人教版九年级英语下册《nit 14 Have you packed yet.Section A》课件_15.ppt

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1、Unit 14Have you packed yet? Reading,Hes already visited the place where his ancestors lived.,Words : ancestor root overseas homeland government southern villagevillager strongly purpose step,phrases : so far=up to now thanks to =with the help of =because of look forward to介词,Have you been back to th

2、e place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played? Robert Qian, a Chinese Canadian, already has. Now in China, he has found that his family is like a tall tree with long roots.,你曾经回到过你的祖先生活、工作、学习和玩耍过的地方吗?罗伯特钱,一位华裔加拿大人,已经做过了。现在在中国,他已经发现它的家族就像一棵拥有长根的参天大树。,Robert is just one young overseas

3、 Chinese who has come to visit his ancestors homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camp program.,罗伯特仅仅是来到他祖先故乡参观的年轻的海外华人之一。 他的寻访是“寻根”夏令营活动的一部分。,The program is organized by the local government of Guangdong Province. This program started in 1980, and so far has brought thousands of overs

4、eas Chinese students to China to look for their families roots.,这项活动是由广东省的当地政府组织的。这项活动始于1980年,并且到目前为止,已经吸引了数千名海外华人学生到中国寻找他们家族的根。,The young people are usually between 16 and 25 years old. Most, like Robert, can hardly speak any Chinese, and have never been to China before.,这些年轻人通常在16至25岁之间。大部分人像罗伯特这样

5、,几乎不会讲汉语,而且以前从未来过中国。,The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China. During the two-week camp, they study Chinese culture, see changes that have happened in that area, and visit interesting sights.,这些学生主要参观了位于中国南部广东省的部分地区。在两周的活动中,他们学习中国文化,了解那个地区发生的变化,而且参观有趣的风景。,Going to thei

6、r ancestors village is often the most exciting part of the trip. The students feel that they are part of the village, and experience village life. They drink from the village well, go for walks through the countryside, and watch the villagers do their daily activities.,去他们祖辈的村落常常是这次旅行最令人激动的部分。学生们感到他

7、们就是村子里的一部分,而且体验了村庄的生活。他们饮用村里的井水,在乡下散步,并观看村民的日常生活。,Cathy Qin, a young American student, had this to say, “Thanks to In Search of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots, and who I am. It has been a great trip, and I have so many memories of China to take with me.”,凯斯秦,一位年轻的美国学生,这样说道:“幸亏寻

8、根 活动,我开始明白了我是谁。这是一次伟大的旅行,而且有如此多的对中国的记忆将伴随着我。”,The program leaders believe strongly in the program, and say that the purpose of it is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about themselves.,活动领导人坚信这项活动(会成功),并说这项活动的目的就是要给年轻的海外华人一个了解自己的更多事情的机会。,“Ive really enjoyed the trip so far.” sa

9、ys Robert. “This has been a big step for me, and Im looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here.”,”到目前为止我真的很喜欢这次旅行。“罗伯特说,”对我来说这已经是一个大步了,在我停留的这段时间里,我期待着发现更多的关于我祖辈的事情。“,1. Two overseas Chinese students are mentioned ,who are they ?,Robert Qian and Cathy Qin .,2. Have they vi

10、sited the places where their ancestors lived ?,Fast reading,Yes, they have .,Read carefully,1. Who is Robert Qian ?,He is a Chinese Canadian .,2. What has he found in China ?,Read part (1) and answer :,His family is like a tall tree with long roots .,Read part (2) and fill :,Look for families roots

11、and visit the ancestorshomeland,In Search of Roots summer camp,The government of Guangdong Province,In 1980,About 1000,Between 16 to 25,Read part 3 and tell T or F,1.The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in eastern China . 2. Its a 4 - week trip . 3. The worst part of the trip is goi

12、ng to the ancestors village. 4. They study Chinese culture , see changes , visit interesting sights . 5. Watching the villagers makes the students feel embarrassed .,F,F,F,F,T,southern,2,exciting,good,Read part (4) and translate :,Thanks to In Search of Roots , I am beginning to understand my Chines

13、e roots and who I am .,多亏了这次“寻根活动”我开始了解我的根在中国,开始懂得我是谁了。,Read part (5) and choose :,I am looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here .,“look forward to ” means_. A. 向前 B.盼望着,look forward to + doing /n .,B,Read part (5) and choose :,I have really enjoyed the trip so far .,So

14、 far in this sentence means _. 到目前为止= 如此远,A,Read part (5) and choose :,This has been a big step for me .,This here means _ . the root . the ancestor. the trip . the villager.,C,一个华裔加拿大人 就像一棵带有长根的大树 祖先的故乡 寻根,a Chinese Canadian be like a tall tree with long roots ancestors homeland In Search of Roots,

15、Phrases,5.当地的政府 6.目前 7.寻找他们家族的根 8.在华南 9.两周的旅行,the local government so far look for their families roots in southern China the two-week camp,10.参观有趣的景点 11.旅行中最令人激动的部分 12.体验乡村生活 13.从村井里饮水,visit interesting sights the most exciting part of the trip experience village life drink from the village well,14

16、.在乡间漫步 15.看村民做日常活动 16.幸亏 17的目的 18.盼望做某事,go for walks through the countryside watch the villagers do their daily activities thanks to the purpose of ,1.get back to+place回到某地get back to+sb.给某人回信=answer the letter=reply to sb. 2.be like=look like=be similar to,Points,3.so far=up to now 4.start=set up5.

17、watch sb. do sth. 6.thanks to =because of =with the help of 7.take with sb.,8.the purpose of9.give sb. the chance to do sth.给某人做某事的机会10. step by step11.look forward to doing sth. to为介词,3a,There is one mistake in each sentence, correct it.,“In Search of Family” has helped students like Robert Qian fi

18、nd out about their homeland. Most overseas Chinese students in the program have visited China before. Cathy and Robert are still in China, and they think the program was helpful to both of them. The worst part of the trip is going to the village. Watching the villagers makes the students feel embarr

19、assed. Robert Qian was in China. The program begins in 1980. This program helped Cathy Qin understand her roots better.,Roots,has been,best,good,is,was started,has helped,have never visited,3b,“In Search of Roots” has helped students like Robert Qian find out about their homeland. Most overseas Chin

20、ese students in the program have visited China before. Cathy and Robert are still in China, and they think the program has been helpful to both of them. The best part of the trip is going to the village. Watching the villagers makes the students feel good. Robert Qian is in China. The program was st

21、arted in 1980. This program helped Cathy Qin understand her roots better.,2,1,5,4,3,7,6,8,Task,Imagine you are Robert . After returning from China, you write a letter to your good friend about the “In search of Roots”.,Dear Cathy, I have just returned from a two-week trip to Guangdong Province in So

22、uthern China. In the past fourteen days, _ Yours, Robert.,I have been to my ancestors village. There, we studied Chinese culture, saw changes that had happened in that area, and visited the interesting things. Thanks to this trip, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots,Now I am proud of being

23、 a Chinese boy.,have been to had happened two-week southern have gone to beginning to proud of,Dear Cathy, I have just returned from a _trip to Guangdong Province in _China. In the past fourteen days, I _my ancestors village. There, we studied Chinese culture, saw changes that _ in that area, and visited the interesting things. Thanks to this trip, I am_ understand my Chinese roots, Now I am _ being a Chinese boy. Yours, Robert,two-week,southern,have been to,had happened,beginning to,proud of,Thank you!,Thank you!,Thank you!,Bye-bye,


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