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1、牛津初中英语8A unit1unit6 知识点归纳Unit11.nothing else 没有其他东西 what else / where else (else的用法)2.join a writing competition参加写作竞赛hold a writing competition 举行写作竞赛3.qualities of a good friend 好朋友的品行 make your friend so special 使你的朋友如此特别 4.keep secrets =keep a secret 保密 keep secrets for sb 为某人保密5.share ones joy

2、分享某人的快乐 to ones joy 使某人高兴的是6.make sb happy / sad 使某人高兴/悲伤7.believe what he/she says = believe his / her words 相信他/她说的话8.have problems /trouble with sth = have problems/trouble (in) doing sth 在做某事方面有困难9.a musical child 一个有音乐天赋的孩子 an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 music 音乐(不可数名词)-musical(adj)爱好音乐的;有音乐天赋的musician(

3、n)音乐家10.be generous to sb 对某人慷慨/大方11.be willing/ready to do sth 愿意做某事12.be ready to help people any time 任何时候愿意帮助别人 be ready to help others 乐于助人 be ready to do sth 乐意做某事/准备做某事 get ready to do sth 准备做某事 get ready for sth 为作准备 = prepare for sth13.give seats to someone in need 让座给需要帮助的人 be in ( great)

4、need of sth (急)需要 (主语是需要的人或地方) We are in great need of food and water14.travel around the world 周游世界 grow up 成长、长大15.have poor eyesight 视力差 eyesight 不可数名词 视力16.because of working on the computer too much at night 由于晚上在电脑上做功课太多=because he works on the computer too much at night because of 因为 后面加短语 be

5、cause 因为 是连词,后面加原因状语从句17.make him look smart 使他看上去很聪明 make sb laugh 使某人大笑18.a sense of humour 幽默感 have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感 humo(u)r (n) 幽默-humorous(adj) 幽默的 a humorous writer have a sense of humour/time/duty/beauty有幽默感 /时间感 /责任感 /美感19.feel bored or unhappy 感到无聊或不高兴 feel nervous and really u

6、ncomfortable 20.tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话 tell me funny jokes 给我讲有趣的笑话21.walk past 经过22.knockoff 将从碰落 knock into 与相撞23.think of 想起、记起、想出 think over 仔细考虑(代词放中间) think about/of (doing)考虑做某事24.a true friend 一个真正的朋友 true (adj)-truly(adv)-truth(n)真相、真理25.sth worry sb 某事使某人麻烦 sb worry about sb/sth = sb be w

7、orried about 某人为担心 make sb worried 使某人焦急/担心26.say a bad word about sb 说某人坏话27.tell others her friends secrets 将朋友的秘密告诉别人28.almost 1.75 metres tall 大约1.75米高 = almost 1.75 metres in height29.have /wear shoulder-length hair 留着齐肩的头发30.vote for sb 投票选举、投票赞成 vote against sb 投票反对31.a square face 四方脸 a roun

8、d face 圆脸32.in the drawing competition 在绘画竟赛中 33.outdoor activities 户外活动34.bothand 不但而且 make friends with 与交朋友35.help people solve problems 帮助人们解决难题36.try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing sth 试着做某事 try / do ones best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事37.a social worker 社会工作者 a famous singer 一个著名的歌手 hope to be a famous s

9、ocial worker希望成为一著名的社会工作者 be famous for 因而著名 / be famous as 以(身份)出名 China is famous for the Great Wall. He is famous as a writer.38.listen to peoples problems 倾听人们的疾苦听取民声39.future plans 未来计划 in the future 在将来 in future = from now on 从今以后40.on the left 在左边 look sporty 看上去爱好运动41.live next door(to sb)住

10、在(某人)隔壁 42.know sb /sth very well 对很熟悉/了解43.sit alone in the playground 独自坐在操场上 would like to do sth = want to do sth = feel like doing sth 想要做某事44.miss my old classmates very much 非常想念我的老同学 miss the train 错过火车a missing key 一把丢失的钥匙45.give sb some advice = give some advice to sb 给某人一些建议 advice 不可数名词

11、建议 give sb some advice on 就 给某人提建议 / a piece of advice 一条建议46.a pleasant trip/weather 令人愉快的旅行/宜人的天气47.move to Beijing 搬到北京 move into a new house 搬进新房子48.smiling eyes 微笑的眼睛 with a smile 微笑着 smile at sb 对某人微笑49.wear/with a smile on ones face 脸上带着微笑50.answer questions correctly 正确地回答问题 a correct route

12、正确的路线51.系动词 be、grow、 get、become、keep、seem/look、seem、feel、sound、taste、turn 它们后面加adj构成系表结构 feel soft、sound、 great/nice 、taste 、delicious52.what we think /do / want 我们所想的/所做的/所要的53.like to work with children 喜欢与孩子共事54.agree with sb./agree to sth.同意某事(如: 决定、计划等)/ agree to do sth.同意做某事 但agree sb to do st

13、h (错误结构)应改为agree that + 从句55.be kind (polite, friendly) to sb.对某人心善(有礼貌,友好)56.want to have a friend like Alan 想要有Alan一样的朋友57.the most expensive printer in the shop 商店里最昂贵的打印机58.write (a letter)to sb 写信给某人Unit 2 School Life重点短语1英式英语 British English2在八年级 in Year 8/ in 8th grade3一所混合学校 a mixed school4一

14、起上课 have lessons together5我最喜爱的科目my favourite subject6家政课 Home Economics7学习如何煮饭和缝补 learn how to cook and sew8烧健康美味的饭菜 cook healthy and tasty meals9在今年的读书周期间 during this years Reading Week10读最多的书 read the most books11从家中带来书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home12得告诉老师我们在看什么 have to tell the teach

15、er what we are reading13每节课快近结束时 near the end of each class14和我们同学谈论我们的书 talk to our classmates about our books15读我们所有同学的书 read all our classmates books16也 as well17上驾驶课 have driving lessons18开车送我上学 drive me to school19花费更少时间 take less time20一周一/两次 once/ twice a week21打垒球 play softball22花许多时间操练 spen

16、d a lot of time practicing23在好友俱乐部 in the Buddy Club24和新生谈论学校生活 talk to new students about school life25一位12年级的毕业生 a senior in 12th grade26帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth/ help sb do sth /help sb to do sth27帮助我了解所有新学校的事情 help me learn all about my new school28帮我辅导我的家作 help me with my homework29倾听我的问题listen

17、 to my problems30在午餐期间 during lunchtime31做某事做得很高兴 have a great time doing sth32相互谈话很高兴 have a great time talking to each other33去大卖场 go to shopping malls34在回家的路上 on the way home35学的科目比Nancy多 study more subjects than Nancy36参加的社团比我少 join fewer clubs than I37空闲时间比John少 have less free time than John38得

18、分最少 score the fewest points39有最少的钱 have the least money40在我们三人当中 of the three of us41在所有学生当中 of all the students42花更少的钱买唱片 spend less money on /buying CDs43拥有最少的网友 have the fewest online friends44与-一样 be the same as-45和-一样大/强壮 be as big/strong as-46和-颜色一样 be the same colour as-47和-不一样 be different f

19、rom-48休假(一周) have ( a week) off49在夏季 in the summertime50伤着他的腿 hurt his leg51能够做某事 be able to do sth52朝窗外看 look out of the window53上电视 be on TV54搬到加拿大 move to Canada55我理想中的学校 my ideal school56有许多课外活动的时间 have lots of time for after-school activities57在学校餐厅里 in the school dining hall58听流行音乐 listen to p

20、op music 59穿校服 wear school uniforms60戴领带 wear ties61在学校的一边 on one side of our school62一个-另一个 one -the other63一个有着许多有用书的图书馆 a library with lots of useful books64有半小时的家作 have half an hour of homework65参加学校旅行去博物馆或剧院 go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre66喜欢起床晚 like to get up late重点句子1.Why dont d

21、ogs go to school?=Why not go to school? 为什么狗不去上学?2.Whats school like?=What does school look like? 学校是什么样的?3.My favourite subject is Home Economics. 我最喜欢的科目是家政课4.Our school has a Reading Week in our school every year.=There is a Reading Week in our school every year.在我们的学校,每年都会举办读书节5.I read the most

22、books in my class我读了最多的书。6.older students talk to new students about school life. 学长与新生谈论有关学校的生活7.she is a senior in 12th grade她是高三的毕业生8.I read an article by a gril from the USA我读了一篇来自美国女孩写的文章9.Nancy meets Julie to talk aboutschool Nancy为了谈论新学校而去见Julie10.Millie has more flowers than Amy does Mille比

23、Amy有更多的花11.Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty does Daniel比Kitty有更少的CD12.Simon has less orange juice than Sandy. Simon比Sandy有更少的橘子汁13.Amy scored the mostfewest pointsAmy得了最多|最少的分14.Daniel has the most least money. Daniel有最多|最少的钱15.Amy drinks the least milk of the three students. Amy在三个学生中喝最少的牛奶16.My uni

24、form is the same as Simons我的校服和Simon的一样51.My unform is different from Johns.我的校服和John的不一样17.My school has fewer weeks off than Daniels school我们的学校比Daniel的学校有放假更少。18.she wont be able to play basketball for 3 months 他将三个月不能找篮球。19.My pencil box is the same sizecolour as Amys. 我的铅笔盒和Amy的尺寸一样20英国的天气和中国的不

25、一样。The weather in Britain is different from that in China.21film 就是美式英语中的movie. “film” means “movie” in American English.22在我来这个学校之前,我还不知道如何处理自己的事。I didnt know how to do things for myself before I came to this school.23单词“hero”意思是什么?它指你非常崇拜某人。What does the word “hero” mean? It means someone you admi

26、re very much.24在午餐期间,我和朋友见面,我们总是谈得很高兴。During lunchtime, I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each other.,我们有一个带有很多有用的书的大图书馆。We have a big library with lots of useful books.Unit 3一、重点短语1. climb the hill爬山climb (up)爬 (p38) 知识链接climb up the Great Wall爬长城 climb into the bed爬上床cli

27、mb through the window从窗户爬出来 climb over the wall翻越墙2. need to exercise and keep fit需要锻炼来保持健康 知识链接keep fit, keep healthy, stay healthy保持健康need作名词时,构成短语in need。作行为动词时有人称和数的变化,后接不定式或动名词;当主语和它后面的动词之间有一种被动关系时,使用need doing或need to be done。作情态动词时无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。We should help people in need. He needs to stu

28、dy hard. A lot of homework needs finishing.A lot of homework needs to be finished.3. come on (命令句)快,快点吧;走吧;跟我来;好啦好啦;这边来吧 知识链接Come on! Well be late for school.快点!我们上学要迟到了。4. Lets enjoy ourselves! 知识链接enjoy oneselfhave a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快,反身代词与主语保持一致。Lets do sth., shall we? 除此以外的祈使句,无论是肯定式还是否定式,附加疑问部

29、分一律用will you。e.g. Dont be late again, will you? Open the door, will you? Let us go home, will you?5. take a boat trip乘船旅行,go past the Opera House经过悉尼歌剧院 6. sit in a little coffee shop by the River Seine坐在塞纳河畔的一个小咖啡店里 知识链接coffee house咖啡店;茶馆,coffee shop咖啡店by在旁边(比near近) Come and warm yourself by the fi

30、re.过来烤烤火。7. take care保重;当心,小心 知识链接take (good) care oflook afterwell (好好)照顾 look out当心look out of向外看be careful小心be careful of/with珍视;注意 Please be careful of your health. 请注意你的健康。8. a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 介词短语作后置定语,修饰名词。 9. foreign country外国,a foreign language一门外语 10. ha

31、ve a wonderful/great/good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快 (p40)11. interesting placesplaces of interest有趣的地方;名胜 (注意此处的interest无复数) 知识链接这里interest解释为“令人感兴趣的事或人”。interest还表示“兴趣”,常用的短语有:show/have interest in sth对某事感兴趣, show/have interest in doing sth对做某事感兴趣Daniel shows/has great interest in computers. Daniel shows/has

32、great interest in making his own home page.12. invite me to join their school trip to the World Park邀请我参加她们学校组织的去世界公园的旅行 知识链接invite sb to邀请某人去某地sb be invited to某人应邀去某地,Millie invited me to her birthday party. I was invited to Millies birthday party.invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事sb be invited to do sth某人

33、应邀做某事,We should invite more people to take part in the charity show. More people should be invited to take part in the charity show.join参加,加入某组织,如政党、社会团体等。join sb, join sb in sth指和某人一起做某事。join intake part in参加某活动,attend出席。试比较:He joined the tennis club. The man joined the army at the age of 19.He joi

34、ned in the game. Did you take part in your school sports meeting? Were going to plant trees. Will you join us? He joined us in the game.13. at the beginning开始;起初 知识链接at the beginningin the beginningat firstat the start开始;起初 (See 8A p42)at last, finally, in the end后来;最后;终于,与上述短语“开始,起初”意思相反。用法拓展at the

35、 beginning of在之初(后接时间)at the end of在末尾,在的尽头(后接时间或地点) 注意:没有in the beginning of, in the end offrom beginning to end自始至终;从头到尾。注意:该短语不含定冠词the。begin withstart with先做;以开始 e.g. Lets begin with Exercise 1. 表示“启程”、机器的“启动”只能用start。Lets start at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow.Well begun is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。14. at th

36、e school gate在学校大门口 知识链接at表示在较小的地方,如:at the theatre在剧院,at the party在聚会上,at the airport在机场,at the bus stop在公交站台,at the crossing, at the crossroads在十字路口15. get on a coach上长途汽车 知识链接get on/get off上、下(车、船等),e.g. get on/get off the plane上、下飞机16. a lot of trafficheavy trafficbusy traffic交通拥挤,作主语时谓语动词用单数。17

37、. on the city roads在市内道路上,on the highwayon the main road between cities在交通干道上 18. feel sick感到难受,感到恶心 知识链接feel ill 感到不好受,fall ill病倒feel good指身体健康或精神振奋,feel well仅指没有生病 e.g.Im not feeling so good. Can I have the day off? 我感觉不大好。我今天能否休息?He didnt feel well after the operation. 他在这次手术之后,感觉身体不好。19. arrive

38、at the World Park到达世界公园 知识链接“到达”有三种表达,即:get to某地,arrive at小地方,arrive in大地方,reach某地。get to,arrive at/in后接地点副词时不能用介词,常用的地点副词有here, there, home。如:get/arrive here/there/home到这里/到那里/到家。20. be made of metal 由金属制成 知识链接be made of由制成,强调从制成的成品上还能看得出原材料,物理变化。The desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是木制的。be made from由制成,表

39、示从成品上已经看不出原材料,化学变化。 Wine is made of grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的。be made up of由组成,由构成,指各个部分组成整体。Our class is made up of 54 students. 我们班由54名学生组成。be made in在某地制造 NOKIA mobile phones are made in Beijing.21. not any more再也不no more,no more, no longer用于be动词后、行为动词前 (p41)知识链接not any moreno more再也不(表示程度、数量上的不再)not any

40、 longerno longer不再(表示时间上的不再延续) e.g.When the baby saw his mother, he did not cry any more.After having some bread, she was no longer hungry.用法拓展more and more越来越;越来越多 more or less几乎;差不多 what is more更有甚者;更为重要的是 e.g.Ive more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多已经读完这本书。Youre wrong, and what is more yo

41、u know it. 你错了!而且你明明知道你错了!22. the song and dance parade歌舞巡游,join in the dancing加入舞蹈行列 23. on the Internet 在因特网上 知识链接on the computer在电脑上,on the screen在屏幕上,on TV在电视上24. teach himself how to make a home page自学制作网页 知识链接teach oneselflearnby oneself自学,疑问词带to的动词不定式。25. go and see for yourself亲自去看看 知识链接for oneself亲自,by oneselfon ones ownalone独自;单独 Did she find it out for herself? Yes


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