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1、与相干态光场互相作用的二能级原子的压缩性质与相干态光场互相作用的2能级原子的压缩性质关键词:-模型;相干态光场;2能级原子;压缩效应The Squeezing effect of a Two-Level AtomInteracting with the Coherent FieldAbstract: In the quantum optics field, the study of the quantum properties of the field interacting with the atom has been always devoted to considerable atten

2、tion. It is one of the system of the most important contents for the quantum optics to study on the dynamics and non-classical properties of the interaction between the field and the atom in the Jaynes-Cummings model. In this paper, the squeezing effect of a two-level atom interacting with the coher

3、ent field is studied. The evolution operator and the reduced density operators of the field and the atom are derived. The theories of coherent states and the traditional squeezing of atom and field are absorbed. The squeezing effect of a two-level atom interacting with a amplitude coherent states ra

4、diation field is investigated using the traditional squeezing theory of the atom. The influence of the squeezing parameter on the squeezing effect of a two-level atom is investigated. It is shown that the squeezing effect of the two-level atom depends on the atomic distribution angle and the light f

5、ield phase angle and the average photon number.Key words: J-C model; coherent field; two-level atom; the squeezing effect前言原子的压缩效应越来越引起了人们广泛的注意和重视。它在高分辩光谱测量,高精度原子喷泉钟,高精度自旋偏正测量,压缩光的产生等方面有广泛的应用前景。在量子通信与量子计算领域中, 2能级原子是非常典型的1类两态系统, 引起了国内外许多学者的关注。2能级原子作为实际原子的理想模型, 可以充当量子信息的载体量子位, 用于构建量子计算机中的存储单元或量子逻辑门。描绘

6、1个有效2能级原子与单模量子化光场在微腔内互相作用的标准的Jaynes-Cummings模型8是量子光学领域中1个准确可解的理想模型。该模型是在忽略了原子沿腔轴空间运动和原子波包宽度与腔摸共振波长相比很小的条件下得到的即把量子化光场在原子与光场互相作用的尺度上看成是均匀的,原子被看成是静止的。1方面,-模型的数学形式比较简单,可以严格求解,在讨论场的统计方面具有较好的可靠性9;另1方面,在实验上,人们可以利用高Q因子腔体和里德伯原子来实现这种理想模型10。因此,在讨论光与物质互相作用等问题中,-模型在实验和理论方面均受到了广泛的关注,经过广泛研究已提醒了许多非经典效应,如原子的拉比震荡崩塌和复原压缩,非线性耦合以及量子关联等。 根本工作模型-模型是由Jaynes和Cummings在讨论微波激射器Maser时提出的,由单个2能级原子或分子与1单模量子化的光场组成的互相作用系统的理想模型。它是描绘原子与光场互相作用的1种理想模型。由于对它只需作旋波近似就可准确求解,因此不仅在量子光学中,而且在激光物理、核磁共振和量子场论等许多问题中都常被采用。本文的工作是基于-模型进展的。为简便起见,取自然量子单位 ,-模型在旋波近似下的哈密顿量为本文档【与相干态光场互相作用的二能级原子的压缩性质】更多文档欢迎访问wendang.chazidian


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