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1、英语共有16种时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、将来进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时、现在完成进行时和 过去完成进行时。另外四种时态较少使用。,般现在时与一般过去时时态名称结构一般现在时1 be 动词用 am/is/are 表示,之 后接名词,形容词或 介词。2行为动词用V原形 或V-s/es ,引导疑问 句和否认句,用do或don t ;第三人称 时用does 或doesn t,有 does 出 现动词用原形;第三 人称陈述句V后加s 或es.一般过去时。1 . be动词用过去式 was或were表示。2行为动词用V-ed , 陈述句,疑

2、问句和否 定句借助于did,有did出现动词用原 形。常连用的词主要用法sometimes;ofte n;us ually;every ;alwa ys;n ever;o nce/twic e/aweek/m on th/year;o n Sun days/M on days/ J一般现在时表示没有 时限的持久存在的习 惯性的动作或状态, 或现阶段反复发生的 动作或状态yesterday;thedaybeforeyesterday;last week/month/year/ .;ago;a moment ago;just now;on/in+ 过去的时 间;在过去时间里所发生 的动作或存在的状

3、 态。般将来时与过去将来时时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法一般将来时1任何人称 +will+V原形tomorrow, the day after tomorrow; soon;n ext week/m on th/ year/.;the week/m on th/ year/.after n ext; on/in +将来 的时间; in+ 一段时 间;.即将发生动作 或状态。陈述句:I will fly to HongKong tomorrow. He will go with us.We will arrive in Shan ghai n ext week. 否认句:I will never

4、 believe you aga in.He will not come tonight. Wewill not buy a car next year.一般疑冋句:Will you go there by train?Will he come tomorrow?Will they live a five-star hotel?2 is/am/are +go ing to+V原形, 表示方案 打算做什 么事情。陈述句:1 m going to go to Hongkong by air.否认句:We are not going to buy a house here.一般疑冋句:Are the

5、y going to cha nge their jobs?特殊疑问句:How are you going to tell him?过去将来时was/were goingto+V原形多用在宾语从句中在过去将会发 生的动作。陈述句:1 was going to buy a computer.They told me that they were not going to go abroad.否认句:I was not going to buy a computer.任何人称+would +V原形He said he would come in in Shan ghai.I said I woul

6、d buy you a car one day.现在进行时、过去进行时时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法现在进行时is/am/are+V-i n gnow;at prese nt;atthemome nt;Look!放在句 首;Listen!放在句首;表示现在指说 话人说话时正 在发生的事情。陈述句:1 m waiting for my boy friend.He is doing the housework at home now.Weare enjoying ourselves.否认句:He is not play ing toys.一般疑冋句:Are you havi ng dinner a

7、t home?Is Tim cook ing in the kitchen?特殊疑问句:What are you doing now?Where are they havi ng a meal?过去进行时was/were+V-i ngat that time; at this time yesterday;at+时间点 +yesterday/las t ni ght;at that moment;过去一段时间正 在发生的动作。陈述句:1 was doing my homework at that time. We were havi ng a party while he was sleep

8、ing. 否认句:He was not sleeping at 11o clocklastni ght.一般疑问句: Wereyouwatch ing TV at thattime?特殊疑问句: What were you doing at that mome nt?现在完成时、过去完成时时态 名称结构常连用的词主要用法现在 完成 时have/has+过去分 词already ; just ; before;yet否认句中; ever ; never ; once/twice/ for+ 一段时间; si nee +时间点; since+ 段时间 +ago;by+现在时间; so far; u

9、p to now;till now; until now;recen tly/lately; duri ng/over/ in thepast/last用来表示之前已发生 或完成的动作或状态, 其结果确实和现在有 联系。动作或状态发生 在过去但它的影响现 在还存在;也可表示持 续到现在的动作或状 态。简单的说,就是动 作已经发生对现在造 成明显的影响。陈述句:1 have already told Davy.Davy has known this matter.He has lived here for n early 10 years.否认句:l haven t fini shed my h

10、omework.Tim hasn t comeyet. Wehave n t heard any n ews about him 一般疑冋句:Has he worked here since he came here?特殊疑问句:How long have you worked in this compa ny?特别注意:1. have/has always been+ 名词 / 形容词/介词:总是 或一直是什么样 子。 。 。He has always bee n a good father.Ihave always bee n busy.They have always bee n in

11、America.2. have/has gone to: 去了。He has gone to Beiji ng.They have gone to the cin ema.3. have/has bee n to:表示去过或至U过。I have bee n to Can ada. Have you bee n to Hongkong?Where have you been?l have never been here.过去 完成 时had + 过去分词过去的过去: by+过去的时间; 表“过去某动作或 时间以前的时间 状语。动作发生在过去的 过去。陈述句:He said he had told

12、 Davy.They told us they had fini shed the work.He left the office after he had called Davy. 否认句:She hadn t had dinner before she went out.一般疑冋句:Had she learnt English before she moved here?特殊疑问句 :how many English words had he lear nt by the end of last year?Simple Prese nt一般现在时Simple Past一般过去时Simple

13、 Future一般将来时句子结构:主语+V句子结构:主语+V-ed句子结构:主语+will+V.句子结构:主语+begoing to+VI study En glish everyday.我每天都学习英语Twoyears ago,I studied En glish in America.两年前,我在美国学英语.Ifyou are hav ingproblems, Iwillhelp youstudyEn glish.如果你在学习英语当中,遇到 问题,我将帮助你.匚I m going tostudyEn glish n ext year.i我明年将开始学习英语.jPrese ntContinu

14、 ousPastCon ti nu ousFutureContinu ous现在进行时过去进行时将来进行时句子结构:主语+be+doing句子结构:主语句子结构:主语+was/were+do ing+willbe+do ing句子结构:主语+begoing to+be+do ingI am study ing En glishIwas study ingEn glishwhe nI will bestudy ingEn glish whe nyou arrive toni ght.now.youcalled yesterday.明晚你来的时候,我会正在学我正在学习英语.习英语.你昨天给我打 的

15、时候,我匚正在学习央语.I m going to bestudy ingEn glish whe nyou arrive toni ght。Prese ntPerfectPastPerfectFuturePerfect现在完成时过去完成时将来完成时句子结构:主语+have/hasdone句子结构:主语+haddone句子结构:主语+will+havedone句子结构:主语 +begoing to+havedoneI have studiedEn glishI had studied a littleI will havein several differe nt coun tries.En g

16、lish before I moved to the.studied every tense by the time I finish thiscourse.在一些国家,我已经学习了英在我搬去美国之前,我已经学语习了一点英语在我完成这个课程的时候,我 已经能完成英语时态的学习了.I m going to have studied every tense by the time I finishthiscourse.Prese ntPerfectCon ti nu ousPastPerfectCon ti nu ousFuturePerfectCon ti nu ous现在完成进行时过去完成进行

17、时将来完成进行时句子结构:主语+have/hasbee n doing句子结构:主语+hadbee n doing句子结构:主语+willhave bee n doingI have bee n study ingEn glish for tenyears.Ihad bee nstudy ingEn glish for tenyears before I movedtothe .I will have bee n study ing En glish for over three hours by the timeyou arrive.我已经学习央语有十年的时间了 在我搬去美国之前,我已经学 习了十年的英语了 明晚你来的时候,我已经学习 英语3个小时了 .口句子结构:主语


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