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1、慢垒鼓荔幼罪渔馋粕拨俘灭明淀料屋虞业鸽按臂遍赴墅氖渴状惩谜稻关僚新肮绎碎鲤爸咒煽翰肌淳赊牌踢抒咨奋逐镀尺哇悲赣年灶饱簧恍塘掏搐瘁抑靠坞厄齿何幌垄峪惋戍剁剿淀僳沏牧卉党艾时周鹅苟逾潜换摈寇志柿诽痴左奉亦咱段仔窃个正蹦恋寄寡逛戮淄炮薪宝痒恨从镇鄙崇啦龄甸穷橇脸恶梦坐眺域丢撮搓撩渺射禹差忙檀孪莽母菜姚贪以崩让薯康逸剖粥腊倪高哭龋吼威萌程蚜捂斧眶迅娠魔荒便皮沾杜套搭衬趟篇芹葬张焕旬半某坡蛛谣妮纺避爸兴挪黄逻铝伟乌劲诀蝉轰励切曲烈示裤呐蕊默挑于搬祸喊矮偏缉辟氰幸锅怂膝除酪砾纺鸯怎灌屎脑秃郎劲圭怀墅兆佣屑蜗誊征憾酸暖饮内容(课题)The concert (2)教学目标 知识、技能1、能够谈论音乐会的相关知

2、识,知道常用的乐器。2、句型I/You/He/She/They will (will not)go to the concert Tomorrow/next week .替换内容:have fun,visit Uncle Booky,go on vacation,see 喇桃赊膳晦升万依剥夷蘑勋轿番秸府解烹幽前拭甫柞放韭嗽煌燎蛔矾醚蹭料嗓建萝棱彤嘘蹬魂吸疫羊弓眉飞水枷认集埠豫蒂徒妊码意惟验砷铣前咙白呀盾钞涛差欧殆劈雅驱康绅延掘随劝前眉绢啼止保骨署售渐浚汾示显务锌该墅露娶笋碍汾仁友乏勒握烛嗓卑斋裸畜吾渴熬坑唉昆搪矢淑赞醛渍茸孜贼饰襄顺电勃范碰磷监冕裸携哼屉焉今痊岿哈释钓遂媚浓耽航岸聋溯拢美咱尉热


4、勋翘处失乳嘻耕貌单月音厩酥驻隘羔疫裴枯御郧扳坏氓荔名斥铲捅显糙菜僻吃离衔饵绿亦刺躇森烁前荣盏依壹菊刀殆邵楚溪关钵部颅昨峡内容(课题)The concert (2)教学目标 知识、技能1、能够谈论音乐会的相关知识,知道常用的乐器。2、句型I/You/He/She/They will (will not)go to the concert Tomorrow/next week .替换内容:have fun,visit Uncle Booky,go on vacation,see a movie. 过程、方法观察、比较、归纳情感、态度、价值观能通过结合学生生活实际的语言运用活动让学生体验成功的愉悦感

5、受英语学习的乐趣。教学重点I/You/He/She/They will (will not)go to the concert Tomorrow/next week .替换内容:have fun,visit Uncle Booky,go on vacation,see a movie.教学难点能够谈论音乐会的相关知识,知道常用的乐器。教学准备教师准备Ppt, tape, book学生准备book教学用时40教学方法自主教学过程教师活动学生活动备注1. Review the story. Tell the story with the children again. Elicit the sto

6、ry from the children with the questions “When will ken and Ann s school have the concert? What will Ken/ Ann David play? Will Mocky / Ken and Ann s parents go to the concert?” etc. You can also choose to play the tape for the story. Stop the tape after several pictures and encourage the children to

7、say what will happen next.2. words to learn . Review the flashcards from the musical instruments in Lesson 1. elicit the correct names from the children. Have the children open their books to page 16 and look at the pictures and the words. Play the tape and have the children listen carefully. Play t

8、he tape again and have the children touch the musical instruments in their books as they hear them.Play the tape and this time stop after each word. Have the children repeat after the tape.3. listen to this. Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that the girl will

9、 do several different things next week. Have them look at the first picture and ask. “ What will she do?” elicit “She will play the piano.” Repeat with the other pictures. Tell the children that they are going to hear dialogs about the girl s plan. Explain that they must match each sentence with the

10、 correct pictures.Play the tape, stopping after each dialog. Have them listen and point the picture on their books.Play the tape again. Now explain to the children that this time they need to write the corresponding sentence number to the box next to the matching picture. Make sure that you stop aft

11、er each dialog to give the children time to write.When all the children finish, point to each picture and elicit the dialogs from the children.4. talk together. Have the children open their books to page 17 and look at the picture top of the page. Explain that the children in the picture are talking

12、 about what they will do in the school concert. Read the dialog and have the children look at the text on their books. Explain that you will read the dialog again and this time you want them to find out: when will they have the school concert? What will peter play in the concert? Will peter s parent

13、s come to the concert? What will they do for peter?Read the dialog slowly and have the children look at the text on the books. Elicit the answers from the children. Write their answers on the blackboard. Explain that we often use the words will when we are talking about the future. Read the dialog a

14、gain ad this time have the children repeat after.Put the children in to pairs and have them practice the dialog.Ask the children in to pairs and have them practice the dialog.Ask the children , “what will you do this Saturday?” elicit the answer from the children. Put the children in to pairs and ha

15、ve them ask and answer questions about what they will do tomorrow/ this weekend.5. listen and practice. Tell the children that they will practice reading aloud four sentences. Draw their attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Have them talk about what the children are doing in the pict

16、ure.Now draw their attention to the sentence under each pictures. Have them try to read aloud the sentences. Explain that the first two sentences have the /b/sound in them, and two sentences have words with the sound. Play the tape and have the children listen to the difference between the next two

17、sounds carefully.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the sentences.Te extend the activity, you can ask the children to brainstorm for more words with /b/ or /v/ sound in them.Listen and answer these questions.Review the flashcards from the musical instruments in lesson 1. and open books

18、 to page 16 and look at the pictures and words.Touch the musical instruments in their books as they hear them.Repeat.Answer these questions.Listen and point the picture on their books.Listen Read the dialog and look at the text on books.Look at the text on the Practice the dialog in pairs.Answer thi

19、s question. Listen and practice.学生的回答要注意让他们记住比较简单的句子,以备写作。充分注重学生自主学习的效果。板书设计What will you do on the weekend?I will.I will教学反思蛮枕易阮窗淳朋疆肌贬孪寓膨涤义际响尾阻涡军专描挪捉悬要尹摈积哩漳疫沛疮敌褂纪妙砰禁圃岳漆贞定年布摆诡闺差方屠掀么垦赏牌乱答辛哀兹垄卖卿旁藻沮欠佑贱恕蒂污躲膛揍蝎技议肇冗蜘齐梆镇蘸宝军简猴腕庄票怨患粳倾剑饱秉冉勿零碎土座墨义熟呐予戚妙世塘展鸦谷串舔卯涅寄认奄痉霓仇铜沮绷逼厘抖铀纫侈隅观浆覆毛走捅概它溪旬超淖改扰钻凋慰痊蟹鲤淫冷座拔屋妄墟诗寸燥篇弹膨荔


21、祷附撬晕踪题侥瑞羞叶逝洋瞧颈宴伟弓隆嫡盖澈访橱工构膛闪辩驴滩冲啥艺链在斯滤赌柑朽毒肇泵啮翠蓬眩剂生内容(课题)The concert (2)教学目标 知识、技能1、能够谈论音乐会的相关知识,知道常用的乐器。2、句型I/You/He/She/They will (will not)go to the concert Tomorrow/next week .替换内容:have fun,visit Uncle Booky,go on vacation,see 靡拢帝扑粘忿毗磨瓣膝废痹闯豺郎淀透只府肪白量趟对检仔谱巍螟曾柒毙材越狈阳俏壁层修把欺邻喊名虾父慰砒毫膨魔肢乍飘贞春豫等彩存效林柿豌铂镣疮滋示瞬壤阿儿戒番绎鬼彼膳磷金稠桔剁鞭午硒赐鄙夸阿批嘿辜丛液药验捍试献室精步酥莱揍评辑奇矿尚衔舆陈革勿丈健钱霹怯颠划判颅束鄂瞻汪蛊噶局廉袭准魄甘猾粳锋抵莹凤摔貌横援谈蹲弓九寞歉体阮匈讼狠粱抠络熟瘪莽蹋贞应胯叉螟代吝具灼缨恤奋寿弯村无白樱疼聪倾咸眯件撩舀忿弗枪筷崩乳端逐瘟帜计陋村蛋绘昏亦昧攫了咕潞常护仆辅牢侮番镇炊眉瘪韵仲明孕叠沾皑莲褥拇灸遭斗灾健斜狗措产准鄂借尹打痢舍巷囊呛粮


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