类模拟451专业八级写作分类模拟451WRITING问题:1. In a frantic society where efficiency is put great emphasis on, maybe it is high time we should take a breath and think about the bad consequences brought about by the head-spinning life. In the following excerpt, the author pre

2、sents his opinion on the slow lifestyle versus the fast one. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the authors opinion; 2. give your comment. Fast-free Living What Americans would do if they were serious about stopping to smell the flowers? Is the Amer

3、ican lifestyle slowing down, in a response to national trauma and the onset of war? Judging from commentaries by cultural analysts and newspaper columnists, the answer is yes. A Boston Globe editorial looked back on a hard year: But it brought growth, too, and a deeper understanding of just how frag

4、ile life is, and what we often take for grantedthe kiss goodbye in the morning, the chat with a friend, the Saturday soccer gameis what matters most. An observation from The Washington Post; People seem to walk more slowly. They are off their brisk, self-important stride. Motorists are driving bette

5、r. They lay off their horns. They dont jump lights. From The Dallas Morning News: Americans are experiencing a sort of cocooning of the heart, cultural experts say. Theyre using this time to reconnect with their families and friends. If Americans really were beginning to slow down, the contemporary

6、simplicity movement would not be adding another meeting or two a month to our schedules. The antidote to a frenetic work life wouldnt be something called power leisure. The celebration of the new slowness may not reflect reality, but it surely does reflect some degree of yearning. Yet there may be a

7、 few bold steps we should take to get us on the path to fast-free living. Backpacks. The task of slowing the country down must begin with efforts aimed at prevention. It should begin early, as an inspection of any schoolchilds backpack will reveal. These encumbrances typically have a capacity of one

8、 and a half cubic feet and hold loads of forty pounds. The contents, unpacked and spread out like a GIs battle kit, represent hyper-achievement in microcosm. A simple yet revolutionary reform would be to decree that the capacity of school backpacks be reduced by two thirds. Drive-thru windows. The w

9、hole point of these amenities is speed, and without intervention drive-thru service will only get faster. According to The Futurist, McDonalds will soon introduce e-mail billing at some of its drive-thru facilities in southern California. Other chains are experimenting with an E-Z Pass system, simil

10、ar to the one used for bridge and highway tolls; a transponder in the car would permit purchases to be deducted automatically from prepaid accounts. Electric light. Another issue related to biorhythms is the seemingly inexorable drift toward a 24/7 economy. The rule of thumb is that if anything can

11、be done twenty-four hours a day, it will be; daycare centers and dentists offices are now open at midnight. Almost by definition, the maintenance of basic diurnal rhythms is essential to a humane way of life. Political arithmetic may forever doom a significant rise in the gasoline tax, but what abou

12、t levying a ten-cent-a-watt tax on light bulbs? One happy consequence might be a shift back to daytime baseball. Computer keyboards. Yes, computers have made many aspects of modern life more tolerable, enabling stupendous feats of calculation, storage and management. But they are also an attractive

13、nuisance, putting unimaginable amounts of sheer capabilityto buy, to pry, to surf, to meddleinto the hands of people unaccustomed to its wise use. One way would be to decide that every computer must have two separate keyboardsone with all the vowels and the other with the consonants. The measures ou

14、tlined above would be a start. Should more impetus be needed, we could ban cup holders from cars, demand that breaking news be delivered only by mail, and add a ball and a strike to the standard at-bat. If Americans intend to take slowness seriously, they need to start picking up the pace. 答案:范文 Slo

15、w Down and Take a Deep Breath A glance of the American society may give you a wrong impression that the nation has opted to slow down due to many reasons such as war trauma or a deeper understanding of life. Yet, the author of the above excerpt points out that the conclusion about this slow life is

16、not true. Besides, he offers four ways for fast-free living. First of all, school work should be lessened. Secondly, service speed should be slowed down. Thirdly, daytime cycle should be stuck to. And finally, the threshold for computers should be raised. Historian Stephen Kern once indicated the na

17、ture of technology-induced revolution, asserting that its only aim is to alter notions of speed, distance and the pace of social change. These words still mirror the life we are living nowa life that is not meant to slow down at all, despite advice from social engineers and soul-cultivators. Riding

18、on the frantic Roller Coaster, we sometimes knowingly or negligently miss the main aim of our life. Fast food served in McDonalds takes the place of home-cooked comfort food; a nice scroll over the shops on weekends yields to on-line shopping. It seems that a little chat over a cup of coffee with ou

19、r friends is a luxury we cannot afford. All these scenes are nothing but a snapshot of our head-spinning life, yet we are so meddled in it that we lose the perspective of where we are heading for. Its time for us to stop the crazy pursuit for the meaningless hyper-power in every aspect of our life.

20、After all, life is not simply a tally of the gold mines we spend our whole life painstakingly digging, but rather a heaven which can be seen simply through a wild flower. For that enlightenment, we need to slow down and take a deep breath in this roaring world. You have the right to choose! 问题:2. Ch

21、inese people are no longer strangers to food-safety crisisthe contaminated vinegar, the meat that glowed in the dark, the exploding watermelons, the mushrooms imbued with bleach, the pork so dosed with chemicals to make it lean and the infamous melamine-tainted milk. The following news report provid

22、es detailed information about this issue. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the news report; 2. give your comment, especially on what are the major causes of food-safety crisis in China. Food Safety Top Concern in China In China, where food safety

23、scandals are commonplace, the public have to be extra careful before every bite. Reports of meat injected with steroids and unhealthy animals butchered for consumption give new weight to the phrases beef up and sick as a pig. There have been reports of problems from every link in the production chai

24、n. Even agricultural produce, it seems, is not safe. A huge batch of bean sprouts was seized after they were found to contain worrying amounts of controlled chemicals. Last July, Shanghai Husi Food Co. Ltd, a supplier to leading fast food brands including McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut, were discovere

25、d using expired meat in their products. Six of the companys senior executives were arrested. The revised Food Safety Law comes into effect on Oct. 1, and brings harsher punishment for the adulteration of food intended for our plates. An annual China Youth Daily survey in March found that food safety

26、 was the publics top concern. In response to a list of quality of life issues including housing and the environment, 77.3 percent of respondents said food safety mattered most to them. The new law should rebuild confidence in the domestic food industry. Those found to have added substances unfit for

27、 human consumption to food could be jailed for up to 15 days, and producers may face fines of up to 30 times the value of their products. The amendment includes provisions for landlords and suppliers found to be complicit, at any stage of the production chain, in the adulteration of food. Should off

28、icials with food and drug regulators, or health and agriculture departments, be found negligent or involved in concealment, they will face administrative penalties, such as demotion or dismissal. Producers will now have to run tests on their products, conduct regular inspections and submit reports t

29、o regulatory bodies. Earlier this month, the Premier lauded the revamped Food Safety Law and its zero tolerance stance. He advised that a tracking system, which would record and monitor the whole food production process, should be established. Zhang Gaoli, a vice premier and head of a ministerial fo

30、od safety committee under the State Council, called for strict supervision of food manufacturers and distributors. Wang Yang, another vice premier, concurred with his colleague and stressed the importance of risk management. He also reminded local governments that they must assume responsibility for

31、 food quality. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce has started to draw up a black list of firms, as a stepping stone toward a system to monitor corporate conduct. An administration official said last June that better records detailing the food companies conduct would be kept, and they

32、 would be made available to the public to ensure an environment of honesty. 答案:范文 No More Food-Safety Scandals The repeated topic of food scandals in China undermine peoples trust in food producers and government. In order to let people out of touch with hazardous and poisonous food, the government

33、show its determination to punish the recurring food safety crimes by revising Food Safety Law, which says food adulteration and slack regulation would lead to harsher penalties. Government officials have claimed their no-tolerance attitude towards food safety problems, saying that the construction o

34、f an efficient and transparent supervision system as well as risk management is very important and necessary. Moreover, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce began to blacklist those conscienceless food producers. As I see it, the food-safety issue is caused by the profit-first attitude

35、 of food makers and the laissez-faire approach to regulating the food industries in some local authorities. First of all, some food makers are seeking profits at the expense of peoples health, because of the significant amount of demands of food products. For example, in Shanxi Province, some of its

36、 highly regarded aged vinegar is actually dosed with industrial acid to cut fermentation time. Many cheated acts, which all pose great threats to consumers health and well-being, result from profit-driven and quicker-returns attitude of manufacturers. The integrity of food producers is tempered by t

37、he unlimited desire for profits and gains. In addition, out of the petty mindset of protectionism, some local food associations or agencies choose to close their eyes to the rampant wrongdoers. As watchdogs empowered by law and people, local inspection and quarantine departments should be more respo

38、nsive and proactive to crack down any potential or existing malpractice in the industry. A more stringent and transparent mechanism should be adopted to expose and punish the illegal makers in order to guarantee complete food safety. In conclusion, if the manufacturers put the public health before t

39、heir marginal gains and if relevant departments undertake a periodic inspection and exposure system, Chinese people will only be reassured of the food safety. 问题:3. Over the past generation, about 270 million Chinese labourers have left their villages to look for work in cities. Many of those worker

40、s have children; most do not take them along. We call these youngsters liushou ertong, or left-behind children. It is not hard to imagine that the damage will be felt not just by the left-behind themselves but by society as a whole. The following article analyses the problem in details. Write an art

41、icle of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the news report; 2. give your comment. An estimated 61 million children are left behind by their migrant parents. Being left behind damages children in many ways. A non-governmental organisation, Growing Home, surveyed them th

42、is year and found that they were more introverted than their peers and more vulnerable to being bullied; they also had significantly higher states of anxiety and depression than their peers. Being brought up by grandparents is a common experience worldwide, and by no means necessarily harmful. But C

43、hinas rapid development does make it more of a problem now than it was in the past. Unlike their parents, the left-behind childrens grandparents are often illiterate; their schooling can suffer accordingly. Lastly, left-behind children are vulnerable to sexual and other abuse. Child abuse is distres

44、singly common anyway. An analysis of 47 studies in Chinese and English this year estimated that over a quarter of Chinese children are physically abused at some point in their lives. The left behind are among the most vulnerable to such abuse, especially those in boarding schools, because any adults

45、 who might speak up for them are far away. Leaving such broader consequences aside, the decision to leave behind a child is a hard one. Why do so many migrants make it? According to a survey, two-thirds said they would not have enough time to look after them while working in the city; half said it w

46、as too expensive to bring up children there. In principle migrants might take along their grandparents rather than leaving behind their children. But the restrictions of the hukou system make that almost impossible. The hukou or household-registration document is a bit like an internal passport, giv

47、ing people access to various services. When registered in the country, grandparents get a lower pension than urban dwellersand the money is not enough for them to live in the city. The hukou system also exacerbates things by making it very hard for children registered in a rural area to get state sc

48、hooling or health care in the city. Private schools that exploit the opportunity this presents are often crowded, substandard and constantly threatened with closure by city governments. On top of this vital school-leaving exams have to be sat where a child is registered. So even if children accompany their parents to the city, they are almost always sent back again at the age of 14 to prepare for the exam. Reform of the hukou systemalready under way, in a piecemeal fashioncan address some of the proble


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