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1、三年级英语下册专项训练三:易错题(1) _. Thanks. A. Here you are B. Where are you C. Here are you 点拨: “Here you are.”意思是“给你。”这是把某物拿给对方时常用的交际用语。接到物的一方常说“ Thank you. /Thanks. ”以表示谢意。答案: A 【举一反三】 Here you are. _. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Yes 答案: B (2) Im from_. A. china B. a China C. China 点拨:英语字母有大小写之分, 当表示人名、地名、国家名等时, 第一

2、个字母必须大写;句首的第一个单词的首字母也要大写。答案: C 【举一反三】 _it and see! A. open B. opens C. Open 答案: C (3) _my friend, Amy. Nice to meet you. A. this is B. Hes C. This is 点拨:由下文可知, 此处是介绍一个人。“This is. . . ”意思是“这是”, 用来介绍他人。答案: C 【举一反三】 情景交际:你把你的好朋友Mike 介绍给你妈妈认识时, 你应说: _ A. Im Mike. B. Mom, this is Mike. C. Nice to meet yo

3、u. 答案: B (4) Whos that boy? _my brother. A. Shes B. He has C. Hes 点拨: Whos that. . . ?意为“那位 /个是谁?”用来询问距离说话者较远的人的身份。可以根据其性别用句型“Hes/Shes. . . (他是 /她是 )”回答。本题由问句中的“ boy”可知 , 用“ Hes. . . ”。答案: C 【举一反三】 _ my teacher, Miss Wang. A. Shes B. Theyre C. He 答案: A (5) How many_ do you see? I see 9. A. girl B. g

4、irls C. boy 点拨: how many 用来询问可数名词的数量, 意思是“多少”, 后面跟可数名词的复数形式。答案: B 【举一反三】 改错题:答案: A How many crayons (6) Lets play a game! _ A. Sure. B. OK! C. Certainly! 点拨: Lets. . . 句型是“让我们”的意思, 后面跟动词原形, 其肯定回答常用“OK !/Great!/Good idea!”。“ Sure. / Certainly!”是对别人的请求表示同意的回答。答案: B 【举一反三】 _ Good idea! A. Who are you?

5、B. Can I have some bananas? C. Lets have a race. 答案: C (7) _ apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. A B. An C. Some 点拨: apple 是单数 , 不能用 some修饰 , 首先排除C 项。 a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词之前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词之前。apple 以元音音素开头, 所以前面用an 修饰。 注意:到本册为止除了apple 之外 , 还有 eraser, elephant, egg, orange在表示“一个”时用an。答案: B 【举一反三】 改错题:答案:

6、B an orange (8) Do you like_ ?A. strawberry B. strawberrys C. strawberries 点拨:复数名词表示一类事物, strawberry 的复数形式是变y 为 i 再加 -es。在表示“我喜欢”或询问对方“你喜欢吗?”时, 可数名词要用复数形式。答案: C 【举一反三】 Lets have some_. OK! A. apple and pear B. apples and pears C. applees and pears 答案: B (9) Do you like apples? _ A. Yes, I dont. B. N

7、o, I do. C. No, I dont. 点拨:“ Do you like. . . ?(你喜欢吗?)”用来询问对方是否喜欢某件东西, 后面跟要询问的东西。回答方式如下:Do you like. . . ?肯定回答: Yes, I do. (是的 , 我喜欢。否定回答:No, I dont. 不, 我不喜欢。答案: C 【举一反三】Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. 答案:(10) Have some fruit, please. _ A. Me, neither. B. Thank you. C. I like them. 点拨:当别人请你吃或喝东西时, 如

8、果你想吃或喝可以说“Thank you. ”, 不想吃或喝可以说“ No, thank you. ”或“ No, thanks. ”。答案: B 【举一反三】 Have some coffee, please. _ A. Here you are. B. I like coffee. C. No, thank you. 答案: C (11) Wheres the monkey? _on the box. A. It B. Its C. Its 点拨:询问“在哪里?”要用“Where is/are. . . ?”。就“人”进行回答可用“ Shes/Hes. . . (她在 /他在 )”, 就“物

9、”进行回答用“Its. . . (它在 )”。故选 C。答案: C 【举一反三】 Wheres Lingling? _in the classroom. A. She B. Shes C. He 答案: B (12) Lets buy some_ and pears. A. grape B. banana C. apples 点拨: some的意思是“一些”, 后面跟可数名词的复数形式。答案: C 【举一反三】 I want some_, oranges and apples. A. grapes B. banana C. pear 答案: A (13) The monkey_ a long

10、tail. A. is B. have C. has 点拨: have 和 has都表示“有” , 但用法不同。 表示“我有”, 可以说 “I have. . . ”。但当第三人称单数(如: he, she, it 或某个人 /物)放在句首作主语时, 后面的动词要用第三人称单数形式has。答案: C 【举一反三】 I_ a kite ;he_ a toy car. A. have;have B. has;has C. have; has 答案: C (14) I dont like watermelons. _ A. Me too! B. Me, neither. C. No, I dont.

11、 点拨:“ Me too!”用于后一句的情况与前一句所述的肯定情况相同的场合, “Me, neither. ”用于后一句的情况与前一句所述的否定情况相同的场合。答案: B 【举一反三】 I have a book. _ A. Me too! B. Me, neither. C. Yes, I do!答案: A (15) Your kite is beautiful. _ A. Thank you. B. Oh, no. C. Great. 点拨:在英语中, 别人夸奖或赞美你或你的物品时, 你应回答 “Thank you. ”。答案: A 【举一反三】 情景交际:当别人夸奖你长得漂亮时, 你应说: _ A. Oh, no. B. Very well, thanks. C. Thank you. 答案: C


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