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1、Module 2Unit 1When are we going to eat? 教学方案、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1) 能够读写并运用 duck, cloud, like 等单词(2) 能够说出并能运用以下句型进行对话交流:-Whe n are we going to eat?-At half past twelve.-What time is it now?-It s only half past eleven.2. 技能目标:能够用be going to谈论意图和方案。3. 情感目标:能够大胆地表达自己,积极体验参与集体活动。、教学重点:学会句型 When are we going to

2、.? What time is it? 及答语。教学难点:能模仿课文,运用重点句型进行扩展性的情景会话。三、教学准备:录音机,图片,单词卡片等。四、教学过程教学环节教学活动设计意图1. 师生共同拍手唱 What do you want to eat?以歌曲开始一堂课既 能起到复习上一单元的目 的,又能起到调动学生积极 性的目的。Step 1:Warm-up/Lead in2.T: What d o you like doing in your spare time?S: I like playing football/reading books/fl ying kitesT: What are

3、 you going to do this Sunday?为新课做铺垫。S: I am going toT: When are you going to?S: I am going to at eight /in themorni ng.1 .出示Activity1的图片及内容。学生听、说。每个单词的学习之中,教师2.利用课件出示单词later, duck,不是简简单单的教授,而是cloud, dry ,like ,stay让孩子们在小组内在帮助孩子们唤醒和感知自拼。班级内校正读音。新的东西。同时,围绕一个单词的学习进行拓展,将孩子们存储在脑中的知识融会贯穿。3. 1课件出示 Dami ng,

4、 Sim on and学生带着问题听课文,Sim on smother 的图片。Let the任务性强,培养学生解决问children to look at the picture carefully.题的能力.Step 2:Then ask:Prese ntati onWho are they?Where are they?2Liste n to the text and circl e锻炼学生的听力,使学the new words.生模仿到正确的语音语调。3 Listen again, then answerquestions :When are they going to eat?Wha

5、t time is it?Who are eat ing the pic nic?Then check the an swers.4 Play the cassette again andpause after each sentence for thechildre n to repeat.知识拓展。(5). a训练学生有关时间的用法。出示图片, What time is it?b.讲解“ be going to的用法。(6) . Practice in groups and act out the dial ogue.通过体验性的表演能 力,培养了学生的表演能力, 并进一步稳固了知识。St

6、ep 3:Practice1 .教学 SB activity 3(Listen andsay)(1) Talk about the pictures.(2) 学生整体听读,注意语音语 调。(3) 学生根据图片,试着说一说。(4) 小组内练习。用学生喜欢的图片进 行英语说话贴近学生的心 理,接近生活,更能保持英 语学习兴趣的持久性。2.四人一组进行看图说话,形式 多样。后进行小组展示。Step4 :Con solidati on教师利用多媒体课件呈现SB part4( Practise)。A:Whe n are you going to the park?B: We re going to th

7、e park at eleve n.请学生观察并作答。(2)学生根据图片作答。Step5:SummaryGroup work: 让生自 己总结“ be going to 的法。进一步稳固新知。Step6:1.将Daming他们的对话改写成简短作业采用分层布置,让Homework的一篇小短文。不同的学生都能有所收获,2.用be going to句型写五个句子。体验到学习英语的快乐。以上两题任选其一五、板书设计Module 2Un it 1Whe n are we going to eat?duckthese ducks-Whe n are we going to eat?clouddark clouds-At half past twelve.likelook like-What time is it now?-It s only half past eleven六、教学反思各教学环节紧扣,设计突出学生的认知特点,认知规律。用直观形象的幻灯片学习新知激发学生的学习兴趣,用游戏不但稳固了本课的知识更活泼了课堂气氛,做到了英语学习兴趣的持久性。从多侧面表达多媒体的作用。紧紧抓住重难点,层层击破。本节课的板书明了清晰,学生很容易把 握住本课的知识点。


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