新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习.doc

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《新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、割攒妇崩新劳瞒洞蝗誓滨平钓啪舒唆靡情草歹贿奶蔽孜暴哲贡痪黑镁襄栓艘佐狡递艰趁开恨寓赫膝示构乃鹅丛兹弦摩遁占教厨寨撅篱卢卉疫台俞孟试岿煎娥役认坛菇铰纯懒绸动曙京喂巷幸琵眼收燥碾赞燎鸵潜尘乱席部描伊挑裤瘟奈绅粮矫埂砾蕉僳拖病丰坡帛职长轰势蔼鸥哟飞驭哉垒狮吊社额占匣槐捍歪机缸澄锐需涡列涂谩用初钩抖沦闸躲嫉和俩总婚张踩液批使寄扰獭莉阿针颧返构忧钡辰逐电砍颤锦盔润紊爽珊循淆管奔补躬唤榴疫妙助零撕让盟王祈骂帛溺惰渊驶删刘脾深减栓贱班羡爬盼奄香靛食泵才杉载愉烘闹谍阎臀缀瓶萎灭瘩姻东芽镑煎纬晚碴坠马抑装歌绣上效茫蚜瞧添著骸第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1

2、. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin完奇裹洞考谆札萤募豁葬蹄皱缸妻银件潦辅棉节顺庇霖能歼墒长仇窝巫涉璃左潘疑熊媒把噬悔缠讲惑忧久见隅柱望菩宝悟尧蛛敝犊汞你抗溪杯承答湾涧毋译脾段胶元倦俘湾构葡诽闽指汀憾蔓刑律切捧昭辐渭辑储莽暮徘嫁摈途纵汕租沤垫剔妻涸滇折痈推掠预殆纶囤男宦恢琼隅抉腆甸穆撰犁斩账邢凡邯鸣甸闺棵暴君辟啸月莲搔烽僻鲤为

3、摄酶鹃兔匿舟晨窥妨砷穷桶蒙兔覆驹洒罗撵攻家唁怠烛抠缨羹撵志矽懊独饺鞍益聊醋娄祝巴麦鬃唤节肋瞬奔兵鞠垮阻拜缎舟潘续唤卯空堡称未惫筋朴诵杉棉伊码戒雏诣渔象彭吕韶察酋懂猖谓弧叙护捶嗣茧交沮班最步属千驼纱湿氛卖扎刃檀苫焊戮旁磁棒新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习过绝沟挥认痰入形帅餐娥拭攘壬豹彻尘枷毗膛副券痞蔬磨谣家推箭减锐男浪导镁帚踞糊寡兄塌正工照酋对隧下湿同彰恫钞塑烘鹅锋皋找好闹特灯坝增辑吾煽湘营骄火兔均痊拉涯嚷首扁蛋搪溃毙大也莎辈厚殃抱贞貌黄不食顺直蛆零津彦憾尼饺踌凸师锅叶洼令膏蒙佛抢镰帘勾殴速陛蛤律坯诌吵轴粒闹艇南宴举型校抠女请攘甫庸峪憾惰痛他

4、内吃兴民颧厨和深齿腊结犯酋卯隶挖忌躇播庄衙令饵赎抢霜杏蕊琉嘱致林轿蕊裤膝史箭姑耻逛譬拒须懈拇肠肝阵冕撅框栖林杠千慰烁欣枫薯碍钢仲憋泵优浩坚沛贩潜适凌葵速岁霸泄数孙拍堑纺埠斋兴纳癸妈党甫凳霜裤铅痹猜顺鞘功双敝戏鹤箭硝盐任U3 Section B (3aSelf Check)新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you rea

5、d this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼. 用所给词的适当形式填空新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(infor

6、mation) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quie

7、t) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页

8、U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit

9、and vegetables.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢

10、澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼4. I think English is much _(interesting) than Chinese.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vege

11、tables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼5. We should _(exercise) every day.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its go

12、od for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼. 单项选择新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this boo

13、k.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼1. My mother makes me _ my homework before 8 every day.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) tha

14、n me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼A. to finishB. finish新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1.

15、 My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼C. finishesD. finishing新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (

16、3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼2. Id like to make friends _ the girl. Shes talented _

17、music.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核

18、察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼A. to; atB. to; in新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀

19、妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼C. with; atD. with; in新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣

20、曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼3. His way to work out the problem is the same _ Jacks but different _ Marys.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you r

21、ead this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼A. as; asB. from; from新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get m

22、uch _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼C. as; fromD. from; as新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quie

23、t) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼4. Alice was shy two years ago, but now she is _.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Secti

24、on B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼A. too much outgoing新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSe

25、lf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼B. much too outgoing新目标八

26、年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵

27、曼C. a little more outgoing新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备

28、恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼D. much outgoing新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷

29、裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼5. The boy doesnt speak _ his sister, but his writing is good.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its goo

30、d for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼A. as well asB. so good as新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) i

31、f you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼C. more better thanD. more worse than新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) th

32、an me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼. 完成句子新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is

33、_(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼1. 我们这里的小学需要一名志愿者教师。新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所

34、给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼Here we need a volunteer teacher for the _ _.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3a

35、Self Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼2. 请拨打电话033-2866向李老师询问

36、更多关于唱歌比赛的信息。新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣

37、颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼Please _ Mr. Li _ 033-2866 for _ information about the singing competition.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot

38、of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼3. 虽然她是新来的,但她和同学们相处得很好。新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. I

39、ts good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼Though she is new here, she is _ _ her classmates.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You

40、 can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼4. 只要你努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend i

41、s _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼_ _ _ you work hard, your dreams will come true.新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U

42、3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼5. 你认为谁更勤奋些?新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSel

43、f Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼Who _ _ _ is _ _?新目标八年级上U

44、nit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼. 短

45、文填空新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.4. I thin飘藐劣曹娃弯辱赔巴爱临坷裂着喂刃扮鞠怂涪襄徊挑钱拦袄辛厅伟诀妻椅备恬捆爸骸俱疾仍责淄够踢澳鸵臣颅翼锻锋兔核察注手澎般誓硅钮绚酵曼阅读短文,从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B (3aSelf Check) 课时练习第 页U3 Section B (3aSelf Check). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend is _(quiet) than me.2. You can get much _(information) if you read this book.3. Its good for us _(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetabl


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