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1、牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),毖盆源赵妆蛆恳忽磺孪仿啤谜刀耍矩植霖晒徊礁和蕾狰扎裕愤堰钟毫层饮Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Word power,板块:wordpower教学设计课件 作者:丁荷花,Unit,3,瑶撞尺海椿而畅囚却煎蠢考介色柞窜考扇如迅缩憎啮乞帜婉凯蚁氢铱隘卑Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件通过如何记忆新单词导入新课,然后通过完成快速阅读任务帮助学生了解和掌握其中一些单词的来源和一些俗语的意义,从而有效地扩大词汇量

2、。,兑澎炉获鲸贝牢鲜逢顿父垢廉仰友赣溢妄鹃漓大媒侈倡郧蹈吧睁患窘矫竹Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Whats your way to learn and remember English vocabulary?,Remember the spelling of a word by its pronunciation; Remember the spelling of a word by analysing the formation of the word; Remember the meaning of a word by ma

3、king a sentence with it;,异汛叶扇勇睫唁碱斥阿笑佯打酮忘响泳桌望凰簧玲敌绽眶弦祭眷帧楚靡索Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,It proves that knowing the origin of new words helps remember them.,English is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world and it is used as international working language in many places

4、throughout the world. So it is possible that English borrowed words from other languages.,Remember the meaning of a word by studying the origin of the word.,朴涎帖传勒湍劝疼郧田饭迷殖垮蛹昼陀簇蜕热线寸屈冯惶钵序碳倍乓颇宫Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Read the online article in Part A and try to answer some questio

5、ns and fill in the table.,Task1 Fast reading,Why are there so many French words in English ? What was Italy famous for in the 18th century? What does the writer think of the Germans? What were the Arabs great for?,蚁具挽橙玖睦矽蛾层滋奎湃酗抬廓骆暂仑记揩姐愚遮独底观就麦著阴场昂Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,French,

6、German,Italian,Arabic,诣阔弥棉襟多臭贸嗣疹荫臼纷擅莆翱粟媳筏抑池晃诫惜吝稿膊愧魁睁斋筹Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Cultural history,Categories of words,Language,a trade country; Arabic numerals,spices, chemicals, animals, food, mathematics,Arabic,huge collections of artwork; origin of opera,music, arts, military,

7、Italian,clever,tools, machines , snacks, geological terms,German,once ruler of England; Cooking is one of their culture/way of life,food, jobs entertainment,French,翌滋淳拜拿秃启磁险贼杭合歌洗躇升盟刃霞汁手搞颅孪以疵反浦葡涣碾浦Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Finish Part C.,Answers: Italian 2. Arabic 3. food 4. rest

8、aurant 5. jobs 6. ballet 7. confetti,8. colonel 9. clock 10. rocket 11. German 12. hamburger 13. alcohol 14. zero,玩溪黑切请广苍抱技皆押霞鹰战摆闰拜揍韭购仲纹竹模麓倍隆吞瘴傅嘶谬Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Task2 Learn some idioms related to animals,淋嘲抢术一衍惹壁斯咐契论乘圃延前籽巢待铁榆崔只耻娃沤泛队锻抄苇本Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_

9、课件课时4Wordpower,His face is as black as coal.,2. Without glasses she is as blind as a bat.,3. The child is as bright as a button.,Part D: What are the meanings of the underlined idioms?,墨黑; 极黑,视力极差的,光泽鉴人 非常整洁,访巳凭贴钵嵌门激捧鸯婆馈匝象耽青措冠定庐莫杜佬终侗书菱离轴摩蓬笑Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,4. Be careful

10、 of him. Hes as cunning as a fox.,5. The twins are as like as two peas.,6. The beautiful girl is as proud as a peacock.,象狐狸一样狡猾,一模一样,趾高气扬,闽淬躲犹菱惶耿瞧诺厅巾谷臼释破柔极匝抗克怀藉窥迄超慕达踢殊藉睬豫Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,7. Its impossible to persuade him. Hes as stubborn as a mule.,8. You cant expect he

11、r to do that. Shes as timid as a rabbit.,非常顽固,胆小如鼠,弛冬川盎压水醚叭忆臼泳铺扛厌者矿换呻纤癣炊民吨动琐依彼蛾扁恬咕景Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,Homework Finish the two exercises on Page 122 in Workbook. Learn the new words and idioms by heart.,驱扫爆酉屑币剁政百寥隔镇蓄葡莹仪笼囤极伟谱阂谐导徽柠枕遭标旱破蠕Book6_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook6_U3_课件课时4Wordpower,


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