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1、Unit1Doyouoftenplay with dolls.主备:迎贞1 教学目标(一)知识目标:1 、能熟练听说读写单词: often 、clean.2 、能理解并掌握句型Doyou often ? Yes,Ido. No ,I donNot.really.Notveryoften.(二)能力目标:能够运用Do youoften ?的句型谈论行为和爱好.(三)情感目标:1 、对自己做事的喜好程度做出正确描述。2 、培养学生的合作精神和与人交流的能力。2 学情分析小学六年级学生已有一定的语言知识和语言技能,多数学生能够在老师的引导下进行简单的英语交流。学生对一般现在时的一般疑问句有所掌握,但

2、是对 often 一词的用法没有明确的认识,所以对学生来说本课内容还是有难度的。3 重点难点1、能理解 often ,并运用句子: Doyou often ?2、知道以下几种回答的区别 : Yes,I do. No , I donNot. really. Not very often. 并会根据喜好程度做出正确的表达。4 教学过程活动 1 【导入】热身Step1 Warming-up( 热身 )1 、 Greeting2 、 Review :复习动词短语, 然后根据图片回答Whatare they/ishe/ is shedoing? 在此学习短语watchfilms 。师做扫地动作,问生:“

3、What am I doing ? ”引出句子 I mcleaning my room. 学习单词 clean 及短语 clean the roomStep1 Warming-up( 热身 )1、 Greeting2、 Review :复习动词短语, 然后根据图片回答 What arethey/is he/ is she doing? 在此学习短语 watchfilms 。师做扫地动作,问生:“What am I doing ? ”引出句子 I mcleaningmy room. 学习单词 clean 及短语 clean the room活动 2 【讲授】学习新知Step2 Newconten

4、ts (学习新知)1.学习 often , Ioften-T :Do you wantto now how many timesI cleanmyroom ina week?I clean myroomonMonday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,soI oftencleanmyroom. 操练 often ,并带读句子 I often cleanmyroom.2.Makesentenceswith “I often” .(Showsomepictures.)3. Ask astudent:Doyou oftenplay with dolls?Nowwe

5、 re goingto learn Module 8 Unit 1Do youoften playwith dolls ?(板书课题) 4.Askstudent:Do youoften ?Yes,Ido. / No, I don t.(板书 )Letthestudentsaskandanswerone by one.(p46Activity4)5.( 师生互问 )引出 Do youoften .?的几种问答并教授Not really.Not veryoften. 师手持 readstories 卡片 ,请生问 :Do youoftenreadstories? 师答:Not veryoften.

6、 (板书) I readstorieson Friday,Saturdayand Sunday.Ireadstoriesthreetimesin a week.SoI do not veryoftenread stories.Notreally教法同上。6.( 生生互问) Do pairwork.Let smakea dialoguelikethis.A: Do you often .?B: Not really. Not very often.7. Lets have a rest . Lets say the chant . Often OftenDo you often watch TV

7、? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Often OftenDo you often clean your room? No, I don t.No, I don t.Often OftenDo you often read stories?Not very often. Not very often. Often OftenDo you often watch films?Notreally.Notreally.活动 3 【讲授】学习课文Step3 : New Lesson (学习课文)Nowwe re goingto learnModule8 Unit1 Do you often

8、playwithdolls?1.listento the tapeand findout the newwords.2.Followthe tape,thinkaboutthe questions.A 、 DoesAmyoftenplaywith dolls?B 、 DoesAmyoftenreadstories?C 、 DoesAmyoftencleanherroom?D 、 DoesLinglingoftencleanher room?3. Readby yourselfthenanswerthe questions.活动 4 【练习】巩固练习Step4: 巩固练习1.Writea pas

9、sageaboutyourself.师利用课件展示范例:Hello ,My nameis Li Yan,I amplayingchess.Ilikeplayingchess.I oftenplay chess.Do youoftenplaychess.学生仿照范例完成如下练习: Hello ,My name is_. I am _.I like_.I often _.Do you often _?2.Makea survey:A; Do you often?B: Yes,I do./ No,I don t./ Not really./ Not very often.NamesactivitieswatchTVclean your roomplay with dolls活动 5 【作业】作业Homework:Whatdo youdo after school?Writedown,please.


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