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1、1._adj.吓人的 _adj.害怕的 _v.(使)惊恐 2._v. 存在 _n.存在 3._v.象征;暗示 _n. 指示;象征 4._n.运气;命运;财富 _adj.幸运的 _adv.幸运地 5._adj.不可能的 _adj.可能的 6._adj. 神秘的 _n.神秘的事物,谜,frightening,frightened,frighten,exist,existence,indicate,indication,fortune,fortunate,fortunately,unlikely,likely,mysterious,mystery,自主预习,词汇学习互动探究,attack vt.攻击

2、;进攻;侵袭; n.攻击;进攻;(疾病等)发作;着手,She started _(攻击)the burglar with a piece of wood. Once again we were under attack(_) from enemy fighter planes. The soldiers make a strong attack (_)on the enemy. As far as I know,he died of a heart attack. (_),attacking,被攻击,发起猛烈进攻,心脏病发作,(1)attack sb.for sth.由于某事而责难某人 att

3、ack sb.with sth.用攻击某人 be attacked with a disease患病 (2)launch/make an attack on/upon. 对发动进攻 under attack受到攻击 a heart attack心脏病发作 (3)attacker n攻击者,claim v声称;主张;要求;索赔; n.断言;权利;要求权;所有权,She _ _ _ _ _(宣称曾被接见过)by the president. _ _ _(据说)that some doctors were working 80 hours a week. She _ _ _ _ _ (向公司要求获得

4、赔偿金)for the injury she had suffered. 。 他们提高薪水。 They _ _ _ _(要求)higher pay.,It was claimed,claimed damages from the company,claimed to have ever been met,made a claim for,calm vt.& vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定; adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的,保持镇静 _ (使某人)平静下来,镇静下来 _,stay/keep/be calm,calm down,辨析:calm,quiet,still与silent calm平静的;沉

5、着的,特指人的情绪,有时也指(海、湖、河)水和天气等风平浪静; quiet安静的;宁静的;指无噪音、吵闹或心境平静; still静止的、不动的,指没有运动的一种状态; silent寂静的、不出声的;不发表意见的,指无声或不讲话。,4.用calm,quiet,still与silent填空: The students were _when the teacher came into the classroom. When I asked her where she had put the dictionary,she kept _. Although she was frightened,she

6、answered in a _voice. Please keep _ while I take photograph of you.,quiet,silent,calm,still,adapt vt. 使适应;改编,At first,the children tend to _(发觉很难适应)their new school. 他很快适应了这些风俗习惯。 He adapted (himself) quickly to the customs. The play _(由改编)a novel.,find it hard to adapt to,is adapted from,He receive

7、d a large fortune when his uncle died. 一大笔财产 She had good fortune to escape injury. 幸运免于 The person who invented the washing machine must have made a fortune. 挣了大钱 Many people from the other countries go to the US. to seek a fortune. 寻找出路,fortune n运气;命运;财富,(1)had good fortune to do sth.幸免于 seek ones

8、 fortune寻找出路 make a fortune发财 try ones fortune碰运气 tell sb.s fortune给某人算命 (2)fortunate adj.运气好的;幸运的 fortunately adv.幸运地 unfortunately adv.不幸地,We are _(幸运)that in such a large,highpressure office we all get along so well. I was late in getting to the station,but_(幸运)for me the train was late,too.,fort

9、unately,fortunate,die out 灭亡;逐渐消失 许多旧习俗都在日渐消逝。 Many old customs are gradually dying out. 结果,这些濒危动物甚至可能会消亡。 _ _ _these_ animals may even_ _,As a result,endangered,die out.,The fire is dying down, so we feel a little cold . The flowers are dying off because there has been no rain. In the old days many

10、 poor people died of cold and hunger. She is dying to see you.,相继死去,减弱;熄灭,死于,渴望,die away (声音,风,光线等)逐渐消失,渐弱 die of/from 因而死 die down 减弱;熄灭 die off 相继死亡 be dying for 很想要;渴望 be dying to do sth.极想干某事,I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. Some of the diseases spread is d

11、ue to global warming. due to由于,因为,She is due to graduate late this year and then she will work in a hospital. 预计要,come straight to the point谈正题;开门见山,(1)off the point离题 on the point of (doing) sth.正要做某事 to the point简明恰当,简洁中肯 (2)Theres no point in doing sth. 做某事没有意义,Lets _(谈正题),will you go yourself,or

12、 send a representative? The message was short and(扼要). I_(正要离开)when you telephoned. _(劝说他没意义)him. He will not change his mind.,come straight to the point,to the point,was on the point of leaving,There is no point in persuading,这些事实有助于弄清楚此事。 These facts throw light on the matter. The discussions thro

13、w no light on the matter. 讨论后这件事还是没头绪。 So another amazing fact came to light. 于是又一种令人惊奇的情况出现了。,throw light on帮助弄清楚;阐明某事,come to light显露 bring sth.to light揭露;显露,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1Judging from his_look,we can tell that the accident scene is_.(frighten) 答案: frightened;frightening 2The bell_the end of t

14、he period rang,_our heated discussion.(indicate;interrupt) 答案: indicating;interrupting 3It wasnt until dinner time that the mother became aware of the childs_,which made her worried.(disappear) 答案: disappearance,巩固练习,4The mayor immediately set about_the organized drug crime the moment he got there.(

15、attack) 答案: attacking 5The_of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences.(destroy) 答案: destruction 6The only copy of the book still in_is in that country. (exist) 答案: existence,He has a p_attitude toward his work;he likes it and does it well. 答案: positive F_animals such as lions an

16、d tigers have_(锋利的) teeth and claws. 答案: Fierce;sharp The first living c_sent into space was a dog named Laika. 答案: creature Nearly 10 percent of the Earths s_is covered by ice. 答案: surface,The store has an excellent_(名声) for fair dealing. 答案: reputation It was_(大方的) of you to share your food with m

17、e. 答案: generous You cant cross the_(边界) without a passport. 答案: border Police are trying to discover the_(身份) of the baby found by the side of a road. 答案: identity,He _ (声称) he won the horse race,though the video showed otherwise. 答案: claimed,.重点短语 1 靠近 2 突出;伸出 3 怀疑 4 帮助弄清楚;阐明某事 5 谈正题;开门见山 6 再次成为新闻

18、7 灭绝 8 适应 9 由于;因造成 10 选择;喜欢,get close to,stick out,be sceptical about,throw light on,come straight to the point,be back in the news,die out,adapt to,due to,go for,.完成句子 1他移居美国后孩子们能很好地适应变化。 When he moved to America,the children_the change very well. 答案: adapted to 2该队的成绩在很大程度上是由于她的出色表现。 The teams suc

19、cess was largely_her excellent performance. 答案: due to 3他的科学实验阐明了这个问题。 His scientific experiments_the problem. 答案: threw light on,4不要说别的,让我们谈正题。 Dont say nothing else.Lets_. 答案: come straight to the point 5当我进来时,他好像正在吃东西。 When I came in,he seemed_something. 答案: to be eating 6他不可能在如此短的时间内完成那项工作。 _he

20、can finish the work within such a short time. 答案: It is unlikely that,.(山东高考)It is not socially_for parents to leave children unattended at that age. Aaccessible Badorable Cadaptable Dacceptable 解析: acceptable可接受的;accessible可以使用的;能进入的;adorable令人热爱的;敬仰的;adaptable可适应的。 答案: D,(2009浙江卷)The good thing ab

21、out children is that they _ very easily to new environments. Aadapt Bappeal Cattach Dapply 解析: 句意为:对于孩子们来说,好的事情是他们很容易适应新的环境。adapt适应;appeal请求,呼吁,上诉;attach缚上,系上,贴上;apply申请,应用。 答案: A,.He went back to the hall to try his_at finding his lost gold watch,but failed to find it. Afortune Bbest Cresult Dhard

22、解析: 句意为:他又到大厅来碰运气,看能否找到失去的金表,但却未能找到。try ones fortune“碰运气”符合题意。 答案: A,.Although the wind has_,the rain remains steady,so you still need a raincoat. Aturned up Bgone back Cdied down Dblown out 解析: C意为“平息”。A意为“出现,到来”;B意为“回来”;D意为“吹出”,因此选C。句意为:虽然风停了,但是雨还在下,因此你要带上雨衣。 答案: C,As the air is being polluted,man

23、y kinds of wild animals are _. Adied Bdying down Cdying out Ddeath 解析: die为不及物动词,不能用被动语态,排除A项;death为名词“死亡”,不合题意。根据题意应为“灭绝”。 答案: C,.(2009山东卷)So sudden_that the enemy had no time to escape. Adid the attack Bthe attack did Cwas the attack Dthe attack was 解析: 本题考查倒装,so.that.,such.that.的句子结构中,若so,such和与其

24、所修饰的词置于句首,用部分倒装,又sudden是形容词,作表语,所以选C项。 答案: C,When he became old,he was_with lung disease and had to stay in hospital Acovered Bfaced Cattacked Dtraded 解析: 句意为:他年老时患上了肺病,不得不住院。be attacked with为固定搭配,意为“患病”。 答案: C,.He claimed _ unfairly when shopping in the shop yesterday. Ato treat Bto be treated Cto

25、have been treated Dbeing treated 解析: claim 后跟动词不定式,此处主语 he 与不定式中的动词 treat 之间是逻辑上的被动关系,又因动词不定式的动作已发生,所以选C。 答案: C,.Did you look up the time of trains to Shanghai? Yes,the early train is_to leave at 530 am. Alikely Babout Cpossible Ddue be due to预定,预期做。答案: D,1.(辽宁高考)I like Mr Miners speech;it was clear

26、 and _ the point. Aat Bon Cto Dof 解析: 句意为:我喜欢Miner的演讲,比较清楚、中肯。A.at the point在某一时刻或地点;B.on the point of就要之时,正要之际;C.to the point中肯,切中要害。 答案: C,1He was_giving in when he remembered what his father had told him,and then he decided to carry it on. Ato the point Bon the point of Coff the point Din point 解析: 句意为:他快要屈服时,突然记起了他父亲曾经告诉他的话,于是决定继续下去。on the point of即将,正要的时候。 答案: B,.Most of scientists hope these discoveries can_the origins of the human beings. Athrow light on Bcome to light Cbring to light Dcome to life 答案: A,


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