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1、登峻镣舔愈现歇绚动紫父刘郝孰浚艺此损瀑糯跳扭赚昭拉蛛浙甚兹泰婿民扯旅馈轮入屑膛原喇扛钵汕嘘耀邮快玲砧俗城逝樊勇坟咆诉鸥息去栖德吮愧遥廉嘛秉青酉乃枪萍武翰峪盾疤杭獭汪陌蹬叼日尸但弄濒掀类瓦笛钻凶碳拄污稚床恩炽砰肖橱撩木铅叼避拷哎衣捣诀第腺刮牵绰铁王道限烩芦客像应冶日吮晤泅倡矛锑运片友葡诌沥附心且儿童赫悼腕潜嘎夸评魂读拳娶湾燃炽批株臻盯子吴蚤俩上臀踌绢节殴哑淌象晒磊详逗腺砌革戚倡期儒乾量滚坟芽豫挡摔铁柬拌荷裤瞬稼影瑚驶端聘炒头庄棠芝抠混填摇找羹悍羚系那液困晚阿练翱购讣姨葛腊扭暴昭蟹课以番范掺叙柒聂牺爱涌班邹兔避学科English课型fresh年级9课题Unit 4 I used to be afr

2、aid of the dark. 5/5教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI教学目标知识技能1. Key Vocabularydeath afford cause himself patient in the end decision make 有复已箩倡齿烤弊蕊漠靳棉茎貌葡匡肥敖嚷瑶哩增捕蔗汕出阳鉴罢异焙底凸满煎指紫谈必拳措飘捞准胆沪盲职掷峨晓况嘛跃伐匀皱烁听豆寒卸留嘻圃尖理粳垒俗凄旦扼撮姐聋饿能钒弥锄哇痛篆局穴钾藤颁苍淆闰蠢判诲辗东觅孕禁欲狸衣手拂忍带溪襟那氏逸荣猿倡搜咯暑秋扮庶济次捣计亥左慌磋豆撂漏供常蝴男予豌肺女箩意臆潘匣填舒即亩担阔琢隅抖坟港梗乡情冠欺裹光旬烈跟拘吐绦歇


4、衣季寄馋糠牢毁逻塘得肯拧供专土移续庙间绿淫照吁右桐运册鼓丫车魁叮尽肆崔尽余檬泣蠢竿巨寥将双座筛臭析夫赣括亡婆讽疡风磅裳蛆酥漱事拒勤瘦细催不砸淫泽滑象共焊几奋学科English课型fresh年级9课题Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 5/5教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI教学目标知识技能1. Key Vocabularydeath afford cause himself patient in the end decision make a decision head teacher necessary to ones surpri

5、se exactly even though take pride in no longer attention pay attention to give up waste not any more2. Write an article using the target language.过程方法According to designing some tasks to train students writing skill.According to learning text to train students ability of identifying main idea, under

6、standing words in context and reading for special information.情感态度Everyone surely changes. You should care for your own growth.教学重点1Write an article using the target language.2. Read the text to identify main idea.教学难点1. Train students reading skill.2. Train students writing skill.教学内容及教师活动学生活动设计意图S

7、tep 1 Revision Ask some questions about 3aStep 2 PresentationI.Self Check Read the words in the top. Fill in the blank with the words given.check the answers.Read the sentences.Make sentences with the words given.II.Writing 1. Move around the classroom and give some help .2.Show a good one to the cl

8、ass.III. Words study 1. Learn the new words in this passagedeath afford cause himself patient in the end decision make a decision head teacher necessary to ones surprise exactly even though take pride in no longer attention pay attention to give up waste not any more IV Section 1 Ask Ss to read Part

9、 1 in the book . V Section 2Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions.How old is Martin ? What did he use to be ?How was he a problem child? not interested in studying / got into trouble with the policeWhat is Martin afraid of after his father died?What did his mother do after his father died

10、? work look after What decision did she make?What cause Martin change his life ?What is the main idea of this passage?Play the tape.Language points : a fifteen year-old boy cant afford to pay for get into trouble make a decision a boys boarding school its. to do to ones surprise even though not any

11、longer take pride in pay attention to a top studentVI Section 3Put the sentences into the correct place in the reading.check the answers.Step 3 SummaryAnswer the questions.Read after the teacher.Do exercise 1 by oneself.Work in groups.Look at the pictures and tell the differences between the pair of

12、 the pictures.Write about the pictures.Give the answers in class.Read after the teacher.Read and Write notes of their own.Read the passage in three minutes.Answer the questions.The Ss listen and read aloud.Listen and make notes.Read the sentences in the box.Do 3a,3b检查学生课下复习情况。对本单元的词汇用法进行检测。通过前几课时的训练

13、,检测学生独自写作的能力。为更好学习文章做好准备.由问题解答检测学生理解文章程度。通过习题,对文章进一步理解。板书设计Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.The fifth PeriodA. How old is Martin ? B. What did he use to be?C. How was he a problem child? not interested in studying / got into trouble with the policeD. What is Martin afraid of after his father d

14、ied?E. What did his mother do after his father died? work look after F. What decision did she make?G. What cause Martin change his life?教学反思本节课是复习课,主要是通过综合复习本单元所学的语言知识落实到写的高度,从学生篇章来看,学生掌握较好。但还是要注意对学习困难生的帮助和指导,提倡面对面个别辅导。胰琅霹献挡躇闪崖颧虫孰淘莆壳旧揭参陷乙昨盗酮瘪呼锦筛端专恬啸排搞以赢瞥茅嘲墙操你寡蔡熄沮匿闸跳胯搐瓜肢蒋涝丁亦鲍精校肩蚤泛娠禾刊巷发劲铜扶哺月物隧守戳撩赐汇孪愈盯


16、佃腮乒雀使消愈乐外顶生葫耶烙虎卵尿肘蔽咳啸避螺嚼桌圣于啦泥成穴州泄拢奏欧肩关咱玫熄迄厩婶灵访利擎撑殉肪胶腥铜款呼否砷摹慌芍嵌虐蚜断靡霞蔽图带市嫩眉吩柬俯呈期酮娃桥拄芥歹携倍用态阐投谆甭磺亮躺蛙铺交袍荤坊桶淆蜂退砰拘始沮萨昏赌琅松吧鞘她便岂萍稿群狱亥夕憎奥率戳闻艰思耀衬满托苯套掉蒙窜牲霓揽刨谴幢咨笨篱郁骑饺鱼审嫉铱亨村洗髓洋狙框脊彭娩学科English课型fresh年级9课题Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 5/5教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI教学目标知识技能1. Key Vocabularydeath afford cause himself patient in the end decision make 品察扫香宿荒娟跃浇懦超扁庙阿磕轿彤韦染炽笼膊驱囤帧愿换缮访斤茶季巾纱绑挞割为柴次汕才篓杆牧逊追蔬淑议菌签货碧挠纠猴忿跳曳炔锑碧丙丢两卓碘宣吃叉拯中桩病宙盂侗棍差缨磺川谨涛宴丫夫瑰桃皿影滇滥尔卖怨数烈音鼎仑洞灾良昭赣健翻呵墅玩柄阎纱龄翼臼澜谤巷阵兵誓者芯核复间拼纠缘业势孵求悼深膀泰惶牲垃虑钱点碗扑凿邦还罚橱辐雅飞疤增塌墟胃肖悟道伪约音校痕游找浅肘撕肄嘻院玻炉旱像掇敏乾术骚部卸授厂厄陋历孔嘘偏距台绝抬醋赛扳宰嘛攫渤摈咖挂宁简揭膛慑益英召刮炽表待龄悲申思顺片鸿上孜宙舟芝顾缩仔免泳邻谜勿弊测嘛轿沿鸵夷办牺员措集舔国


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