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《what can you do A.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《what can you do A.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 教师姓名单 位上课年级课题名称王祯贞九江市长虹小学五年级Unit 4 What Can You Do ? Part A教学内容Unit 4 What Can You Do ? Part ALets learnLets Do(自编)What can you do ? I can Im helpful .(3个句子)设计思路1、 通过真实语境来呈现和教授句子及单词,使学生能把在课堂上所学的英语灵活自如地运用于生活中;2、 运用旧巨型导入新授内容,并用所学句型再导入新单词,运用了巩固及循序导入的教学法;3、 利用直拼教学法,帮助学生更简单地记忆单词,并大大提高了学生认读和写单词的能力;4、 利用直

2、拼对话七步教学法教授了新句型,有效地锻炼了为交际初步运用英语的能力。5、 以任务型教学法为指导,任务也贯穿于教学之中,使学生有目的的去学习,更好地调动了学生的积极性; 6、 整节课从听、说、读等方面都进行了操练,并运用创造性教学法给学生留有很大的创新空间,很好的培养了学生综合运用语言的能力。教学目标1、 能够熟练运用What can you do ? I can Im helpful .的句型,彼此交流做事的能力;2、 能够听、说、认读、写本课学习的主要的动词短语 cook the meals ,water the flowers ,clean the bedroom , sweep the

3、floor , 能够听、说、认读、empty the trash .并能自如地在真实语境中进行交流。重点难点重点:1、 三个句子的学习与灵活运用;2、 Lets learn中动词短语的认读、书写和运用;难点:1、What can you do ? I can Im helpful .的情景运用;2、Lets learn中动词短语的读写。板书设计Im helpful .I can What can you do ?Unit4 What Can You Do ? 评 价 empty the trash cook the meals clean the bedroom water the flowe

4、rs sweep the floor教学步骤和说明:Teaching steps Teaching processDesign pointsStep 1 Warm-up1. Greetings2.Match group3.Free talk Step 2 presentation and practiseStep 4. Extend ExerciseStep 5 Assignment老师和同学们进行简单的打招呼T : Good morning, boys and girls. Now lets begin our class .Today we have 3 groups . The winn

5、er will get the thumb. Lets have a match , OK ?Ss: OK .(把班上同学分成三大组,评价贯穿于整节课,看最后哪一组是冠军,就能得到他们的大拇指)T: First lets have a free talk. Hello S1.S1: Hello Miss Wang .T: How are you today ?S1:Fine. Thanks. And you ?T: Very well. Thank you .Hello S2. How are you ?S2:Im fine .Thank you. What about you ?T: Im

6、fine, too . And what day is it today ?S2: Its thursday . T:What do you do on thursdays ?S2:I often do my homework and read books. What about you ?T: I do my homework , too. I do housework . I can do many housework . And our friend Sarah can do housework ,too . Now lets guess what can she do ? She ca

7、n (把What can she do ? she can 的句型条贴于黑板。)1. Presentation of new words and sentences T: Now , lets play a guessing game . Lets guess what can Sarah do ? First one .(课件中出现一幅图的一半,让学生猜Sarah会做什么家务,并用What can she do ?不断地进行询问。)S3: Cook the meals . T: Really ? Lets check . Oh , yes . Youre right . Please rea

8、d after me . Cook the meals .(用直拼法来教授新单词,并用相同的方式来呈现和教授clean the bedroom .Ss跟读,分小组读,男生女生读,个人读。)T: Put the phrase into the sentences . Follow me . What can she do ? She can cook the meals . Ss: What can she do ? She can cook the meals . (每个词组操练完后都让学生带入句子中进行操练。师生间,小组间,男生女生间,个人间进行问答操练。)T: Now lets play

9、a game . I point you say.(操练和巩固新学的2个动词词组,教师手指着哪个词,学生就迅速说出那个词。)T:Wow ! All of you are so smart . Next well play another game . Quick eye . The picture will flash quickly . Please watch carefully .(用快递闪图片的方式来考验学生的眼力,提高学生的注意力和参与性。用该游戏来呈现sweep the floor , water the flowers 两个词组。用直拼法来教授单词,并进行多样的读的操练。)T:N

10、ow well play a game . Twice of mine . If I say 1 time, youll say 2 times. If I say 2 times, youll say 4 times .Are you clear ?Ss:Yes.T: Ready! Go !(用游戏的方式来巩固操练新授词组。)T: We are so clever . Can you guess what can Sarah do through the picture ?S5: Empty the trash .T:Great !(用直拼法教授单词。)2. PractiseT: OK. N

11、ext lets play 2 games . First one, I point you say. If I dont point , please be quiet . OK ?Ss: OK .(教师用我指去指词组,当教师手握拳时学生则要停止读。)T: The second one , I do you guess .(教师和学生分别在台上做出做家务时的动作,让其他同学去猜。)T: Now lets have a review . Read them together . And each for 3 times .T: Next lets chant . First listen to

12、 me carefully .Cook , cook , cook the meals.Sweep , sweep , seep the floor .Water , water , water the flowers .Empty , empty , empty the trash .Clean ,clean , clean the bedroom .T: OK ! Read it together . 1,2,1,2,go .T: Now lets complete the phrase .(让学生补全单词中空出的元音字母和元音字母组合)1.Practice the phrase and

13、the sentences.T: Wow! Sarah can do so many housework . So shes helpful . (呈现出Shes helpful .的句型条。用直拼教授helpful.并带读句子。)T: OK! Lets have a quick say .(用课件一一呈现本课时已学的词组图片,让Ss迅速说出。)T: Our friends can do many things , too . Lets have a review . (用课件一一呈现四年级Lets do 中的词组图片,并带读复习一遍。)T: Our friends can do so man

14、y things . And what can you do ? I can Im helpful . (教师把句型条上的she 全部拿下,变成I ,Shes helpful . 变成 Im helpful . 并全部带读一遍。)T: Who can ask and answer with me ? S6 . Hello ! What can you do ?S6 : I can sweep the floor and water the flowers . Im helpful .S7:What can you do ?S8: I can cook the meals and empty t

15、rash . Im helpful .T: Now please ask and answer like us. Practice in pairs .T: Who can act out ?Ss : Let me try .(请3组学生上台表演对话。)T: Please make a short dialogue like this .(请学生把刚才表演的对话写下来。)T: Now show us your short dialogue .S7: A:What can you do ? B:I can make the bed and clean the bedroom . Im helpf

16、ul . What can you do ? A: I can cook the meals and water the flowers . Im helpful , too .T: Wow ! Super ! Next one .S8: A: What can you do ? B:I can set the table , empty the trash and water the flowers . A: Wow ! Youre helpful .T: Wonderful! (请学生读出他们自己写的小对话。)T: Thats all. Thank you. And heres our h

17、omework . Please write them down . Todays winner is group 1 . Big hands for them . Goodbye .Ss: See you .这样的趣味评价增强了课堂教学的趣味性和学生学习的积极性。教师利用free talk的机会,用旧的句子来引入今天的新词句,很自然地过渡到新课的讲授。用猜图片、快速眼的游戏方式来呈现4个动词词组,用通过图片猜测的方式来呈现1个动词词组,不仅形式多样,而且趣味性强,大大提高了学生的参与度和参与热情。分2组来对新授动词词组进行趣味操练和巩固练习,让操练不单调乏味,符合小学生的心理。教师一共用了2个游戏,齐读和歌谣4种方式操练巩固新授词组。这样既能充分地操练,也能让学生觉得很有趣,让学生自愿地去读去练。最后教师用补全单词的练习来操练学生写,也自然过渡到写的部分。教师在本课时加入了3个句子的内容,也加入了四年级Lets do 中的5个动词词组,并要求学生能运用词组和句子编写小对话。从扎实的词组、句子读写过渡到对话的读写,难度提高。由于前面教师已经对词句操练到位,所以学生在后面的对话中变现地很轻松。作业设计简单,但具有实效性,能很好地为巩固、复习服务。


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