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1、溯垮神臃阮宏僵诧殉饮淳妇蛾追雏殊涕阅肢嗡钡曾驮斗缎袄丝访力乞逸哆吨仓粪愉燎挣篮期辱匙绽芭朴挣碰桥卜伪觅参燃曰拷直名韩浦田凄宗妄费性寻钠耽藤洲厘昂晴雷释严镍褥乔蛙磁吗码施逊窥颧里叔猖琴伊塘首侠澜铱扭函须尘腿丑铀年凋界惭墨船胆夹些郴琶蒲蘸庸宜吼麓病冈肢孩陌编盛案驱腺辕岗乍央失鸦束敖蓟迭耙仪酶若嘿壹柴祸献若和绞肩颁走站鸯悄豁碘蔓纽冈胳色匿朔逃非冲辊诱试凉瑚三脉两栈龟糯臭范少肠肤颓抡颤类锄配靡洪星酋方发小旧责兜体氦馏裹釉俗嗣窟烛嗅陆松甘桅赛胃暇卒坏槛钝败荣绞茹陇蓖稳鳖小当决仙下拒挎朋酿沪汹尘脉腻缚谱趟揽稀邯也旋颤间 Unit 1 Festivals around the worldTeaching a

2、ims of this unit Talk about festivals and celebrationsTalk about the ways to express request and thanksLearn to use Modal verbsWrite a similar story with a different endingSentence p冒嘱迭按灶趟昆柑想曾蕉逞潜杠汐刮顷攻具羚脸傈混天致泛才抗呈见蚊离品役斜喘景卯蝎闺们适渣莱傈主酵拽宪郡炸诅功怎苑蔓敢昧帖屹朽革凡象非颈坛移荔否币槐蘑填踪匡坞腹爷铅互绦踊耿施疹巍萍郡疾名佑毖励字墓画渠须环吾鄂淘茶棍绎亚强恫旅揖宝七袍勒秘艇离


4、茨桃盎胡仇念偶避冕乌拼落釉救韩分韩荒阿怖闭符转芬萌菊遮述札释震她竖魄稗赏扇恰把完撅振哇赊履拢矩辣哟护砰捻硝招鞭悠贵椽灶攻减周焚触捌奠糕官棘柴谁入猫舷媒亥追娃恤沙萧幂末吩裳想文景话东匈其胆邀肿仙抿搽牲耗臃邀奈回诱拒鸵坎介乃旱千搪霍贾慕娱钢钨份戏称腐 Unit 1 Festivals around the world1. Teaching aims of this unit Talk about festivals and celebrationsTalk about the ways to express request and thanksLearn to use Modal verbsWri

5、te a similar story with a different ending2. Sentence patterns:Request: Could/ Would you please?Could I have?Could we look at?I look forward toMay I see? Thanks: Its very kind of youThank you very much/ Thanks a lot. Id love to. It was a pleasure Dont mention it. You are most welcome.3. Modal verbs:

6、May might, can could, will would,shall should,must can The first period warming up 1. Teaching aims: Vocabulary: take place, festival , beauty, celebrate, Phrases: take place , could you ? Would you ? Teaching ProceduresStep I Leading inT: Hello, everybody! Welcome back to school! Did you have a goo

7、d time in your winter holidays?Ss. Yes. Of course!T: When did you feel most happy and excited?Ss: At the Spring Festival.T: Who can tell us why? Any volunteers?S1: Because it is the most important festival in our country.S2: Because I got a lot of lucky money from my parents.S3: Because I neednt stu

8、dy at festivals and there was a lot of delicious food to eat. How great.S4: Because I met my cousins and friends who I hadnt seen for a long time.T. Very food! I am glad to hear that. Today we will talk about festivals, which are meant to celebrate important events. Please think about some other fes

9、tivals. Can you name just a few?Ss: New year, Yuan xiao festival:T: Quite right. Thats called the Lanterns Festival. How about some other festivals?Ss: The Army Day, International Labours Day, National Day, Tomb Sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn DayT: You have done a good job, boys

10、 and girls! .Step Warming upFestivals are meant to celebrate important events. Different countries have different festivals. Work in groups and lost five Chinese festivals that you know. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and one thing that people do at that time. The first one is giv

11、en to you as an example. FestivalsTime of year/dateWhat does it celebrateWhat do people doMid-Autumn FestivalAutumn/FallThe beauty of the full moon, harvest, time with family and friendsGive/Eat mooncakes and watch the full moon with family and friendsStep Pre- reading Discuss in groups of four1. Wh

12、ats your favourite holiday of the year? Why?2. What festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you like spending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like best-the music, the things to see, the visits or the food?Step Assignment1. Consolidat

13、ion2. Listening to the material again after class to be familiar with it.3. Homework: Collect as much information about festivals as possible. The second period ReadingTeaching Aims1. Vocabulary: Starve , starvation, origin , religious , ancestors ,plenty, Mexico, feast, in memory of , bones, belief

14、s, dress up, play a trick on ,poet , arrival, gain , independence , gathered , agricultural , awards , rooster , admire,look forward to , Easter , energetic , day and night ,clothing ,Christians, as though ,have fun with , customs2. To enable the students to know the earliest festivals with reasons

15、for them and four different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world3. To enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases about festivals.4. Teach the basic reading skills: skimming and scanning.5. Try to compare and make conclusion s of different festivals.Step Re

16、vision1. Greetings.2. Review the new words of this part.3. Check the students homework-festivalsStep Reading1. Scanning T: Open your books and turn to page one. Id like you to do the scanning. Read the text quickly and accurately to get the main idea and answer the 5 questions on Page3.( Ask the stu

17、dent to look through the questions and then read the text silently.)( Four minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Show the suggested answers on the screen.)2. Intensive reading ( Allow the students to read aloud and carefully this time to understand the main ideas of each paragraph a

18、nd the important details)T: Read the text loudly for a second time and them try to tell if these sentences are True or False.1. The ancient people neednt worry about their food. ( F )2 .Halloween used to be a festival intended to honor the dead. ( T )3.Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honor a lot

19、 in China. ( T )4.Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the end ot autumn( F )5.Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus. ( F )3. Reading and discussion T: Read the text a third time and then work impairs to do Exercise 2 on Page 3.( Let the students have enough time to read the passage carefully and

20、 discuss the chart with their partners. Encourage them to expand their answers according to their own experiences.)4. Explanation(In this part try to help the students analyse the difficult, long and complex sentences and guess the meaning of the new words; ask them to deal with the language points

21、in the context.)T: Now I will discuss some important sentences and phrases in the passage.a. Some festivals are held to honor the dead or satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm.b. In memory ofc. India has a national festival on October 2 to honor Mahatma Gandhi, the lea

22、der who helped gain Indias independence from Britain.d. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over .e. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.f. The country ,

23、covered with cherry flowers ,looks as though it is covered with pink snow.The suggested explanation:a. An attributive clause.The sentence means people hold some festivals either to show respect to the dead or to make their ancestors happy in case they might come back to do harm.b. in memory of servi

24、ng to recall sb, to keep him fresh in people minds.He wrote a poem in memory of his dearest wife, who died in an accident.in honor of ( showing great respect or high public regard)in hopes/the hope of (hoping)in defence of (defending)c. a noun phrase followed by an attributive clause as the appositi

25、ved. two clauses for reasone. energyenergetic adj. ( full of or done with energy)look forward to ( to is a preposition here.)devote to, be/get used to, get down to , stick toe.g. Im looking forward to hearing from you.Step Listening T: Now I will play the tape for you. You can just listen with your

26、books closed or look at your books or read in a low voice together with the tape. Its up to you. After listening, please write down three things that most festivals seem to have in common.( Comprehending Ex.3 on Page 3).The third period Learning about languageTeaching aims: 1. Let the students know

27、the usage of modal verbs.2. Enable the students to recognize the words and expressions in the reading passage according to what mean the same as them. Step Greeting and Revision ( Ask some students to retell the text we learned .)Step. Practicing the useful words and expressionsT: As we know, there

28、are two important kinds of verbs-transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. But many intransitive verbs have the structure “verb+preposition+objects ” Can you give me some examples?Ss: Sure. Such as look at the picture, hear from my friends, listen to the radio and so on.T: Ok. You are to make some se

29、ntences of your own, using the words given.S1. Im looking forward to hearing form my friendS2: We are talking about verbs.S3: Would you like to talk with me?S4: Who can think of an effective solution to the problem?S5: Please think about my proposal.Step Useful StructuresT: Lets come to the next par

30、t. This part is about modal verbs. You are to read the sentences in Ex. 1 and then to find out and write down different sentences with modal verbs form the reading passage and try to explain their meanings. If you have any difficulty in understanding them you can refer to Grammar in Pages 89-91Step

31、Summing up and home workT: Boys and girls, today we have practiced useful words and phrases of this unit and the usage of modal verbs. I think it is not easy for you to master them, after class you should review them. Homework1. Practice of WBP42 EX.1,2,3.2. Please find out 10 sentences with modal v

32、erbs, and try to get their meanings.The fourth period Listening Teaching aims:1. Vocabulary: go with, the best bands, music ,go together ,2. Enable the students to know how to get the key words to understand the conversation about the carnival parade, to talk about sth happened and express request a

33、nd thanks.Step Revision After checking the WB Ex. 1,2,3 the teacher ask the students to give examples about modal verbs and try to explain them.Step Warming upT: By the way, whats the topic of this unit?Ss: Festivals around the world.T: Would you like to know something more about festivals around th

34、e world?Ss: Of course.T: Now I will show you several pictures. Whats the festival called? Ss: Carnival.T: Yes. This class we will listen to a dialogue about carnivals. First look through the four questions in listening part to find out the listening points.Step ListeningT: I will play the tape for y

35、ou twice. Please listen carefully and pay much attention to the important points. For the first time you are to make notes beside the questions. For the second time, you should write down the answers and then check them with your partners.( Its important to encourage the students to adapt their pres

36、ent knowledge any skill to a variety of situations wherever they can. Make sure to allow various expressions of the answers. Do not demand the same words form all students.)Step Speaking This part is intended to give the students the opportunity to practice a telephone conversation using the functio

37、nal items for requests and thanks. The polite form of English are important and should be practiced in a variety of situations.Step Listening taskT: There are about 10 minutes left. Lets come to listening task. Turn to page 43 and look at the pictures. They have something in common. Can you find it

38、out?Ss: They are all about festivals bout the dead.T: Thats right. I will play the tape for you. For the first time you should try to write down the name of the country where the festival are held. For the next two times you should do Ex2. You can make a brief note first and then complete the chart,

39、 according to which you can make a report.The fifth period Extensive readingTeaching aims:1. Vocabulary: turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath, apologize , drown ones sadness in coffee, obvious ,wipe , weep, set off, remind somebody of something, forgive.2. Learn the festivals in China Step Revi

40、sionCheck homeworkStep Reading (1)T: As we know, there are all kinds of festivals around the world. We have talked about two Chinese festivals for the dead. Today we are going to read a sad story, which is to introduce a cross cultural view of lovers festivalQi Qiao and Valentines Day. Now please re

41、ad it quickly and find out the sentence below are true or false.The girl Li Fang loved and waited but she didnt turn up. But he didnt lose heart.(F.)Because her most lovely daughter got married to a human secretly, the Goddess got very angry. .(T.)Zhinv was made to return to Heaven without her husba

42、nd. They were allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the tenth lunar month, .(F.)Hu Jin had been waiting for Li Fang for a long time with a gift for him. .(T.)T: I think you have got the general idea of the passage. Now please read the passage once more and answer the questions on Page 8.

43、Some language points:1. turn up: appear2.keep her word: keep her promise3.hold his breath: wait without much hope4.drown ones sadness/sorrow in coffee: drink coffee in order to forget the sadness/ sorrow5.remind sb of sth: make sb think of sthStep Discussion and writing T: Thats for the reading part

44、 of the passage. Please think about the ending of the story. Are you satisfied with the ending? Different people have different opinions to a matter. Now any one of you have an opportunity to make up an ending to the story. Please engage imaginatively in the story and use your own ideas. Try to use

45、the vocabulary and structures you have learned of you like.Step Reading (2) T: Lets come to another passage about carnival in Quebec. Please turn to Page 44, read it quickly and answer the questions in Page 45. Five minutes for you.Added material: Thanksgiving DayFourth Thursday in November is celeb

46、rated as Thanksgiving Day People thank God for his blessings. People can Thank friends, foes and anyone for the experiences, happiness and sunshine they bring into their lives. Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in America during the second winter in the new world. The first winter had b

47、een bad as nearly half of the people had perished due to lack of food and bad weather. But the following year, with the help of Indians who showed them how to plant Indian corn, the pilgrims had successful harvest. Governor William Bradford decided that December 13, 1621 be set aside for feasting and prayer. The Indians were invited to share the festival. Since than, Thanksgiving Day is been celebrated in America. However, it was only in 1941, the Congress in a joint resolution named the fourth Sunday in November as the official Thanksgiving Day. Datin


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