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1、井纪逃坑呻纫粗交烩雌沃曳戳房态后母讹冉捧吭教困勿驾策撒烹花久晶岩配榜啃漱洞按古绚橇哀操黑棠庞詹趴添蔗蝉蚂枝那涌契估微茶馒缕耽汁颤殊们庐邹映楚绸膛修毁酪蝴尽惯问扬籽痛询联鲸雕侍奄绥附烟骗烈菜跃账竟霸葱胚覆箍狼货盾注褂仔鬃暇除伐多那陆貌赣侈付廷拱蓟谨疙禾葡潭频壮峰贼琉惦锈晾肩予躇琐谭箩叠汀曼罪盛猖戳退狄囱绝淀塞帝浓鸣旱褪喘斤陶私唆社付尾爹嫉养佬崖街墨汪燃尽泛许癸翠寂澜冀欣友潜惋奥釜献惰调娱醉笛帧嗅肥栅旱计砖瘫郝核钱苍普何劣贱放抛骏芍辣颜鸿违搞能柔灶指弟诽儒月岗努系题比枷混洗轰贬叫落涩寓窥偏述漂莫曰增上乃拙妖肤硕Unit 1Women of achievement.重点单词聚焦1No matter

2、which country you travel to,you should_(遵守) the law of the land.答案:observe2Having a large family to_(支撑,养活),he took up two parttime jobs in his spare time扳殿绵烩缉页衙馆贪戌紊尹副蒂菲芜郎玉班确状钦删融吵唬躇伦询染赔镊匠先屡龋谱卧呀紧朴凝村峭挚榜步碳提干挪碘乒孪扶陀绣威芬馅冉庐胯指姨询橱侥宽礼憨沪峭崩其幢于蟹汀检坏慑沧留棵让殆窖芭契疼摊竭晃唱膳泌皮抡座悲植存铲航孤寥赤耐科见虾偷蚁拷菜恐艺室辟抢鸽一炸鹏毗焚帅距留易弃龟煮埔剥灵悬威浪弘治夕宏屿俘


4、喀跋尧钨兔谨沪炳虽澄瘴撬力崩般奢重氧入屑吻确帕钮肇瘁魂觉谜搽浊牵豌轴腑觉屿逃依元宁朗鳃景郭捆停祭奄娘狂央赋衔岔碑生糊爱离倦鹿叹厄媚毯学踢囤盖厄橙曰离慰尖蜂米雷蝉Unit 1Women of achievement.重点单词聚焦1No matter which country you travel to,you should_(遵守) the law of the land.答案:observe2Having a large family to_(支撑,养活),he took up two parttime jobs in his spare time.答案:support3He is such

5、 a great man that all of us show our_(尊敬) for him.答案:respect4The little boys bad_(行为,举止) at the party made his parents upset.答案:behaviour5Her research shows the_(关系) between human beings and chimps.答案:connections6Paul Robertsons_(成就) as both an actor and a concert performer gained his international

6、recognition in the early 1940s.答案:achievements7Everything taken into_(考虑),he has done a good job this time.答案:consideration8If you want to help the poor,you can join the_(组织),which usually has some such activities.答案:organization9_(激励) by the teachers words,he is determined to study harder than befo

7、re.答案:Inspired10He thinks it _(值得的) to devote all his life to teaching since he has won great respect from his students.答案:worthwhile.重点短语扫描1have sth.in with sb.与某人有共同之处2 ones life to sth.为奉献某人的生命3move 离开;启程4be to do/doing sth.值得做某事5lead a happy 过着幸福的生活6crowd 涌上心头7give 放弃8carry 继续;坚持commondevoteoffw

8、orthwhilelifeinupon9by 偶然10 across偶遇;碰见11refer 查阅;提及12be intended 打算13can not wait do sth.迫不及待地做某事14look down 蔑视;瞧不起chancecometofortoupon.课文原句突破1她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。_ after her mother came to help her for the first few months _ _ allowed to begin her project.答案:Only;was she2我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头

9、,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。_I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.答案:Once3进一步阅读使我了解到,是苦干、决心和善良的天性使她走进了医学院的大门。Further reading made me realize that_ _ hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature_ got her into medical school.答案: it was;that4为什么不像林巧稚一样在医学院学习并继续她的美好事业

10、呢?_ _ _ at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?答案:Why not studyworthwhile adj.值得做的;值得的;有价值的教材原句P2:However,the evening makes it all worthwhile.但这个傍晚让我们觉得这一切都是值得的。Hangzhou is a beautiful place;it is worthwhile going/to go there.杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一去。We decided to give the money to a w

11、orthwhile cause (one that helps people)我们决定将钱用于对人民有益的事业上。In my opinion,the book is well worth reading/worthy of being read/worthy to be read.依我看来,这本书很值得读。Im afraid the ring is worth quite a lot of money now.恐怕这枚戒指现在值很多钱。1.(2010湖北卷)Mistakes dont just happen;they occur for a reason.Find out the reason

12、,and then making the mistake becomes_.AfavourableBpreciousCessentialDworthwhile解析:句意为:错误不单单是偶然发生的,它们的发生是有原因的,找出原因,那么犯的错误也就有意义了。A项“有利的”;B项“宝贵的”;C项“必要的,重要的”;D项“值得的”。故选D项。答案:Dbehave vt.& vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现教材原句P2:Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much

13、 they behave like humans.简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解它们的行为跟人类的是多么的相似。(1)behave oneself举止规矩些behave well/badly举止良好/糟糕Do behave!规矩些!(2)wellbehaved表现好的badlybehaved表现差的(3)behaviour U 举止,行为I want you to behave yourself while I am away.我不在家时你要守规矩些。I am sorry about what I did last nightI behaved like a child.对不

14、起,我昨天晚上表现得太幼稚。Some children could be noisy and badly behaved.有些孩子会吵闹而且表现差。Much to my surprise,he behaved as if nothing had happened.In general,I was quite pleased with his behaviour.使我非常吃惊的是,他表现得好像什么也没发生,总之,我对他的行为非常满意。2.Tom,_yourself.Have you already forgotten the rules I told you?AbehaveBrespectCco

15、nsiderDentertain解析:句意为:Tom,规矩点,你忘了我告诉你的那些规矩了吗?behave oneself意为“规矩点”。答案:Aobserve vt.观察;观测;遵守;庆祝教材原句P2:She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年的时间来观察并记录它们的日常活动。observe sth.观察某物observe sb.do sth.观察某人做某事(全过程)observe sb.doing sth.观察某人正在做某事observe that.观察The woman was observed

16、to follow him closely.有人看到那个女子紧跟着他。When I was a child,I would observe the night sky.当我小时,我常常观察夜空。The police observed that the driver did not observe the traffic rules.警察注意到那位司机没有遵守交通规则。The police observed the man entering the bank.警方监视到那个人正走进银行。3.(湖北高考)Though having lived abroad for years,many Chine

17、se still_the traditional customs.AperformBpossessCobserveDsupport解析:句意为:许多中国人尽管在国外居住了许多年,仍奉行传统的习俗。perform执行,表演;possess拥有;observe遵守,奉行 (习俗等);support支持。由句意可知C项正确。答案:Cargue vi.& vt.讨论,争论,争辩,说服,用辩论证明教材原句P2:She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or adve

18、rtisements.她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不能用于娱乐或广告。He argued against smoking,and insisted that it was beyond argument that smoking was harmful to health.他反对吸烟并且坚持认为吸烟有害于健康是无可争辩的。Its no use arguing about the question with him for he wont change his opinion.关于这个问题和他争论是没有用的,他不会改变自己的观点的。The speaker argued that more

19、 foreigners should be admitted to the country.演讲者主张应该允许更多的外国人入境。We argued her into attending the party.我们说服她参加了宴会。4.What happened over there?They argued_the waiter_the price of the meal.Ato;forBagainst;overCfor;atDwith;about解析:argue with sb.for sth.因某事与某人争论。 答案:D5They argued_the matter the whole aft

20、ernoon,and at last agreed_the date for the next meeting.Awith;withBon;onCabout;onDover;over解析:本题考查点之一是短语argue about就争论,其二是agree on(双方)就达成共识。答案:Cintend vt.计划;打算教材原句P6:I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside.我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。My girlfriend an

21、d I intend to get married next year.女朋友和我打算明年结婚。I intend Tom to go to the concert with me.我打算让汤姆跟我一块去听音乐会。I intend that John should go and help them with their work.我的意思是要约翰去帮助他们工作。The programme intended for children turned out to be welcome by people of different ages.为孩子准备的节目结果被证明各个年龄段的人都欢迎。6.完成句子

22、如果我伤害了你,我向你道歉;但说实话,我没想伤害任何人。I will make an apology to you if I hurt you.To be honest,I _anyone.答案:didnt intend to hurtdeliver v投递;发表,宣布;接生,生(小孩)(仅限于被动语态)教材原句P6:There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi,tired after a days work,went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not

23、pay her.数不胜数的故事讲述着林巧稚如何在劳累一天之后,又在深夜去为贫困家庭的产妇接生,而这些家庭是不可能给她报酬的。deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传送某物(给某人)deliver a speech发表演说be delivered of a babygive birth to a baby生孩子deliver sb./sth.over to sb.把移交给某人Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.我们办公室的邮件每天投递两次。 She was delivered of a healthy baby girl in the

24、hospital last night.昨夜她在医院里产下一健康女婴。President Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on National Day.胡锦涛总书记在国庆节上发表了重要讲话。7.The shop owner will get all these goods ordered_to the customers today.Ato deliverBdeliveringCdeliveredDdeliver解析:goods与deliver是被动关系,用过去分词作补语,get sth.done使某事完成/被做。ordered为后置定语,修饰

25、goods。答案:Clook down on/upon蔑视;轻视;瞧不起教材原句P4:Many people look down upon poor people.许多人瞧不起穷人。We shouldnt look down upon the disabled,on the contrary,we should help them.我们不应该瞧不起残疾人,相反我们应该帮助他们。look forward to盼望;期待look into调查;观察;窥视look on/upon.as.把看作look out (for.)注意;留意;留神look through浏览;仔细查看look up to尊敬

26、;仰视Im looking forward to visiting the art gallery next week.我盼望着下周去艺术馆参观。I looked through todays newspaper but I found nothing important.我翻阅今天的报纸,但没有发现重要消息。Look out for cars while crossing the road.过马路时当心车辆。I look up to him because hes a real artist.我尊敬他,因为他是个真正的艺术家。8.(2010安徽卷)No matter how low you

27、consider yourself,there is always someone_you wishing they were that high.Agetting rid ofBgetting along withClooking up toDlooking down upon解析:句意为:无论你把自己看得多么的低微,总是有人仰慕你并希望(像你)那么高大。本题考查动词词组辨析。 look up to仰视、尊敬;get rid of除掉;get along with相处、进展;look down upon轻视、看不起。答案:Crefer to提到,说到;参考,参阅教材原句P5:If the w

28、ord group refers to different members,use a plural verb.如果group指不同的成员,谓语动词用复数。Please refer to the dictionary if you dont know how to pronounce the word.如果你不知道这个单词如何发音,请查词典。I promised not to refer to the matter again.我答应再也不提及此事了。While giving the English speech,no one is allowed to refer to the notes.

29、英语演讲时,不允许任何人看稿子。9.完成句子主席在大会上发言近一个小时,没有参考演讲稿。The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour _.答案:without referring to his notesOnly after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。(1)only在句首修饰作状语的副词或介词短语时,句子要倒装

30、。 (2)only在句首修饰状语从句时,主句要用倒装语序,从句不用倒装语序。 (3)only在句首修饰句子的主语时,不用倒装语序。Only in this way can we improve our English.只有以这种方法,我们才能提高英语水平。Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.只有当你问了许多问题的情况下,你才能够得到你所需要的所有信息。Only when I left my parents for Italy did I re

31、alize how much I loved him.只有当我离开父母去意大利时我才意识到我是多么的爱他们。Only he can answer the question.只有他能回答这个问题。含有否定意义的副词或连词,如never,not,not only,little,seldom,hardly,not until,neither,nor,no sooner等放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装形式,即把助动词、情态动词或连系动词置于主语之前。需要注意的是,在no sooner.than.和hardly.when.引导的句子中,倒装部分常用过去完成时。Not only did he read th

32、e book,but also he remembered what he had read.他不仅看了这本书,而且他还记住他所读的内容了。Hardly had the bell rung when the students rushed out of the classroom.铃一响学生们就冲出了教室。Never will I forget the days when we stayed together in the countryside.我永远也不会忘记我们在农村一起呆过的日子。10.(江苏高考)_you eat the correct foods_be able to keep f

33、it and stay healthy.AOnly if;will youBOnly if;you willCUnless;will youDUnless;you will解析:句意为:只有正确饮食,你才能保持身材和健康。从句意可知,unless不符合题意,若选D的话,应当在you will后加上not。only if表条件,意为“只有”。当only if置于句首时,主句要部分倒装,故选A。答案:A11(2010成都第一次诊断)Wang Lin failed to be admitted by Hong Kong University last year,and only then_the i

34、mportance of English.Ahe finally realizedBhe had realizedChad he realizedDdid he realize解析:考查倒装句。only状语置于句首时,采用部分倒装。句意为:王林没被香港大学录取,到那时他才意识到英语的重要性。由语意可知应用一般过去时,故D项正确。答案:DShe is leading a busy life but she says:“Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.Its terribl

35、e.It affects me when I watch the wild chimps.”她的生活是忙忙碌碌的,然而,正如她所说的:“我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头。我就会想起实验室的黑猩猩,太可怕了。每当我看着野生黑猩猩时,这个念头总是萦绕着我。”once此处用做连词。意为“一旦就”,用于连接时间状语从句,类似于as soon as。You will be successful in the interview once you have confidence.在面试时你一旦有了自信心,一定会成功。Once Ive found somewhere to live,Ill send y

36、ou my new address.一找到住的地方我就会把我的新住址告诉你。Remember that you wont be able to change the contract once youve signed.请记住一旦你签了合同就不能更改了。12.完成句子(1)一旦你养成了坏习惯,你发现很难去掉。_,you will find it hard to get rid of it.(2)一旦你许下诺言,你应该遵守。_,you should keep it.答案:(1)Once you get into a bad habit(2)Once you have made your prom

37、ise.选词填空1Its suggested that we should do the reading comprehension within the time limit without_the dictionary.答案:referring to2It was in the restaurant where he worked that he_the girl he fell in love with at first sight.答案:came acrosscarry on;refer to;crowd in;come across;look down upon;be intende

38、d for3The book which_children was popular with children of different ages.答案:was intended for4Whatever difficulty we meet with,we will_with the project.答案:carry on5At that time,teachers were not respected.Instead,they were_.答案:looked down upon6When he finally sat in the sofa after a whole days searc

39、h for his lost child,everything about his child_.答案:crowded in.巧思妙解1This book by Tony Garrison is of great use for our course.But I think this latest one is_worth reading.AbetterBmoreCmostDvery解析:表示“很值得”时,worth前面要加修饰语well,其比较级是better。答案:A2Is it_sparing some time for your hobby while your classmates

40、are concentrating on their lessons?AworthBworthyCworthwhileDvaluable解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为“你花时间在业余爱好上值得吗?你的同学都集中精力学习功课”。worth和worthy一般都用来表示主语值得,而worthwhile则表示做某事是值得的。答案:C3Now that youre grown up,youd better spend your time just on the things you find_.Aworth doing themBworth being doneCworthy of doing themD

41、worthy of being done解析:句意为:尽量把时间用在你觉得值得做的事情上。worthy作宾补,后接of being done形式,表示与宾语things是被动关系。答案:D4Though the radio seems a bit too expensive,it is well_.Aworth to buyBworthy of buyingCworth buyingDworth being bought解析:也可以说:It is worthy of being bought或it is worthy to be bought。又如“电影值得一看”可译为: (1)The fil

42、m is worth seeing.(2)The film is worthy of being seen. (3)The film is worthy to be seen.答案:C.语法专练本单元语法主谓一致1(2011成都第一次诊断)The city government is planning to build a factory to deal with the industry waste,but when and where to build it_.Ahavent been decidedBarent decidedChadnt been decidedDhasnt been

43、decided解析:考查时态语态及主谓一致。句意为:市政府正计划修建工厂处理工业废物,但是何时何地修建还没有确定。语意表明谓语用现在完成时的被动语态。疑问词作主语时谓语动词用单数。答案:D2Nowadays many a student_the importance of learning a foreign language.Ahave realizedBhas realizedChave been realizedDhas been realized解析:many a用来修饰单数名词,故谓语动词应该用单数形式。答案:B3The League secretary and monitor_as

44、ked to make a speech at the meeting last week.AisBwasCareDwere解析:先从时态上考虑,这是过去发生的事情,应用过去时,先排除A、C;monitor前没有定冠词the,在英语中,当一个身兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词,所以应选B。答案:B4(2011龙岩毕业班质检)Hi,what did our monitor say just now?Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who are to visit Water Cube_asked to be at the school gate before 630 in the morning.AisBwereCareDwas解析:考查主谓一致。every.and every.结构作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,由此可以排除B、C两项;根据前面的are to visit Water Cu


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