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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:本课时是有关定语从句复习的语法课。英语句子中存在大量的定语从句。高三学生已经分别系统地学习了定语从句,但是使用时仍容易出现错误,因此此部分帮助学生进一步理清语法结构、理解句子含义、提高阅读能力。定语从句的综述复习将占一个课时。本课件设计旨在加强学生识别定语从句的能力,并着重复习从句的重点、难点,如:that和which的区别,where的用法,as的用法以及the way后面的定语从句。并完成相关练习。Tea

2、ching aims:After reviewing the attributive clause, students will be able to identify the clause in a sentence and apply it in different situations. In this teaching period, students are expected to establish a clear understanding of the clause and fulfill some exercises. Teaching procedures:Step 1 G

3、eneral introduction 1. Introduce the adverbial clause to students as follows:Attributive clauses are like adjectives and there are two kinds of themrestrictive and non-restrictive. Some relative pronouns and relative adverbs can be used to lead the attributive clause.2. Generally review the function

4、s of relative pronouns and adverbs used in the attributive clause.relative pronounswho, whom, which, that, as, whoserelative adverbswhere, when, why3. Get students to compare the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses. TypeRestrictive attributive clauseNon-restrictive attributive clause

5、ExampleHe has two sons who work in the same company. He has two sons, who work in the same company.ExplanationPerhaps he has more than two sons.He has only two sons.Step 2 Review of the attributive clause1. Help students compare THAT and WHICH used in attributive clauses by completing the following

6、sentences.1) Do you have anything _ you dont understand?2) The only thing _ we can do is to give you some advice.3) Who is the man _ is standing there?4) Her bag, in _ she put all her money, has been stolen.5) She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.Answers:1) that 2) that 3)

7、that 4) which 5) which2. Ask students to deal with the attributive clauses beginning with “prep. + which / whom”.1) Do you know the boy _ your mother is talking?2) He gave me some novels _ I am not very familiar.3) I still remember the day _ I first got to Paris.4) Do you like the book _ she paid $1

8、0?5) He built a telescope _ he could study the skies.Answers:1) to whom 2) with which 3) on which 4) for which 5). through which 3. Ask students to learn the usage of WHERE in attributive clauses. “Where” can be used to not only refer to a place, but also to represent a situation. Therefore, “where”

9、 can be used after such words as point, situation, part, case and condition.Can you tell me the office where he works? Ive come to the point where I cant stand him.The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time.4. Ask students to learn the usage of AS in attributive clauses.

10、(1) Compare the following sentences:It is known to all that having a good knowledge of vocabulary is basic to language learning.As is known to all, having a good knowledge of vocabulary is basic to language learning.(2) Point out that “as” can be used at the beginning of a sentence to refer to the m

11、ain clause.There are some set phrases with “as”: as anybody can see as we had expected as often happens as is mentioned above .(3) “As” can be used in restrictive attributive clauses in the form of “suchas, soas, the sameas”. Compare the following sentences.It is such a big stone that nobody can lif

12、t it. (an adverbial clause)It is such a big stone as nobody can lift. (an attributive clause)5. Ask students to review the structure of “the way + attributive clause”. Understand the difference between the following sentences.The way that/ in which/不填he explained the sentence to us was not difficult

13、 to understand. The way that/ which/不填 he explained to us was quite simple.Step 3 Practice1. (2007江苏) He was educated at the local high school, _ he went on to Beijing University.A. after which B. after that C. in which D. in that2. (2008江苏) The Science Museum, _ we visited during a recent trip to B

14、ritain, is one of Londons tourist attractions.A. which B. whatC. thatD. where3. (2008湖南) The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, _ are beyond our control.A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that4. (2008四川) For many cities in the world, there is no r

15、oom to spread out further, _ New York is an example.A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which5. (2008上海) We went through a period _ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.A. whichB. whoseC. in whichD. with which6. (2008全国) The road conditions there turned out to be very good,

16、 _ was more than we could expect.A. it B. what C. which D. that7. (2008陕西) The man pulled out a gold watch, _ were made of small diamonds.A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands ofC. which the hands of D. the hands of which8. (2008北京) Ill give you your friends home address, _ I can be reached most ev

17、enings.A. which B. when C. whom D. whereAnswers:1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D Step 4 ConsolidationAsk students to deal with some multiple choices about the three types of clauses.1. Occasions are quite rare _ I have the time to spend a day with my kids. (2008山东)A. who B. which C. whyD. whe

18、n2. I used to love that film _ I was a child, but I dont feel it that way any more. (2008辽宁)A. onceB. when C. sinceD. although3. Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Brian get back. (2008北京)A. before B. since C. till D. after4. Yesterday she sold her car, _ she bought a

19、 month ago. (2008浙江)A. whom B. where C. that D. which5. Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday _ it rains or its very cold. (2008天津)A. since B. if C. unless D. until6. The companies are working together to create _ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. (2008北京)A. whi

20、ch B. that C. what D. who7. They will fly to Washington, _ they plan to stay for two or three days. (2008重庆)A. where B. there C. which D. when8. Did you return Freds call?I didnt need to _ Ill see him tomorrow. (2008北京)A. though B. unless C. when D. because9. When asked _ they needed most, the kids

21、said they wanted to feel important and loved. (2008湖南)A. what B. why C. whom D. which10. Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. (2008江西)A. where B. when C. who D. whichAnswers:1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 1

22、0. AStep 5 HomeworkTranslate the following sentences.1. 我们在做出任何决定之前,应该听一听其他人的意见。2. 她放弃了工作,以便能照顾两个孩子。3. 他们正在花园里玩,突然听到一声尖叫。4. 在漆黑的街上,没有一个她可以求助的人。5. 结果天气很好,这出乎我们的意料。 Answers:(2)计算甲公司200年度财务报表中存货、营业收入、营业成本项目的调整金额(减少数以“一”表示)。1. Before we made any decision, we should listen to what the others say.2. She g

23、ave up her job in order that she could take care of the two children.3. They were playing in the garden when they heard a scream. C钙离子4. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for help.5. The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.C抗凝血

24、酶物质增加备课资料6、一般来说,TCP/IP的IP提供的服务是( )相关高考试题D存货按照成本与可变现净值孰低计量定语从句1. Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont. (2006北京)设X为职工工资,Y为职工应缴税额。A. who; 不填 B. who; 不填 C. who; who D. 不填;不填2. The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of impr

25、ovements and employ more people to keep it running, _ meant spending tens of thousands of pounds. (2006江苏)A. who B. that C. as D. which3. I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I _ to half a dozen other groups. (2006湖南) 11下列各项关于甲公司上述交易或事项会计处理的表述中,正确的是(A. was giving B. am givin

26、g C. had given D. have given20、数据字典的建立应在( )阶段进行。4. We saw several natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us, _ we gave some bells and glasses. (2006湖南)1、管理信息系统是一个以人为主导,利用计算机硬件、软件、网络通信设备以及其他办公设备,进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新和维护,以企业战略竞优、提高效益和效率为目的,支持企业高层决策、中层控制、基层运作的集成化人-机系统。A. to which

27、 B. to whom C. with whom D. with which贷:累计折旧 147.835. The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. (2006天津)A. A. what B. that C. how D. as6. I was told that there were about 50 foreign students _ Chinese in the school, most _ were from Germany. (2006辽宁)A. study; of who

28、m B. study; of them C. studying; of them D. studying; of whom7. Where did you get to know her? It was on the farm _ we worked. (2007山东)A. that B. there C. which D. where 8. We shouldnt spent our money testing so many people, most of _ are healthy. (2007北京)A. that B. which C. what D. whom9. By servin

29、g others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, _ can be very eye-opening and rewarding. (2007陕西)A. who B. which C. what D. that 10. After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she needed to decide what to do. (2007江西)A. that B. what C. which D. where11. He was told tha

30、t it would be at least three more months _ he could recover and return to work. (2007江西)A. when B. before C. since D. that12. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _ wanted to buy it. (2007安徽)A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom13. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than hearing. (2007天津)A. when B. whose C. which D. whereKey: 1 5 CDCBD 6 10 DDDBD 11 13 BDD


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