人教版九年级英语下册《nit 9 When was it invented.Section B》教案_6.doc

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1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Grammar Focus教案Teaching aims:1. Language points:1) Review how to ask and answer ones favorite subject and the reason.2) Learn wh- sentences.2. Emotion points:To know each other between Ss. Teaching focus and difficulties:1. -Whats your favorite (subject, color,

2、 city)?-My favoriteis2. -Why do you like?-Because its3. -Who is yourteacher?-Mr. /MissTeaching aids:tape recorder, slidesTeaching method:communicative approach, task-based language teaching method, cooperation.Teaching steps:Step1 Revision Warming up1. Ask and AnswerAsk some of the students whats th

3、eir favorite subject and why do they like the subject. The student being asked should use the sentence pattern: My favorite subject is., because it is. Then the student being asked should ask other students what are their favorite subjects? And use the sentence pattern: whats (his, her, Bobs.) favor

4、ite subject? Why does Bob like.? When is your.class? Whos your.teacher? And answer like: His/her favorite subject is.2. Purpose: 帮助学生回顾已经学过的学科表达,拓展运用特殊疑问句句型。Step 2 Grammar focus explaining 1. Guide students to understand how to use what, who, why, and when to ask questions and how to answer the ques

5、tion including what, why, how, and when. Listen carefully and answer the teachers question.2. Purpose: 通过解释特殊疑问句的提问和回答,让学生做下一步的活动做好准备。Step 3 Guessing game 1. Game playing Show some pictures of the students in the class and ask other students to guess their favorite subjects. And use what, why, who,

6、and when to ask and answer questions. Guess the favorite subjects of the students in the pictures. Ask and answer questions.2. Purpose: 通过游戏引起学生兴趣,并在实际口语交际中应用特殊疑问句的句型。Step 4 Practice 1. Pair work Ask students to make dialogue with their partner use the sentence pattern: Whats your favorite subject?

7、My favorite subject is.Why do you like.? Because it is. Who is your.teacher? My.teacher is. When is your.class? It is on. Discuss and make dialogue with their partner and show their dialogue to the class.2. Purpose: 通过对话练习让学生学会运用特殊疑问句提问和回答问题。Step 5 The usage of the language points 1. Fill in the bla

8、nks Guide students to do the exercise in 3a and 3b, and then check the answers. Do the exercise carefully and exchange their answers with their partner to make sure the answers are correct.2. Purpose: 巩固语法知识,通过练习让学生掌握特殊疑问句的句型特点和运用。Step 6 Interview and report 1. Guide the students to do the interview

9、 in 3c. The students are divided into several groups. Then give the survey to the students to discuss and show an example for them how to fill out the survey and do a report. Whats more, they should find out the one who has the same favorite subject. Students are required to do the survey in their g

10、roup: Name. Favorite subject. Reason. Teacher. The group leader should make a report in front of the class. Find out those who has the same favorite subject.2. Purpose: 让学生在掌握了目标语法知识的基础上进一步把重要语法和句型应用到真实情景中,实现语法知识与交际活动的结合运用。Step 7 Summary1. Review the sentence patterns2. Whats your favorite subject?3

11、. Why do you like.?.Step 8 Homework1. Review what we have learned this class.2. Do the after-class exercise on Grammar.板书设计Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceWhats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is.Why do you like. Because it is.Who is your.teacher? My.teacher is.When is your.class? It is on.


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