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1、【课 题】Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section B ( 2a2e)备注【教学目标】1.掌握以下词汇: 1) 名词n. meaning, beginning, film, schoolwork, relationship, promise, hobby2) 形容词adj. able, weekly, physical, own, personal3) 动词及动词短语:write down, have to do with, take up, agree with 2.通过文章阅读提高scanning/skimming阅读策略能力。3.

2、 能够通过when/how/what/why问题进行文章的构思写作。【学习重点难点】能够通过when/how/what/why问题进行文章的构思写作。通过文章阅读提高scanning/skimming阅读策略能力。【学法指导】小组合作。【教学过程】【教学过程】一、 导入(启发探究 )Warm-up, work on 1a. Have Ss get into groups of three or four and discuss the two questions in 1a.Then, ask groups to choose a representative to present what

3、they have discussed to the class.二、自学(自主探究 )Read 2b, and find out the following words and phrases.1.be able to, 2.question v. 3.discuss, 4.make promises to, 5.at the beginning of, 6.improve, 7.write down, 8.physical health, 9.have to do with self-improvement, 10.take up, 11.weekly, 12.schoolwork, 13

4、.too difficult to keep, 14.have in common,15.for this reason三、交流(合作探究 )Work on 2b. Skim for the main idea of each paragraphHave Ss look at the reading in 2b and ask them to skim through the passage. Then, have Ss match each paragraph 13 with its main purpose in the box. Next, ask Ss to underline the

5、 words and phrases that helped them decide.(通过快速阅读寻找文章的时间脉路。) Work on 2c. ScanningYou may want to have Ss think of their own sentences or ideas for each blank in the passage on page 45 first.Then, ask Ss to look at Activity 2c and check their answers. Next, have Ss look at the screen and match the l

6、etters AD in the correct places in the passage.(以两人一组为单位询问组内成员的情况。此环节不仅可以增进同学间对计划内容的了解,也有助于对计划实施情况的了解。) Work on 2d.Have Ss look at the questions in 2d. Then, ask them to say their answers aloud.Check their answers.(通过阅读时中心大意的搭配,关键句的选择,以及快速回答问题几个阅读环节,很好的培养了学生的skim 和scan阅读技能,渗透阅读技巧的同时,更深刻的领悟了文本。尤其是最后两

7、个开放型问题的设置,对学生也是一个挑战。)Work on 2e.Have Ss look at the phrases in 2e. Ask them to find these phrases in the passage.After they have done that, have Ss write their own sentences with the phrases. Walk around the class and offer help when necessary.(这个环节是对课本基础知识的一个巩固,同时也很好的解决了阅读教学忽视双基的弊病。)四、总结(引深探究 )Rete

8、ll the story according the passage structure.Have Ss look at the passage structure on the screen. Then have them get into groups of three or four and discuss the story according to the structure. You can ask a few groups to come to the front to present their story to the class.(这个环节的设计主要有两个意图,一是为了给学生提供一个很好文章框架,这样学生可以根据框架复述文章,二是提供一个清晰的写作框架指导。)当堂练习:基础小练习 SB 2六、作业全品课时作业 24


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