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1、不同群体厚朴苗期主要性状观测分析Main Traits Observation of Young Growth Families of Magnolia Officinalis From Different Groups Jiang YanfengPan XinheZhu HongLiu Yuejun (Lishui Academy of ForestryLishui323000) Abstract: Half sib seeds of Magnolia officinalis kept in wet sand were collected from Hubei, Guangxi and Zh

2、ejiang provenance. Seedling emergence and growth situation were observed and studied. Plant height and ground diameter situation were recorded in winter. The results showed that the growth situation of M. officinalis from different places were basically consistent that it could be roughly divided in

3、to seedling stage, growth stage, rapid growth period and defoliation; The highest of average height and diameter of annual seedling was Guangxi source(47.04 cm and 0.90 cm), the minimum was Hubei provenance (29.07cm, 0.78 cm).Difference of seedling plant height reached extremely significant level be

4、tween different provenances while the diameter difference was not significant; It had extremely significant diameter difference and significant height difference between families from Hubei provenance. It had extremely significant height difference and no significant diameter difference between fami

5、lies from Guangxi provenance. It didnt have significant diameter difference between families fromZhejaing provenance, but significant height difference. It had extremely significant diameter difference and extremely significant height difference between singles. Annual seedlings of Magnolia officina

6、lis from Guangxi provenances had the fastest high growth , Hubei provenance was the last while difference diameter growth was almost the same; Half sib families had extremely significant difference.It should be payed full attention to the selection of superior provenances,families and superior indiv

7、idual,in the process of breeding of M. officinalis. Key words:Magnolia officinalis; seedling stage;character 厚?阄?木兰科植物厚朴Magnolia officinalis 或凹叶厚朴M. ficinalis varbiloba 的干燥干皮、枝皮和根皮1,先后被列入国家珍稀濒危植物和国家二级保护中药,是我国特有的珍贵中药材传统中药,始载于神农本草经,列为中品,历代本草均有收载,味苦辛,性温,具有温中理气、散满消胀、燥湿消积等功效。前者主要分布于四川、湖北等省, 称为“川朴”, 其叶型为小凸尖叶;后者主产于广西、福建等省,称为“温朴”, 其叶型为凹叶,两者之间还有许多在叶形上呈中间状态的过渡类型,常垂直生长在海拔5003 000 m 的丘陵、山地地带2。厚朴皮是厚朴栽培的主要目的产物,有研究表明,同一种源的厚朴人工林尽管林龄、立地条件不同,但其树皮生长与胸径、树高呈显著的正相关,即胸径越粗、树越高树皮就越厚3,4。厚朴为多年生树种,在幼苗期间研究其地径与株高的生长特点,可为厚朴的栽培实践与良种选育提供理论依据。


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