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1、江苏省南通市通州区实验小学英语四下“我”课堂学案Unit3My day 学案教学内容Story time共几课时3课型新授第几课时1教学目标1、学生能听懂、会说、会读P 19 词语。2、学生能大声、流利地朗读课文,并尝试复述课文。3、学生能用英语简单介绍自己一天的生活。教学重点1、学生能用英语表述Mike 一天的生活。难点2、学生能用英语简单表述自己一天的生活。教学准备PPT、活动单我的活动我的导航调整一、我准备1. Free talkAsk the students to2. Enjoy some pictures and answerlook and say.What do you thi

2、nk of the pandasday?二、我探究1.Watch and answer :What do you think of Mike s day?2. Read in groups and circleWhat does Mike do?(Game : Whats missing?Find and put)3.Read and answerQ1: When do you get up?Q2: When do you go to school?Q3: When do you have lunch?Ask the students toread and answer、listen and

3、match、read and completeCheck the answers.4.Listen and matchplay footballfive thirtygo homefourdo homeworkfour forty1江苏省南通市通州区实验小学英语四下“我”课堂学案三、我巩固5.Read and completeI usually have dinner at_ and_at seven. I _at _everyday.Let the students tryto read and retell the1. Listen to the tape and repeat.story

4、.2. Choose one way to read the passage.3. Try to retell the story according tothe blackboard design.四、我拓展五、我检测Enjoy Ali s dayDiscuss and talkHello, I m_.I _at _ .I _ at_ and _ at_.Let the studentswatch the cartoonand take about thestory.Ask the students towork in groups andtalk about theirdays.作业设计1

5、、有感情地朗读故事并试着背诵。2、预习 Fun time,完成画和写。课后反思2教学内容教学目标教学重点难点教学准备江苏省南通市通州区实验小学英语四下“我”课堂学案4BUnit 3Myday学案共几课时3Fun time| and cartoon time课型新授第几课时2a) 、学生能熟练说出有关日常活动和时间的短语 go to school、 have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night等b) 学生能听懂会说: When do you .? I.at并能在情境中熟练的运用。c) 、学生能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型描

6、述人物的日常活动。d) 、学生能正确朗读并表演卡通,明白卡通的幽默之处。掌握句型: When do you.? I .at . 并能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。PPT,板书,头饰,练习纸我的活动我的导航调整一、我准备二、我探究1.Ss read the time quickly.2.Ss choose the activities Mike does in a day.3.Ss put the activities in the right order.4.Ss help Mike retell his day1.Ss use “When do you. ”to ask q

7、uestions2.Ss get the answers from Miss Zhaos timetable3.Ss draw and write down the tine in their books4.Ss ask and answer in their groupsAsk the Ss to readthe time loudly.AsktheSstochooseAsk Ss to put theactivitiesintheright order.Encourage the Ss to retell Mike s day.Let Ss ask some Qs about Miss Z

8、haos day.Show the Ss somephrases about daily activities. Show Miss Zhaos day.Let the Ss ask and answer in their groups.Askone ortwo3江苏省南通市通州区实验小学英语四下“我”课堂学案4.Ss talk about his/her day .5.Ss watch the cartoon carefully.studentstotalkabout his/her day.Let Ss watch thecartoon.Showsome6.Ss read the ques

9、tions and answer them questionsaboutone by one.the cartoon.7.Ss read the dialogue quietlythenchoose the right tone.三、我巩固8.Ss read the cartoon in rolesEncourage the Ss9.Ss act out the cartoon with actions.to read and act outthe dialogue.四、我检测作业设计1.Ss fill in the blank according to theLetthe Ss fillin

10、cartoon.the blanks.Ssenjoythe2.Ss ask and answer the questions aboutteachers WeChat.the WeChat.Homework1. Read and actCartoon time2.Introduce your day to your friends or your parents .4江苏省南通市通州区实验小学英语四下“我”课堂学案Unit3My day 学案教学内容Sound time Song time共几课时3课型新授Checkout time Ticking time第几课时3教学目标教学重点难点教学准

11、备1 学生能谈论自己的一天。2 学生能用 when 来询问日常活动。3 学生能知道字母 “ e,ee的”发音规则并给出相关发音的单词。4 学生会唱歌曲 When do you get up?5 学生能以 My day 为主题写话。1 能比较流畅地谈论自己一天的活动。2 能正确地以 My day 为主题写话。PPT我的活动我的导航调整一、我准备 1. Play a game: Say what I see Read the words or say Peter2. Ask: When do you get up?When do you go to school?.Review the words

12、Let the students use“ when”to ask some questions二、我探究 1.Listen to a song“ When do youAskget the students toup?” and completewo sentences.listen carefullyandpay attention tothe2.Learn to sing.time.When do you get up, dear Peter?When do you go to schoolLet the students singeveryday?with music.I get up

13、 at six thirty.I go to school at seven thirty.This is my day, my happy day.This is my day, my lovely day.Give a model3.Change the words and sing.Sing in groups三、我拓展1.Read the words and sentences:wemeetthreePeterWho are we? Tom, Jack and me.We meet Miss Li at three.2.Give some other words.“ e,ee ” /

14、i: /Givesomenewwordsandletthestudents try to readthem.5江苏省南通市通州区实验小学英语四下“我”课堂学案3.Try to read some new words四、我巩固1.Talk about Miss Li s dayGivesomekeyLook at the timetable and say words and sentences something about Miss Li day s2.Read and writeFill in the blankets in the book.Check the answers3.Talk about my day.Talk about my day in groups.四、我评价Ticking timeTick the stars in groups.1.把歌曲 When do you get up?唱给朋友听,也可以分角色唱一唱。2.以 My day/ Saturday/ Sunday为题写一篇小短文。作业设计3.如 Ticking time 没有达到 3 星要求,有针对性的进行改进练习。课后反思6


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