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1、breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory w

2、ork-dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper,

3、 check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams

4、 and reinforcement of waterproof plate: binding order: cable ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch wear steel and .A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation a

5、nd test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level,

6、 and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide 10 ruler check mesh size 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing

7、steel skeleton long 10 ruler check wide, and high 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing 10 ruler check row from 5 ruler check cover thickness based 10 ruler check column, and beam 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced,

8、 and horizontal steel spacing 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along long

9、itudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering th

10、e engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template hasproblems that cannot be ignored. S

11、ome leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not d

12、o masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders cant do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the p

13、eople worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the partys ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the partys advanced nature and purity, and

14、 to enhance the ability of party committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the partys governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the ma

15、sses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Processing to improve as a guide to the country. What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaopings mass. Deng also put people support does not support, agreed no

16、t to agree, happy happy, promise not to promise as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of im

17、portant measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and th

18、e relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that created and developed in the long struggle of

19、the partys mass line, is to realize the partys ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route, can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 1

20、4 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the partys leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, together, stick to the m

21、ass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party板模板(碗扣式)计算书 计算依据: 1、建筑施工模板安全技术规范JGJ162-2008 2、建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范JGJ 1302011 3、混凝土结构设计规范GB50010-2010 4、建筑结构荷载规范GB 50009-2012 5、钢结构设计规范GB 50017-2003 一、工程属性新浇混凝土楼板名称B2新浇混凝土楼板板厚(mm)110新浇混凝土楼板边长L(m)2.9新浇混凝土楼板边宽B(m)

22、2 二、荷载设计施工人员及设备荷载标准值Q1k当计算模板和小梁时的均布活荷载(kN/m2)2.5当计算模板和小梁时的集中荷载(kN)2.5当计算主梁时的均布活荷载(kN/m2)1.5当计算支架立柱及其他支承结构构件时的均布活荷载(kN/m2)1模板及其支架自重标准值G1k(kN/m2)面板0.1面板及小梁0.3楼板模板0.5模板及其支架0.75新浇筑混凝土自重标准值G2k(kN/m3)24钢筋自重标准值G3k(kN/m3)1.1风荷载标准值k(kN/m2)基本风压0(kN/m2)0.450.32风压高度变化系数z0.9风荷载体型系数s0.8 三、模板体系设计模板支架高度(m)6立柱纵向间距la

23、(mm)1200立柱横向间距lb(mm)1200水平拉杆步距h(mm)1800立柱布置在混凝土板域中的位置中心对称立柱距混凝土板短边的最近距离(mm)250立柱距混凝土板长边的最近距离(mm)400主梁布置方向平行楼板长边小梁间距(mm)200小梁悬挑端计算长度(mm)300,300主梁悬挑端计算长度(mm)200,200 设计简图如下:模板设计平面图模板设计立面图 四、面板验算模板类型覆面木胶合板模板厚度(mm)15模板抗弯强度设计值f(N/mm2)15模板弹性模量E(N/mm2)10000 根据建筑施工模板安全技术规范5.2.1面板可按简支跨计算的规定,另据现实,楼板面板应搁置在梁侧模板上

24、,因此本例以简支梁,取1m单位宽度计算。计算简图如下: Wbh2/6=10001515/637500mm3,Ibh3/12=1000151515/12281250mm4 1、强度验算 q10.9max1.2(G1k+ (G3k+G2k)h)+1.4Q1k,1.35(G1k+ (G3k+G2k)h)+1.40.7Q1kb=0.9max1.2(0.1+(1.1+24)0.11)+1.42.5,1.35(0.3+(1.1+24)0.11)+ 1=6.24kN/m q20.91.2G1kb0.91.20.11=0.11kN/m p0.91.4Q1k0. Mm

25、ax=maxq1l2/8,q2l2/8+pl/4=max6.240.22/8,0.110.22/8+3.150.2/4=0.16kNm; Mmax/W0.16106/375004.21N/mm2f15N/mm2 满足要求! 2、挠度验算 q(G1k+ (G3k+G2k)h)b=(0.1+(1.1+24)0.11)1=2.86kN/m 5ql4/(384EI)52.862004/(38410000281250)0.02mml/400200/4000.5mm 满足要求! 五、小梁验算小梁类型方木小梁材料规格(mm)4090小梁抗弯强度设计值f(N/mm2)15.44小梁抗剪强度设计值(N/mm2)

26、1.78小梁弹性模量E(N/mm2)9350小梁截面抵抗矩W(cm3)54小梁截面惯性矩I(cm4)243 因B/lb取整2000/1200取整1,按简支梁计算,又因小梁较大悬挑长度为300mm,因此需进行最不利组合,计算简图如下: 1、强度验算 q10.9max1.2(G1k+ (G3k+G2k)h)+1.4Q1k,1.35(G1k+ (G3k+G2k)h)+1.40.7Q1kb=0.9max1.2(0.3+(1.1+24)0.11)+1.42.5,1.35(0.3+(1.1+24)0.11)+ M1q1l2/81.291.22/80.23kNm q2

27、0.91.2G1kb= p0.91.4Q1k0. M2q2L2/8+pL/40.061.22/8+3.151.2/40.96kNm M3maxq1L12/2,q2L12/2+pL1=max1.290.32/2,0.060.32/2+ MmaxmaxM1,M2,M3max0.23,0.96,0.950.96kNm Mmax/W0.82106/5400015.2N/mm2f15.44N/mm2 满足要求! 2、抗剪验算 V10.5q1L0. V20.5q2L+0.5p0.50.

28、061.2+ V3maxq1L1,q2L1+pmax1.290.3,0.060.3+3.153.17kN VmaxmaxV1,V2,V3max0.77,1.61,3.173.17kN max3Vmax/(2bh0)=33.171000/(29040)1.32N/mm21.78N/mm2 满足要求! 3、挠度验算 q(G1k+(G3k+G2k)h)b=(0.3+(24+1.1)0.11)0.20.61kN/m 跨中max5qL4/(384EI)=50.6112004/(38493502430000)0.73mml/4001200/4003mm 满足要求! 挠度,跨中ma

29、x5qL4/(384EI)=50.6112004/(38493502430000)0.73mml/4001200/4003mm;悬臂端maxqL4/(8EI)=0.613004/(893502430000)0.03mml1/400300/4000.75mm 六、主梁验算主梁类型钢管主梁材料规格(mm)483可调托座内主梁根数2主梁弹性模量E(N/mm2)206000主梁抗弯强度设计值f(N/mm2)205主梁抗剪强度设计值(N/mm2)125主梁截面惯性矩I(cm4)10.78主梁截面抵抗矩W(cm3)4.49 因主梁2根合并,则抗弯、抗剪、挠度验算荷载值取半。 1、小梁最大支座反力计算 Q1

30、k1.5kN/m2 q10.9max1.2(G1k+ (G3k+G2k)h)+1.4Q1k,1.35(G1k+(G3k+G2k)h)+1.40.7Q1kb=0.9max1.2(0.5+(1.1+24)0.11)+1.41.5,1.35(0.5+(1.1+24)0.11)+ q2(G1k+ (G3k+G2k)h ) b(0.5+(1.1+24)0.11)0.2=0.65kN/m 承载能力极限状态 按简支梁,Rmax0.5q1L0. 按悬臂梁,R11.080.30.32kN RmaxRmax,R1/20.32kN; 正常使用极限状

31、态 按简支梁,Rmax0.5q2L0.50.651.20.39kN 按悬臂梁,R1Rmaxl=0.650.30.2kN RmaxRmax,R1/20.2kN; 2、抗弯验算 计算简图如下: 主梁弯矩图(kNm) Mmax/W0.25106/449055.37N/mm2f205N/mm2 满足要求! 3、抗剪验算 主梁剪力图(kN) max2Vmax/A=20.951000/4244.5N/mm2125N/mm2 满足要求! 4、挠度验算 主梁变形图(mm) 跨中max=0.41mm=1200/400=3mm 悬挑段max0.18mm=200/400=0.5mm 满足要求! 七、立柱验算钢管类型

32、483立柱截面面积A(mm2)424立柱截面回转半径i(mm)15.9立柱截面抵抗矩W(cm3)4.49立杆伸出顶层水平杆长度a(mm)500斜杆或剪刀撑设置剪刀撑符合规范JGJ162-2008设置要求立柱抗弯强度设计值f(N/mm2)205 =h/i=1800/15.9=113.21=150 满足要求! 查表得,0.54 Mw0.921.4kLah2/100.921.40.321.21.82/100.14kNm Nw0.91.2(G1k+(G2k+G3k)h)+1.4(Q1k+Mw/Lb)max0.25+La/2,Lamax0.25+Lb/2,Lb0.91.2(0.75+(24+1.1)0.

33、11)+1.4(1+0.14/1.2)max0.25+1.2/2,1.2max0.25+1.2/2,1.27.49kN f Nw/(A)+ Mw/W7490.7/(0.54424)+0.14106/449064.29N/mm2f205N/mm2 满足要求! 斜杆计算: W=klbh=0.321.21.8=0.7kN; Ws=(h2+la2)1/2/laW=(1.81.8+1.21.2)1/2/1.20.7=1.26kN8kN; 斜杆验算满足要求! 八、可调托座验算可调托座承载力容许值N(kN)30 按上节计算可知,可调托座受力N7.49kNN30kN 满足要求! breaking length

34、, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work-dash-bendin

35、g. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed

36、 table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcem

37、ent of waterproof plate: binding order: cable ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch wear steel and .A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method

38、project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specificat

39、ions and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide 10 ruler check mesh size 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton

40、long 10 ruler check wide, and high 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing 10 ruler check row from 5 ruler check cover thickness based 10 ruler check column, and beam 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal

41、 steel spacing 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and c

42、ross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering f

43、or framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template hasof third generation Central led collective, banne

44、r Deng Xiao-pings theory great flag, insisted liberation thought, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, severe test before, relies on party and people, defended China features Socialist, created socialist market new system, created full open new situati

45、on, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded three a representative important thought, Continue to steer the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: strengthening and improving the partys mass work in the new situation, it is of decisive significance to consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. Through our party and some of the worlds major lessons learned from the success of the old party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: the biggest political advantage of our p


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