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1、Basic Elements of Medical Words-1,origin of medical English words,1. from common English 2. from Latin 3. from Greek 4. coinage,1. words coming from common English: whooping cough百日咳 A highly contagious disease of the respiratory system, usually affecting children, that is caused by the bacterium Bo

2、rdetella pertussis and is characterized in its advanced stage by spasms of coughing interspersed with deep, noisy inspirations. Also called pertussis 百日咳,pinkeye /epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (角膜结膜炎) knock-knee/genu valgum (膝内翻) athletes foot /tinea pedis足廯 piles/hemorrhoids (痔疮) lockjaw/tetanus (破

3、伤风) fits/convulsion (惊厥),Fever发热; short-sight近视 ; consumption 肺痨(消耗) nettle rash; 风疹 stroke; 中风 baldness; indigestion; 消化不良 blister; 水疱,砂眼 Swelling肿; measles麻疹 Rabies狂犬病; windpipe气管,Words coming from Latin,capita (头) cervix (颈) bronchus (支气管) Abdomen腹部,腹腔 brachium (臂) aorta (主动脉) os (骨),remember the

4、m:,cutis (真皮) fascia (筋膜) corpus genu (膝) vertebra(椎骨) labium (唇) sinus(窦),Words coming from Greek,thorax (胸) iris (虹膜) metra (子宫) colon (结肠) stenosis (狭窄) stasis (停滞) ptosis (下垂) ectopia (异位),other common medical words from Greek,stoma (口,小空) soma(身体,躯干) glottis (声门) derma (真皮),larynx (喉) nephron(肾

5、单位) rachis (脊柱) pharynx (咽) phalanx (指骨),coinage,Tularemia ( Tulare; a place in California) (土拉菌病,兔热病;野兔病) Cushing Disease (first discovered by Harvey Cushing) Ven De berghs test ( to test icterus and liver disease),some common coinages,Alzheimers disease /presenile dementia (早老性痴呆) Gravess disease/

6、exophthalmic goiter (突眼性甲状腺肿) Parkinsons disease/paralysis agitans (震颤麻痹) Addisons disease/chronic hypoadrenocorticism (慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退) Potts disease /spinal caries (脊柱骨疽),basic elements of medical words,1. root (base) 2. affixes: prefixes suffixes 3. Vowels元音 thats join the parts above mentioned,Some

7、examples of roots (bases),Some examples of roots (bases),The combing vowel Find the combing vowels in the following words: geograph y地理 Metropolis大都市 Orthodox正统的 Monotonous单调的 Anthology诗集,optometrist (验光师) Urology泌尿学 Hydrotherapy水疗法 Auriscope耳镜 Centigrade摄氏 Milimeter毫米 Pelvimeter骨盆测量器,prefix and suf

8、fix Some common prefixes from Greek a an (without) anemia (贫血) anaerobe (厌氧细菌) pro (before) proenzyme (前酶; 酶原) prognosis (预后) meta (after) metapneumonic (肺炎后的) metastasis (转移) endo (inside) endocrine (内分泌) endoderm (内皮) ecto (outside) ectopia (异位) ectocardia (异位心),en, em (in, into) endemic(地方性的) exo

9、 (out of ) exocrine (外分泌) hypo (under, below) hypothermia (低温) hypothyroidism(甲状腺机能减退) hyper(over, above) hyperdontia(牙过多) peri (around) pericardium (心包),para (beside, near) paramedical (准医学的) anti(against) antibiotic(抗生素) antipyretic(退热剂) syn, sym, syl (together, with) syndrome (综合症) symbiosis (共生)

10、 epi(on) epidemic (流行病),Some common prefixes from Latin,in (without) insomnia (失眠) in somnia睡梦 indigestion(消化不良) ante(before) antenatal (出生前的) pre(before) prealveolar (牙槽前的) prediastole(舒张前期) post(after) postmortem (死后) postpartum (产后) intra intracellular (细胞内的) intravenous (静脉内的),extra (outside) ex

11、tradental (牙外的) extraoral(口外的) in ( into) inoculation (接种) invasion (入侵) ex (out of ) excretion (排泄) expiration(呼气;终止) sub ( below, under) subnormal (低于正常的 sublingual(舌下的) infra (below, beneath) infrasonic(听阈下的) infrapsychic(精神阈下的),Some common suffixes from Greek,ia (状态) anorexia(厌食) ism(状态,理论) auti

12、sm (孤僻症) giantism(巨型) osis (状态,增多) leukocytosis(白细胞增多),in (素) insulin(胰岛素) fibrin(纤维素) gen, genic, genesis (原;产生:的;产生) fibrinogen(纤维蛋白原) lactogenic(乳生成的) tropic, tropism (亲:的;促:的) hydrotropic(向水的),phobia, phobic (恐怖) hydrophobia (恐水病) philia, philic chromophilia (嗜染性) photophilic (嗜光的),Competing for

13、ms,also called duplication. use both Greek and Latin as sources for medical word bases. three types of competing forms : 1) those that have the same base but different combing vowels; 2) two forms of the same base; 3) two bases with the same meaning.( one from Greek, one from Latin),1) those that ha

14、ve the same base but different combing vowels example: Bronchial支气管的 bronchopneumonia支气管肺炎 Oviduct输卵管 ovoplasm卵浆,2) two forms of the same base; example: Hemorrhage出血 hematology血液学 Irotomy虹膜切开术 iridomalacia虹膜软化,3) two bases with the same meaning. ( one from Greek, one from Latin) synonym: denote the

15、same object, process, condition, or function,example,exercises,Give the meanings of the words given below: dentist odontologist lacrimal dacryocyst oral stomatopathy,hemo hemato hematopoiesis(造血) hematocyte(血细胞) hematodynamics(血液动力学),sangui sanguification(造血) sanguineous(血液充足的) sanguivorous(食血的) san

16、guine (面色红润的;充满希望的) sanguinary (血腥的;嗜血成性的,blood,Greek,Latin,somato medical words: Somatology人体学 common word somatic,corp (corpus) corpor(corpora) corpse corporeal corporeal punishment corpulent(肥胖的) corps (军团) corporation,reek,Latin,C ) Greek roots: can combine freely and causally same kinds: oto-rhino-laryngo-logy (耳鼻喉科) psycho-neurotic (精神神经病的) different kinds pan-col-ectomy (全结肠切除术) poly-dys-plas-ia (多种发育障碍),)Latin roots usually combined between the same kinds: auri-nasal Labio-dental,


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