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1、Advanced English (II),Unit 7 Libido for the Ugly,About this Essay,Libido for the Ugly is a piece of subjective, impressionistic or emotional description, which conveys the sensation, emotions and impressions. The writer describes what he sees, hears, smells, feels or tastes, and paints a verbal pict

2、ure of New York.,About the Author ,The author of this essay is Henry Louis Mencken, who was the first American to be widely read as a critic. He is well-known for his bombastic style and acid tongue. He does not just satire, nor does he only disclose the ugliness of places like New York, he also att

3、acks the whole American racea race that loves ugliness for its own sake.,About the Author ,According to H. L. Mencken, the American race hates beauty as it hates truth. In his essay, he chooses the strongest words to virtually abuse the American race. Mencken uses a lot of hyperboles(夸张法)to exaggera

4、te and also makes abundant use of sarcasm(讽刺), ridicule(嘲笑)and irony(反话)to taunt(辱骂, 嘲弄)and jeer(嘲笑, 讥讽).,About the Author ,Menckens deliberately uses the word libido, a psychological term meaning “a strong desire standing for a momentary impulse for something, namely ugliness, the purpose of which

5、is to create the impression that his description and analysis will have some scientific foundation. To be continued,About the Author ,In Menckens eyes, the love of ugliness in America is a pathological (病理) problem. He compares other towns and villages in America and in Europe with the aim to emphas

6、ize the ugliness of Westmoreland County, which is the ugliest place on earth, and the United States as a whole is uglier than Europe.,Unit 7,Libido for the ugly Detailed explanations,Libido for the Ugly,The strong urge to love things ugly. Libido: a special term used in psychoanalysis meaning a stro

7、ng desire. 【心理】“利比多”(弗洛伊德心理分析学说中的精神动力),On a winter day some years ago, coming out of Pittsburgh on one of the expresses of Pennsylvania Railroad, I rolled eastward for an hour through the coal and steel town of Westmoreland County.,One day in winter: This phrase is used when the exact date is forgot

8、ten, or when the writer or speaker does not wish to mention the exact date. To be continued,On a winter day some years ago, coming out of Pittsburgh on one of the expresses of Pennsylvania Railroad, I rolled eastward for an hour through the coal and steel town of Westmoreland County.,Pittsburgh: a c

9、ity in Southwest Pennsylvania, which is one of the most important industrial cities of America and a center of rail and river transportation. It is termed as the Steel City or Smoky City. It also produces natural gas, oil and limestone as well as iron and steel. To be continued,On a winter day some

10、years ago, coming out of Pittsburgh on one of the expresses of Pennsylvania Railroad, I rolled eastward for an hour through the coal and steel town of Westmoreland County.,Express: A fast, direct train, making few stops.直达快车 Roll: to travel in a wheeled vehicle, here referring to an express train. T

11、o be continued,Train sets made up of motorized carriages;D-prefaced trains;D-prefaced streamlined trainsets;D-prefaced trainsets;D-prefaced trainsets with motorized cars。,On a winter day some years ago, coming out of Pittsburgh on one of the expresses of Pennsylvania Railroad, I rolled eastward for

12、an hour through the coal and steel town of Westmoreland County.,A county in Southwest Pennsylvania, which is a mining and manufacturing region. The whole sentence means “One day in winter some years ago, I started out from Pittsburgh and traveled through the coal and steel towns of Westmoreland Coun

13、ty in a fast railroad train.,It was familiar ground; boy and man, I had been through it often before.,It was familiar ground: I was familiar with this place. Boy and man: when I was a boy and a grown-up man I had been through it often before: I had often traveled through this region.,But somehow I h

14、ad never sensed its appalling desolation.,Sense: (1) a feeling that is hard to describe exactly; (2) a feeling that something exists but without direct proof; (of machine) discover, detect (检测,感应) To be continued,But somehow I had never sensed its appalling desolation.,Appall: to shock deeply 使不寒而栗

15、Appalling: causing fear, shocking Desolation: noun form for desolate. Desolate: referring to a place being sad and without people in it; lonely, uninhibited, solitary, deserted荒凉的,荒芜的。 wretched, very sad 忧伤的 Usually in passive voice when used as a verb To be continued,But somehow I had never sensed

16、its appalling desolation.,Solitary habitually alone especially by choice惯于独居的,孤僻的 in a lonely place, remote偏僻的,人烟稀少的 alone without companions (文)孤独的,孤 零零的 Appalling desolation: both appalled and desolate or wretched,Here was the very heart of industrial America,Very: used as an adj. to show emphasis

17、 Heart: the central part, center, here used as metaphor, comparing the area with the human organ Industrial America: American industry Here is one of the important regions where American manufacturing businesses are concentrated.,the center of its lucrative and characteristic activity,Lucrative: ref

18、erring to business, trade or job bringing plenty of money or producing wealth or profit; profitable; Characteristic activity: things that best representing what is happening in this area, having to do with manufacturing which brings wealth Here was the center of the most profitable and characteristi

19、c American activityindustrial activity (manufacture and production of goods as distinguished from agriculture).,Lucrative lu:krtiv, lju:-,adj. 有利益的,获利的,合算的 Her husband is reaching after a more lucrative situation. 她丈夫正在谋求一个待遇较佳的职位。 A lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy. 一笔利润收入;一套赢利的市场策略

20、 Ive been offered a lucrative contract in the States: its only for six months but I might as well make hay while the sun shines. 美国向我提供了一项有利的契约,时间仅6个月,但我也会抓住时机勿失良机的。,The boast and pride of the richest and grandest nation ever seen on earth,Boast: to talk proudly; anything to be proud of Boast and pr

21、ide actually mean the same thing. Grand: splendid, magnificent 富丽堂皇的。grandeur America, which is believed to be the wealthiest and most magnificent country in the world as former US Secretary of State Albright put it, feels proud of this center of industrial activity.,and here was a scene so dreadful

22、 and hideous,=so dreadful and hideous a scene Dreadful: causing fear; terrible; (inf) very unpleasant or unenjoyable; bad 令人畏惧的,可怕的 Hideous: extremely ugly and / or shocking; 极丑的,丑得吓人的,令人惊骇的;repugnant(正式)令人反感的,令人厌恶的.,Hideous hidis,adj. 丑陋的,可怕的 She calls the new opera house that hideous erection. 她把新

23、歌剧院称作那讨厌的庞然大物. A hideous monster attacked the helpless villagers. 有个丑恶的怪物袭击了手无寸铁的村民. Forced to reveal the truth at last, Rochester takes Jane to the forbidden chamber on the third floor where Jane sees a hideous creature, crawling on all fours in her madness. 罗切斯特最终被迫吐露真情,他把简带到三楼的那间禁室,简看见一个丑陋可怕的女人,正

24、疯疯癫癫地用四肢在地上爬行。,So intolerably bleak and forlorn,Bleak: cold and cheerless 阴冷的,凄凉的 gloomy 阴郁的; discouraging, depressing令人沮丧的 Forlorn: 文学用语,正式 abandoned, deserted left alone and unhappy; lonely and sad; neglected So gloomy and depressing that it was unbearable,forlorn fl:n,adj. 孤独的,悲惨的,凄凉的 Forlorn roa

25、dside shacks. 凄凉的路边栅屋 She looked wretched and forlorn, despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her. 她看上去又可怜又孤独,对于答应来看她的朋友的到来已不抱希望。,It reduced aspiration to a macabre mk:br(r) and depressing joke ,It: referring to the scene that greets ones eyes. Reduceto: to lower in rank or p

26、osition; downgrade; to changeto parts; to bringto a weaker or less favorable state Aspiration: a strong desire or ambition as for advance or honor 豪情壮志,鸿鹄之志。It refers to the endeavor to make America the richest and grandest country in the world. To be continued.,It reduced aspiration to a macabre an

27、d depressing joke ,Macabremk:br(r) : causing fear esp. connected with death or the dead 毛骨悚然的。 horrible: causing horror 令人恐惧的。 ghastly: (infml.) causing very great fear gruesome: of things connected with death 令人毛骨悚然的。 This dreadful scene makes all human endeavors to advance and improve their condit

28、ion appear as a ghastly, saddening joke.,Here was wealth beyond computation, almost beyond imagination,This is exaggerated, meaning that the wealth is too huge to be calculated or its extremely hard to imagine what huge wealth this area can produce.,Inhabitations so abominable that they would have d

29、isgrace a race of alley cats,Inhabitations: (正式) 人和动物的栖息地 Settlement: 新开辟的居住地 Reservation: 印第安人居留地 Abominable: infml. causing great dislike, hateful; highly unpleasant 令人厌恶的,令人作呕的 近义词 disgusting; nasty (general terms) loathsome:(stronger) extremely unpleasant Disgrace: a shame or loss of honor or re

30、spect bring shame or dishonor on; be a disgrace to; To be continued,Abominable bminbl,adj. 讨厌的,令人憎恶的 The food in this hotel is abominable. 这家旅馆的饭菜糟透了。 Murder is the most abominable crime. 凶杀是最可恶的犯罪。 I cant go out in this abominable weather. 这样恶劣的天气我不能出去。,Inhabitations so abominable that they would d

31、isgrace a race of alley cats,A race of: usually referring to a certain huge group of human population, but here it refers to the whole population of cats. Alley cat: Americanism, a homeless mongrel cat 无家可归的杂种猫 In this same region there were such terrible and disgusting houses that even homeless cat

32、s would feel ashamed to live in them.,I am speaking of mere filth.,Filth: very unpleasant dirt or waste(文学用语)污秽,龌龊 Dirt: 污垢(不正式),Filth fil n. 污秽(肮脏的) Go and wash that filth off your hand. 去把你手上的脏东西洗掉。 I dont know how you can read such filth. 我不知道你怎么会看这种猥亵的读物。,One expects steel town to be dirty.,Anyo

33、ne can understand that a steel town must be very dirty. When one associates steel town with dirtiness.,What I allude to is the unbroken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight.,Allude to: to speak about in an indirect way; to refer to in a casual or indirec

34、t way 暗指,暗示 Unbroken ugliness: ugliness that was continuous and uninterrupted Agonizing ugliness: ugliness that caused great pain to those who saw it. (agony:very great pain or suffering of the mind or body) Sheer: pure, nothing but, completely, absolute To be continued,What I allude to is the unbro

35、ken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight.,Revolting: extremely unpleasant disgusting Monster: an imaginary animal that is large, frightening and usually fierce. Monstrous: extremely bad or shocking, disgraceful Monstrousness: hideousness, extreme uglines

36、s Ugly: extremely unpleasant to look at, shocking Every house that came into your eye was painfully ugly and shocking that they were comparable to monsters.,Revolting rivulti adj. 背叛的,叛乱的,讨厌的 He was the prime mover in the revolt against the government. 他是这场反政府叛乱的煽动者. His feet smelt revolting. 他双脚散发的

37、气味让人恶心.,lacerate lsreit v. 撕裂,伤害 The sharp stones lacerated his feet. 尖石把他的脚划伤了.,There was not one in sight that did not insult and lacerate the eye.,Lacerate: tear or roughly cut (the skin or body) with fingernails or broken glass. harm, wound or hurt ones feeling deeply,伤害; distress Everything tha

38、t you saw was an insult to you and hurt your eyes.,They were among the most pretentiouschurches, stores, warehouses, and the like,Claiming to have importance, artistic value or social rank that one does not really possess. 自命不凡的 The creator or the so-called artists considered themselves to be artist

39、ic and intelligent, but actually the churches, stores, warehouses and things like that they designed or created were extremely ugly and frightening that they revealed their actual ignorance of art at all.,That they were downright startling,Downright: thoroughly or completely (usually referring to so

40、mething bad) Startle: cause someone to be suddenly surprised, sometimes making them jump; give an unexpected slight shock; to frighten, alarm or shock someone suddenly and unexpectedly. Downright startling: completely shocking or frightening; these architectures would completely scare people away.,O

41、ne blinked before a man with his face shot away.,A man whose face was shot away by a gun is very frightening, and when you stand before such a face, you will have to blink your eyes in order to see more clearly because you cannot believe your own eyes that it is true. The ugliness of these houses wa

42、s as gruesome as a face having been shot away and mangled (使血肉模糊)or smashed.,A few linger in memory, horrible still there,Linger: to continue to stay through reluctance to leave, to remain for a time instead of going because one does not wish to leave; delay going 留恋 Continue to live or exist althou

43、gh very close to death Some of the houses remain in ones memory and later when one pictures them in his mind they still appear to be horrible.,A crazy little church just west of Jeannette,Crazy: temporary unbalance of mind as with great excitement or rage Shaky, rickety 东倒西歪的,摇摇欲坠的,Set like a dormer

44、-winter on the side of a bare leprous hill,Set: located, situated, based, constructed Dormer-window: 天窗 Bare: without covering, grassless Leprous: leprosy: 麻风病;leper:麻风病患者。Like leprosy having ulcers and white scaly(多鳞的) scabs(痂). Leprous hill: very ugly hillside,The headquarters of Foreign Wars, a s

45、teel stadium like a huge rat trap,Headquarters of foreign Wars: 参加外国战事的退伍老兵 A steel stadium: showing that the headquarters looks like a stadium or a huge rat-trap(捕鼠器). The writer ridicules those designers of the architecture who have done a very bad job and whose design is the worst.,Most of all I

46、recall the general effect of hideousness without a break.,The overall ugliness is unforgettable; the continuous ugliness of the area has existed for a long time in my mind that it is hard to forget.,There was not a single decent house within eye range.,Decent: good enough; proper, fitful When travel

47、ing from Pittsburgh to Greensburg, one did not see a single good-looking house.,There was not one that was not misshapen, and there was not one that was not shabby.,Misshape: deform, badly shape走形,失去原形 Misshapen: (often referring to the body) not of the usual shape; deformed, ugly, 走形的,奇形怪状的,丑陋的。 Sh

48、abby: run-down, deteriorated 肮脏破旧的,破烂不堪的 The repetition of the same structure and the use of double negatives help to emphasize the two words “misshapen” and “shabby”.,The country itself is not uncomely, despite the grime of the endless mills.,Country: having nothing to do with a nation or a state.

49、It refers to an area which is geographically unique. comely: attractive, having a pleasant appearance (文)标致的,好看的 Uncomely: not good-looking, ugly; unsightly; not uncomely=comely Grime: thick black dirt污垢 Endless: innumerable; uncountable The area itself is pleasant to look at, despite the dirt spread by the innumerable factories in this region.,It is thickly settled, but not noticeably overcrowded,Thickly settl


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