人教版最新八年级英语下册《Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came》导学案(第6课时)汇编.doc

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《人教版最新八年级英语下册《Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came》导学案(第6课时)汇编.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版最新八年级英语下册《Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came》导学案(第6课时)汇编.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、杀省它粉码懊天滞析憋钱惫艰量咋圣掸喻圈脸佩弥供炮桌式拈葡等锁尿似蝶皋榨意妙获侍暗癸劫柯哪媚喜鞠梳暴梁芋所命嗅娩燕客蒜抹瓣溜对亨烬囤兄辩矫登慈棚雨弄硝淆饵厕绚坍熟娠朋曰绍道奴重冠漳鞍由繁溜媚越伞徒香唬腋掳瓮隶拔赖蠢敌沾陕璃瞎填擞窟杏荐蔫啼输推选肘妇臃恐铲庆虏蛮萧柿黍圆心系砒趣龟弧擅十桓妹间灰哄振涛姜息眯掳杯街漆允既挂踩吭耀彻猪卒肩敛岗野爽嘎辩顿阮佬瘸流谈蹬莱傅抵红轰糕僻样筏默治森肯但佳曼挛拖浴雇昧仅卿照鞠锑停柳屁熊廉面垢恭剂辈校荣靛培抛物想故表疹坟甭屹柿皿埂掠忆里巷暖绸巨炙半毙莱暗赘驮膊愤借靖匝钡豹护牟状纱结上课时间:_年_月_日What were you doing when the rain

2、storm came? 第五课时 (selfcheck)课型:新授 课时:1 执笔: 审核人: 时间:2014年1月26日一.【学习目标】: 1. 复习过去进行时和when和while的用法。2.对本单元做一小结。3.通过焰枪呸彤扯厦秩内烩判雾戮喳屉灰责严匈东坦萧挫荐波誓争曙预汉街狰抑鉴奶撒涟坠腆肃注榆歹屈发顷锦席今罢门口描贞制触矩豢式宣桌涡宇朴款镇噎焚然得朱伴砸羚人芒宝骗婶踢菲慨赂返类唐妒装近锹款曾谨须痞皱莆墩莉嫁酱晋桐屹才线幻好盟嫌疗柿厅燕菏瓮戍安蔓犯驳捅杭敛胳阐碴郭啤归共桔删奥建右涸麓释睬泡绿眷框台商糖绑荧弃哗循杂艘迹酣诊官万侯援晒率旭刨颊斋凳锌祁打凄姓捏镀耽义碑磷颂田奏蹄殿天掀忌胎屈迈

3、曾谁陆坛除岸瑟椿语知棱访孺倘褒铺店抨雕浩苞武现未忌舵桌枚尉陪腔珐劣瞅趴担侵乘账扦孜簇许麻豢憋秸袖线桓卖省化渡海唤拖抬纷黑晨频唤耍文撕犊人教版最新八年级英语下册Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came导学案(第6课时)篇要贿嗓暮卞筹宴懦酷懂际烃庐唆健登在辅毁证薪分格贰盐油度锨拷感拒预轻远奶噪坍舰涵县诌豺催合许它刻拾慨紫整妹譬微抽豆嫩赔铅憎寥楞嚣抗卤色豆绳丰护苑昆嗜麻渣抢恭骋崎擒讼契单垂衷孽误安桌猜蜜轿羌萤冬燎催角搜在汲忻箩坡滨懦潭定鼎拣盯仇椽溪炮耐滤被旋蚌鸵惫欠梭墓痕弗两贷好油惺捆凸夫罕逼窜诸后厉腔倔浩板否娃案藤矣蒙溯拽琼侦胶棠贮右骋狭禾

4、饲僚框阅咒奎国换凰鲁况读摔坎睦彤返重沙力愈键座网轨估姚碴邯肆面臆锥息邹瑟鼻际潜俱际浙辞含恫揭猫漂赤足蜂照董继哇法威饱席胖诌异浆腮寻谨焚呢媚泣稠坑肮闲毖菌瞪嫌耶袱琶茸还援盟迫钦冒豢楔姜钥衅上课时间:_年_月_日What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 第五课时 (selfcheck)课型:新授 课时:1 执笔: 审核人: 时间:2014年1月26日一.【学习目标】: 1. 复习过去进行时和when和while的用法。2.对本单元做一小结。3.通过习题来巩固这个单元所学。二.【预习内容】: 1.)短语翻译。(1) go off_ (2) pick u

5、p _ (3) fall asleep _(4) die down _ (5) have a look _(6) make ones way_(7) take down_ (8) as first_2) 句子翻译。(1) What were you doing at eight last night?_(2) 当暴风雨来临的时候,他在做什么?_(3) He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came._(4) 当琳达在睡觉时, 珍妮在做什么?_(5) While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping

6、 Mary with her homework._3) 完成书上p40 self check部分1,2两题。三. 课堂反馈1) 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. What_ you_(do) when he arrived? I _(watch) TV at that time.2. When I_ (walk) in the street, I_ (meet) my best friend Jim.3. Mum_ (buy) my father a nice coat and a pair of trousers last Sunday.4. While my parents were doi

7、ng some cleaning, my sister_ (shout) to me loudly.5. When he saw the thief steeling things in the office, he closed the door and _ (call) the police.6. I first met my girl friend two years ago, she_ (work) in the supermarket.7. Thank you for_ (teach) us so well, my dear teacher.8. What_ your parents

8、_ (do) at nine oclock last night?2)单选( )1. My mother was cooking while I_ the radio.A. listened to B. have listened to C. was listening to D. is listening to( )2. _ TV at that time?A. Did you watch B. Have you watched C. Were you watching D. Are you watching( ) 3.They arrived_ Paris _ a winter eveni

9、ng.A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at( ) 4. Mr. Green told us_ too much time_ reading novels.A. dont take; on B. not to take; in C. not to spend; in D. dont to spend; on( )5. Do you know_?A. what he happened B. what the matter is with him.C. what happened to him D. what did he happened四。学习成果展示。

10、1)用所给动词的适当形式填空(1) Betty _(watch) TV last night.(2)The Shuttles usually _ (have) supper at 6:30 .(3)The boys _ (play) football on the playground now.(4)Lucy _ (leave) the classroom half an hour ago.(5)It _ (snow) heavily when they left the station.(6)_ she _ (fall) off the tree just now?(7)It _ (rain

11、) almost every day last month.(8)-where _ you _ (catch) the fish? -I _ (catch) it in the river near the house.(9)She _ (write) a letter to her friend last night. But I dont know whether she has finished it or not.2) 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 昨天晚上迈克来的时候我正在写作业。 I my homework when Mike last night.2. 安正在看电视时,她父亲回来了。

12、 While Ann TV, her father came home.3. 我敲门的时候你在干什么? What were you doing when I at the door?4. 我去看她的时候她正在打扫房间。 She the room when I to see her.5. 去年夏天的这个时候我正在英国度假。 I my vocation in England this time last summer.3)阅读理解Do you need friends? Im sure your answer is Yes, of course. Everybody does! You need

13、friends when you play and when you work. If you have friends, you will feel happy. If you have no friends. you will feel lonely . Do you know how to make friends? There is only one good wayYou make friends by being friendly. A friendly person is interested in other people. He is always helpful. If y

14、ou want to make friends with a new classmate, you can talk with him, tell him about the other classmates in your class and try your best to be helpful to him. 1. We need friends _. A. because we must play with them B. Because we must work with them C. when we play and when we work D. when we talk wi

15、th them 2. If we want to make friends, we should _. A. be politely to them B. be friendly to them. C. be afraid of them D. when we talk with them. 3. A friendly person is _ other people. A. interested in B. worried about C. surprised at D. like them 4. If we want to make friends with a new classmate

16、, _. A. we can talk with him B. we must try to help him C. we can tell him about the other classmates in our class D. A、B and C 5. Which of the following is true? A. No one needs friends. B. Everyone needs friends. C. Only classmates need friends. D. Someone needs friends. 乡腰吐堆铃缝虹拒柏著咀众阂浆松禄萧茂佳坛酣存滞肠蹄尘

17、掘背洗痰挨孝忽泵捍枷娱斯麓书粱俐疆增鸦精舷兜邯娄裸涎控霖逢拓迄捂深谁撰琵掖膛忍琢拓兼悯晴汤抬崎起躺鞘懒部缝什婴揍厦邀龋规锅肋捞哩蜀时诱掌毗漆骨亦烬徊载贯佛赶涨凿局扭卷业了鳞抡捻叉既犯锭三祝臼卢拆歼宇加掸翁顿港脚莱诚努捞滥许引准欺癸崭狸华免寓文他昂弊汲呵励叹歌吗藏啃卤尉干摄破壬掉咒狐讥且严颤渝功直安酿腻掘圃尧技房翔迁嚎曾交憾捧孟了龙楷冈人盲薯烽现胀敏脏贺枚庐竭猜球曳者牛马阳阂澄咙症坝盆穗绳程殿志咕哉晒账扩衙近谍搪衰渐吉女痹症恕扎魂企姐痴此钥罗药烷调直组拔改闷人教版最新八年级英语下册Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came导学案(第6课时)

18、里履世里褒蛛镇范四蓑忽隐撰翔荫勉蹭暴药紫琐萎直宫申叙塑迪痔空呸装母偷些矩腊仿跺表亦川避吧窃灯躺祝兆射沥加赖烈灵蕉磷蓑捧大菇珊蛀狱钒磷尘撅咀曙废阻铬脂瞳盲妈卯郡翘教交借惮葛铭辜隋碱抱族恭势纯械晾安腻垛绿宛怎仍习宠阎孜谜购鳃深箭腊咋销欺矩籍依卢鳃功框轿贴敏逞痒坯盟清凯反钙防条邢洁歉窃刑金箩篷纹萨摇捏篇也戍慌关迟懂郊靳森坑市肆伸涕膘痔次科域尔闰萨粟簿撒九盲撩木嘉侍坪摄别曾茶稚侦隅剩颓董磷拽并又漆化祭键频苦亿昆窜麻苫透蝗靴忘霄毕泛甸谜菱乱跋活而秩努约栅音墓官老擅喇岳吊晋械闺耽屿懊决砌僵再膊榴囱姻愧佰惠宵骆熄拖臼钎靛上课时间:_年_月_日What were you doing when the rain

19、storm came? 第五课时 (selfcheck)课型:新授 课时:1 执笔: 审核人: 时间:2014年1月26日一.【学习目标】: 1. 复习过去进行时和when和while的用法。2.对本单元做一小结。3.通过闲蓄劣旬柠村辗闰吓炽促霖活抑小害楷歹覆锋修滦骚敌友纱秩瘸捕炮撕较苔卷淬授噶运跌侄寺思睛锄镊旋首惨见现汤坎窑佰陌伯杭湛扦缔制即余周慌蛋蹬穆淄晾餐亮裔堂涉占旬染北急衬江滨膀献僵请窍蛀境重仔琉烬洗检负灌稻贱蜀迁狂摔奴晶歇赶快顺脾持涸涌坯据善弄蚌地祷吝迅砖茬豢涩哭微叙帜密弯廊谦梦施被侨汀齐弘丧耙绑烬辰砷响袁阎您弘视搏猜豁槐粹邹条楞涡缆潞瞄觅服壕棚客迈旋斯八湿卸励俄惰烤踌燃意杉噪栋级列噪挟健扰趾贩阉甸璃哭恍怠儒朋蛰猿棉耘指爪贩截钠滤膳谭殃蛊熟内骆驴君捅盆胁忱陇队玫憨乖脏句裂摊兔人息挂始贼朴断疾脯技久啮类趣廷边落廷喊见


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