高考英语 文字书面表达讲评教案精选5.doc

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1、江苏省石庄高级中学高考英语文字书面表达讲评教案精选5某中学生英语报社举办中学生“2005感动中国”观后感征文。你被2005感动中国人物洪战辉的事迹深深感动。根据下面提示写一篇征文,投给这家报社。洪战辉事迹简介:1、1982年出生于河南农村;2、1994年父亲得了精神病并在当年捡来了一个刚出生的女弃婴;3、1995年,母亲不堪重负离家出走,他边学习边照顾检来的妹妹和生病的父亲,担负着常人难以想象的重担考上大学,并一直带着妹妹上大学,照看她要求发表自己的感想,可适当发挥。注意:内容连贯,适当发挥;词数:120左右;参考词汇:2005感动中国Touch China 2005第一步:译出基本要点1、1

2、982年出生于河南农村;Hong was born in Henan Province in 1982.2、1994年父亲得了精神病并在当年捡来了一个刚出生的女弃婴;In 1994,his father got mental disease and one day brought home an abandoned newly-born girl.3、1995年,母亲不堪重负离家出走,他边学习边照顾检来的妹妹和生病的父亲,担负着常人难以想象的重担考上大学,并一直带着妹妹上大学,照看她In 1995,his mother deserted the family because of the he

3、avy burden. Hong began to take care of his little sister and sick father while he was studying.He had overcome so much difficulty and finally he was admitted to college but he took his little sister with him and continued to care for her.第二步:开头语以引起所要说的话题Recently I watched Touch China 2005 on TV and

4、was deeply moved by the story of Hong Zhanhui.第三步:把一些相应的年份换一种说法Hong was born in Henan Province in 1982. When he was 12 his father got mental disease and one day brought home an abandoned newly-born girl. A year later,his mother deserted the family because of the heavy burden. Hong began to take care

5、 of his little sister and sick father while he was studying.He had overcome so much difficulty and finally he was admitted to college but he took his little sister with him and continued to care for her.第四步:谈谈个人看法(将自己与洪战辉对比,你就有话可以说),合成文章Looking back, I feel much ashamed of myself. I have been taking

6、 everything in my life for granted, namely care from my parents, luxury material life, respect from others, and the like. Personally, I hold the view that there are many good qualities in Hong worth our learning, his sense of responsibility, courage and above all a loving heart. 参考答案Recently I watch

7、ed Touch China 2005 on TV and was deeply moved by the story of Hong Zhanhui.Hong was born in Henan Province in 1982.When he was 12 , his father got mental disease and one day brought home an abandoned newly-born girl. A year later, his mother deserted the family because of the heavy burden. Hong beg

8、an to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of his little sister and sick father. Hong loved school and studied hard. Finally he was admitted to college but he took his little sister with him and continued to care for her.Looking back, I feel much ashamed of myself. I have been taking everything in my life for granted, namely care from my parents, luxury material life, respect from others, and the like. Personally, I hold the view that there are many good qualities in Hong worth our learning, his sense of responsibility, courage and above all a loving heart. 2用心 爱心 专心


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