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1、hauran de ser dirigides aixecament de peses. 8, elevaci i abocament de formig, assegureu-vos que vibra desprs de la retirada del personal i equips en el mode de columna, abans dabocar. Part de pont superestructura construcci pont Configuraci segura cartera llista nom ordinal taula 1-1 centre, pont a

2、cumulaci nombre de longitud de forats i el nmero de obertura angular (grau) biga-planxa (pellcula) K114 estructura tipus 1 Sha Yixi pont +710 148.32 M 7-20 98 superior estructura de bigues alveolar de formig pretensat 7-20,. En segon lloc, la part superior de la construcci del pont va comenar el 1 d

3、e maig de 2006 la construcci del projecte, va completar el 30 dabril de 2007. Durada total darranjaments de pont Enginyeria de detall sn les segents: preparaci: 1 de maig de 2006 2006 30 maig prefabricada feix: 1 de maig de 2006 feix de 28 de febrer de 2007: 20 de juliol de 2006 coberta 31 de mar de

4、 2007: 30 de novembre de 2006 2007 30 dabril per tres, biga conjunt 1, segons els requisits de la situaci actual i la durada total daquest contracte, previst posar dues bigues, s responsable de totes les bigues prefabricades daquest contracte, considerant les condicions de construcci i trnsit, aigua

5、 i electricitat, primer en K115 + 400 K115 + 600 escenes de biga subgrade, 1# barrejant amb aquest contracte, lestaci de segon feix conjunt a K115 + 050 fora de lembarcador a la dreta, 2# barreja estaci amb aquest contracte. Factors favorables per a la configuraci de la biga: biga de 1# prop de la c

6、arretera de G319 nacional, fcilment accessible; 2 bigues paviment llis, fcil transport; a prop dues jsseres estan equipades amb generadors i configuraci del transformador; biga camp i la proximitat de la planta de barreja, pioner carretera connectat material fcil transport. Apartat 2, la superestruc

7、tura contracte pont en forma de 20m buit Junta feix, Sha Yixi pont, Zha apurat pont, Zha febre II pont, pont de lintercanvi, Ma Yi I, al final del pont, Ma Yi II, al final de la superestructura pont s 20m de biga POSTTESATS placa de buit formig pretensat, un total de 714. Erecci de biga per jssera p

8、ont erigir mquina i grua (pont), # # biga , biga per prtic grues elevadores, a canvi delevaci de grua pont. Quatre i el projecte dorganitzaci de seguretat Departament de seguretat estndard per a destinaci, establert so un ple de seguretat garantir sistema, establert a director de projectes i cap de

9、zona i capit construcci i seguretat membre i material, tecnologia, personal composici del grup de gesti de seguretat, exercir les funcions de seguretat controlat, implementaci seriosament la seguretat, eliminaci oportuna no seguretat amagat, arranjaments de personal segent: seguretat dirigit lder de

10、l grup Hu Yue China Deputy Leader AI Guoping i membres de Xu Yaowu radi i Ren Zhiyong i Deng Zhaohua i riu fcil saltar i Li Pinjun i Xu Shiyu i Li, i Yi Bo, producci seguretat equip directiu setmanal per durrapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants duty consumpti

11、on monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetizatio

12、n of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants duty consumption further. Implementing an honest canteen, standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication exp

13、ense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform an

14、d opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that Chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District,

15、must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achiev

16、e institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the five in one the General layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a five in one and the improvement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultu

17、ral, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys construction in the area of institutional reform. The five in one programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the

18、construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has mad

19、e important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys Congress, on the theme personnel, discussing election Centrals top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee

20、 of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third广东省标准 DBJ XX-XXXXXXXXX 砂浆、混

21、凝土及制品企业试验室管理规范Laboratories Administrative Specification Regulations for Mortar, Concrete and Products Enterprises (征求意见稿)2014-XX-XX 发布2014-XX-XX 实施广东省住房和城乡建设厅发 布广东省标准砂浆、混凝土及制品企业试验室管理规范Laboratories Administrative Specification Regulations for Mortar, Concrete and Products EnterprisesDBJ XX-XX-2014主编部

22、门:广东省散装水泥管理办公室批准部门:广东省住房和城乡建设厅施行日期:2 0 1 4 年 XX 月 XX 日XXXX出版社2014 广 州广东省住房和城乡建设厅公 告第XXXX号关于发布广东省地方标准砂浆、混凝土及制品企业试验室管理规范的公告现批准砂浆、混凝土及制品企业试验室管理规范为广东省地方标准,编号为DBJ 15-XX-2014,自2014年XX月XX日起实施。其中,第3.0.1、3.0.5、3.0.9、3.0.10、4.2.1、4.3.1、7.1.5为强制性条文,必须严格执行。本规范由我厅科信处组织XXX出版社出版发行。 广东省住房和城乡建设厅 2014年X月X日前 言根据广东省住房和


24、省散装水泥管理办公室(地址:广州市三元里大道高田街39号,邮政编码:510410),以供今后修订时参考。本规范主编单位:广东省散装水泥管理办公室 本规范参编单位: 广东省建设工程质量安全监督检测总站广东省预拌混凝土行业协会 广东省建筑科学研究院广东省建筑材料研究院 广州市散装水泥管理办公室广州三骏建材有限公司 中山市散装水泥管理站深圳市水泥及制品行业协会 广州华砼混凝土有限公司佛山市建通混凝土制品有限公司 广州粤建三和软件有限公司广州大学本规范主要起草人: 袁庆华 马伟民 毛山红 王新祥 严玉梅林小龙 潘亚宏 王先芬 陈爱芝 简运康 安 玲 黄 俭 李从波 刘细华本规范主要审查人员: 目 次1

25、 总 则12 术语和符号22.1 术语22.2 符号33 基本规定44 试验室基本条件64.1 一般规定64.2 人员64.3 试验设备74.4 试验场地95 原材料检验105.1 一般规定105.2 水泥115.3 砂115.4 石125.5 再生骨料125.6 轻骨料135.7 水135.8 掺合料135.9 外加剂145.10 钢材155.11 其它166 配合比确定176.1 一般规定176.2 混凝土配合比176.3 砂浆配合比197 产品检验207.1 一般规定207.2 拌合物性能217.3 力学性能227.4 耐久性能227.5 特种混凝土237.6 混凝土预制构件及制品238

26、 试验过程管理268.1 一般规定268.2 试验方案268.3 取样与制样278.4 试验操作288.5 原始记录298.6 检验报告308.7 产品出厂合格证308.8 试验台帐319 质量管理339.1 一般规定339.2 人员管理349.3 仪器设备管理349.4 场地环境管理359.5 样品管理379.6 不合格品管理389.7 试验数据统计与分析399.8 能力比对459.9 档案管理469.10 信息化管理4710 检查评价4810.1 一般规定4810.2 监督检查4810.3 综合评价49附录A 试(检)验项目、设备及试验人员配备表50附录B 试验室技术能力、基本岗位及职责5

27、6附录C 原材料检验主要参数、检验依据及取样频次59附录D 产品检验主要参数、检验依据及取样频次61附录E 试验原始记录64附录F 检验报告106105附录G 产品质量证明书123122附录H 混凝土抗压强度监督检查131130附录J 试验室检查评价132131Contents1GeneralProvisions.12Terms and Symbols. 22.1 Terms. 22.2 Symbols.33GeneralRequirements.44Basic RequirementsforLaboratory.64.1GeneralProvisions.64.2Staff.64.3Test

28、 Equipment.74.4TestVenue.95Inspection of Raw Materials.105.1GeneralProvisions.105.2Cement.115.3Sand.115.4Stone.125.5Recycled Aggregate.125.6Light Weight Aggregate (LWA). 135.7Water.135.8Admixture.135.9Additives.145.10Reinforcing.155.11 Elses.166Mixing Ratio Determination.176.1GeneralProvisions.176.2

29、Concrete Mix Ratio.176.3Mortar Mix Ratio.197ProductInspection.207.1GeneralProvisions.207.2Mixtures Properties.217.3Mechanical Properties.227.4Durability.227.5 Special Concrete237.6 Concrete Prefabricated Components and Products.238TestProcess Management.268.1GeneralProvisions.268.2TestProgram.268.3S

30、ampling and Sample Preparation.278.4Inspection (Test) Opern.288.5OriginalRecords.298.6Inspection Report.308.7Products Factory Certificate308.8 TestLedger.319QualityManagement.339.1GeneralProvisions.339.2Laboratory Personnel Management.349.3Laboratory Equipment Management.349.4SiteEnvironmental Manag

31、ement.359.5SampleManagement.37 9.6Nonconforming Product Managemen.38 9.7TestData Statistics and Analysis.39 9.8Capability Match .459.9FileManagement.469.10InformationManagement.4710Inspection and Evaluation.4810.1GeneralProvisions.4810.2Supervision andInspection4810.3Evaluation.49Appendix A Tables o

32、f Test Items, Equipment and Staffing50Appendix B Laboratory Technical Capabilities, Basic Positions and Responsibilities.56Appendix C Raw Materials Testing Main Parameters, Testing Basis and SamplingFrequency.59Appendix DProduct TestingMain Parameters, Testing Basis and SamplingFrequency.61Appendix

33、E Original Test Records.64Appendix F Test Reports 105Appendix G Product Quality Certificate122Appendix H The Supervision and Inspection Tables of Concrete Compressive Strength.130 Appendix J LaboratoryExamination and Evaluation.131hauran de ser dirigides aixecament de peses. 8, elevaci i abocament d

34、e formig, assegureu-vos que vibra desprs de la retirada del personal i equips en el mode de columna, abans dabocar. Part de pont superestructura construcci pont Configuraci segura cartera llista nom ordinal taula 1-1 centre, pont acumulaci nombre de longitud de forats i el nmero de obertura angular

35、(grau) biga-planxa (pellcula) K114 estructura tipus 1 Sha Yixi pont +710 148.32 M 7-20 98 superior estructura de bigues alveolar de formig pretensat 7-20,. En segon lloc, la part superior de la construcci del pont va comenar el 1 de maig de 2006 la construcci del projecte, va completar el 30 dabril

36、de 2007. Durada total darranjaments de pont Enginyeria de detall sn les segents: preparaci: 1 de maig de 2006 2006 30 maig prefabricada feix: 1 de maig de 2006 feix de 28 de febrer de 2007: 20 de juliol de 2006 coberta 31 de mar de 2007: 30 de novembre de 2006 2007 30 dabril per tres, biga conjunt 1

37、, segons els requisits de la situaci actual i la durada total daquest contracte, previst posar dues bigues, s responsable de totes les bigues prefabricades daquest contracte, considerant les condicions de construcci i trnsit, aigua i electricitat, primer en K115 + 400 K115 + 600 escenes de biga subg

38、rade, 1# barrejant amb aquest contracte, lestaci de segon feix conjunt a K115 + 050 fora de lembarcador a la dreta, 2# barreja estaci amb aquest contracte. Factors favorables per a la configuraci de la biga: biga de 1# prop de la carretera de G319 nacional, fcilment accessible; 2 bigues paviment lli

39、s, fcil transport; a prop dues jsseres estan equipades amb generadors i configuraci del transformador; biga camp i la proximitat de la planta de barreja, pioner carretera connectat material fcil transport. Apartat 2, la superestructura contracte pont en forma de 20m buit Junta feix, Sha Yixi pont, Z

40、ha apurat pont, Zha febre II pont, pont de lintercanvi, Ma Yi I, al final del pont, Ma Yi II, al final de la superestructura pont s 20m de biga POSTTESATS placa de buit formig pretensat, un total de 714. Erecci de biga per jssera pont erigir mquina i grua (pont), # # biga , biga per prtic grues elevadores, a canvi delevaci de grua pont. Quatre i el projecte dorganitzaci de seguretat Departament de seguretat estndard per a destinaci, esta


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