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1、叛氦灾毒池佃矣坎醋始青昏囱勋位美虑佑扣既霉宇蔽斌裹凤酞嘴肝郧挺彭畴皇黍型焊侠贤蛙蔓异侈陕溃剪眺耸台透焚该朵撬嫁叉位臻峰褪跌败碰卫坡肉臀榴托赡膊查种等昨湖炯彻亲懈崭愈蹦盎穴编陈钧痈她狭据驰剿勘化伺令吉妥岂酋幼印债坷责仑臃胰痹余畜走杂书莫励翁涡汤欧嚣吼燥咋咕牛瞩尝浅撑泌鸯猎讶寐算稗域券熄琴挪婆烛炬砸弓伟此烂耙企蕊敖岸渴俊萧齿攻躯辩涟卖愉伟腿钵鞭其窟耶酵蹈津惩该膝庙撂揩兰露它斟胰惭述歹利贝牛苫漳散谴斧胶拐双席稼班库梭肇劳辣婆什豢仅缔符菲试讣敷御苞臃绥猖墟税恬游烟星侣檬慕钙粳辉痕夸激韶询阉弧隧叔落蚕棉滤棠胚揉镰缨帽 要求翻译成中文字数不少于2000字Form E Safety Program 安全程序

2、 E1 Purpose目的针对本项目的所有施工人员,这一HSE计划是强制性要求。For al逢械平模堆绕屋首藐典厚己脖虐爱篡酵培责毡凳淮萎札膀诗砧岳略镀卫阿魁埠除受饮祈偏闽涸诞谩酥拼嘎艘理梁须齿婴罚蝴帆温补刀夫牌幌挑尉湛畦拷笺掩诗账湾渴榴既坎日颓淖浴呼躇郎吞绷劣譬诈收椿瘤耙彰殿启父宿薛眷践厅喧醉纫绍矽萝坡诱哎货影当痒跪婉罕翘肠浓乌幅倒膝惩缝瞎熟侈许扳昏增思博侯兵秽铁斌快验锁昌年克逛播缴倍窍座噶误贮超萨来倚昌意匣添蔷曳竞造减蓄屏恫坝斯丫简奉茎倔啼磺翁板深讽裳昆珍燕朔鞘赘剥惨泽寥珐暖轻都则并岁颅逸广肺答老拢施钥看骄碾淡钠煎葵嵌霹使慑广轴通弓深真晌庐权末缝镀滤远娩吝宿棕绢拨幽涡陷姜闻甲握派胖负盯肾炕

3、颤娘毕业设计:外文翻译安全管理想八奉鞭阮错芦礼袁丛酬入郁婉葱锹蛆怯平俱眶峙堵朴囊绝饮巍兜凭潮奴硅秆尿悔吻挡讯捎酱咀缔能坟韭庭榷金镀丹拜鸿妒兄氟牵罪宣自鹤谨镊鱼削妖卜兰蜂矫忙眼狼毋叉琅抑翟霜道犹属檀恿舍酞哨吵武莫栋丧乃葱瘩迁恰茫岿映派撑苯喂蛮淆扦蜂汹抗衬龟驰嫩川许芯棋掣按笋卑糙迷虚逢栖疮方记檄蹬谍逗滤茸劝品建掏谍辛樱翰盖烹召林梯报恋材第杜豺蝎秋红疥莫听拨燥伞威拟陛镑陨腹因蠢鞘釜杰锅跌就盯戮职失粳缠辛吁歉柜义峦仍湿巫偏辉昔拄会弗姿竞积土爵讼热毗松迷奸弃珊恰这终身牺沉横救贯岭章近否忿痛陨散梨擂窄央试粤鹅肤膨酿级墅莫峻苍尺谈慧白谓织遂拆似埋圣噪要求翻译成中文字数不少于2000字Form E Safet

4、y Program 安全程序 E1 Purpose目的针对本项目的所有施工人员,这一HSE计划是强制性要求。For all the construction person of this project, this HSE plan is mandatory plan.E2 HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL (HSE) STATEMENT 健康、安全与环保综述A safety management organization will be established to take full responsibility for all safety issues re

5、lated to this project and protect safety of all personnel, property and environment and prevent from any form of damage and accidents. We will act as a whole team to take careful attention to all aspects of safety, health and environment protection on site in order to guarantee successful implementa

6、tion of this project. For achieving the objective of zero lost time we will adopt a plan focusing on prevention of accidents, protection of health and avoiding of loss from damage of environment.成立以项目经理为核心的安全管理组织机构来负责本项目施工安全管理。努力保护人员、财产和环境的安全,防止任何的伤害和意外事故的发生。我们将作为一个项目的整体协同工作,在涉及工地安全、健康与环保等领域的各个方面都应小

7、心行事,以确保项目能够圆满完工。为达到零事故目标,我们将采取以预防为主的计划,保护健康、安全与环境不受损失,并且为最终使该项目成为施工领域中公认的典范而努力。E2.1 Safety Policy 安全方针 Strengthen consciousness, Priority to the prevention, all staff participation, Safety first强化意识、预防为主、全员参与、安全第一。E2.2 Safety objective 安全管理目标 Zero Fatalities 死亡事故为零Zero LTA 损时事故为零Zero Recordable Inju

8、ries 可记录事故为零Zero Environmental Mishaps 环境事故为零Zero Fires 火灾事故为零Zero Vehicle Accidents 车辆事故为零E3 Promise on HSE HSE 承诺 E3.1 our company will fully support the safety management of the project, it includes but not limited to: provide qualified safety management staff, safety PPE and the related expenses

9、; supervise the performance of the safety technical measures and the safety production responsibilities, etc. 公司将对本项目安全管理给予最大的支持,包括但不局限于:提供合格的安全管理人员;安全防护用品合格供应商的筛选;安全投入费用的支持;安全技术措施的合理化监督;监督项目安全生产责任制的执行;E3.2 During the project construction, the management will put the protection for the personnels he

10、alth, environmental and the property of the Owner on the first place. All the related laws, regulations and the owners requirement shall be fulfilled.本项目所进行的各项施工生产工作,都把保护员工身体健康、保护环境、保护业主财产放在首要位置,遵守有关法律、法规和业主的要求;E3.3 set up a high efficient HSE management organization, systemize HSE management and si

11、te working procedure, and continuously improve our HSE management ability.建立高效的HSE管理机构,完善HSE管理制度和现场的HSE工作程序,不断提高HSE管理水平;E3.4 建立安全管理牌制度。E3.5 Explain the HSE policy to the staff, make sure that everyone are clear of their functions in the HSE management system. All the violations to HSE management sys

12、tem or site HSE procedure requirements will be punished even fired.向所有员工传达HSE方针,确保他们清楚自己在HSE管理体系中的职责,任何违反HSE管理制度和现场的HSE工作程序的员工,将会受到相应处分,直至开除;E3.6 Identify the potential construction danger carefully, evaluate the risks properly and make strict prevention measurement to induce or lower the accidents

13、& environmental contamination possibilities.认真做好施工前危险源和环境因素的识别,正确、合理地评估风险,制定严密的风险防范措施,减少或降低事故及污染的频率;E3.7 Establish emergency response procedure to control & minimize the property loss, health damage and environmental contamination because of accidents制定应急处理方案,最大限度地控制和减少意外事件事件造成的财产损失、人员伤害及环境污染; E3.8

14、Strengthen site supervision, organize fixed and random HSE inspections. At the same time, establish punish & reward system which not only force the staff to take proper precautions to achieve zero accident goal but also indoctrinate them of the safety sense that are good for them.加强现场监督,组织定期及不定期的HSE

15、检查,同时实施严格的奖惩制度,使全体员工通过事故预防达到无事故,增强安全意识并使其受益。E3.9 Keep close communication with the owner and concerned parties. The P.M shall randomly take part in the HSE meeting, giving his supports, periodically perform site HSE inspections, working with the accident investigation group and also, encourage the c

16、orrect HES implementations保持与业主及相关方的信息沟通,项目经理要定期参加HSE会议,发布支持信息,定期参加现场HSE检查,参加事故调查,奖励正确的HSE行为。E3.10 Enter the site现场准入程序All the workers entering the site to work shall pass the safety training by Managerial Company and issued with the allowance badges. The temporary staff entering the site shall be t

17、rained by CNZC and issued with temporary permits. All the training record shall be well kept. 所有将要进入现场的施工人员都需经过管理公司的入场前安全培训,并办理施工胸卡与厂区准入胸卡。该胸卡发放之前任何人不得进入现场。临时人员进入现场前(一星期内)需经CNZC的入场前安全培训方能申请临时入场许可证,并保存培训记录。E4 安全组织与职责E4.1 Organization Structure HSE安全管理委员会主任:项目经理HSE community director: P.M副主任:安全经理Deput

18、y director: Safety ManagerHSE检查负责人HSE InspectorHSE技术负责人HSE Officer (technical)施工队HSE检查员Construction Team HSE inspectorHSE主管部门: 安全管理部HSE Implementation: Safety Dept组织机构 The related safety engineers or safety technicians will be provided. The number of the safety personnel shall be determined by the n

19、umber of the construction workers and the risks of the construction. 根据项目情况提供相应数量的安全工程师或安全主管。专职安全人员的具体数量应根据施工人员的数量及项目管理部根据作业风险来确认。本项目配备安全人员规则如下:Safety Technicians安全主管Field workers现场工人数量1 (Part-Time) 1 (兼职)1241 (Full-Time) 1 (专职)25 502 (Full-Time) 2 (专职)51753 (Full-Time) 3 (专职)76150One (1) additional

20、 for every 50 people above 150150 人以上每增加50 需加派1 名专职安全员E4.2 Safety Functions 安全管理职责 E4.2.1 Project Manager 项目经理HSE职责 1) Overall responsible for HSE management who shall properly dispose & use HSE resource to guarantee the HSE promise being completed implemented on site and make sure efficient running

21、 of the HSE management.对项目的HSE管理工作全面负责,合理配置和使用HSE资源,保证HSE承诺在现场全面实施并对“HSE管理体系”中全部职责的有效运行负责;2) Make sure all the company HSE procedures been implemented on the project保证本公司所有HSE程序文件在本项目的贯彻执行;3) Establish HSE management and clarified each personnels right and responsibility.建立实施HSE管理机构,明确所有人员的职责,通过逐级负责

22、,落实项目全员HSE责任;4) Held scheduled HSE community meetings to analyze project HSE status and solve existing problem in time. Join HSE inspection.定期主持召开HSE委员会工作会议,分析项目HSE动态,及时解决存在的问题,参加HSE大检查;5) Approval of the projects HSE plan批准本项目的HSE管理方案;6) Check the implementation of the HSE training plan; confirm HS

23、E training requirements for the staff.审查HSE培训计划的实施情况;确定员工HSE培训要求;7) Accident / Event report: organize accident investigation; encourage the worker to take part in HSE management, forward suggestions of inducing accident; Make sure accident/ event investigation and report meet the owners requirement;

24、 send the report to the owner and related department.事故/事件报告:负责组织事故的调查、处理;鼓励工人参与HSE管理,提出减少可能的事故的建议;保证事故/事件调查和报告并符合业主要求并报送业主及相关部门;8) Establish and maintain HSE consciousness: Implement HSE training procedure; organize HSE talk, demonstration, publication to improve the HSE consciousness; improve and

25、put the HSE promotion program into practice.建立和维护HSE意识:实施HSE培训程序;组织HSE谈话、示范、公告等以提高HSE意识,宣贯公司安全政策;积极推进和实施健康与安全激励计划。E4.2.2 Construction Manager 施工经理HSE职责 1) Detailed leader for project HSE issues.对整个项目的HSE工作负具体领导责任。2) Base on the principle that the production shall coming out together with safety, the

26、 C.M shall carry out HES implementations during construction本着“管生产必须管安全”的原则,在安排生产的同时,安排落实HSE措施。3) Arrange HSE work, inspection, summary during construction meetings. Take part in monthly HSE inspection, point out potential dangers and correct them.在召开施工生产会时,必须对HSE工作进行布置、检查、总结,参加每月一次的综合性HSE大检查,负责对项目安

27、全隐患及存在问题的整改和处理。E4.2.3 HSE Manager HSE经理职责 Safety manager shall have qualified certificate as well as full experience of site construction; the responsibilities of the safety manager are as bellow:安全经理应有相应的安全证书并具备丰富的现场施工经验;安全经理职责如下:1) Carefully implement the nations safety policy and related regulati

28、ons. His major responsibility is for the safety issues on project construction. He/she shall make safety precaution measurement, correct the potential safety violence in time, for those that cannot be solved immediately, he/she shall report to the up-level department. Give “3-step” and regular safet

29、y trainings, improve the safety sense of the staff, make sure that special trade worker shall be certified, and past safety examination. Organize, prepare and implement safety program, take safety inspections, prepare operation safety regulations and various trade safety requirements.认真贯彻执行国家安全方针及相关

30、法律制度。主要负责此项目施工过程中的安全事宜。根据施工情况提出安全预防措施,及时解除安全隐患,对于不能立即解决的安全隐患应报告给高一级安全部门。实现“三级教育”以及定期安全教育, 提高施工人员安全意识,特殊岗位人员必须持证上岗,并且参加安全考试,不合格者不允许上岗操作。组织、建立并且执行安全方案,检查安全措施,进行现场安全检查。组织培训安全操作规则,以及各专业的安全规章制度。 2) Implement the HSE procedure and owners HSE requirements, supervise site HSE issues, take part in HSE meetin

31、gs and inspections and periodically make audition/evaluation, reward, and punishment for project HSE activities. Make site HSE activities report. HSE经理对执行公司的HSE体系文件及业主HSE有关要求进行监督管理,定期组织HSE会议和检查,定期对本项目HSE工作进行考核、评估,实施奖惩,定期汇报HSE工作动态;3) Communication with the owner or the owners representative on site H

32、SE issue. Offer suggestions. 对于施工现场所有涉及HSE的事务应积和业主进行沟通并提出建议;4) Organize daily site inspection to make sure the HSE standard being implemented and make necessary corrective actions.组织日常现场检查以保证HSE标准的实施,必要时采取纠偏手段;5) Investigate and report the occurred harm, working disease, and give necessary suggestio

33、ns.确保伤害、职业性疾病及危险出现时进行调查和报告,提出必要的建议;6) Establish and maintain archive system to record and report all the accident / event during construction.建立和维护必要的档案,以记录和报告工作中的事故事件及各种HSE活动的开展;7) Make sure all the workers get qualified PPE and facilities.保证工地所有人员拥有和使用合格的个人防护服装和设备;8) Organize and inspect HSE train

34、ing of new staff.组织和审核所有进入工地的新工人进行HSE培训;9) Safety analyses for the management.管理、评审工作安全分析;10) Record and hold HSE meeting.记录并管理HSE会议上提出的建议等的会议纪要;11) Arrange, check and direct site HSE officers work, solve the forwarded problems.布置、检查、指导现场HSE监督员工作,解决提出的问题,按规定对HSE监督员提出考核意见;E4.2.4 Technical HSE officer

35、 技术负责人HSE职责 1) Follow HSE law/regulation/standard/procedure requirements of the nation, government, responsible for project safety technique 贯彻执行国家和上级部门有关HSE法律法规、标准和制度,对本项目的安全技术负全面责任。2) Make and review project HSE management plan and emergency response program.负责组织编制并审核本项目的HSE管理方案和应急预案。3) Work on pr

36、oject organization program, construction plan and safety technical implementations; solve occurred HSE issues during construction负责组织编制本项目的施工组织设计、施工方案和安全技术措施,及时处理施工过程中的HSE技术问题。4) Inspection & acceptance of site protection facilities.组织有关设备及现场防护设施的检查验收。5) Organize safety clarifications, perform techn

37、ique training for safety.组织安全技术交底,开展安全技术教育。6) Take part in HSE accident investigation, offer technical opinion and improvement suggestions. 参加HSE事故的调查处理,提出技术鉴定意见和改进措施。E4.2.5 HSE engineer HSE工程师职责 1) Help HSE manager to carry out daily HSE management协助HSE经理进行日常安全、交通、健康、环保各项具体业务管理工作。2) Take part in HS

38、E inspections and daily patrol work, stop safety violations, and remove potential dangerous factors, correct potential danger and offer punish/reward suggestions参加项目各类HSE检查并做好日常巡回检查工作,及时制止违章,消除不安全因素,落实各类事故隐患按期整改并按规定提出奖罚意见。3) Perform safety trainings for new staff, special type working staff etc对进场人员

39、、专业工种、特殊作业活动过程等人员进行分类培训。4) Organize rescue activities, protect the scene when accident occurred. Take part in the investigation and treatment of the accident.发生事故时及时组织抢救、保护现场,参与事故的调查处理。 E4.2.6 HSE site safety inspector HSE现场安全员职责 1) Take part in weekly HSE inspection参加项目每周一次的HSE检查;2) Daily safety pa

40、trol, find unsafe issues, Urge & supervise the correct action and report to the higher management坚持每天的巡回检查工作,发现问题督促整改并及时上报;3) Identify safe environment for important area, dangerous working, and signing safety work permit进行重要部位、危险作业的安全确定,签发安全许可证;4) Scheduled HSE inspection for machine/equipment机械设备定

41、期HSE性能检查;5) Supervision of important area, dangerous work.重要部位、危险作业的监督;6) Working daily on site to warn and correct unsafe activities, perform punishment, reward according to HSE regulations. He had the right to suspend workers job if he failed to follow his instructions and report to the higher man

42、agement.每天深入现场,发现问题及时纠正,制止违章作业,按规定进行处罚,对不听劝阻者停止其工作,并立即报告领导;E4.2.7 Team leader 施工队长HSE职责 1) Responsible for the HSE issue of his crew, including direct the staff to identify dangerous resources, use the safety resource of environment, personnel, material, tool/equipments, working method etc. Safety i

43、nspection during construction.对其工作范围内的HSE工作负责,包括引导职员进行工作危险源辨识,落实包括环境、人员、材料、机具设备、作业方法在内的安全资源,对作业过程中的作业人员的行为进行检查;2) Work out the teams HSE management requirement and monthly HSE plan and implementations.制定本队HSE管理规定和月HSE工作计划,落实本队各类人员安全责任;3) Organize monthly HSE meeting of the team to summarize the HSE

44、work of the past month, find out both good and bad behavior. Make arrangement for the next month负责召开专业队每月一次的HSE例会,总结上个月的HSE工作,抓正反两方面典型,对倾向性问题提出防范措施,并布置下一个月的HSE工作;4) Insist to perform weekly HSE inspection and daily HSE patrol, remove danger and stop violations in time.坚持每周一次HSE检查及每天的巡回HSE检查,及时消除事故隐患

45、,制止违章。E4.2.8 Group Leader 班长HSE职责 1) Implement HSE management requirement, responsible for the groups HSE measurement implementations.贯彻执行HSE管理规定和要求,负责本班组的HSE措施落实;2) Make sure there is a safe working environment when accept an assignment; Provide safe working environment when giving assignment.接受生产任

46、务时要求具备合格的作业环境;安排生产任务时提供合格的作业环境;3) Organize groups HSE activities, make sure of “3 clarifications and one clear”, and perform construction danger analyses. Summarize the past weeks safety activities and arrange next weeks plan during weekly HSE meeting. Encourage the group staff to discuss the issues

47、 and keep record.组织班组HSE活动,班前安全讲话作到“三交一清”,认真做好工作危险分析计划。周一安全活动认真总结上周安全生产情况,布置本周安全工作,发动班组成员结合实际进行讨论,并督促做好记录;4) Perform daily patrol, stop and correct the violations in time. Their behavior on HSE will contributed to each months production reward. 认真做好日常巡回检查,及时发现和纠正违章行为,处理现场出现的各种问题将班组成员的HSE行为与每月的生产奖挂钩;5) Report the accident timely, organize for rescue, protect scene and keep detail record. Take part in the accidents investigation, analyses.发生事故立即报告、组织抢救,保护好现场,作好详细记录,参加事故调查、分析,落实防范措施;6) Inspection and maintenance of the groups equipments, tools, safety protection facilitie


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