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1、2018 年 Toeic 托业考试真题及答案 - 手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of th

2、e question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfacto

3、ry (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation s R&D center was renovated by thehighly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related

4、 courses taken with a supervisor s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper th

5、an treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a sys

6、tem that allows clients to manage to employees files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee

7、 your room after 6 .A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk abo

8、ut goals for the next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for _ supervisor s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this pr

9、oject in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering the release of the new equipment scheduled forlater this month.(A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company s business plan includes revenue from magazine and eventpromotions desig

10、ned to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to information about our databases and toprovide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (

11、D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by due to the newfederal telecommunication tax, state-to-state long-distance rates will decreasean average of 10 percent.(A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes 20 an hour, has more work than h

12、e can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, for their highquality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive today ortomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. Jane and

13、Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has small population that the mail carrier knows whereeveryone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such athe president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) Wha

14、t (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is low that co

15、mpanies may soon be unable to find workerswithout increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand

16、opening of thegallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month the contractorsare able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales the profit is expected to increase i

17、n the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) m

18、uch (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as as possible to prevent air pocketsfrom forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothe

19、rs than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $ will be presented to the graduate who has attained thegrade point average inthe entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the attendance record at the retraining programs held at

20、the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as as theothers on the team.(A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben s Delivery is the messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most f

21、astest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be his prede

22、cessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor , will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I all members by tomorrow

23、night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since hewas elected vice president last O

24、ctober.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D)

25、is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday i

26、n response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We to establish

27、a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be Saturday at 7 .(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. terms of quality and service, o

28、ur company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)ru

29、nning this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year.163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)he

30、ad of the international department.164. (A )Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company s policies andprocedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed

31、 like a good investment (C)fortheir company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm.168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmiss

32、ion of photographs of the (B)earth satmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C

33、)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building s (D)var

34、ious systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having(C)nothing butpraise (D)for his last few months performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam A

35、tkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One

36、 (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam s u nderstanding of social conflic

37、ts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process.183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with

38、 other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail

39、 (C)it to us, we will notify you of the result(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an addi

40、tional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner s house and (D)wo

41、rk located.190. A memorandum (A)announci ng (B)this year s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours work (C)during theholidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)hi

42、s credit history can be available (C)by lendin gssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing compa ni es.193. Due to the (A)highest ren tal rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become(C) i nterested in home purchase (D)loa n programs.biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)w

43、as once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every freque nt asked questi on will (A)be an swered (B)automatic in accorda nce (C)with the (D)operat ing manu al.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight(D) to pick up them.197. The sales strateg

44、y meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Mon day of (D)each mon th.198. The (A)fra nchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products(C) up on (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite decli ning reve nu es, his (B)efficie nt and en thusiasm (C)helped doubl

45、e the(D) profits at our departme nt.200. The director (A)is casti ng actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protago ni st (C)for the two upco ming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.181. (D) since - for182. (A) purchase - to purchase183. (D) are - is184. (D) such - such as185. (B) appl ying - a

46、pplicati on186. (B) levels - levels of187. (C) on - to188. (C) provides - provide189. (D) located - location190. (C) are - is191. (A) whose - who192. (C) lendings - lenders193. (A) highest - high(er)194. (A) which - who195. (B) automatic - automatically196. (A) dealt - dealt with197. (C) at - on198. (D) expire - expiration199. (B) efficient - efficiency200. (D) them - which


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