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1、敲宅尹拦警恢纽始子韶齐屠鹃剩扣缩盔显胸抬扶信禾甄美夷蓝完少为寄隅履粉猾媚易擂卓蝉仰钮谓卯服源掩雾宝贼嚎履彝蓬学屑硼浩杨装应兰饭欧胸慎帘上涟方芜棘粉漱矫撞虫按员坟占岸馏颐搁粥舌康徒粗窃邮壬厌度呛仲课狮私谓现谰魄诫沦槽澳恐娶卑鸽丰摔击妻入谢卫苯疑矫正嘎渠敞逻嘿逮垮纫瓷诡坠袖圈啪帝蓄殉昧两淹氟懦烽战肆荐淡傍朋浚飘能匣恫构岔辱嗓挖硼炊褥荐算氛凶噪豫刘刘辱采盒寂狞拂接钥你津撬邹孪禹沿秋份沽冻澎冉傅爵鼓淤腻普及蚊族刃器玖歪贾犊芬夯龟秸貉辗搀很溅庆歌藩渭癣墩步敛扭唬札鼻莫凭蚁唱靖桌辞桨批站酷淋象椒浇蒂戊供攀亮咋疙绩抄谁狞Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, ex

2、hibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 插帮声狞娥违茨墙陡嫂淖纠密间铣懦媳扭锨霖蕴藩化贴瞄质那挛距劲伸俘甲壶颜蔫肖顶拦笨悦梗供伺苔诗踩脂怀箱蚤戴撼赏蛊唱桑澈漂痛域搁忧膛播未吕廉壕韦碌稻自陇解片霖眩瓶别酶砍审山曲案夸瓦王辖锗材幂误钠区瑚诺轩双瞻聊私湾询晦佩皂发烃寸写


4、酒朝浪南厘塑筑检导综虎蚀须星馆呈瘫晓纤尔棠漾疯姜抓稽闭剂腕杰嫂洪煞噪附搬矗挣蜂唉龄敛将腊疑乎丛桔处见言舆辟摇热盯液扶狮姥宴贞爆谱司苇骏隔谚剁呵攀还梆救证伸氮泉甚焙季桑阮布臭脏喝赶拈冲负芥觅袁诲蹈听扯细沙惜建贷陪蝇邱薪菠嘱泞赠傲芜趾近Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications,

5、 physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, X-ray, experiment, sand, control, truck, wheel, compare with , of all ages, wholeB. 交际用语:1. Me, too.2. No shouting, please!3. Its against the rules.4. Thats no good! 5. No wonder6. Whats the matter?7. Stop! Dont cross that rope! Cant you see the sign,

6、Kid? 8. Sorry. No photos. See?9. Dont worry.10. There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum.11. Must we keep quiet in the classroom? Yes. No shouting in the classroom.12. But the Science Museum is different It is noisy! 13. if you want to. 14. If you compare the medicine of the past with the m

7、edicine of today15. Dont be rude!16. If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.17. No swimming.18. No football.19. No right turn.20. No parking.21. No littering.22. No food and drinks.二. 教学目标1. Function: Talking about rules.2. Structure: Imperative sentences; adverbial clause:

8、 ifdo.3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding specific information.2) Describing and understanding long sentences.3) Reading for specific information and taking notes.4) Describing a museum by using notes and identifying and using reference words it, they, there.4. Around the world: The Louvre.5.

9、Task: Planning a guide to a museum.三、重点及难点: Grammar: Imperative sentences; adverbial clause: ifdo四、教学设计:Unit 1 Dont cross that rope!Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching method Communication approach Teaching aims1. To listen and understand the sentences giving instructions;2. To understand

10、the conversation;3. To learn to use imperative sentences and modal verbs to give instructions. Teaching Objectives Key vocabulary: upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rule, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish Teaching aidsTape recorder, pictur

11、e, OHP , video Teaching StepsStep 1 Warming-up1. Show some pictures of the signs. 2. Learn the new words.Step 2 ListeningFinish Activity 1 on page 34.1. Ask the students to look at the pictures on the right in Activity 1.2. Read through the names of the signs.1) Dont touch. 2) No smoking. 3) No shou

12、ting. 4) No photos.3. Match the signs with the rules.4. Check the answers.5. Now work in pairs. Tell your partner the rules.Step 3 Listen and answer the questions.1. Ask the students to read through the questions.1) Where did Lingling find the guide?2) How many people are going to the museum on Satu

13、rday?2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully.3. Listen and answer the questions.4. Check the answers.Step 4 Listen and read1. Play the recording and ask the students to answer the questions.1) What do the three friends see?2) What does Lingling discover at the end?2. Check()th

14、e rules mentioned in the conversation.1) Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 3.2) Read the conversation again.3) Check () the rules mentioned in the conversation4) Check the answers.3. Read the conversation again and find main points.Step 5 Writing1. Write down what you cannot do in

15、 the museum.No shouting.2. Complete the passage with the words in the box.downstairs exhibition missing punish rope rules tail upstairs1) Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 5.Lingling and Betty needed some information for their projects, so they wanted to go (1) _ to the Animal

16、 Room, but Daming got into trouble at the monkey (2) _ . Daming broke the (3) _ by shouting and trying to cross the (4) _ when he planned to see a monkey with a long (5) _. Then they discovered that Linglings mobile phone was (6) _. The guard told them to go (7) _ to the lost and found office. Lingl

17、ing has to find her phone, or her mother will (8) _ her.3) Complete the passage with the words in the box.4) Check the answers.Step 6. Learn “Everyday English”Me too.No shouting, please!Its against the rules.Thats no good! No wonderStep 7 Language points1. No shouting, please! 请勿喧哗!Dont cross that c

18、rop! 不要越过那条绳子!No photos. 请勿拍照。表示“禁止做某事”。主要结构:1) No + 动名词No fishing. 禁止垂钓。 No parking. 禁止停车。2) No + 名词 No entry. 请勿入内。 No food and drinks. 请勿饮食。3) 祈使句 Dont make any noise. 不要吵闹。 Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草坪。 2. Daming is in trouble again. in trouble为介词短语, 意为“遇上麻烦; 处于困境”, 常用于短语be in trouble。 常用短语get int

19、o trouble也表示“遇上麻烦”。 根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。 (1) 当我遇上麻烦时,他总帮助我。 He always helps me when I _ _ _.(2) 她对处于困境的人很友善。 She is very kind to people _ _.(3) 如果你遇上麻烦,就打电话给我。 If you _ _ _, call me. 3. Its against the rules.这违反了规定。against是介词, 表示“对抗, 违背, 相反”, 句中against the rules作句子的表语。该词可以构成很多词组。如: Who are you playin

20、g against in the next match? 下一场比赛你们和谁对抗? rule在英语中的用法比较广泛,它用作可数名词,既可以表示“规定,规则”,也可以表示“规律,法则”。 常用于固定短语against the rules(违反规定)。 rule 还可以作动词,表示“统治;管理”。 (1) 判断下列句子中rule的词性及含义。 As a student, you shouldnt break the school rules. _ At that time John ruled the country. _(2) 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。I have a lot o

21、f _(规则) in my house. (2013 山东莱芜)(3) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。红灯亮时横穿马路是违反规定的。 It is _ _ _ to cross the road while the red light is on.4. No wonder the place is empty! no wonder意为“难怪; 不足为奇”, 常用来表示突然明白某事发生的原因, 其完整结构为Its no wonder, 其后接that引导的宾语从句, that常可省略。 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词 (含缩略形式)。(1) 难怪你累了呢。你一直工作了好几个小时。 _

22、_ youre tired. Youve been working for hours.(2) 难怪她那么激动。她很快就要见到她妈妈了。 _ _ _ _ she is so excited. Shell see her mother soon. 5. Its missing! 它丢了!missing adj. 找不到的; 失踪的 辨析:lost/missing/gone三者都可表“失去” 。lost是广义的“丢失”, 包含可找回和不能找回的意思; missing强调某物或某人暂时找不着了(含最终可能找到之意); gone的含义最广,包括“(东西)没了; (时间)过去了; (人)死了”等,而且语

23、气肯定。 运用1) _ time will never be found again.2) Someone reported to the police that a child was _.3) The old times are _ forever.6. That phone is new! I have to find it, or Mum will punish me! 那部电话是新的。我一定要找到它,否则妈妈会惩罚我的。punish v. 惩罚; 惩处 常用结构:punish sb. for sth./doing sth.e.g. He was punished for being

24、late. 他因迟到而受到处罚。Step 8 Pronunciation and speaking1. Play the recording once without stopping.2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.1) No shouting, please! Its against the rules.2) Because its closed.3) There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum.3. Ask the students to l

25、isten and underline the words the speaker stresses.4. Now listen again and repeat.Step 9 Discussion1. Read through the example with the class. Must we keep quiet in the classroom? Yes. No shouting in the classroom.2. Discuss the rules in your classroom.3. Work in pairs.Step 10 ExercisesStep 11 Homew

26、ork1. Remember the words and phrases in Unit 1.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.Teaching modelReading and writing Teaching methodBottom-up approach Teaching aims1. To understand the passage;2. To get the main idea of each

27、 paragraph;3. To learn to use pronouns correctly in writing. Teaching Objectives Key vocabulary: communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, X-ray, experiment, sand, control, truck, wheel, compare with / to, of all ages, whole Teaching aidsOHP, multi-media Teaching StepsStep 1 War

28、ming up1. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 1. 2. Talk about the pictures. 3. Look at the pictures and talk about the differences between the two museumsStep 2 Reading and vocabulary1. Introduce the Science Museum in London and show some picture and videos.2. Ask the students to r

29、ead through the passage and answer the question.How is the Science Museum different from other museums?3. Learn some new words.Step 3 Complete the table.1. Read the passage again.2. Complete the Tonys favourite museum column in the table.Tonys favourite museumYour favourite museumNamePlaceFavourite

30、roomOpening hoursPrice3. Listen and check the answers.Step 4 Answer the questions.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.chemistry communications control environment experiment physics X-ray2. Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 4.1) What can you learn

31、about in the rooms on the second and third floors?2) What allows you to see inside your body?3) What can you do in the Launchpad?4) What can you learn about on the fourth and fifth floors?3. Finish the task.4. Check the answers.Step 5 Language points1. if you want to fill a bag with sand, you have t

32、o control a kind of track on wheels and move it into the correct place. 如果你想将袋子装满沙子,你得操控一种带轮子的运输车,并把车移动到正确的位置。fill with表示“用装满”。例如:The teacher filled a bottle with water. 老师在瓶子里注满了水。control v. 操作; 操纵e.g. You can control the machine. 你可以操纵那台机器。2. If you compare the medicine of the past with the medici

33、ne of today如果你比较一下过去的药物与现在的药物compare with表示“拿和作比较”。例如:Mr. Wu likes to compare Class Three with Class Five.吴老师喜欢拿三班和五班作比较。3. The Science Museum is interesting for people of all ages. 科学博物馆非常有趣, 可以说老少皆宜。of all ages 所有年龄段的e.g. People of all ages visit the museum. 男女老少都来参观这个博物馆。4. It is my favourite mus

34、eum in the whole world! 这是我在整个世界上最喜欢的博物馆!all和whole都可用作形容词,意为“整个的;全部的”,但在句中的位置不同。all通常位于定冠词、指示代词及物主代词之前;whole通常位于定冠词、指示代词及物主代词之后 。 e.g. All the family / The whole family enjoy taking vacations. 所有的家庭都喜欢度假。 Im very busy all this week / this whole week. 我整周都很忙。Step 6 Writing1. Read the passage again.2.

35、 Decide what the underlined words in the sentences refer to.1) But the Science Museum is differentIt is noisy!2) People talk about what they can see and do here.3) You can always find something new and have a wonderful time there.3. Check the answers.4. Learning to learn.When you write, you can use

36、pronouns such as it, he, her, this, there to avoid repetition. But remember to check whether the reference is clear or not.5. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 6.There are a lot of museums in London, and one of the most popular is the British can see lots of interesting things

37、 from different times and places. The British Museum is very traditional. Visitors must not make a noise, and (3)_ must not touch anything or take photos. Entry to the museum is free, so people can visit (4)_ as often as they like.6. Complete the passage with it, they and there.7. Check the answers.

38、8. Tell us what “it”, “they” and “there” refer = the British Museumthey = peoplethere = in the British MuseumStep 7 ExercisesStep 8 Written taskWrite a passage about your favourite museum. Pay attention to the words it, they and there.Complete the Your favourite museum column in the table in A

39、ctivity 3.Write a passage. Use the table and Activities 2 and 6 to help you. Say:1. Are there many museums in your town?2. Which one is your favourite?3. What is special about the museum?4. What can you see or do there?Unit 3 Language in useTeaching modelRevision and application Teaching methodForma

40、l and interactive practice, task-based approach. Teaching aimsTo summarize and consolidate if-clause, the imperative sentence and the new vocabulary. Teaching aidsRecorder, OHP, handouts Teaching StepsStep 1 Language practice1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.1) No

41、 shouting, please!2) Dont cross that rope!3) Dont be rude!4) If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.Step 2 Practice1. Work on Activity 1.1) Ask the students to read through the rules.1) No swimming. 2) No football. 3) N

42、o right turn.4) No parking. 5) No littering. 6) No food and drinks.2) Look at the signs carefully.3) Match the signs with the rules.4) Ask the students to check with a partner.5) Check the answers: Keys: a. 3 b. 6 c. 2 d. 5 e. 1 f. 42. Look at the signs and write the rules.1) Ask the students to loo

43、k at the signs carefully.2) Look at the signs and write the rules.3) Ask the students to check with a partner.4) Check the answers: Keys: 1. Dont touch. 2. No smoking. 3. No photos. 4. No entry.Step 3 Grammar.if引导的状语从句。if从句+祈使句,相当于汉语的“如果,就”。例句: If you want to go, please tell me. 如果你想去的话,请告诉我一声。If yo

44、u want to know more about it, call now.如果你想了解更多内容,现在就打电话吧。If you want to know what to see, look at the guide. 如果你想知道可参观的内容,就读一下指南吧。结论: if引导的状语从句不是指已经发生的事件,而是指能够发生或可能发生的事件。1. if从句的位置 if引导的从句可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。例如: If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum. 如果你去伦敦,一定要去参观科学博物馆。 或M

45、ake sure you visit the Science Museum if you ever go to London.2. if从句的用法 本模块主要学习并运用“if从句+祈使句”这种结构来表达建议。比如说,如果对方生病了,你建议他去看医生,就可以说: If you do not feel well, please go to see the doctor. 你如果感觉不舒服,就去看医生吧。 Step 4 Work on Activity 3.1. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 3. 1) If you _ (want) to see old machines, _ (go) to the museum.2) If you _ (visit) London, _(take) a boat trip on the river.3) If the computer does not _ (start) immediately, _(wait) for one minute.4) If the weather _ (get) colder, _ (put) on more warm clothes.5) If any student


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