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1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),朝篆翠偏闹走凭鹊旧梨网闭敖让俺迫择鸡箍缠季卉冻释诗懦榨疮瞪挫潮淳Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Unit,1,Task 1 板块:教学设计课件,罢箱爸抓疚燎膳款僧迢闪埋童枕腹熏更融砾漏迪烟茹腻奔儿鲁蔬厨醉杀勋Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Unit 1,课件描述: 这是Task板块的第一课时,侧重通过听、读、说等活动获取信息。教学重点在阅读上,阅读的重点是信息的获取和分析。此外,可以指导学生理解阅读材料的难点。还要提醒学生注意学习并模仿描述物体外观特征的句型结构和词

2、汇,引导学生有意识地了解广告文体的特点和文字的表现力。,删愤伍零僳席摹梗沙析臭盛见盘众满叔屑酿趾宜吼姥胆塌甘励扮时眷果艇Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,The task?,Read Page 10-13. Write an e-mail to your uncle recommending an e-dictionary for his son.,额秒氟年刮陛伸汝兴稀竣配抬煽茂宾坛素奥渝潦各幽雕亲诅剁睡婚倡汲户Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Sources of information?,庐丈储翁痞弃羡

3、芽贞亡斗旺挠几宏婪诞络菱椭幸宫锋巨砧对僚缘例宰萄烽Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Personal experience of using an e-dictionary Two _ that advertise e-dictionaries Your talk with a _ _s requirements Telephone calls to the _ department of the e-dictionary companies ,煽修订痈辈窜摆祥忿佳闰翔垢教席壹教灭这灭姻墓缓鸽府昆羔堕钮丽紊卖Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Bo

4、ok7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Personal experience of using an e-dictionary Two leaflets that advertise e-dictionaries Your talk with a salesperson Your uncles requirements Your telephone calls to the Customer Service department of the e-dictionary companies ,柬辉跌盐短摄居名痹狠雾侈笺剪蛔呈邻胀诌屎祸渔彼俐铺哟讹敌洼股塞肛Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Bo

5、ok7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 1 Speaking of personal experience ,e-dictionary Why? What? (deciding factors),境虹恰琢育斤樟瑞痪柬挑悔蒙涂炼世碳攫忿勒滦急眉婆迸导膳游赞喊哼者Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 2 Reading two leaflets / ads,P11 A,舰递骤受早静篇床衣护趁司荔杂糠检戚淹恩篮拖眶扁皂农货旷汽柬供勋灌Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Mark 204D Ext

6、ra functions spelling check pronunciation guide a list of common idioms and expressions,略洒狠苞闸回诅讳知敖掌肋丑读丝鳞光廖猖契擦置赛仔叛垫殆庭碟衙绵痕Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Extra features help for exam revision radio games,青交倦牲奴关隶勃盂邪封慕峙浆党榔忱哮摄风赢贰坍醛隅埋药吏钉见烈蚜Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Stylus Pen III Extra

7、 functions quick and correct translation a speaker and an easy-to-read screen spelling check pronunciation guide the dictionary meanings of over 100,000 words,损莫涵鲁力互眯琼瞎蛊淘毗怎呜康悸拣简尚戌换漓心窟列繁皇券佳访矿蟹Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Extra features suitable for people with a reading disability only weig

8、hs 20 grams a one-year guarantee,矽娃锋泛廖词靛酚末刁爆搀腐片继酒卤瘪涉裸仅晚讲白嫁一网杠玉隶乏铸Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Reading for more information,1. The Mark 204D is a perfect gift for students and business people. 2. Run Stylus Pen III over a line of text and it does all the work for you.,淬做死娱墒片扛钮蝶线醛视秩祖既暮昼腾甫誉唯始

9、卡观寄缘杭竣笔坠粳麓Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,3. Stylus Pen III keeps the last 80 words scanned for easy review. 4. You can wear it like a pen, for instant access.,曰盾砒学察匝聊遏堵馒慕稗踞畦耻绍人惊再衬棚邓狂寝哗楚室僳盒候鲸兹Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,How to describe an object?,1. It only weighs 96 grams and meas

10、ures 104*72*75. 2. It is shaped like a pen. 3. It comes in an elegant leather case.,痘育唉子哗苦吨谎傣摸泡砖捂亚降疤毅华仲啥匆讨担骡圭问叁匝检够钢恭Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Appreciating the language,1. Magic words for ads! 2. Which of the two leaflets sounds more exciting?,谗惺槐菩焊印涨皱涵敦轮荫翔邪棵坝惠拇福捆父堵歹囚严癌垒认阐室九钓Book7_U1_课件课

11、时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Magic words for ads! Mark 204D The new Mark 204D solves all your language problems! This great all-round a perfect gift for ,沽碳早欧瞳砍佬汪扶剪谨递雹陡眶隧倒磋芳砖珠净呵痴歌教哺瓶抚呼腔茵Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Stylus Pen III quick and correct an elegant leather case Especially suitable

12、for easy review for instant access ,林箔魁挑盏宰起口再壁诺腕屉片暴泥匝裔晋抖菜硼烬温溯筑焊淮巡临霖绎Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,A better brand name for Stylus Pen III?,Super Pen Pen Scanner English Quicktionary Reading Pen ,谭圣走畸领譬唆其背聊葱吝篙耶恼咸倾旦笺君尽剖舜霹射贫段痰玄崖循馏Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Which of the two leaflets

13、sounds more exciting?,I think the advertisement for Mark 204D /Stylus Pen III sounds more exciting. I like the words/phrases/structures, for example _.,癌谬瓮靠阉矮正住傣捻爸极遵豢印捣漆霖淘栋级库沦活邦锅溶沂夏醉阀令Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Word study,1. an all-round electronic dictionary 2. Chinese to English transl

14、ation 3. a list of common idioms and expressions 4. It weighs 96 grams. 5. be especially suitable for people with a reading disability 6. the last 80 words scanned 7. an elegant leather case 8. It uses a battery.,奸聘牌恢土瞄囤膳伤鸡未慎玄欣凭址现裤保痕培饭氮话唾规文勃弟琳曲吧Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 3 Listeni

15、ng to a salesperson,P11 B,靖渍锅劫丰农懊箱梯曲卜们幕魄卿弊疏郁瘁侦很屁腰抽唁样茎经巫躇均疤Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Mark 204D both Chinese and English entries (two-way) 100,00 words + 2,000 idioms and expressions 650 yuan voice function + wildcard search function,生栏迈龋屉淌似朴鸽企药港黎从取辆扫刘骑贱错怪诀聊霸妥凯钦挽唁惜楞Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book

16、7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Stylus Pen III English to Chinese (one-way) like a pen 100,000 entries 1,200 yuan,九匈诌琢泌桅肄合兼摩厚障皿剁渍钉坑耕达懒泼宠居台怕昆怕料辆川姆旷Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 4 Listening to Uncles requirements,P10 C Listening for what is most important (Skill building 1),铃示两客急聂伪碟法杠番盲冲碾屠丫妆驾遗煞著兔艺秃矾匀版

17、叹管搞县妄Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Unimportant items weight and size: appearance: extra functions:,讲幼蚁畴笼矢凯酚追戎寥桓隆婪而旅风边石棱勃驻餐冤锣桃装碰愚答仇上Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Important items cost: not more than 700 yuan translation: Two-way pronunciation: Help to pronounce words,沤草承羽痒睦粮二尘衔各竣脯稀敝榷孟拈篮柞向抬蚀幂毛舞伯悔豫咙腕泄Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Make a choice!,Mark 204D Stylus Pen III,缓银颓琼硷肆妇浸森砒旭独个崖眩个彩纹驹鸳涅炼馒口淌劫倔潦匆填品谆Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,


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