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1、Listen to this: 1 英语初级听力,Lesson Eight,Section One I. Vocabulary secretary skrtr n. 秘书;书记;部长;大臣 extremely kstrimli adv. 非常,极其;极端地 My mobile phone is extremely useful. 我的手机极为有用。 good-looking udluki adj. 好看的;美貌的 a really good-looking guy 长得很漂亮的家伙 weed widn. 杂草,野草;菸草vt. 除草;铲除 paint pentn. 油漆;颜料,涂料;绘画作品;

2、胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰,Roast rost adj. 烘烤的;烤过的 a large piece of roasted meat 大块烤肉Brown meat 红肉 White meat 白肉 Paris prs n. 巴黎(法国首都);帕里斯(特洛伊王子) Briefcase brifkes n. 公文包 Cigarette s,rtn. 香烟;纸烟 Lighter lat n. 打火机;驳船;点火者 Nicholette ,niklet n. 尼科莱特(女子名,Nicole的昵称),Make use of sb. 利用某人 Picnic pknk n. 野餐Mark mk n. (Ma

3、rk)人名 Elizabeth lzb n. 伊丽莎白(女子名) Lit adj. 照亮的,点着的(light的过去式及过去分词) Cigar sr n. 雪茄 Injure nd vt. 伤害,损害 Angus injured his leg playing football. 安格斯在踢足球球时弄伤了腿。 Ankle kl n. 踝关节,踝,Fell off 跌落 Ladder ld n. 阶梯;途径;梯状物Tray tre n. 托盘;文件盒;隔底匣 Made of由组成,由构成 What is the powder made of? 这些粉是由什么做成的? Plastic plstk

4、adj. 塑料的; n. 塑料制品 Wood wd n. 木材;木制品;树林 Metal mtl n. 金属;合金 Thirsty sti adj. 口渴的,口干的;渴望的 Stick stk n. 棍;手杖,II. Exercises Dialogue1 C Here comes my secretary. She is an extremely good-looking young woman, dont you think? Yes, but she isnt very good at her work. Perhaps you are right. But I like her all

5、 the same.,Dialogue2 A Im going to buy a new carpet. But you cant do that. Why cant I? We havent got enough money.,Dialogue3 B What are you going to do this afternoon? Im going to weed the garden. Are you going to weed the garden tomorrow afternoon, too? No. Im going to paint the front door.,Dialogu

6、e4 B Im going to sit on this chair. But you mustnt. Why not? Because its broken.,Dialogue5 C Do you like roast chicken? Yes. I love it. Thank you. Do you prefer brown meat or white meat? I really dont mind. Thank you.,Dialogue6 B Did you buy anything when you went to Paris? Yes. I bought a briefcase

7、. Whats it like? Its a large, leather one.,Dialogue7 C Did you take a bus to the meeting place? No. I went in Richards car. Did Susan go in Richards car, too? No. She took a taxi.,Dialogue8 B Excuse me, sir, is this your cigarette lighter? I beg your pardon? I said “Is this your cigarette lighter“.

8、Oh, yes, it is. Thank you so much. Not at all. Its a pleasure.,Dialogue9 Because she wanted to practice her English. Are you engaged, Margaret? Of course Im not. Why do you ask, Nicholett? I only wanted to practice my English. Oh, I see. You want to make use of me.,Dialogue10 He serviced and cleaned

9、 the car and took the family into the country for a picnic. Good evening, and how have you spent the day? I serviced and cleaned the car till lunch time. And what did you do after lunch? I took the family into the country for a picnic.,Dialogue11 Mark and Elizabeth. Hello, Tony, where have you been?

10、 Swimming. Who did you go with? I went with Mark and Elizabeth.,Dialogue12 Because he hasnt brought his lighter. Hello, why havent you lit your cigar? I havent brought my lighter. I would lend you mine, if you like. Thank you. Thats very kind of you.,Dialogue13 He gas injured his ankle. Good evening

11、. Can I help you? Yes. I have injured my ankle. What happened? I fell off a ladder last night.,Dialogue14 Plastic, wood and metal. What are those trays made of? They are made of plastic. Are trays always made of plastic? No. They are sometimes made of wood or metal.,Dialogue15 Because she is thirsty

12、. Whats wrong? Im very thirsty. Why not buy a cup of coffee, then? Yes. Thats a good idea. I will.,Dialogue16 The man with a walking stick. Excuse me. But is it half past four yet? Im sorry, but I havent got a watch. Try the man with the walking stick. He has one. Thank you. I will.,Section Two,I. V

13、ocabulary Depend dpnd vi. 依赖,依靠;取决于;相信,信赖 It depends 看情况而定 Pop music 流行音乐 Delicious dls adj. 美味的;可口的 The meal was absolutely delicious, she said politely. “这顿饭味道好极了。” 她礼貌地说道。 Awful fl adj. 可怕的;极坏的;使人敬畏的 The weather was awful. 天气很糟糕。,Window-shopping windu pi n. 浏览橱窗;浏览商店橱窗 (实际上就只是看看橱窗, 逛来逛去,只看不买,兜里没钱

14、,过过眼瘾.) Christine kristi:n n. 克莉丝汀(女子名) St. Albans n. 圣奥尔本斯(英国英格兰东南部城市) Settle stl vi. 解决;定居 Settle in 迁入安顿下来习惯定居,II. Exercises A) Likes and Dislikes (a) Female: Do you like pop music? Male: It depends. Instructor: Does he like pop music?,(b) Male: Would you like to come to a concert tonight? Female

15、: Sorry. Im afraid I cant. Instructor: Does she like pop concerts?,(c) Male: Do you like good coffee? Female: Mmmm. Its delicious. Instructor: Does she like good coffee?,(d) Female: Do you like English food? Male: Not all of it. Instructor: Does he like English food?,(e) Male: Would you like a cup o

16、f tea? Female: Id rather have a cool drink, please. Instructor: Does she like tea?,(f) Female: Would you like an ice cream? Male: Well . I never eat ice cream. Instructor: Does he like ice cream?,(g) Male: Would you like to come to a football match tomorrow? Female: Football matches are usually awfu

17、l. Instructor: Does she like football matches?,(h) Male: Would you like to come to the cinema this evening? Female: That would be lovely. Instructor: Does she like the cinema? Dose she like the boy?,Item Yes No Sometimes Dont know Chocolates * A chocolate * Pop music * Pop concerts * Good coffee * E

18、nglish food * Tea * Ice cream * Football matches * The cinema * The boy *,B) Window-Shopping 1. 1) F 2) F 2. Item to be purchased Price Money to be saved hi-fis 72.64 at least 20 pounds washing machine 98.95 22 pounds,3. 1) 200 pounds. 2) Only 150.16 pounds.,Bob and Angela are window-shopping. The s

19、hop is closed, but they are talking about the sales next week. They are planning to buy a lot of things. Bob: Look at that, Angela. True-Value are going to sell hi-fis for 72.64 pounds. Im going to buy one. We can save at least twenty pounds. Angela: Yes, and look at the washing machines. Theyre goi

20、ng to sell some washing machines for 98.95 pounds. So we can save twenty-two pounds. A washing machine is more important than a hi-fi.,Bob: By the way, Angela. Do you know how much money weve got? About two hundred pounds, I hope. Angela: Heres the bank statement. I didnt want to open it. Oh, dear.

21、Bob: Whats the matter? Angela: We havent got two hundred pounds, Im afraid. Bob: Well, come on. How much have we got? Angela: Only 150.16 pounds.,C) Discussions 1) She is engaged. 2) In the spring. 3) Probably in St. Albans. 4) Because thats the place where her parents live. 5) They are going to buy

22、 a flat or a small house somewhere in South London and settle in. 6) No, she is going to give up her present job but she may look for another one when shes settled in the new place.,Susan is talking to Christine. Susan: I hear you and James are engaged at last. Christine: Yes, we are. Susan: When ar

23、e you getting married? Christine: In the spring. Susan: Oh, lovely. Wheres the wedding going to be? Christine: Well . Were not sure yet, probably in St. Albans. Susan: Oh, yes, your parents live there, dont they?,Christine: Yes, thats right. Susan: Where are you going to live? Christine: Were going

24、to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London. Susan: Are you going to give up your job? Christine: Yes, probably, but I may look for another one when weve settled in.,Section Three,Vocabulary Swiss sws adj. 瑞士的;瑞士人的;瑞士风格的n. 瑞士人;瑞士腔调 Rude rud adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的;狂暴的;未开化的 a rude remark 粗鲁的话 I did

25、nt mean to be rude, but I had to leave early. 我并不想显得无礼,但我不得不早走。 Estimate st,met n. 估计,估价 Fashion fn n. 时尚;时装;样式 Fashion magazine 时尚杂志,Dictation 1: I have a watch. It is a Swiss watch. It is not new and my friends are sometimes a little rude about it. They tell me to buy a new one. But I do not want

26、a new one. I am very happy with my old watch. Last week it stopped. So I took it to the shop. I did not ask for an estimate. Today I went to get it. Do you know how much I had to pay? Five pounds. Five pounds just for cleaning a watch.,Dictation 2: Have you ever thought what it is like to be one of

27、those beautiful girls that you see on the front of fashion magazines? They meet interesting people, they travel to exciting places, and sometimes they make a lot of money. But they have to work hard. They often have to get up very early in the morning, and of course they have to be very careful about what they eat.,


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