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1、英文論文寫作與投稿經 驗 國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系 黃國禎 1英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 一般期刊之評審要點 n學術價值 (創新性 ) n應用價值 n學理根據與觀點之正確性 n文章組織結構 n研究方法之嚴謹性 n題目合宜 n文章長度恰當 n格式正確 n用詞的正確性及文章的流暢度 2英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 研究的觀念、態度與方法 n觀念 n研究是有趣的 n態度 n充滿好奇心、全力以卦 n方法 n功勞苦勞創新實証 3英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 研究主題的選擇 n儘量針對同一主題以不同的方法深入 探討 Gwo-Jen Hwang, Tsung-Liang Lin, B

2、ertrand M.T. Lin (2004), “An Effective Approach for Test-Sheet Composition from Large-Scale Item Banks”, accepted by Computers furthermore, Chou proposed the CATES system 3, which is an interactive testing system developed in a collective and collaborative project with theoretical and practical rese

3、arch on complex technology-dependent learning environments. Unfortunately, although many computer-assisted testing systems have been proposed, few of them have addressed the problem of finding a systematic approach for composing test sheets satisfying multiple assessment requirements. Most of the ex

4、isting systems construct a test sheet by manually or randomly selecting test items from their item banks. Such manual or random test item selection strategies are inefficient and are hardly able to meet multiple assessment requirements simultaneously. 10英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 Some previous investigations

5、 showed that a well-constructed test sheet not only helps evaluate the learning status of the students, but also facilitates the diagnosis of the problems embedded in the learning process 13, 14, 17. That is, it is very critical to select proper test items to constitute a test sheet that meets multi

6、ple assessment criteria, including the expected time needed for answering the test sheet, the number of test items, the specified distribution of course concepts to be learned, and the most important, the maximization of the average degree of discrimination 20. Since it is difficult to satisfy multi

7、ple requirements (or constraints) in selecting test items, most computerized testing systems generate test sheets in a random fashion (which will be called “random selection” throughout this paper) 16. In 15, a multiple criteria test sheet generating problem is formulated as a dynamic programming mo

8、del 11 to minimize the distance between the parameters (e.g., discrimination, difficulty, etc.) of the generated test sheets and the objective values subject to the distribution of concept weights. 11英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 Although the dynamic programming approach has taken multiple requirements into con

9、sideration, in practical applications, more criteria need to be addressed. For example, a teacher might like to assign a range of test times instead of giving a fixed test time and usually a teacher will assign an expected lower bound for each concept weight instead of giving a distribution of conce

10、pt weights. Moreover, the goal of a group test is to discriminate the status of the students. This implies that the discrimination degree of the entire test sheet needs to be maximized as much as possible. Another critical issue arising from the use of dynamic programming approach is probably the ex

11、ceedingly long execution time required for producing optimal solutions. As the time-complexity of the dynamic programming algorithm is exponential in terms of input data, the execution time will become unacceptably long if the number of candidate test items is large. 12英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 To cope with

12、 these problems, researchers attempted to formulate a new test sheet-generating problem by optimizing the discrimination degree of the generated test sheets with a specified range of assessment time and some other multiple constraints 16. However, the new formulation is even more complex, previous i

13、nvestigations showed that it is difficult to efficiently find near- optimal solutions when the number of candidate test items is larger then five thousand 16. In the following sections, a model for formulating the problems of finding a set of test items that fit multiple assessment criteria is prese

14、nted. As the problems are NP-hard, a tabu-based algorithm is proposed to find quality approximate solutions in an acceptable time. Computational experiments will be also presented to study the performances of the proposed algorithms. (最後一段強調研究動機) 13英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 問題描述及研究方法 n問題描述 n正式定義面臨的問題 n以圖或公式

15、來說明問題的內容 n最好舉例說明問題的特性 n研究方法 n說明方法的來源及過去的應用 n說明方法的精神及細節 n說明方法如何套用到目前的問題 14英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 In an item bank, a subset of n candidate test items Q1, Q2, , Qn will be selected for composing a test sheet. With the specified course concepts to be learned, say Cj, , each test item is relevant to one or mo

16、re of them. For example, to test the basic computer knowledge of students, Cj might be “I/O devices”, “Central Processing Unit” or “Memory”. In this section, a mixed integer programming model 19 is presented to formulate the test sheet-generating problem under multiple assessment considerations. The

17、 model aims at optimizing the discrimination degree of the generated test sheets with a specified range of assessment time and some other multiple constraints. Such a model has been called the Specified Range of Assessment Time (SRAT) Problem 16.(定義問題與舉例) In the SRAT problem, the major consideration

18、 is to confine the length required by the students to answer the selected items. The variables used in the formulated models are defined as follows: (公式) 15英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 Tabu search is a metaheuristic method which guides a local search procedure to effectively explore the solution space of optim

19、ization problems. It was first introduced by Glover 7, 8 and has exhibited successful applications for solving the traveling salesman problem 2, generalized assignment problem 18, job shop scheduling problem 23, and network loading problem 1, just to name a few. (方法 的來源) “Tabu” comes from Tongan, a

20、language of Polynesia, where it indicates things that cannot be touched because they are sacred, and the word now means prohibition 9. Analogously, tabu search forbids the reverse search to revisit solutions already encountered. Tabu search has the following distinctive features which make it unique

21、 from other metaheuristics. (方法的特性) 16英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 In the followings, a tabu search-based algorithm, BMST (Bit-Map Selection with Tabu approach), is proposed to find quality approximate solutions for the SRAT problem. (方法如何套用到目前的問題) Input: n test items Q1, Q2, , Qn and m concepts C1, C2, , Cm;

22、Step 1. Generate initial configuration Since all decision variables of the SRAT problem take binary values (either 0 or 1), a configuration in the BMST algorithm can be represented in a condensed form as x = x1x2xn, which is a vector of n binary bits where xi is equivalent to 1 if test item Qi is se

23、lected and 0 otherwise. The initial configuration is designated as 000, i.e., all the test items are not selected. The reason is due to the objective of the optimization problem, which requests maximization of the average discrimination degree for selected test items. Therefore, if the algorithm sta

24、rts with a zero vector and incrementally select test items with higher discrimination degrees by replacing 0 with 1, the search for the optimal solution could be expedited. Step 2. Identify the neighborhood 17英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 實驗及分析 n比較答案的品質及演算法的效率-以大量資 料模擬測試 n瞭解系統的滿意度及使用意願-問卷調查 n驗證系統或方法的效果-以實驗組及對照組

25、 進行3-6個月的測試及分析 (前測及後測 ) n比較新系統 (方法)與舊系統 (方法)的效果 -多 人交叉使用兩系統 (方法)並比較結果 n比較對象:舊系統 (方法)、使用與未使用、 Random、Heuristic、Optimal方法產生的結果 18英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 論文簡介 n內容: 整篇文章的濃縮版 n字數: 500-1000字 n包含 n研究背景及動機 n研究目的(問題的描述) n研究方法(概念性的描述) n研究成果(實驗結果及貢獻) 19英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 論文摘要 n內容: 簡介的濃縮版 n字數: 200-300字 n包含 n研究動機 n研究目的

26、(問題的描述) n研究方法(概念性的描述) n研究成果(實驗結果及貢獻) 20英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 Computer skill certification test is one of the most important tests to evaluate the computer ability of students. As the test is held frequently, it is critical to efficiently and effectively compose test sheets from a large item bank contain

27、ing over ten thousands of test items. To fairly certificate the computer skills of students, the composed test sheets must meet multiple assessment criteria, such as the ratio of relevant concepts to be evaluated, the average discrimination degree, difficulty degree and estimated testing time. It wi

28、ll take significantly long time to compose an optimal test sheet from a large item bank by generating and testing each possible candidate combination of test items. To cope with this problem, a tabu search-based approach is proposed to improve the efficiency for composing near-optimal test sheets fr

29、om very large item banks to meet multiple assessment criteria. Based on the proposed approach, a computer-assisted testing system has been developed; moreover, a series of experiments have been conducted to compare the efficiency and efficacy of the novel approach with other approaches. From the exp

30、erimental results, it can be seen that the novel approach is desirable in composing near-optimal test sheets from large item banks. (最後一段強調研究目的及貢獻) 21英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 結論(與討論 ) n內容: 摘要的結論加上未來的發展或 改進方向 n字數: 300-1000字 n包含 n研究成果(實驗結果及貢獻) n未來可能的發展或改進的方向 22英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 In this paper, a tabu search-b

31、ased approach, BMST (Bit-Map Selection with Tabu), is proposed to cope with the test sheet-generating problems. BMST algorithm has been embedded in a computer skill certification system with large-scale test banks that are accessible to students as well as instructors through the world-wide-web. (強調

32、研究目的) To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, two experiments have been conducted to compare the execution time and the solution quality of four solution-seeking strategies on eighteen item banks. Experimental results manifest that test sheets with near-optimal discrimination degrees

33、can be obtained in a much shorter time by employing the novel approach.(強調研究貢獻) For further extensive applications, some collaborative plans with some local electronic companies are proceeding, in which the novel approach is applied to test and train junior engineers, such as the knowledge and skill

34、s of Nano Self-Assembly, Quantum Dot Self-Assembly, Copolymer Self- Assembly, Electrostatic Self-Assembly, etc. 23英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 References的內容 n依姓氏排列 n以1, 2, 3 標示 n研討會論文: Conferences, Congress, Workshop 1 L.M.M. Giraffa, M. Mora and R.M. Viccari, “Modeling an interactive ITS using a MAS approach:

35、 from design to pedagogical evaluation”, Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, New Delhi, India, Feb. 28, 1999, pp. 153 158. n期刊: Transactions, Journals, Magazines 2 A.V. Gonzalez and L.R. Ingraham (1994), “Automated exercise progression in simulat

36、ion-based training”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 863 874. 24英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 Reference的引用方式 n用“作者+年份”表示 n最大優點是:有新的文獻要插入時,不必重 新編號 (Hwang 2003), (Hwang therefore,he decided to reinstall it. 28英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 其他的寫作技巧 n善用連接詞 n因; therefore, 正果 (因此、於是) n因; con

37、sequently, 正果 (因此、於是) nAs 因, 正果 (因此、於是) n因; nevertheless, 負果 (然而、但是) n因; however,負果(然而、但是) nAlthough因,負果(然而、但是) 29英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 其他的寫作技巧 n常用句型 nIt can be seen that . (由此可知:) nIt is obvious that . (顯而易見的:) nBy assuming that . (假設) nE.g., nBased on the experimental results, it can be seen that our

38、approach can achieve better performance. nBy assuming that x = 1, we have Y = X + 1 = 2; therefore, 2 is the final output. 30英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 選擇投稿的的期刊性質 n國內期刊 nTSSCI:如資訊管理學報、管理學報、交大 學報、 n國際期刊 nSCI (Science Citation Index)及 SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), 期刊收錄清單在 http:/ nEI (Engineering Index

39、), 期刊收錄清單在 http:/ei.stic.gov.tw/guide.html Ei Compendex收錄的文獻 31英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 期刊的選擇 -以資訊教育為例 Interacting with Computers (SSCI, SCI, EI) Computers moreover, Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to condense the entire paper. 40英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 修改文件說明-Revision Summary Reviewer 2 Comments: No innov

40、ative contribution was found both in the theory of genetic algorithms and in the application of them. Response to Reviewer 2: (1) We have re-written the abstract and Sections 1 and 2 to explain the importance about the construction of a good test sheet. The major contribution of this paper is not in

41、 its technical part. Instead, we tried to cope with an important problem arising from real educational applications. Such a problem is known to be critical and has not been efficiently and effectively solved before. (2) Since the innovative contribution of this paper might not be significant, we hav

42、e re-written the paper as a technical correspondence based on the editors suggestion. 41英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 修改文件說明-Revision Summary Reviewer 3 Comments: Make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise, so that the revised paper will be improved in its readability and co

43、rrectness. Response to Reviewer 3: Te mixed integer models and the genetic algorithms in Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise (please refer to Pages 6- 17). Moreover, a colleague who is an English expert has carefull

44、y checked the paper to correct potential grammatical errors. 42英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 論文接受函 (accepted with minor revisions) Dear Prof. Hwang, The review of your manuscript titled “A Test Sheet-Generating Algorithm for Multiple Assessment Requirements“, TE-2001-000029.R1, has been completed. The Editorial

45、 Review Board, while feeling that your manuscript is worthy of publication, feels that the manuscript requires a few minor revision before it can be published in the Transactions on Education. When reviewing the manuscript, each reviewer was asked to complete two questionnaires: one that directed co

46、mments to the Editorial Board and one that directed comments to the author(s) of the manuscript. You will find attached reviewer comments directed to you. In preparing the next revision of your manuscript, you will be expected to address the issues brought up by the reviewers. Once you have addresse

47、d these issues, your manuscript will be ready to processed to publication. 43英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 In preparing your next revision, here are some important criteria that need to be followed. 1. The next revision of your manuscript should be double-spaced and typed in 12-point type. DO NOT single-space!

48、DO NOT use a two-column, journal-style format! 2. Make sure that all bibliographical references for books and published papers follow the IEEE format described at http:/standards.ieee.org/guides/style/section7.html#992. 3. Make sure that all bibliographical references to specific information on a we

49、b site include the last date the site was viewed. Web sites change and specific content is often removed. A reader requiring specific, referenced content that has been removed will need a date on which the information appeared when requesting that information from the Web Masters archive. 4. Number each page. 44英文論文寫作與投稿經驗 - 黃國禎 When you have completed revising your manuscript, mail a copy to the Transactions Editorial Administrator, Jerry Ann Conner


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