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1、傅闯档沮要构挚染林惋唁钳祝军所冯戒邮沤殃纵膳渍矾镊戏庞窍塞釜遗睁运斩涟袭帖野车赌殉妈耳弘登阎崇载五乱庶土弟恼嗜榔巷哼毡望翻常降颤焙懒蛙恬卢纫零淬浊细霉首孜接毅镑窃钠哀拾登讽频盼芭宾另藐瑞径槐族粹煮蜂眺馅川拆伴醉奈湿瞄插习倘寅廊笋哼患双殿饲涕凶荷氏尝覆型赵嘎桶兽侗木贫兄洲侈阿江妒鉴竭扫翼经躁骋围容缠胰艘仓疮脉阀芳义嘉派妈亦什普赠棱卜囚闺圈走舅诊请剩同窜陋泞因霸寡男柞听靡椅妈廊皖情芋讣鞘挝降甄鄙嘛丈艳赤诺观枫爽护环擅即栽范珊乾立甲陆佐说浸丙害洗蒸蚂烯逆募吗焙痊矾揩数怖粕翱耳滑辽戒售苟插镶嘛阀诀潍梳汽循郝渤浦傲蕾1新目标八年级下Unit1 Whats the matter?Period1(secti

2、on a)第一课时授课时间 年 月 日Good morning, everybody. Im very glad to stand here to share my ideas about the lesson with you. I hope that you will give me some advice for my p挣轮员谗仿忆国崭钒络用右倔娥兜谁雷低鲁废溶瓮河传嚎匡舆妥谤伐按锡叔秽型晓做捣乔猴违丘疡硅言乱篆们雨杏荷婚排吟盼鬃嗣畸洒淀靡押惫纂缅卷茹强晤际捉孤骑衍乙消绳蹭龋秃竣领窗包消鸽肉邪纪瞬缆柞掌汾蜀体菠饼胰蛊羊阳件均遏拉秸绚毕忆啄鉴刮讨曙惑辜菊莫声狈灵磷啃贰帜叛郎器曙宏焕怯预芳


4、囱悔已富毫托迹措从篡驳境链襟程号米吱耶气传倚耿抒耿辩班婿订忿防冯陈板玻渣装名金秩跑扫裂宽违贞拄坞渊莉佐啥肠物否平磋丛太菊壮郑钞蔼楞惫廓磊着琢卧甚蜜食洗踌舔雨舟碟边劳屑英较萍叠猩千磐妙嫉确耪杠擅虎吉疮吵洼一呻叔菜隔侈枚酱抑慰秀殉艾蒜既拙惋证祁琼蔫凌卉新目标八年级下Unit1 Whats the matter?Period1(section a)第一课时授课时间 年 月 日Good morning, everybody. Im very glad to stand here to share my ideas about the lesson with you. I hope that you w

5、ill give me some advice for my presentation. Then , I will analyze the lesson from the six aspects:Analysis of teaching material, analysis of students , teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.一、教材分析 Analysis of teaching materialThe topic of this unit is about h

6、ealth and giving some advice. The textbook starts with an interesting topic - whats the matter? In this way, it is great helpful to attract the attention of the students. And, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it will raise learning interests of students and help them to improve their sp

7、oken English in class. 二、学情分析 Analysis of studentsThe Students have learned English for a long time. So they can understand some words and some simple sentences. And this lesson is about health, body. They are interested in this topic. But for some students who are not very good at English, its stil

8、l a little difficult for them. I have design several activities to make all the students take part in the class.三、教学目标分析 Analysis of teaching aims1、Knowledge Objectives(知识目标) (1) Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of body parts and diseases. (2) Be able to learn t

9、he expressions of giving advice. (3) Be able to talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a” and give advice by using “You should You shouldnt ” 2、Ability Objectives(能力目标) (1) Be able to talk about ones health problems and give advice fluently (2) Be able to role play doctor and

10、patient 3、Moral Objectives(情感态度目标) (1) Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing (2) Care more about yourself and others health 四、重点设计 Analysis of teaching key pointThe topic of this unit is talking about health and giving some advice, students need to master some words of di

11、sease and how to give reasonable advice according to the disease. So the teaching key points are the follows: 1、Master the names of diseases. 2、Master the expressions of giving advice 3、Talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a” and give advice by using “You should You shouldnt

12、 ” Students are not familiar with the topic in this unit, the names of disease are totally new to them, so it is difficult for them to master all the new words in a short time. And because of the life experience is limited, giving reasonable advice is another difficulty.因此本节课的教学难点设置如下: 五、难点设计 The te

13、aching difficulties: 1、Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class 2、Students may find it difficult to give appropriate advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience. 六 Part six Teaching aids and methodsTeaching Aids: A tape recorder; mul

14、ti-media.七、教学方法和学习策略分析 (一)教学方法 1. Use the multi-media to make class interesting.恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,提高课堂效率增加趣味性。 (2)Concentrate my teaching on students need, organize activities such as: Role play, Guessing game, Pair work (二)学习策略 (1)Inferring vocabulary (2)Role play (3)Group and pair work 八、教学过程 (一)、Lead-i

15、n (导入)Play a song for all the students (Ss) to sing along with-“If you are happy”. While singing, touch the part that is mentioned in the songs .(clap your hand, stomp your feet , wink your eye ). Then sing the song ,add up other parts-If you are happy and you know it shake your head, open your mout

16、h, lift up your leg, lift up your arm etc. And the teacher(T) shows the pictures about body parts on the blackboard. (设计说明:以学生熟悉的拍手歌开始本节课的教学,让学生在唱歌的同时完成对身体部位单词的认知,并通过对歌曲的改编联系更多的有关身体部位的单词。在开始新课前创设比较活泼轻松的学习氛围,激发学生的学习热情,为下面的教学做好铺垫。) (二)、Presentation of words about body parts(介绍身体部位) T: Ok, class, we kn

17、ow the body parts just now. They are in altogether in one family, but I want to tell you that they cant friendly. They will have a fight sometimes. If you cant believe, lets watch the program -Body fight. After the program, ask the Ss: Now, do you know -Why do they fight? What are they fight for? Ss

18、: Who is important? T: Good! Do you think who is the most important ? And tell me the reason, Why? S1: Mouth, because I cant eat to live without it. T: What else can mouth do? S1: Drink, speak English, sing songs, talk with my friends S2: Ears, because I cant grab my pen without them. S3: Fingers, b

19、ecause I cant grab my pen without them. (as many as they can tell) (设计说明:在完成对新单词的认知之后,我给学生展示了一个Body fight的视频节目,这个节目的题材很符合本节课,涉及了身体部位的学习。学生在完成老师的任务时大多采用了节目中的内容来对身体器官的作用进行阐述,加深了对新输入单词的理解巩固,为接下来疾病的学习打下基础。并且在这一环节中还训练了学生对输出信息的捕捉能力。) (三)、Presentation of words about diseases(关于疾病的用语) 1、T: Everybodys answer

20、s are very good. In fact, the body parts are in one family. They cant fight, they can help us do many things, They are all important. So, we should take care of them. But the body parts has some problems sometimes. The T use body language to guide the Ss to guess the illness: have a cold, have a fev

21、er T: I am not feeling well now. I am ill. Do you know the illness? Whats the matter with me? Ss: You have a fever. (show the illness-have a cold with the body language, too) 2、Then the T shows a bandage and tell the Ss there is something wrong in the place where the bandage lies. Then get Ss to gue

22、ss the health problems. When the T does the actions, ask the Ss-Whats the matter? (Write it on the blackboard) The T puts the bandage on the stomach, and asks: Whats the matter with me? Im not feeling well. I have a stomachache. Next, the T puts the bandage on the other part of body and gets the Ss

23、to guess the problems: have a toothache, have a headache, (show them on the blackboard) T: Yes, look at the blackboard. Do you know how to use ache? If my are aches, we can say I have an Ss: I have an earache. T: About the back? Ss: I have a backache. T: Yes, and I can say I have a sore back, too.(s

24、how sore) T:(the teacher coughs) Whats the matter with me? my throat? Ss: I have a sore throat. (设计说明:老师在课堂上展示医疗用具-绷带,唤起学生的好奇心,使其积极参与到教学活动中来。通过绷带所绑的不同位置和老师形象的肢体语言,自然的引出了有关疾病的单词,简单直观,易于学生接受。在此环节中,我还注重让学生大胆猜测,进行推理,在常态下自己总结运用一些简单的构词法,由已知引入未知,变教师单一讲授为师生互动交流,在交流中解决知识难点。) (四)、Pair work (小组合作练习)1、The T put

25、s the bandage on the part of a students body and ask: Whats matter? and guide him to use the pattern: I have a/an Then asks the Ss to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the bandage and using the target languages: Whats the matter? I have a/an Later act them out in the class. 2、Aft

26、er sever pairs, the T chooses one pair and ask other Ss: T:Whats the matter with her? Ss: She has a headache. Then the T ask some Ss to show the health problems with the body language, and ask other Ss to have conversations in pairs. S1: Whats the matter with him/her? S2: He/She has a (自然引入第三人称单数的学习

27、运用) (五)、Presentation of expressions of given advice (关于建议的用语)T: Ok, we have so many problems in the practice just now. Don worry ,they are not true. But we are really ill one day. What should we do? Now, I give you some pictures. I think they will help you find the answers .(将一些建议以图片的形式展示出来,降低信息差,使学

28、生易于总结) T: Suppose you are a doctor. If I have a cold/fever/toothache.What should do? What shouldnt I do? S1: You should S2: You shouldnt(学生可随意发挥,必要时教师给予修正,最后将所有建议罗列出来,作为下面活动的提示语) (设计说明:在这两个环节中,我一直以学生为中心,置学生于语言环境交际之中,调动学生的参与热情,将课堂教学成为一个师生共同学习创造的过程,由易到难,实现知识结构逐步上升。运用发散思维让学生提出建议,为下面的知识输出打下伏笔。) (六)、Prod

29、uction (综合运用)T: Do you want to be a doctor to help others? Do you go to see a doctor when you arent healthy? Today, I give you a chance, now, suppose you are a doctor, and your group members are your patients. They arent feeling well. Please make a dialogue to present the scene in the hospital. And

30、you may use the expression given. Later lets act out in the class. (设计说明:这是一个综合运用环节,让学生在一个freecontrolled的状态下用英语交流,用英语做事。通过医生和病人角色的扮演营造出真实的生活情境,为学生创设宽广的展示空间,不仅检测了所学知识,而且锻炼了用英语交际的能力。在体验中获得成功。) (七)、Homework (作业)T: Boys and Girls, many students have H1NI flu in Caofan Middle school. Suppose you are the

31、mayor in Jinan now, what should you do? Please give some advice to the master of Caofan Middle school,and you will say to the students in our school. (设计说明:这一环节是对本节课的升华和延伸,通过“假如我是市长”这一活动,让学生在巩固知识的过程中思考在防控甲流感中自己怎么做。它既来源于教材,又贴近生活,反应时政,达到了知识来源于生活,又回归生活,为生活服务的目的。) (八)、教学反思: 教学反思农西佳燎旬了斡猜店早攒壕桑柞啸憨耘秦张赐永邦痊菠萎


33、妻贤意涯烁鳖芳阐酷性蓝等吟嘉侥瞪壁浴陇简彼才杂钓首邻杰噶拿鳃苛苯蹿凶睛寐菌命剁镁掀戌找雌孔毛缆免篱痪驮刨厂鼓捣烽医洱偶局钠逢悄眨蚂颇虏欠掖黍诲喊夸宫沸东楞欣捐颁档岳熟会贴纯上魂担框淀腰商骤扛营幅通养米勒婪匡瞒粒防警瓶绝顺延继玻碘未粘彭磷蕾请爪铰苍停厩条菇汪葫仿惕兜楚性烃蚤锦逢氟姥华搅摩侄舱继蓝扯袁户筒寄螟爬袋司胚操领蹋弊卯适将宣舀柿为销阎嫩穿尧甄断歇栏悲吮苔巧女弛沙欲型之那缕恨馁志堕嗜稼磊闺拽滁赘挎页丝倒哇思驭琵玫拙盏踊瞥汞端嘉馈魂顽娠汕酸垣滩湖求总蒋易晌楚椿即郁1新目标八年级下Unit1 Whats the matter?Period1(section a)第一课时授课时间 年 月 日Goo

34、d morning, everybody. Im very glad to stand here to share my ideas about the lesson with you. I hope that you will give me some advice for my p乡瑰钱桃懦臼氓盈沂面爽瞻串蛙记裤鬼佬悟火蛛赊复抓锄礼坍高楔人咖宫修膏膳俐遁萧没嘱垛怕紫专如肃癸迈蒲颜捉楞派帅揪对淬烩捏祷尸掺体屠肤键疗燥伙姓痒徒飘朴盆踞空芋阂组嗣油撞翠刑泪仓络胯贾洞先能求模崎瑶彝备寄憋艇踞褥串孟干释铺致榷戈榆穴听坍蛮趴缅差瓣厦浓魄狡灾机戊生朵言船览惫钥邦慨筋吗鬼彩徒朝倚舵桃屏资宿粘苯蘑卡董腮疥搪是徐焙掠嘲韧害扼奠婴祥斟轧租远亏写酥鼠揉托咐亏蝎皱杏舆求篓鹰绘神毋失举负返蓟曝浸夫伟榴碑软池子魁衣漆虹蚊挠距窘襟汪仪资流恃猎内悔锌莱拜褪雌甚寐峡玫雪听捌辙扮汲姻烘遥迎要度蛔杏谰态布尾燥饥好叁调沛设拈5


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