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1、2012年高考英语复习课件:Unit 1(新课标人教版必修3),Unit 1 美言佳句,背佳句 1The Midautumn Festival, which is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, falls on August 15th of the lunar calendar every year. 中秋节,中国最重要的传统节日之一,在每年农历的八月十五。 赏析 该句含有一个which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The Midautumn Festival。,Unit 1 美言佳句,2Not only

2、 is it popular in China but it is also celebrated in many other Asian countries. 它不仅在中国盛行,而且许多其他亚洲国家也庆祝该节日。 赏析 该句使用了“not onlybut also”结构,not only提前,使用了部分倒装结构。,Unit 1 美言佳句,3People believe that the moon is a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune, and it is a custom to express best wishes to the beloved

3、ones at this particular time. 人们认为月亮是团圆、吉祥和财富的象征,在这个特定时刻向至爱的人表达良好祝愿成为一种特定的习俗。 赏析 总体上看,该句是一个含有that引导的宾语从句,从句中又使用了一个并列句。,Unit 1 美言佳句,4On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion, enjoying a large meal with their family. 在这天,人们通常回家团聚,与家人一起吃团圆饭。 赏析 该句中使用了一个动词不定式结构作目的状语,动词的ing形式作伴随状语。,

4、Unit 1 课前热身,.单词拼写 1He had g_ himself a reputation for unfairness. 2It was quite o_ that she was not going home. 3I shouldnt have come in without your p_. 4All the crops had been g_ and stored. 5I must a_to you for not being able to meet you. 6We a_ him all the more for his frankness. 7The story _ (使

5、想起)me of an experience I once had.,ained,bvious,ermission,athered,pologize,dmire,reminds,Unit 1 课前热身,8My father has much _ (相信) in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine. 9Our parents are very _ (虔诚的)and very patriotic. 10I was _ (判给;奖励) damages of $40 000.,belief,religious,awarded,Unit 1 课前热身,.完成短

6、语 1为了纪念 in _ of 2出发;动身;引爆 set _ 3好像;似乎 as _ 4出现,露面 turn _ 5搞恶作剧;诈骗;捉弄(某人) play a _ (on sb) 6守信用;履行诺言 keep ones _ 7屏息;屏气 _ ones breath 8玩得开心 have fun _,memory,off,though/if,up,trick,word,hold,with,Unit 1 单词点睛,1 belief n信任;信心;信仰(pl.beliefs) beyond belief 难以置信 have belief in 相信,信任 in the belief that 相信

7、 It is my belief that 我相信 believe vt. 相信,Unit 1 单词点睛,【活学活用】 用belief相关短语的适当形式完成句子 (1)He came to me _ I could help him. (2) _ that nuclear weapons are immoral. (3)The cruelty of the murders was _.,in the belief that,It is my belief,beyond belief,Unit 1 单词点睛,2 trick n诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt.欺骗;诈骗 play a trick on

8、搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事 play a joke on sb 取笑某人;跟某人开玩笑 make fun of 取笑;嘲笑 laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 make a fool of sb 愚弄某人,Unit 1 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)Her tears were just _ (骗人的把戏) (2)The naughty boy loves _ (对别人搞恶作剧) (3)We _ (受骗买了)that poor car.,a trick to cheat others,playing tricks on others,w

9、ere tricked into buying,Unit 1 单词点睛,3 gain v获得;得到 n(不可数)获利,利益 gain confidence/strength/experience 获得信心/力量/经验 gain sth from 从处获得某物 No pains,no gains. 谚语不劳无获。/一分耕耘,一分收获。 gain others respect/love/trust 获得别人的尊敬/爱戴/信任,Unit 1 单词点睛,【温馨提示】 gain有三种含义: (1)表示经过努力一点一点地获得自己渴望的东西。 He has gained rich experience in

10、 these years. 这些年他已获取了丰富的经验。 (2)表示速度、重量等慢慢增加。 He gained weight after recovery from his illness. 康复后他的体重增加了。 (3)(钟,表)快。 This clock gains five minutes a day. 这只钟每天快5分钟。,Unit 1 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)他已获得了他们的尊重。 He_. (2)每个男孩都赢得了一份奖品。 Each of the boys (has)_.,has gained their respect,gained a prize,Unit 1 单词点睛,

11、【易混辨析】 gain, win, get, earn, acquire (1)gain指在斗争,竞争中做出很大努力而“获得”,所得的东西常具有一定的价值。 (2)win常指取胜的一方具有优越的特质或条件而能克服各种障碍,意为“赢得”。 (3)get为普通词,有时指不一定需要努力就能“得到”。 (4)earn意为“赚得”,表示经过艰苦努力所得的报酬。 (5)acquire意为“获得,取得”,一般指通过漫长的过程而逐渐获得。,Unit 1 单词点睛,用win,get,gain,earn或acquire的适当形式完成句子 (1)Im new in the job but I have alread

12、y _ much experience. (2)Please _ me a glass of water. (3)His perseverance _ him many friends and a gold medal. (4)He _ up to$50,000 a year by writing stories. (5)After six years study,he has _ a good knowledge of English.,gained,get,won,earned/earns,acquired,Unit 1 单词点睛,4 award vt.判定;授予n.奖品;奖 award

13、sb sth award sth to sb 奖给某人某物 win/gain/receive an award for sth 因某事获奖 gain/receive/obtain an award 得奖 reward vt. 酬谢;奖赏 n. 酬谢;报答 reward sb for 因而酬谢/奖赏某人,Unit 1 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)奖章授予辩论队中的最佳演说者。 Medals _ on the debating team. (2)很荣幸获得这个奖。 It was a great honour _.,are awarded to the best speakers,to recei

14、ve the award,Unit 1 单词点睛,5 admire vt.(praise) 赞美,钦佩; (look at something with pleasure; have a high regard for) 羡慕;欣赏 admirer n 羡慕者 admiring adj. 赞赏的;羡慕的 admire sb for sth 因某事而钦佩某人 admire to do sth 口语很想做某事 in admiration 羡慕地 have great admiration for sb 钦佩某人,Unit 1 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)It was a rash thing t

15、o do, yet one cannot _ (钦佩她的勇气) (2)I have _ (钦佩)her as a writer. (3)I just admire _ (收到信件), but I dont admire _ (回信),admire her courage,great admiration for,to get letters,to answer them,Unit 1 单词点睛,6 apologize vi.道歉,辩解,辩护 apology n 道歉,致歉 apologize to sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事向某人道歉 make/offer an apo

16、logy to sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事向某人道 accept/refuse an/ones apology 接受/拒绝道歉/某人的道歉 demand an apology 要求道歉 Apology accepted. 口语(我)接受你的道歉。,Unit 1 单词点睛,【活学活用】 用适当的介词填空 (1)Go and apologize _ her. (2)I must apologize _ him _ not going to his birthday party. (3)I make no apology _ what I saidit was a fair

17、comment.,to,to,for,for,Unit 1 单词点睛,7 remind vt.提醒;使想起 remind sb of/about sth 使某人想起某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 remind sb that 提醒某人/使某人想起,Unit 1 单词点睛,(1)这些照片使我想起我的童年。 These photos _ . (2)请提醒我每天服三次药。 Please remind me _ three times a day. Please remind me _ three times a day.,remind me of my childhoo

18、d,to take my medicine,that I should take my medicine,Unit 1 跟踪训练,1The gold medal to Mr Smith for his fine show of vegetables. Awas awarding Bwas awarded Cawarded Dawarding,【解析】 B award用作及物动词,意为“给颁奖”。sb be awarded sth for某人因而被授予奖励。,Unit 1 跟踪训练,2The mayor the police officer a medal of honor for his he

19、roic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims. Arewarded Bawarded Ccredited Dprized,【解析】 B 考查动词辨析。句意为:为表彰这位警官救助地震受害者的英雄事迹,市长向他颁发了一枚奖章。award意为“授予某人某物”。,Unit 1 跟踪训练,3The child asked us to him for what he had said. Aforgive Bfool Capologize Dhonour,【解析】 A 句意为:这个孩子请求我们原谅他说过的那些话。forgive sb for (doing) sth

20、“原谅某人某事”,符合语境。,Unit 1 跟踪训练,4People may have to land from the sea one day with the sharp increase in population. Aacquire Bgain Cobtain Dachieve,【解析】 B 句意为:随着人口的急剧增长,或许有一天人们不得不从大海中获取土地。gain指通过劳动逐渐“得到或赚到(有利益的东西)”,符合句意。最大的干扰项 acquire意为“获得,取得”,一般指通过漫长的过程而逐渐获得。,Unit 1 跟踪训练,5In most western countries, on

21、April Fools Day,people often play trick on each other; children especially have great fun. Aa;a Bthe;the C/;a Da;,【解析】 D 考查冠词。play a trick on 为固定短语,意为“恶作剧,开玩笑”;have fun意为“玩得快乐”,fun 是不可数名词,前面通常不加冠词。,Unit 1 跟踪训练,6John told me that he had lost his key to the car, but he didnt really lose itthats just a(an) . Afool Bevent Cperformance Dtrick,【解析】 D 从句意可推知“这只是一个计谋/诡计”,故选择D。fool 傻子;event 事件,大事; performance表演;均不符合题意。,


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