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1、人教PEP版三年级下学期期末测试英语试卷学校 班级 姓名 成绩听力乐园(50分)I、听辨单词。(20分)A.听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将其代号涂黑。听两遍。(1分X5=5分)C. dadC. shortC. sixteenC. todayC. father()1.A.fatB. big()2.A.tallB. small()3.A.thirteenB. fifteen()4.A.tailB. toy()5.A.sisterB.brotherB.听录音,判断录音与图是否相符,相符的将字母代号A涂黑,不相符的将字母代号B涂黑。听两遍。(1.5分X 10=15分)6.11.12.(n .听辨句子。

2、(20分)13.A.听录音,从A,B,C中选出你所听内容相符的单词,将其字母代号涂黑 听两遍。 (1分X 5=5分)()16. It has a body and short legs.A. smallB. longC. thin()17. We have two new today.A. friendsB. pupils()18. Sorry, I don t like pears. I likeA. bananasB. brothers()19.Amy is a new.A. girlB.teacher()20.Your ruleris thechair.A. inB.underC. te

3、achersC. orangesC. studentC. onB.听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的图片,将其字母代号涂黑。听两(1.5 分 X 10=15 分)21. A.B.()23. A.B.()26. A.B.()27. A.B.()28. A.()29. A.二 /V ?*图 *方学 , 今4寻)30. A.B.III. 对话理解。(10分)A.听录音,选择对应图形的数量,将其代号涂黑。听两遍(1 分 X5=5 分)听录音,根据你听到的对话内容,从 A, B, C, D, E五副图中选择正确的图片,将其字母代号涂黑。听三遍。(1分X5=5分)A.B

4、.C.C. 19A. 20B. 12D.17E. 143839. 40.笔试天地(50分)IV.记忆大比拼。看图,用所给字母补全单词,将其字母代号涂黑。V.慧眼识珠。读句,选择正确答案,将其字母代号涂黑。(1分X 10=10分)()46.-I don t like dogs.A. I like it.B. Me, too.C. Me, neither.() 47.-Hi, Wang Ping, Nice to meet you! -A. Good afternoon. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Hello() 48. The has a long nose an

5、d a short tail.A. giraffeB. bearC. elephant() 49. This is Zhang Peng. is a student.A. SheB. HeC. It() 50. -Have some apples. - .A. Sorry, I don t like appleBs. You re welcome.C. I like pears.() 51. 9 and 8 is .A. eighteenB. nineteenC. seventeen() 52. -Look at the kites!- Wow, so .A. fatB. beautifulC

6、. thin() 53. My mother s mother is my .A. grandmotherB. sisterC. father() 54. Grapes and are fruits.A. watermelonsB. giraffesC. cars() 55. -Hi, I m Mike. I m from Canada. ?- Hi, I m Sarah. I m from the USA.A. How are youB. What about you C. Who are you(1 分 X 10=10 分)VI. 快乐对对碰。 读问句找答语,将其字母代号涂黑。() 56.

7、 Where are you from?() 57. Who s tghiarlt?() 58. Where is my ruler?() 59. Is it in your bag?() 60. Do you like pears?() 61. How many fish do you see?() 62. Can I have some milk?() 63. Let s go home.() 64. How are you?() 65. Is he your father?A. Thirteen.B. No, it isn t.C. Yes, I do.D. Here you are.E

8、. She s my frienSdarah.F. OK.G. Fine, thank you.H. Yes, he is.I. I m from the UK.J. Its in the p-ebnocxiVII.单词擂台赛。 看图选择正确的单词,将其对应的字母代号涂黑(1 分 X 10=10 分)()66. student()68. grandma()70. strawberry()72. map()74. boat()67.milk()69.banana()71.nineteen()73.chair()75.capVIII.阅读直通车。阅读小对话,找出与之相对应的图片,将其代号涂黑(2

9、分X 5=10分)()76.-Chen Jie, put your foot under your chair.-OK.()77. - Where is the bird?- -It s on the small house.()78. - Who s this woman?- -She is my English teacher.()79. -How many kites do you see?- -1,2 I can see 12.()80. -Where are you from, Sarah?- -I m from the USA.听力原文及答案第一大题、听辨单词。A. 听录音 ,选择

10、你所听到的单词,将其代号涂黑。听两遍。1. dad 2. short 3. thirteen 4. tail 5. brotherB. 听录音,判断录音与图是否相符,相符的将字母代号A 涂黑 , 不相符的将字母代号 B 涂黑。听两遍。6. fat7. pears 8. map 9. boy10. chair11. ball 12. elephant 13. cap 14. oranges 15. Woman 第二大题、 听辨句子。A. 听录音,从A,B,C 中选出你所听内容相符的单词,将其字母代号涂黑。听两遍。16. It has a long body and short legs.17.

11、We have two new friends today.18. Sorry, I don t like pears. I like oranges19. Amy is a new student.20. Your ruler is under the chair.B. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的图片,将其字母代号涂黑。听两遍。21. It has a long tail.22. My teacher Mr Hu is from China.23. It s a car.24. I like apples.25. It has a small head.26. Look, this

12、 is my grandma.27. The girl is my sister.28. The ball is under the chair.29. I can see twelve cars.30. This is my English teacher. She is beautiful. 第三大题、对话理解。A. 听录音,选择对应图形的数量,将其代号涂黑。听两遍。31. How many kites can you see?I can see twelve.32. How many strawberries do you have?I have nineteen.33. How man

13、y toys do you have ?I have fourteen.34. How many boats do you see ?I see twenty.35. How many cars do you see?I see seventeen.B. 听录音,根据你听到的对话内容,从A , B, C , D , E 五副图中选择正确的图片,将其字母代号涂黑。听三遍。36. -Boys and girls, we have two new friends today.-Welcome!37. -Come here, children. Look at the elephant.- Wow!

14、It has a long nose.38. -Where is my pen?-Look! It s in your desk.-Oh, yes.39. -Do you like pears?-No, I don t.40. -Amy,Who s that man?-He s mfyather.各题得分分值6-15 ; 21-30 每题 1.5 分; 41-45 ; 76-80 每题 2 分;其他均为每题 1 分。参考答案听力乐园:1 5 C C A A B16 20 B A C C B31 35 B C E A D 笔试天地:41 45 B A E D C56 60 I E J B C66 70 C A I H E6 10 B B A B B21 25 B A B A A36 40 E C B A D46 50 C B C B A61 65 A D F G H71 75 B F D J G11 15 A B A B B26 30 B A A B A51 55 C B A A B76 80 C D A E B


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