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1、Unit Three,Text B,When Father Doesnt Know Best,S R _ main,Culture Notes,Reading,Comprehension Task,S R _ Culture Notes,The Walt Disney Company,Orlando Bloom,Alexander Graham Bell,Rock and roll,The sexual revolution of the 1960s,Baby boomers,Culture Notes,Fill in the blanks,Retell the story,Discussio

2、n,S R _ Comprehension Tasks,Comprehension Tasks,Dialogue,Listening and Discussion,S R _ The Walt Disney Company,The Walt Disney Company,The Walt Disney Company is the largest media and entertainment corporation in the world. Founded on October 16, 1923, by brothers Walt and Roy Disney as an animatio

3、n studio, it has become one of the biggest Hollywood studios, and owner and licensor of eleven theme parks and several television networks, including ABC and ESPN. Disneys corporate headquarters and primary production facilities are located at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California. The comp

4、any has been a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average since May 6, 1991. Mickey Mouse serves as the official mascot of The Walt Disney Company.,Orlando Bloom is a classically trained English actor. He had his break-through roles in 2001 as the elf-prince Legolas in The Lord of the Rings and s

5、tarting in 2003 as blacksmith Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy of films, and subsequently established himself as a lead in Hollywood films, including Troy, Elizabethtown, Kingdom of Heaven and the sequels Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest and At Worlds End.,Orlando Bloom,S

6、 R _ Orlando Bloom,F,T,Alexander Graham Bell,Listen to the passage about Alexander Graham Bell and finish the true or false statements.,S R _ Alexander Graham Bell,1. Alexander Graham Bell used to be a teacher of the limp.,2. An expert on electricity, Alexander Graham Bell believed that a voice coul

7、d be sent over a wire.,3. Bell was awarded his patent on the telephone in 1876, which is one of the most valuable patents given by the U.S.,( ),( ),F,( ),Rock and roll,Rock and roll is a form of popular music arising from and incorporating a variety of musical styles, especially rhythm and blues, co

8、untry music, and gospel. Originating in the United States in the 1950s, it is characterized by electronically amplified instrumentation, a heavily accented beat, and relatively simple phrase structure. Key themes for the early rock movement were youth protest, the counterculture and hallucinogenic d

9、rugs. San Francisco became its leading centre. By the mid-1970s, much of the experiment was felt to be self-indulgent and the political stances unrealistic.,S R _ Rock and roll,The sexual revolution of the 1960s,Central to the sexual revolution in the 1960s was the growing acceptance of sexual encou

10、nters between unmarried adults. Throughout this period young men and women engaged in their first acts of sexual intercourse at increasingly younger ages. The impact of earlier sexual experimentation was reinforced by the later age of marriage; thus, young men and women had more time available to ac

11、quire sexual experience with partners before entering upon a long-term monogamous relationship.,S R _ The sexual revolution of the 1960s1,In addition, the growing number of marriages resulting in divorce and the consequent lessening of the stigma attached to divorce provided another opportunity for

12、men and women (to a lesser degree) to engage in non-monogamous sexual activity. At the same time homosexuals who lived in secret came out of the closet. Like much of the radicalism from the 1960s, the sexual revolution was often seen to have been centered around the university campus, amongst studen

13、ts.,S R _ The sexual revolution of the 1960s2,Baby boomers,“Baby boomers” is a term to describe people born between 1946 and 1964. After American soldiers returned home from World War II in 1946, the United States experienced an explosion of births (hence the name baby boom) that continued for the n

14、ext 18 years. One of the unique features of Boomers was that they tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before. The boomers regard rock and roll as an expression of their generational identity. They may not attend organized church, and they ar

15、e more liberal towards such issues like abortion and homosexuality. They participated in the sexual revolution of the 1960s and protested against the Vietnam War.,S R _ Baby boomers,S R _ Baby boomers_ picture 1,S R _ Baby boomers_ picture 2,S R _ Baby boomers_ picture 3,Dialogue,Generation gap mayb

16、e exists in every family. Now you are required to get a partner and make up a dialogue between a 15-year-old daughter, who wants to join Super Seven the rock and roll band in her school, and her mother, who worries about her daughter and doesnt allow her to join the band. The dialogue should cover t

17、he following aspects: 1) something about Super Seven; 2) the reasons why the daughter wants to join Super Seven; 3) the reasons why the mother doesnt allow her daughter to join the band; 4) conflicts between the mother and daughter; 5) the settlement of the conflicts.,S R _ Dialogue,between the dorm

18、 and the library,kept their life track,there are only 3 or,5 year gaps in the age,The Internet makes me understand that the generation gap exists not only but also even though I believed that and there was not a gap between the new generation of the 80s and mine. In my friends memory, students,I kep

19、t my youth,between the young and the old,among the young,_ ,_ ,_,Fill in the blanks,Listen to the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.,S R _ Fill in the blanks 1,1. 2. 3.,benefit more,crazier than we were,have more passion for life,In my opinion, people born in the 80s from the Internet. They a

20、re they,_,S R _ Fill in the blanks 2,4.,_ ,_ .,Retell the story,Listen to the passage again and retell the story in class.,S R _ Retell the story,Discussion,Form groups of 4 and have a discussion based on the following questions:,S R _ Discussion,Do you think the generation gap exists among the youn

21、g with 3 or 5 year gaps in the age? Can you list more new means of communication apart from the mobile phone and Internet? How is the relationship between the old and the young influenced by these new means of communication? How about the relationship among the young?,1. 2. 3.,Sending text messages

22、is becoming ever more popular, especially with young people. Does texting broaden the gap between the generations or does it help parents and children keep more in touch? Laura Holson investigates.,Text Generation Gap: U R 2 Old,As president of the Walt Disney Companys childrens book and magazine pu

23、blishing unit, Russell Hampton knows a thing or two about teenagers. Or he thought as much until he was driving his 14-year-old daughter, Katie, and two friends to a play last year in Los Angeles.,LAURA M. HOLSON,S R _ Reading _ text 1,“Katie and her friends were sitting in the back seat talking to

24、each other about some movie star; I think it was Orlando Bloom,” recalls Mr. Hampton. “ I made some comment about him, but I got the typical teenager guttural sigh and Katie rolled her eyes at me as if to say, Oh Dad, you are so out of it ”. After that, the back-seat chattering stopped. When Mr. Ham

25、pton looked into his rearview mirror he saw his daughter sending a text message on her cellphone. “Katie, you shouldnt be texting all the time,” Mr. Hampton recalls telling her. “Your friends are there. Its rude.” “But, Dad, were texting each other,” she replied. “I dont want you to hear what Im say

26、ing.”,S R _ Reading _ text 2,S R _ Reading _ text 3,Children increasingly rely on personal technological devices like cellphones to define themselves and create social circles apart from their families, changing the way they communicate with their parents.,Innovation, of course, has always spurred b

27、road societal changes. As telephones became ubiquitous in the last century, users adults and teenagers alike found a form of privacy and easy communication unknown to Alexander Graham Bell or his daughters.,Its a common scene these days, one playing out in cars, kitchens and bedrooms across the coun

28、try.,The popularity of the cellphone along with the mobility and intimacy it affords will further exploit and accelerate these trends. “For kids it has become an identity-shaping and psyche-changing object,” observes Sherry Turkle, a social psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology w

29、ho has studied the social impact of mobile communications.,The automobile ultimately shuttled in an era when teenagers could go on dates far from watchful parents. And the computer, along with the Internet, has given even very young children virtual lives distinctly separate from those of their pare

30、nts and siblings.,S R _ Reading _ text 4,S R _ Reading _ text 5,So far, parents ability to reach their children whenever they want affords families more pluses than minuses. Mr. Hampton, who is divorced, says it is easy to reach Katie even though they live in different time zones. And college studen

31、ts who are pressed for time, like Ben Blanton, a freshman at Vanderbilt University, can text their parents when it suits them, asking them to run errands or just saying hello. “Texting is in between calling and sending an e-mail,” he explains. Now he wont even consider writing a letter to his mother

32、. “Its too time consuming,” he says. “You have to go to the post office. Instead, I can sit and watch television and send a text, which is the same thing.”,S R _ Reading _ text 6,But as with any cultural shift involving parents and children the birth of rockn roll or the sexual revolution of the 196

33、0s, for example various gulfs emerge. Baby boomers who warned decades ago that their out-of-touch parents couldnt be trusted now sometimes find themselves raising children who thanks to the Internet and the cellphone consider Mom and Dad to be clueless, too. Cellphones, instant messaging, e-mail and

34、 the like have encouraged younger users to create their own inventive, quirky and very private written language. That has given them the opportunity to essentially hide in plain sight.,In some cases, they may even become more alienated from those closest to them, says Anita Gurian, a clinical psycho

35、logist. “Cellphones demand parental involvement of a different kind,” she notes. “Kids can do a lot of things in front of their parents without them knowing.” To be sure, parents have always been concerned about their childrens well-being and the rise of the cellphone offers just the latest twist in

36、 that dynamic. However it all unfolds, it has helped prompt communications companies to educate parents about how better to be in touch with their children.,S R _ Reading _ text 7,S R _ Reading _ text 8,In a survey released 18 months ago, AT state precisely the meaning of,Have scientists defined the

37、 age of earth precisely?,How you define success has a lot to do with your sense of happiness?,你如何定义成功与你的幸福感有很大关系?,S R _ Reading _ word _ apart from,apart from: in addition to; except for,Apart from a few bruises, she was unhurt despite the car accident.,尽管出了车祸,但除了一些擦伤,她没有受伤。,Apart from being too lar

38、ge, this house is too far away from public transportation.,S R _ Reading _ word _ alike,alike:,虽然这些绵羊看起来很相像,但那位老人仍能一一区别。,1. adj. similar, like one another,The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod.,Much as the sheep look alike, the old man can tell one from another.,我相信北京将向运动员、现场观众和全世界的电视观众一样证明,这是

39、一块神奇的土地。,2. adv. in a similar way,Laws treat all people alike, be they foreign visitors or local VIPs.,I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike.,S R _ Reading _ word _ popularity,popularity: n. the quality of being

40、well liked or admired,教育展在高中毕业生及其家长中非常受欢迎。,We made it Despite its popularity, 90 percent of Chinese cant pronounce the Chinese character, according to an online survey.,The education exhibition enjoyed huge popularity among high school graduates and their parents.,S R _ Reading _ word _ mobile,mobil

41、e: adj. not fixed in one position, able to move freely or be moved easily from place to place,在北京几乎每三人中就有一人属于流动人口。,Mobile hospitals were urgently needed in the earthquake-stricken area.,Nearly one of every three people in Beijing belongs to the mobile population.,S R _ Reading _ word _ trend,trend:

42、n. a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing,2001年,纽约引领了禁止驾驶时使用移动电话的潮流。,Economic globalization has become a general trend.,In 2001, New York led the trend towards some sort of prohibition on mobile phone use while driving.,S R _ Reading _ word _ impact,impact: n. strong effe

43、ct or influence,电脑对现代生活产生了很大影响。,The computer has made a great impact on modern life.,The war had a devastating impact on Europe.,S R _ Reading _ word _ consume,consume: vt. use (time, energy, fuel, etc.),从现在起中国将出口更少的高能耗产品。,The toilets in a busy restaurant can consume a lot of water, so its important

44、 to install low-flow units.,From now on China will export fewer high energy consuming products.,S R _ Reading _ word _ and the like,and the like: and so on,孩子们在托儿所能学习唱歌、跳舞、绘画及诸如此类的东西。,Children can learn singing, dancing, drawing and the like at the daycare center.,My drawer is full of pens, books an

45、d the like.,S R _ Reading _ word _ opportunity,opportunity: n. a chance to do something,很遗憾他错过了出国旅游的机会。,Its a pity that he missed the opportunity to travel abroad.,This is a good opportunity to apply what youve learned in class to practical work.,S R _ Reading _ word _ prompt,prompt: vt. make (sb.)

46、decide to do sth.,一再降息缘于最近的经济危机。,The repeated interest cuts were prompted by the recent economic crisis.,My interest in the position of Supply Manager has prompted me to forward my resum for your consideration.,S R _ Reading _ word _ interview,interview: n. (of a reporter, etc.) have a meeting with

47、(sb.) for questions,opinions,etc.,别人羡慕她能采访比尔盖茨。,Others envied her for landing an interview with Bill Gates.,What questions should I ask during a job interview?,S R _ Reading _ word _ keep at bay,keep at bay: prevent (sb.) from coming close or prevent (sth. bad) from affecting you,人们种草来防止沙漠化。,The des

48、ert is being kept at bay by grass planting.,She was furious but kept her anger at bay and continued to plan her escape.,S R _ Reading _ word _ keep in the dark,keep in the dark: not tell (sb.) sth. that you want to keep secret,贪婪的银行鼓励穷人们贷款却不让他们知道实际的贷款成本。,Greedy banks encouraged poor people to borrow

49、 while keeping them in the dark about the real lending costs.,Passengers are being kept in the dark over the pilots strike.,S R _ Reading _ word _ relate,relate: vi. be able to understand sb.s problems, situations, etc.,我能深深地理解我的祖父。,My grandfather is someone I can relate to deeply.,His plays are suc

50、cessful because they are easy to relate to.,S R _ Reading _ word _ be aware of,be aware of: have knowledge or realization of,直到吉姆在课堂上使用它,我才知道这个软件。,I had not been aware of this software until Jim used it in class.,Were aware of our international responsibilities, says the Chinese Premier.,S R _ Readi


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