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1、Unit 8,Insurance,(1) Dear: Please insure us against all risks $100,000, value of 5,000 sets of “Butterfly” Sewing Machines shipped at Shanghai, on board S.S. “Fengching”, sailing for New York on May 20th. Please send us the policy, together with a note for the charges. Sincerely,Please insure us aga

2、inst all risks $100,000, value of 5,000 sets of “Butterfly” Sewing Machines shipped at Shanghai, on board S.S. “Fengching”, sailing for New York on May 20th. Please send us the policy, together with a note for the charges. 请为我方5000台蝴蝶牌缝纫机投保价值100000美元的综合险。该批货物已在上海港装上“风庆”轮,于5月20日运往纽约港。请寄来保险单及所需费用单据。,i

3、nsure sb. against为某人投保险 Most of our buyers do not want to insure against the Risk of Breakage for this article. 对这种商品,大多数买主都不投保破碎险。 Please insure against All Risks for (at) 10% over (above) the total invoice value. 请按发票总金额的110%投保一切险。 We have insured W.P.A. and against War Risk at 110% of the invoice

4、 cost (value, amount). 我方已按发票金额的110%投保水渍险及战争险。,note n.票据,通知单 We are pleased to allow you an additional 90 days to pay your note dated March 20. 关于贵方3月20日帐单,我方乐意再给予90天付款的宽限。,charge(s) n.费用(在具有“否定”、“单项”的含义或其他习语中,常用单数) That can be arranged provided you bear the additional charges. 如贵方负担增加的费用,那就能安排照办。 W

5、e shall send you the samples free of (without) charge. 我方将免费寄送这些样品。 If you require individual packing for the Gloves, there will be a charge of USD $ 500 in all. 如贵方需要手套一副一副地包装,总共还要一笔500美元的费用。,(2) Dear: Regarding your instructions dated May 8, we have insured your shipment of 5,000 sets of “Butterfl

6、y” Sewing Machines shipped from Shanghai on board S.S. “Fengching”, sailing for New York on May 20th, as per the policy enclosed. Please remit $1,200 to our account for this policy by bank check. Sincerely,Regarding your instructions dated May 8, we have insured your shipment of 5,000 sets of “Butte

7、rfly” Sewing Machines shipped from Shanghai on board S.S. “Fengching”, sailing for New York on May 20th, as per the policy enclosed. Please remit $1,200 to our account for this policy by bank check. 现答复贵方5月8日指示,我方已为贵方5000台蝴蝶牌缝纫机投了保,如所附保单所示。该批货物是在上海港装上“风庆”轮;于5月20日运往纽约港。请将此保单所需1200美元汇入我方帐户。,regarding

8、prep. 关于= as regards, in (with) regard to We would like to go into details regarding agency. 我方愿详细商议关于代理的问题。,remitinto ones account 将汇入某人的帐户 We shall remit USD $ 500 into your account upon receipt of the samples. 收到样品后,我方就把500美元的货款汇入贵方帐户。 Please send documents to us direct and we will remit. 请将单据直接寄

9、来,货款由我方汇去。,(3) Dear: In reply to your letter of September 4 regarding insurance: Your customers request for insurance coverage up to the inland city is acceptable on condition that such extra premium is for his account. Second, we cannot grant you insurance coverage for 150% of the invoice value, be

10、cause the contract stipulates that insurance is to be covered for 110% of invoice value. We trust the above information serves your purpose. Meanwhile we await your reply. Sincerely,In reply to your letter of September 4 regarding insurance: 现答复贵方9月4日有关保险来函:,Your customers request for insurance cove

11、rage up to the inland city is acceptable on condition that such extra premium is for his account. 贵方客户保险范围扩大至内陆城市的要求已被接受,条件是额外费用由贵方承担。,coverage n. 承保险别(总称),保险范围;投保额 We want a policy with a more extensive coverage. 我方需要范围较广泛的保险单。 Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of the invoice value up t

12、o the port of destination. 关于保险,按110%的发票金额投保,至目的港为止。,on (upon) (the) condition that 在条件下,如果 We can load the cargo on S/S “PEACE” on or about May 15 on condition that you will open relative L/C in good time. 如贵方及时开出有关信用证,我方则能在5月15日及其前后将货装上和平号轮。 We accede to your proposal on condition that your L/C (s

13、hould) reach us not later than September 15. 如贵方信用证不迟于9月15日到达,我方就同意贵方建议。 We supply clocks of specific sizes and shapes only on the condition that there be a 5% increase on their original prices. 假如按照原价增加5%,我方便可供应特殊大小和形状的时钟。,premium n.保险费;溢价,额外价钱 The additional insurance premium is for the buyers acc

14、ount. 额外保险费由买方负担。 The tin ingots with Sn content higher than 99.85% are sold with a premium. 含锡量超过99.85% 的锡锭,出售时有溢价。,for (on) ones account 由支付,为缘故 The additional charges will be for buyers account. 附加费用由买方负担。 We do not feel able to make purchases on (our) own account. 我方不能自负盈亏来购置这些货物。,Second, we can

15、not grant you insurance coverage for 150% of the invoice value, because the contract stipulates that insurance is to be covered for 110% of invoice value. 第二,我方不能同意按发票金额150%投保,因为合同规定保险按发票金额110%投保。,cover v. 投保,给保险 Please cover (insure) the goods with Particular Average. 请给货物投保水渍险。 We wish to cover th

16、e consignment against All Risks. 我方欲对该货投保一切险。,We trust the above information serves your purpose. Meanwhile we await your reply. 我方相信以上所述符合贵方的要求并等候贵方答复。,serve v. 符合,适合 We trust the above information will serve your purpose. 我方相信上列信息适合贵方需要。,(4) Dear Peoples Insurance Company of China: Please issue an

17、 original Marine Insurance Policy and 3 copies as follows: Policy in Name of Shanghai National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp. Valued at US $ 100,000 Per S.S. “Fengching” Sailing on May 20th, 2001 Via _or Transshipment at _ Terms _ All Risks _ Please state whether F.P.A. or W.A. etc.

18、 Claims payable at Shanghai,(5) Insurance Policy Policy No. 118765 This is to certify that this Company has insured on behalf of China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp., Shanghai Branch. The sum of US dollars One Hundred Thousand only. Upon Five Thousand sets “Butterfly” Sewin

19、g Machines. At & from Shanghai to New York. Ship or vessel: S.S. “Fengching”. Sailing on or about May 20th, 2001. Covering All Risks. In the event of damage, it will be surveyed by the Johnson Survey Co. and claims are payable at Shanghai. This policy is issued in duplicate at Shanghai on the 7th da

20、y of May in the year two thousand and one.,This is to certify that this Company has insured on behalf of China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp., Shanghai Branch. 兹证明本公司代表中国轻工产品进出口公司,上海分公司办理了保险。,This is to certify that兹证明(多用于句首) This is to certify that we, the undersigned, hav

21、e inspected/tested the quality of the above-mentioned goods and found the result as follows: 兹证明所列商品,其品质经我方检验,结果如下:,on (in) behalf of on ones behalf代表,为了 We wish to thank you on behalf of the endusers. 我方愿代表用户向船主致谢。 Please claim on our behalf against the ship owners who are evidently responsible for

22、 this loss. 显然,船主要对这一损失负责,请代表我方向船主提出索赔。,The sum of US dollars One Hundred Thousand only. Upon Five Thousand sets “Butterfly” Sewing Machines. At & from Shanghai to New York. Ship or vessel: S.S. “Fengching”. Sailing on or about May 20th, 2001. Covering All Risks. 金额100000美元整 保5000台蝴蝶牌缝纫机 自上海至纽约港 船名:

23、“风庆”号轮 于1996年5月20日前后启航 投综合险,only 整 Total amount: US$ 140,000 (Say U.S. Dollars one hundred and forty thousand ONLY),In the event of damage, it will be surveyed by the Johnson Survey Co. and claims are payable at Shanghai. 如(货物)发生损失,由Johnson调查公司调查,在上海赔付。,in the event of倘若,如果发生 In the event of $ 2.80

24、being the correct wholesale price, please indicate the new retail price. 如正确的批发价为2.80美元,请说明新的零售价是多少。,This policy is issued in duplicate at Shanghai on the 7th day of May in the year two thousand and one. 此保单一式两份,1996年5月7日于上海签发。,Take the letters of unit 8 as samples to analyze and illustrate the stru

25、cture of letters about insurance. 开门见山,分请求办理保险及答复已办理保险两种,以第一、二封信函为例。 说明投保险种,货物名称、价值、货物在何港装运、何时装运。通过哪条船装运。 第一部分:表达已收到对方信用证,并把货物装上哪条货轮及货轮的开船日期。 第二部分:写明随函附上些什么文件和单据及份数。 第三部分:感谢对方,希望再次合作。,Sentence Patterns 1.to insure W.P.A (F.P.A)投保水渍险(平安险) Please insure F.P.A at your end. 请在贵处投保平安险。 We generally insur

26、e W.P.A on C.I.F sales. 按CIF价出售的货物,我们一般投保水渍险。 2.to insure (cover)against 投保险 Please cover the goods against War Risks. 请将货物投保战争险。 We have insured the goods F.P.A and against All Risks. 我们已将货物投保平安险和一切险。,3.to arrange (effect, cover, take out) insurance投保 As our order was placed on a CIF basis, the ins

27、urance is to be arranged by you. 由于我方是按CIF价订货的,应由你方投保。 We will effect insurance on your behalf. 我方愿代贵方投保。 Have you taken out insurance for us on these goods? 贵方是否已代我方对此货物投保? 4.to cover (insure) sb.on sth. Please insure us on the following goods. 请为我方投保下列货物。,5.to insurefor按金额投保 We shall insure the go

28、ods for 110% of the invoice value. 我方将按发票金额110%投保此货物 We wish you to insure the goods for the invoice value plus 10% 我方希望贵方按发票金额加10%投保。 6.to insure with向投保 We usually insure with the Peoples Insurance Company of China for the goods sold on CIF basis. 我方一般对按CIF价出售的货物向中国人民保险公司投保。 Insurance is to be eff

29、ected by the sellers against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value with the Peoples Insurance Company of China. 由卖方按发票金额110%向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。,7.to compensate for 赔偿 If any damage to the goods occurs a claim at your end, who will undertake to compensate for the loss sustained. 货物如发生损坏,可向贵地的保险代理提出索赔。他

30、们将赔偿贵方遭受的损失。 We are sorry to learn that your goods were badly damaged during transit and the insurance company will compensate you for the losses accordingly to the coverage arranged. 我方很遗憾得知贵方货物在途中严重受损。保险公司将按照投保险别赔偿贵方损失。 8.to issure an inspection certificate签发检验证明 We enclose an inspection certifica

31、te issured by the Beijing Commodity Inspection Bureau and the Shipping Agents Statement as well as the original Insurance Policy. 现附上北京商品检验局签发的检验证明和轮船代理人的报告书,以及保险单原件。,9.to submit an insurance claim = lodge the claims for) 提出保险索赔 An insurance claim should be submitted to the insurance company or its

32、agents within 30 days after the arrival of the consignment at the port of destination. 保险索赔应在货物到达目的港30天内提交保险公司或其代理商。 Should any damage be incurred you may approach the insurance agents at your end and submit an insurance claim supported by a survey report. 如果货物发生损坏,贵方可凭检验报告与贵处保险代理联系并提出保险索赔。,Contents

33、,8.1 Brief introduction 8.2 Classifications of Insurance 8.3 Types of Insurance 8.4 Risks in foreign Trade 8.5 Insurance Documents 8.6 Basic expressions 8.7 Practice 8.8Writing Strategy 8.9 Summary 8.10Homework,8.1 Introduction,It is customary to insure goods for export against the perils of the tra

34、nsport. In international trade, the transportation of goods from the seller to the buyer is generally over a long distance by air, land or sea and has to go through the procedures of loading, unloading and storing.,8.1 Introduction,During this procedure it is quite possible that the goods will encou

35、nter various kinds of perils and sometimes suffer losses. In order to protect the goods against possible losses in case of such perils, the buyers or sellers before the transportation of the goods usually applies to an insurance company for insurance covering the goods in transit. As a large percent

36、age of the trade in and out of our country goes by ship, what mainly concerns us is still the Marine Insurance.,8.1 Introduction,在国际贸易中,货物从卖方到达买方,通常要经过长途的运输、装卸和存储等过程。在此过程中,货物常常会遇到许多风险。为了保障货物遭受损失时能得到一定的补偿,买方或卖方应在货物装船后向保险公司投保货物运输险。 对外贸易的运输保险是指:被保险人(出口人或进口人)对一批或若干批货物向保险人按一定金额投保一定的险别,并交纳保险费;保险人承保后,如果所保货

37、物在运输过程中发生约定范围内的损失,应按照所出具的保险单的规定给予被保险人经济上的补偿。 投保时,通常选择平安险(F.P.A.),水渍险(W.A.或W.P.A. )或一切险(A.R.)三种基本险别中的一种,然后,加保其他必要的特殊附加险别。,Concerning means of transportation, there are four kinds of basic insurance: Marine insurance Land transportation insurance Air transportation insurance Mail/Parcel transportation

38、 insurance,8.2 Classifications of Insurance,8.3Types of Insurance,The Peoples Insurance Company of China provides three basic types, which are called “basic risks”: 1) Free from Particular Average (FPA)平安险;FPA covers the ship being stranded, sunk, burnt or involved in a collision. The insurance comp

39、any is responsible for total loss or for general average loss(共同海损是为了使船舶或船上货物避免共同危险,而有意地、合理地作出的特殊牺牲或支付的特殊费用。 ), but not for particular average loss.,8.3Types of Insurance,2) With Particular Average (WPA)水渍险;WPA, however, covers all risks covered by FPA, plus particular average. 3) All Risks:一切险;All

40、Risks covers all the risks covered by FPA and WPA and a dozen or so general additional risks. But it doesnt, as its name suggests, really cover all risks. The special additional risks, such as war risk, strike risk, etc. do not belong to the coverage of “All Risks”.,8.4 Risks in foreign Trade,So far

41、 as foreign trade is concerned, there exist various kinds of risks & coverage which can be covered under an insurance policy(or certificate), such as: General Extraneous Risks refer to the risks arising from the general extraneous causes such as theft, rain, shortage, stain, leakage, breakage, rusti

42、ng, hook damage. Special Extraneous Risks refer to the risks arising from the special extraneous causes such as war, strike, and government prohibition.,8.4 Risks in foreign Trade,1) GeneralAdditional Risks(一般附加险): Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery缩 T.P.N.D 偷窃提货不着险 Fresh Water&/or Rain Damage 淡水雨淋险

43、Risk of Shortage 短量险 Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂玷污险 Risk of Leakage 渗漏险,8.4 Risks in foreign Trade,Risk of Clash and Breakage 碰损破碎险 Risk of Odor 串味险 Hook Damage 钩损险 Damage Caused by Sweating and & Heating 受潮受热险 Breakage of Packing 包装破裂险 Risk of Rust 锈损险,8.4 Risks in foreign Trade,Speci

44、al Additional Risks(特殊附加险): 战争险 (War Risk) 罢工险 (Strikes Risk) 交货不到险 (Failure to Delivery) 进口关税险 (Import Duty Risk) 舱面险 (On Deck Risk) 拒收险 (Rejection Risk) 黄曲霉素险 (Aflatoxin Risk). fltksin,偷窃提货不着险(Theft,Pilferage and Non-Delivery,简称TPND): 保险有效期内,保险货物被偷走或窃走,以及货物运抵目的地以后,整件未交的损失,由保险公司负责赔偿。 货物被偷走和因为偷窃行为导致

45、货物损坏都属于偷窃所致的损失,提货不着是指由于运输上的原因,被保险人未能在目的地提取整件货物或全部货物的损失。此外,该条款还要求被保险人必须向责任方取得证件提货不着的证明。,钩损险(hookdamage),保险货物在装卸过程中因为使用手钩、吊钩等工具所造成的损失,例如粮食包装袋因吊钩钩坏而造成粮食外漏所造成的损失,保险公司应予赔偿。,交货不到险(Failure to Delivery),承保被保险货物从装上船时开始,如果在预定抵达目的地日期起满6个月内仍未运到目的地交货的损失。交货不到险承保的损失主要是由于政治上的因素而导致货主无法按时收到货物,如由于中途某国对货物扣押而导致交货不到的损失。,

46、舱面险(On Deck Risk),舱面险承保装载在舱面上的货物由于保险事故而导致的损失和货物因被抛弃或因风浪冲击落水的损失。在海上运输的货物,无论是干货船、散装船,一般都是装在舱内的。在制订货物运输的责任范围和费率时,都是以舱内运输作为考虑基础的。如果货物是装在舱面的,保险公司对此不能负责。但是有些货物由于体积大、有毒性或者有污染性,根据航运习惯必须装载于舱面,为了解决这类货物的损失补偿,就产生了附加舱面险。由于货物装载在舱面风险很大,所以保险人一般只在平安险的基础上加保舱面险。此外,由于现在广泛应用的集装箱运输的船舶设备优良,抗风险能力强,所以虽然集装箱按习惯一般可以装载在舱面上,但保险业

47、界一般也都将其视为装在舱内的货物,不需加保舱面险即可得到保障。,拒收险(Rejection Risk),拒收险是指保险公司对被保险货物因在港被进口国有关当局拒绝进口或没收予以负责,并按照被拒绝进口或没收货物的保险价值赔偿。但投保这项保险时,投保人必须提供货物进口所需的进口许可证和限额等一切手续,这些手续都齐全,保险人才接受投保。假若被保险货物起运后,进口国宣布实行任何禁止或禁运,保险公司仅承担赔偿运回到出口国或转口到其他目的地所增加的运费,但最多不超过该批货物的保险价值。,黄曲霉素险(Aflatoxin Risk),黄曲霉素是一种带有毒性的物质,发霉的花生、大米经常含有这种毒素,如果这种毒素的

48、含量超过进口国规定的限制标准时,就会被进口国拒绝进口、没收或强制改变用途。黄曲霉素险就是承保货物的这类损失。该险别实际上是一种具体针对黄曲霉素的拒收险。,8.5 Insurance Documents,In international business, insurance documents are generally divided into two kinds: Insurance Policy and Insurance Certificate.,8.5.1 Insurance Policy Insurance Policy is a formal insurance contract

49、 defining the insurance plan, its coverage, exclusions, eligibility requirements, and all benefits and conditions that apply to individuals insured under the plan. In C.I.F, it is a necessary document that the seller should provide for the buyer.,Contents of the Insurance Policy,Title Policy No. The name of the insured Particulars (1) insurance amount (2) description of goods (3) port of shipment and port of destination,(


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